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Search results for: human urine samples
Analytical procedures used in examining human urine samples.
PublicationŹródłem informacji o stanie środowiska mogą być zarówno wyniki badań próbek części nieożywionej (woda, gleba, powietrze) jak i części biotycznej, w tym także tkanek i płynów ustrojowych człowieka, który jest nieustannie narażony na działanie szerokiego spektrum ksenobiotyków. Badanie płynów ustrojowych człowieka (głównie krwi i moczu) może być bardzo użyteczną i interesującą drogą do uzyskania informacji o stanie środowiska....
New sorbent materials for selective extraction of cocaine and benzoylecgonine from human urine samples
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Optimization of a novel procedure for determination of VOCs in water and human urine samples based on SBSE coupled with TD-GC-HRMS.
PublicationPodczas ozanczania lotnych związków chlorowcoorganicznych (t.j. bromodichlorometanu, dibromochlorometanu, bromoformu I tetrachloroetylenu) z próbek wody I moczu ludzkiego wykorzystano technikę ekstrakcji za pomocą ruchomego elementu sorpcyjnego typu Twister połączonego z desorpcją termiczną analitów do kolumny chromatografu gazowego wyposażonego w wysokosprawny spektrometr mas. Przeprowadzono optymalizację czasu (30 min) i prędkości...
Monitoring of occupational exposure to volatile organohalogen solvents (VOXs) in human urine samples of dry-cleaner workers by TLHS-DAI-GC-ECD procedure
PublicationChlorinated hydrocarbon solvents are often used for dry-cleaning clothes in the laundry industry. The object of this study was to monitor the occupational exposure of dry-clean employees coming into contact with VOXs. 25 workers collected their urine samples before the work shift, after 4 hours of work and after the work shift. The analyses of urine samples and solvents used in dry-cleaning were performed using TLHS-DAI-GC-ECD....
Determination of cyanide in urine and saliva samples by ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection
PublicationCommonly known as a highly toxic chemical, cyanide is also an essential reagent for many industrial processes. It naturally occurs in plant seeds as a cyanogenic glycosides. Another relatively common mode of cyanide exposure is inhalation of environmental tobacco smoke. This study concerns importance to determine cyanide ion in human biological samples. Urine and saliva samples were collected healthy volunteers exposed to tobacco...
Ion Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection for Determining Cyanide in Urine and Meconium Samples
PublicationThe parents’ addictions and eating habits have a significant influence on the child’s growth. The first stool of a newborn baby provides a large amount of information about xenobiotics transmitted by the mother’s body. The analytical technique used in the study is ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (IC-PAD). The biological samples, which were obtained from women staying in a maternity ward and their partners,...
Volatile organohalogen compounds in human urine: the effect of environmental exposure
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki oznaczania lotnych związków chlorowcoorganicznych w próbkach moczu pochodzących od dawcow narazonych na kancerogeny w miejscu pracy i dawcow spozywajacych wode poddana procesowi uzdatniania przez chlorowanie. Do izolacji i wzbogacania analitów z moczu, posiadającego skomplikowaną matrycę, wykorzystano technikę analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej nad cienką warstwą cieczy z samoczynną generacją ciekłego...
Determination of cyanide ion in urine samples using ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection.
PublicationCyanides are widely applied in industrial activity, including gold and silver mining and the production of organic chemicals. HCN is also formed directly from fossil fuel combustion sources from gasoline and diesel vehicles. In natural environment, in plants seeds for example an apple seed, it exists as a cyanogenic glycosides. The amount of cyanide ions originating from food products is however rather small. Larger concentrations...
Procedure of determination of volatile trihalomethanes in human urine with perwaporation and gas chromatography
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyznaczanie podstawowych parametrów walidacyjnych nowej procedury oznaczania lotnych związków chlorowcoorganicznych z grupy trihalometanów w próbkach moczu ludzkiego, opartej na zastosowaniu:- techniki perwaporacji na etapie izolacji i wzbogacania analitów;- bezpośredniego dozowania próbek ekstraktów (permeatu) do kolumny chromatograficznej;- chromatograficznego rozdzielanie mieszaniny na poszczególne składniki;-wykorzystaniu...
Procedure of determination of volatile trihalomethanes in human urine with pervaporation and gas chromatography
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A comparison of three solvent-free techniques coupled with gas chromatography for determining trihalomethanes in urine samples
PublicationDążenie do oznaczania lotnych analitów organicznych w próbkach płynów biologicznych charakteryzujących się złożonym, a często zmiennym składem matrycy, stanowi siłę napędową do działań analityków w zakresie poszukiwania nowych rozwiązań metodycznych i aparaturowych. Publikacja ta przedstawia porównanie trzech technik zastosowanych do tych celów: technikę analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej z generacją strumienia ciekłego sorbentu...
Efficient recovery of electrophoretic profiles of nucleoside metabolites from urine samples by multivariate curve resolution
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Determination of carbamazepine in urine and water samples using amino-functionalized metal–organic framework as sorbent
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Environmental Phage-Based Cocktail and Antibiotic Combination Effects onAcinetobacter baumanniiBiofilm in a Human Urine Model
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Comparison of Fluoride Ion-Selective Electrode Based Potentiometric Methods of Fluoride Determination in Human Urine
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C-reactive protein (CRP) evaluation in human urine using optical sensor supported by machine learning
PublicationThe rapid and sensitive indicator of inflammation in the human body is C-Reactive Protein (CRP). Determination of CRP level is important in medical diagnostics because, depending on that factor, it may indicate, e.g., the occurrence of inflammation of various origins, oncological, cardiovascular, bacterial or viral events. In this study, we describe an interferometric sensor able to detect the CRP level for distinguishing between...
A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitative analysis of ibuprofen and its metabolites in equine urine samples by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationIbuprofen is widely used in human and veterinary medicine for the treatment of chronic pain as well as rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders. However, t he anal- gesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Ibuprofen have contributed to frequent drug abuse in equestr ian s ports. A sensitive and rapid gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry based method with a simple liquid-liquid extraction and deriva- tization requiring...
Quantification of unconjugated and total ibuprofen and its metabolites in equine urine samples by gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry: Application to the excretion study
PublicationIbuprofen (IBU) is a widely used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in human and also veterinary medicine. NSAIDs are usually highly metabolized compounds in horses; they are often present in equine urine, mostly in their conjugated forms (glucuronides). Thus, hydrolysis to cleave the glucuronide linkage prior to anti-doping analysis is often necessary for improving detection. In this study, unconjugated and total IBU...
An electrochemical interface for direct analysis of amlodipine in tablets and human blood samples
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Sustainable recovery of plant essential Nitrogen and Phosphorus from human urine using industrial coal fly ash
PublicationCoal-based thermal power plants play a pivotal role in meeting global energy demand. The amount of fly ash generated from these plants increases every year, and its successful use has posed a significant environmental risk in the last decade. In this study, coal fly ash was packed in a fixed-bed adsorption column to remove Urea–N from synthetic human urine. To assess the efficacy of fly ash in the removal of Nitrogen, various process...
Determination of nicotine in saliva, urine and wastewater samples using tantalum metal organic framework pipette tip micro-solid phase extraction
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Studies of human and veterinary drugs' fate in environmental solid samples- analytical problems.
PublicationW różnych ośrodkach naukowych na całym świecie trwają prace nad poznaniem losu środowiskowego zanieczyszczeń z grupy farmaceutyków. Obecność pozostałości farmaceutycznych w poszczególnych elementach środowiska stanowi nowe wyzwanie zarówno z punktu widzenia technologii oczyszczania wód i ścieków jak i analityków, których zadaniem jest opracowanie nowych metodyk analitycznych. W publikacji przedstawiono problemy z jakimi stykają...
A Novel Electrochemical Sensor Based on Graphene Oxide Nanosheets and Ionic Liquid Binder for Differential Pulse Voltammetric Determination of Droxidopa in Pharmaceutical and Urine Samples
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A fully validated HPLC–UV method for determination of sulthiame in human serum/plasma samples
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Determination of mefenamic acid in urine and pharmaceutical samples by HPLC after pipette-tip solid phase microextraction using zinc sulfide modified carbon nanotubes
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8-Oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine levels in human urine do not depend on diet
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An inter-laboratory validation of methods of lipid peroxidation measurement in UVA-treated human plasma samples
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Modern approach for determination of lactulose, mannitol and sucrose in human urine using HPLC-MS/MS for the studies of intestinal and upper digestive tract permeability
PublicationA new analytical procedure was described for the simultaneous determination of lactulose, mannitol and sucrose in urine, in which HILIC chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry detection are used. Sugars are orally administered for the estimation of intestinal permeability in children digestive tract. Samples were purified by dispersive solid phase extraction (d-SPE) using Amberlite MB150 resin. Raffinose was selected as an...
Determination of thiocyanate (biomarkers of ETS) and other inorganic ions in human nasal discharge samples using ion chromatography
PublicationEnvironmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a mixture of air and tobacco smoke containing more than 4000 chemical substances. In view of the health risks of many of these substances, studies are needed to determine biomarkers of exposure to ETS constituents in people who actively or passively are exposed to the toxic compounds. The methodologies for determining most biomarkers from saliva, urine and blood samples are known, but methods...
Discriminating macromolecular interactions based on an impedimetric fingerprint supported by multivariate data analysis for rapid and label-free Escherichia coli recognition in human urine
PublicationThis manuscript presents a novel approach to address the challenges of electrode fouling and highly complex electrode nanoarchitecture, which are primary concerns for biosensors operating in real environments. The proposed approach utilizes multiparametric impedance discriminant analysis (MIDA) to obtain a fingerprint of the macromolecular interactions on flat glassy carbon surfaces, achieved through self-organized, drop-cast,...
Development of an Analytical Protocol for Determination of Cyanide in Human Biological Samples Based on Application of Ion Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection
PublicationA simple and accurate ion chromatography (IC) method with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD) was proposed for the determination of cyanide ion in urine, sweat, and saliva samples. The sample pretreatment relies on alkaline digestion and application of Dionex OnGuard II H cartridge. Under the optimized conditions, the method showed good linearity in the range of 1–100 μg/L for urine, 5–100 μg/L for saliva, and 3–100 μg/L for sweat...
Toxoplasma gondii recombinant chimeric antigens - IgG and IgM ELISAs - human serum samples
Open Research DataThis study presents an evaluation of tetravalent recombinant chimeric proteins containing fragments of the Toxoplasma gondii antigens, SAG1, SAG2, GRA1, GRA2, MIC1, MAG1, ROP1 and AMA1, as potential replacements of a the soluble, whole-cell tachyzoite lysate (TLA) used in serological assays. Recombinant chimeric proteins (SAG1-MIC1-MAG1-GRA2, SAG2-GRA1-ROP1-GRA2,...
Development of the first internally-quenched fluorescent substrates of human cathepsin C: The application in the enzyme detection in biological samples
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Application of INAA and ETAAS techniques for human samples analysis in evaluation of the impact of Gdansk Phosphatic Fertilizer Plant on its workers
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu Gdańskich Zakładów Nawozów Fosforowych na zdrowie pracowników. Oznaczano stężenia (techniką INAA) Al, As,Au, Br, Ca, Cl, Cu, Dy, I, In, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, S, Sb, Sm, Ti, U, V,W, Zn we włosach, paznokciach i filtrach z pyłem zebranych od 21 pracowników fabryki oraz 5 osób z grupy kontrolnej nie związanej z zakładem. Ponadto oznaczono Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, Ni i Zn w moczu przy użyciu...
Occurrence and levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in house dust and hair samples from Northern Poland; an assessment of human exposure
PublicationPolybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are among most ubiquitous compounds to be found in indoor environment and ingestion of household dust is considered an important route of exposure to PBDEs, especially in toddlers and young children. The present work reported concentration levels of PBDE congeners (PBDE-28, -47, -99, -100, -153, -154, -183 and -209) in hair and dust samples from selected households from Northern Poland. The...
Application of Ion Chromatography for the Determination of Inorganic Ions, Especially Thiocyanates, in Human Semen Samples as Biomarkers of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure.
PublicationPalenie tytoniu stanowi istotne źródło zanieczyszczenia powietrza wewnętrznego. Szkodliwość palenia tytoniu potwierdzają zarówno badania doświadczalne, jak i opracowania epidemiologiczne. Celem przeprowadzonych prac badawczych było uzyskanie informacji o poziomie zawartości jonów nieorganicznych, a zwłaszcza jonów rodankowych (jako biomarkerów narażenia na szkodliwe składniki obecne w środowiskowym dymie tytoniowym) w próbkach...
Application of ion chromatography for the determination of inorganic ions, especially thiocyanates in human saliva samples as biomarkers of environmental tobacco smoke exposure
PublicationŚrodowiskowy dym tytoniowy jest jednym z czynników decydujących o jakości powietrza wewnętrznego różnego typu pomieszczeń zamkniętych. Toksyczne składniki wydzielające się wraz z głównym i bocznym strumieniem dymu tytoniowego mają istotny wpływ na skład chemiczny płynów biologicznych. Jednym z biomarkerów narażenia na szkodliwe składniki środowiskowego dymu tytoniowego są jony rodankowe. Celem badań było znalezienie korelacji pomiędzy...
Drill holes decrease cancellous bone strength: A comparative study of 33 paired osteoporotic human and 9 paired artificial bone samples
PublicationThis study was designed to compare compressive strength of cancellous bone retrieved from the femoral head in a specimen with and without guide wire hole, with comparison to synthetic bone samples. Femoral heads retrieved from 33 patients who sustained femoral neck fractures and underwent hip arthroplasty were cut into cuboids leaving two matching samples from the same femoral head. Similar samples were prepared from synthetic femurs....
Application of analytical procedure based on accelerated solvent extraction and ion chromatography technique for determination of thiocyanate and other inorganic ions in human placenta samples
PublicationExposure of a pregnant woman during pregnancy is a special case of exposure to toxic substances. Samples of placenta collected for the studies had been prepared with the technique of accelerated solvent extraction and later analyzed for the presence of thiocyanate ion and other inorganic ions, with the use of the technique of ion chromatography. The concentration of thiocyanate ion in placenta samples collected from active smokers...
Separation and determination of ciprofloxacin in seawater, human blood plasma and tablet samples using molecularly imprinted polymer pipette‐tip solid phase extraction and its optimization by response surface methodology
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Urine composition as a source of information about occupational exposure to chemicals
PublicationIn the article there is presented review of data concerning application of human urine samples to analytical studies conducted in order to gain information on occupational exposure. The parameters characterizing the most commonly used techniques of xenobiotics isolation and preconcentration (organic compounds and metals) from urine samples and techniques of analytes determination in properly prepared extract samples of human urine.
Application of ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection for the determination of trace cyanide in biological samples, including breast milk
PublicationCyanide (CN) is the biomarker of exposure to the components of tobacco smoke, although its presence in biological samples is also due to the consumption of products containing cyanogenic glycosides. In this work, we determine the concentration of the free cyanide in urine, saliva and breast milk matrices, using ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (IC-PAD). IC-PAD is an emerging method, with only few documented...
Grzegorz Boczkaj dr hab. inż.
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Social Differentiation of the Perception and Human Tissues Donation for Research Purposes.
PublicationThe willingness to donate human biological material for research purposes is shaped by socio-cultural factors; however, there is a lack of studies analysing the social perception of different human tissues, which may affect such willingness. This study aimed to distinguish different sociocultural categories of human tissues and types of potential donors based on their willingness to donate material. Quantitative research was...
Abuse or contamination? Ratio determination of clenbuterol enantiomers to distinguish between doping use and meat contamination
PublicationClenbuterol has been detected in urine of several athletes during routine doping control in the past years. Athletes claimed that the clenbuterol was ingested by eating contaminated meat. Providing analytical prove for this claim is difficult. clenbuterol consists of two enantiomers, R(-) and S(+)-clenbuterol. Currently available human and veterinary preparations were found to consist of a racemic mixture of both enantiomers. When...
Weronika Hewelt-Belka dr hab. inż.
PeopleI am specializing in analytical chemistry with a primary focus on lipidomics and metabolomics. My research centers on the development and application of cutting-edge analytical techniques, particularly high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS), to explore complex biological matrices and deepen our understanding of human metabolism and health. A significant part of my work is dedicated to studying...
Analysis of MArkers of Exposure to Constituents of Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)
PublicationTobacco smoke is a complex mixture of more than 4000 chemical compounds, many of which are harmful to human health. These compounds belong to various chemical classes, including amides, imides, lactams, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, phenols, amines, hydrocarbons, ethers, and inorganic compounds. There are three types of tobacco smoke streams: the mainstream, the sidestream, and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)....
Improvement of derivatized amino acid detection sensitivity in micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography by means of acid-induced pH-mediated stacking technique
PublicationDerivatization is a frequently used sample prepara-tion procedure applicable to the enhancement of analyte de-tection sensitivity. Amino acids mostly require derivatization prior to electrophoretic or chromatographic analysis, especial-ly if spectrophotometric detection is used. This study presents an on-line preconcentration technique for derivatized amino acids. The sensitivity of the method was improved by the utilization of...
Distinction of clenbuterol intake from drug or contaminated food of animal origin in a controlled administration trial – the potential of enantiomeric separation for doping control analysis
PublicationThe differentiation of clenbuterol abuse and unintentional ingestion by contaminated meat is crucial with respect to the valuation of an adverse analytical finding in human sports doping control. The proportion of the two enantiomers of clenbuterol may serve as potential discriminating parameter. For the determination of the individual enantiomers, specific methods were developed and validated for the different matrices under investigation...