Search results for: northern Liburnia
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Search results for: northern Liburnia
Rural Landscapes of Roman (northern) Liburnia: Diachronic Development of Organisation and the Economy in Extra-Urban Territories in the Light of Recent Archaeological Research
PublicationThe archaeology of Roman rural landscapes in the province of Dalmatia, and especially northern Liburnia, has until recently focused on single-site or single-monument analyses, allowing for only geographically patchy and chronologically limited conclusions. Considering the results of recent research in the wider Kvarner and sub-Velebit area, the paper discusses issues of Roman extra-urban territorial organization, the formation...
Late phases of housing and craft activity in Roman villas on the NE Adriatic. Case studies from Histria and the Kvarner region (northern Liburnia, province Dalmatia)
PublicationAnalizzando le testimonianze di insediamenti e (ri)usi tardoantichi di due ville romane situate rispettivamente in Histria e Liburnia setten- trionale (provincia di Dalmazia), e confrontandole con altri esempi regionali, vengono proposte alcune traiettorie di occupazione...