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Search results for: molecular epidemiology
Molecular epidemiology of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in northern Poland
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Molecular epidemiology of Serratia marcescens in two hospitals in Danzig, Poland, over a 5-year period.Molecular epidemiology of Serratia marcescens in two hospitals in Gdańsk, Poland, over a 5-year period.
PublicationW pracy badano zmiany populacji Serratia marcescens w ciągu 5 lat w dwóch szpitalach klinicznych Gdańska. Posłużono się wartościami MIC, wynikami typowania genetycznego RAPD-PCR, PFGE i nową metodą ADSRRS-fingerprinting oraz analizą beta-laktamaz o rozszerzonym spektrum substratowym (ESBL). Dzięki określeniu lekowrażliwości na najnowsze antybiotyki beta-laktamowe wykryto fenotypy wykazujące derepresję cefalosporynazy AmpC u 23%...
Rozdział 6. Epidemiologia molekularna - nowe metody typowania diagnostycznego mikroorganizmów = Molecular epidemiology new methods for diagnostic typing of microorganismus
PublicationMolekularne metody diagnostyczne oparte o analizę kwasów nukleinowych dają nowe możliwości laboratoriom w szybkim wykrywaniu i różnicowaniu mikroorganizmów patogennych. W pracy przedstawiono panujące tendencje w zastosowaniach metod typowania genetycznego znaczących klinicznie mikroorganizmów w Europie, a także omówiono niektóre techniki stosowane w laboratoriach mikrobiologicznych, z uwzględnieniem ich zdolności aplikacyjnych,...
International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics
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Beata Krawczyk dr hab.
PeopleBeata Krawczyk, PhD, Professor Academic degrees, education, qualifications: B. Krawczyk earned his master degree in Biology at the University of Gdansk, Biology Faculty, in 1986, and her PhD in Molecular Biology at the University of Gdansk, Biology Faculty, in 1996. Postdoctoral degree (habilitation) in biological sciences in the discipline biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, in 2009. In 2012...
Novel application of terminal restriction fragments length polymorphism method (t-RFLP) for identification of six clinically important Candida sp.
PublicationTerminal restriction fragments length polymorphism method (t-RFLP) is a modified classical RFLP method. The main difference is based on carrying out PCR using a fluorescently labeled primer or primers. The result of such modification is that after digestion of amplicons only terminal fragments of PCR product (containing fluorescent dye) are visualized. T-RFLP method has found application in environmental microbiology and epidemiology....
New Approaches for Escherichia coli Genotyping
PublicationEasy-to-perform, fast, and inexpensive methods of differentiation of Escherichia coli strains beyond the species level are highly required. Herein two new, original tools for genotyping of E. coli isolates are proposed. The first of the developed method, a PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) test uses a highly variable fliC gene, encoding the H antigen as a molecular target. The designing...
Urinary Tract Infections Caused by K. pneumoniae in Kidney Transplant Recipients – Epidemiology, Virulence and Antibiotic Resistance
PublicationUrinary tract infections are the most common complication in kidney transplant recipients, possibly resulting in the deterioration of a long-term kidney allograft function and an increased risk of recipient’s death. K. pneumoniae has emerged as one of the most prevalent etiologic agents in the context of recurrent urinary tract infections, especially with multidrug resistant strains. This paper discusses the epidemiology and risk...
First recurrent large genomic rearrangement in the BRCA1 gene found in Poland
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The problem of infections associated with implants – an overview
PublicationImplant-associated infections are serious and relatively common complication that leads to implant loss. The purpose of this paper is to gather knowledge about this issue. A literature review of the epidemiology, risk factors and pathogenesis of infections related to implants was carried out. This position collects data on commonly used implants and infections associated with them from various fields of medicine and contains classifications...
Ultrastructural analysis of the submandibular sialoliths: Raman spectroscopy and electron back-scatter studies
PublicationThe aim of work was the epidemiological analysis of the occurrence of sialolithiasis of the submandibular gland in adults and the evaluation of the ultrastructure of salivary stones. The study sample consisted of 44 sialoliths. Analysis of the structure and chemical composition of sialoliths was performed using a Scanning Electron Microscope and Raman Spectroscopy. Comparing our results with the literature we can say that the epidemiology...
Selenium Supplementation Reduced Oxidative DNA Damage in Adnexectomized BRCA1 Mutations Carriers
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Oxidatively Damaged DNA/Oxidative Stress in Children with Celiac Disease
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A comparison of psychiatric day hospitals in five European countries
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Pregnancy-associated Cancers: A Narrative Review
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CYP17Genotypes Differ in Salivary 17-β Estradiol Levels: A Study Based on Hormonal Profiles from Entire Menstrual Cycles
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PublicationOver past decades, plantborne antioxidants dominated so called "translational research" in the area of food, nutrition, and disease prevention. Among consumers and producers, such phytochemicals are synonyms of nutriceuticals. Popularity and commercial success of antioxidants stems from mechanistic studies suggesting the involvement of reactive oxygen species in etiology of chronic diseases. However, epidemiology failed to provide...
Attitudes of Lazarski University Medical Students towards Disaster Medicine; Questionnaire Survey
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Factors affecting the quality of bottled water
PublicationThe ever-increasing popularity of bottled water means that it is important to analyze not only its mineral content but also, above all,its content of possible contaminants, especially the organic ones. In this respect, bottled waters are a special case, because apartfrom organic chemical contaminants derived from the well from which they were acquired, their secondary contamination is alwayspossible, during treatment or storage...
Non-invasive biological fluid matrices analysed to assess exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
PublicationPalenie tytoniu stanowi istotne źródło zanieczyszczenia powietrza wewnętrznego. Szkodliwość palenia tytoniu potwierdzają zarówno badania doświadczalne, jak i liczne opracowania epidemiologiczne. Celem przeprowadzonych prac badawczych było oznaczenie zawartości wybranych jonów nieorganicznych (zwłaszcza jonów rodankowych jako biomarkerów narażenia na składniki obecne w środowiskowym dymie tytoniowym) w próbkach płynów biologicznych...
Comprehensive methodology for Staphylococcus aureus lipidomics by liquid chromatography and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry
PublicationStaphylococcus aureus is a common pathogen known to cause relatively minor infections as well as severe disorders in humans. Although there is fair amount of published data concerning various aspects of its biology, epidemiology, genetics, etc., there is still a scarce amount of data presenting reliable and thorough investigations regarding high-throughput analysis of total S. aureus lipid content. Therefore, the aim of this study...
Diagnostic PCR assay for Microsporum and Trichophyton infections
PublicationWe have previously described a highly sensitive 5-hour PCR test for the rapid diagnosis of onychomycosis which detects any dermatophyte and species-identify T. rubrum from patient specimens. We have subsequently developed and evaluated new PCR tests for detection of Trichophyton and Microsporum canis/audouinii infections.58 dermatophyte isolates (21) Microsporum spp. (4 different species), 35 Trichophyton spp (10 different species)...
Ocena i predykcja dynamiki epidemii COVID-19 na podstawie obecności wirusa SARS-CoV-2 w ściekach
PublicationCOVID-19 - wywołany przez wirusa SARS-CoV-2, prowadzący do ostrej niewydolności oddechowej, spowodował kryzys w służbie zdrowia i istotne implikacje społeczno-gospodarcze. Główną drogą przenoszenia SARS-CoV-2 jest droga kropelkowa, czyli aerozole z dróg oddechowych, generowane przez kaszel, kichanie i mówienie. Zakażenie SARS-CoV-2 może nie tylko wpływać na układ oddechowy, powodując gorączkę, kaszel, wyciek z nosa, duszność...
Jaroslaw Spychala dr
PeopleOprócz bardzo dobrego wykształcenia osoba posiada również wieloletnie doświadczenie zawodowe, które jest poświadczeniem tego, że potrafi wykorzystać swoją wiedzę teoretyczną w praktycznych działaniach. Doświadczenie zawodowe jest bardzo bogate i rozbudowane. Ze względu na nabyte całkiem nowe umiejętności zwiększa się atrakcyjność doświadczonego pracownika. Są to między innymi kreatywne myślenie, zorientowanie na cel, odporność...
Principles and applications of Ligation Mediated PCR methods for DNA-based typing of microbial organisms
PublicationA significant number of DNA-based techniques has been introduced into the field of microorganisms’ characterization and taxonomy. These genomic fingerprinting methods were developed to detect DNA sequence polymorphisms by using general principles, such as restriction endonuclease analysis, molecular hybridization, and PCR amplification. In recent years, some alternative techniques based on ligation of oligonucleotide adapters before...