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Search results for: permanent magnet synchronous machine
Rotor flux and EEMF observer for interior permanent magnet synchronous machine
PublicationIn recent years, the use of the interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM) in various applications has grown significantly due to numerous benefits. Sensors are used to achieve high efficiency and good dynamic response in IPMSM drives but due to their high cost and reduced overall size of the system, sensorless control techniques are preferred. Non-sinusoidal distribution of rotor flux and slot harmonics are present...
Active flux based adaptive and non-adaptive observer for sensorless interior permanent magnet synchronous machine drive
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Hybrid-Excited Permanent Magnet-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine
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Research on a permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance machine with hybrid excitation
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Sensorless control of high speed permanent-magnet synchronous motor
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę bezczujnikowego sterowania szybkoobrotowym silnikiem z magnesami trwałymi. Pokazano działanie układu sterowania opartego na filtrze kalmana (EKF) jako obserwatora prędkości obrotowej.
A model development and experimental verification for a vapour microturbine with a permanent magnet synchronous generator
PublicationVapour microturbines with permanent magnet synchronous generators are implemented in micropower plants for dispersed power generation systems. The dynamic model of such a microturbine set was developed and presented. The developed relations result from the generic equations. Experimental data for two different working medium were used for model verification. A microturbine set model was tested during the changes in the parameters...
Low speed permanent magnet synchronous generator for vertical axis wind turbine
PublicationThe paper presents design process and tests of a prototype low speed permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) dedicated for the innovative vertical-axis wind turbine. The rated data of the designed generator are following: power - 15 kVA, voltage - 400 V (Y), rotation speed - 93.75 rpm. The design assumptions, chosen results of the design process and experimental tests of the prototype PMSG are presented. The considered PMSG...
The computer numerical control system with permanent magnet synchronous motor servo-drives.
PublicationPrzedstawiono układ serwonapędów wieloosiowej maszyny sterowanej numerycznie. W układzie wykorzystano silniki synchroniczne z magnesami trwałymi oraz procesory synałowe DSP. Omówiono algorytmy sterowania nadrzędnego oraz problemy sterownia silnika PMSM.
Rotor-Flux Vector based Observer of Interior Permanent Synchronous Machine
PublicationThe sensorless control system of the interior permanent magnet machine is considered in this paper. The control system is based on classical linear controllers. In the machine, there occurs non-sinusoidal distribution of rotor flux together with the slot harmonics, which are treated as the control system disturbances. In this case, the classical observer structure in the (d-q) is unstable for the low range of rotor speed resulting...
Universal Modular Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Small Low-Head Hydropower Plants
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The Adaptive Backstepping Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Supplied by Current Source Inverter
The new SDMT-family of servo-drives for CNC systems with AC permanent magnet synchronous motors
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono strategię sterowania podstawowe parametry oraz wyniki badań nowej rodziny serwonapędów typu SDMT. Układ sterowania serwonapędu zbudowano na procesorze sygnałowym TMS320F2812 firmy Texas Instruments. W serwonapędzie zastosowano metodę sterowania tupu FOC (ang. Field Oriented Control). Regulatory położenia, prędkości i momentu zreali-zowano na bazie klasycznego regulatora PID z układem ograniczenie sygnału...
Estimation of interior-permanent-magnet-synchronous-motor rotor position by analysis of phase-current derivatives
PublicationThis paper describes an algorithm for estimation of IPMSM rotor angular position. The algorithm uses derivatives of motor phase currents resulting from PWM modulation to obtain the rotor position. The presented method is designed for medium- and high-speed range, since it is based on determination of the EMF vector. Calculation of the motor position is performed in every PWM cycle. The standard SV-PWM method is used to determine...
The Influence of Permanent Magnet Length and Magnet Type on Flux-control of Axial Flux Hybrid Excited Electrical Machine
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Critical Review on Robust Speed Control Techniques for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Speed Regulation
PublicationThe permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is a highly efficient energy saving machine. Due to its simple structural characteristics, good heat radiation capability, and high efficiency, PMSMs are gradually replacing AC induction motors in many industrial applications. The PMSM has a nonlinear system and lies on parameters that differ over time with complex high-class dynamics. To achieve the excessive performance operation...
Analysis of Cogging Torque Reduction Method Effectiveness on the Example of a Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Model
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Switching Regulation in the Control of 5-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Fed by 3×5 Direct Matrix Converter
PublicationMatrix converter is an AC-AC direct power converter comprising of an array of bi- directional switches. It does not require an intermediate DC-link and allows sinusoidal output waveforms with varying amplitudes and frequencies. The configuration of these bi- directional switches decides the number of inputs and outputs...
Thermal analysis and experimental verification of permanent magnet synchronous motor by combining lumped-parameter thermal networks with analytical method
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Influence of geometry of iron poles on the cogging torque of a field control axial flux permanent magnet machine
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Volume optimization of high-speed surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor based on sequential quadratic programming technique and analytical solution
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Multiscalar Model Based Control Systems for AC Machines
PublicationContents of the Chapter: Nonlinear transformations and feedback linearization. Models of the squirrel cage induction machine: Vector model of the squirrel cage induction machine. Multiscalar models of the squirrel cage induction machine.Feedback linearization of multiscalar models of the induction motor.Models of the double fed induction machine: Vector model of the double fed induction machine. Multiscalar model of the...
Conception and design of a hybrid exciter for brushless synchronous generator. Application for autonomous electrical power systems = Koncepcja i projekt hybrydowej wzbudnicy bezszczotkowego generatora synchronicznego. Zastosowanie w autonomicznych systemach elektroenergetycznych.
PublicationThis paper covers a subject of a hybrid excitation system for a brushless synchronous generator working with variable speed in an autonomous energy generation system (e.g. airplane power grid). A hybrid excitation system (hybrid exciter) means a synchronous machine with wound-field and permanent magnet excitation. The hybrid exciter supply a dc field current to the synchronous generator field winding through a rotating rectifier....
Sensorless Predictive Multiscalar-Based Control of the Five-Phase IPMSM
PublicationThis article proposes multi-scalar variables based predictive control of sensorless multiphase interior permanent magnet synchronous machine. Estimated parameters from adaptive observers are used to implement the proposed control scheme. The control approach is divided into two parts: for the fundamental plane, torque and its dual quantity from the multi-scalar model are directly predicted by the controller, and torque density...
Sensorless low speed PMSM motor control with cogging torque compensation
PublicationThe paper presents sensorless control of a low speed permanent magnet synchronous machine with use of modified state observer. An overview of the PMSM motor used in the research setup was presented. The problem of drive torque ripple, resulting mainly from the occurrence of a significant cogging torque, was discussed. A solution compensating the torque ripple of the PMSM motor was proposed. A start-up procedure of the speed control...
Control of the wind turbine generator
PublicationWind power system consists of two main parts: wind turbine and electrical generator. Wind turbine converts the energy of the flowing air into mechanical energy, next generator converts this energy into electrical energy that is sent to the power system. These two processes should be realized with maximum efficiency and the following requirements for the control system can be formulated: opti-mal wind power conversion, compensation...
Dead time effects compensation strategy by third harmonic injection for a five-phase inverter
PublicationThis paper proposes a method for compensation of dead-time effects for a fivephase inverter. In the proposed method an additional control subsystem was added to the field-oriented control (FOC) scheme in the coordinate system mapped to the third harmonic. The additional control loop operates in the fixed, orthogonal reference frame ( α - β coordinates) without the need for additional Park transformations. The purpose of this method...
A Wind Energy Conversion System Based on a Generator with Modulated Magnetic Flux
PublicationIn this work, the concept of an energy conversion system for wind turbines based on the modified permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is presented. In the generator, a pair of three-phase windings is used, one of which is connected in a “star” and the second in a “delta” configuration. At the outputs of both windings, two six-pulse uncontrolled (diode) rectifiers are included. These rectifiers are mutually coupled by a...
A subdomain model for armature reaction field and open‐circuit field prediction in consequent pole permanent magnet machines
PublicationIn this paper, the machine quantity, such as electromagnetic torque, self and mutual inductances, and electromotive force, is analytically calculated for non-overlapping winding consequent pole slotted machine for open-circuit field and armature reaction. The sub-domain approach of (2-D) analytical model is developed using Maxwell's equations and divide the problem into slots, slot-openings, airgap and magnets region, the magnet...
The adaptive backstepping control of PMSM supplied by current source inverter for the field weakening region
PublicationThe sensorless control system of permanent magnet synchronous motor PMSM supplied by current source inverter for field weakening operation is presented in this paper. The adaptive backstepping control system and the backstepping speed observer are presented. The control system is based on multi-scalar variables. The control variables are: dc-link voltage and the output current vector pulsation. The control system was named voltage...
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono propozycję rozwiązania problemu bezczujnikowego sterowania wolnoobrotową maszyną synchroniczną z magnesami trwałymi PMSM. Przedstawiono silnik PMSM, który zastosowano w stanowisku badawczym. Omówiono problem występowania tętnień momentu napędowego wynikający głównie ze znacznego momentu zaczepowego. Pokazano rozwiązanie kompensujące tętnienia momentu napędowego w silniku PMSM. Przygotowano procedurę startową...
A review on analytical models of brushless permanent magnet machines
PublicationThis study provides an in-depth investigation of the use of analytical and numerical methods in analyzing electrical machines. Although numerical models such as the finite-element method (FEM) can handle complex geometries and saturation effects, they have significant computational burdens, are time-consuming, and are inflexible when it comes to changing machine geometries or input values. Analytical models based on magnetic equivalent...
Zastosowanie obserwatora ATO do filtracji wyników estymacji położenia w napędzie z silnikiem PMSM
Publicationreferacie zaproponowano zastosowanie obserwatora ATO (ang. Angle Tracking Observer) do poprawy dokładności odtwarzania położenia kątowego wirnika silnika PMSM (ang. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) za pomocą estymatora fizykalnego. Opracowano dedykowaną, uproszczoną strukturę ATO. Zaproponowano procedurę doboru nastaw wzmocnień obserwatora w oparciu o model symulacyjny. Skuteczność działania ATO potwierdzono badaniami eksperymentalnymi.
Zastosowanie obserwatora ATO do filtracji wyników estymacji położenia w napędzie z silnikiem PMSM
PublicationW referacie zaproponowano zastosowanie obserwatora ATO (ang. Angle Tracking Observer) do poprawy dokładności odtwarzania położenia kątowego wirnika silnika PMSM (ang. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) za pomocą estymatora fizykalnego. Opracowano dedykowaną, uproszczoną strukturę ATO. Zaproponowano procedurę doboru nastaw wzmocnień obserwatora w oparciu o model symulacyjny. Skuteczność działania ATO potwierdzono badaniami eksperymentalnymi.
Errors of a Linear Current Approximation in High-Speed PMSM Drives
PublicationCurrent sampling techniques and predictive algorithms used in the digital control of electric drives rely on a simple mathematical model that assumes linear current changes upon constant supplying voltages. This paper identifies rotor movement as a factor that makes this assumption invalid when the rotor covers an angular distance of a few tens of degrees during the control interval duration. The errors of the linear current approximation...
Porównanie algorytmów sterowania silnikiem IPMSM przy ograniczonym napięciu zasilania pod kątem zastosowania w samochodach elektrycznych
PublicationW referacie porównano trzy algorytmy sterowania momentem silnika IPMSM (ang. Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) dostosowane do pracy w strefie ograniczonego napięcia wyjściowego falownika, w tym algorytm zaproponowany przez autorów. Rozważane algorytmy zamodelowano w programie Simulink i wyznaczono dla nich wybrane parametry statyczne i dynamiczne napędu. Kryteria porównawcze wybrano mając na uwadze zastosowanie algorytmów...
Sensorless algorithm for sustaining controllability of IPMSM drive in electric vehicle after resolver fault
PublicationThis paper presents a sensorless algorithm designated for the emergency control of an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) drive in electric or hybrid vehicle. The algorithm is based on analysing the derivatives of motor phase currents measured over the duration of particular inverter states. The method is computationally simple and does not require additional hardware since the derivatives are measured indirectly....
Quasi-discrete modelling of PMSM phase currents in drives with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio
PublicationThis study proposes a new quasi-discrete approach to modelling the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The quasi-discrete modelling reflects the impact of continuous rotor movement, which takes place during a control cycle, on the shape of motor current waveforms. This provides much improvement in current modelling accuracy under inverter low switching-to-fundamental frequency operation. The proposed approach may be used...
Synchronized six-step voltage generation in high-speed PMSM drive
PublicationSynchronized voltage generation has already been considered in the context of pulse width modulation (PWM). References prove that synchronized PWM substantially decreases subharmonics in inverter output voltage when operating with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio. This paper identifies problems of unsynchronized voltage generation in electric drives under six-step inverter operation. Guidelines for the synchronization...
Improving Control Dynamics of PMSM Drive by Estimating Zero-Delay Current Value
PublicationDynamic performance of current control loop still remains crucial for position-, speed-, and torque-controlled drives. In the study, a current loop solution has been designed for field oriented control of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM). It enhances typical PI controller with an estimator of zero-delay current (ZDC) value. The ZDC estimation allows for selecting substantially higher controller gain. It reduces control...
Sensorless IPMSM drive with rotor position estimator based on analysis of phase current derivatives
PublicationThis paper describes a sensorless Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (IPMSM) drive designed for traction applications. Wide-speed sensorless operation is provided with the use of three methods of rotor position estimation designed for: a standstill, low- and high-speed range. The paper focuses on the high-speed estimation algorithm. The estimator uses the derivatives of motor phase currentsresulting from PWM modulation...
Impact of Low Switching-to-Fundamental Frequency Ratio on Predictive Current Control of PMSM: A simulation study
PublicationPredictive current control algorithms for permanent magnet synchronous (PMSM) drives rely on an assumption that within short intervals motor currents can be approximated with linear functions. This approximation may result either from discretizing the motor model or from simplifications applied to the continuous-time model. As the linear current approximation has been recognized as inaccurate in case when the drive operates with...
Analytical modeling of electric drives for vehicle traction control systems
PublicationWheel-torque control bandwidth in vehicle dynamics model is crucial in evaluating optimal tracking ability of tire slip and in analysis of control system stability. Electric drives’ control dynamics are influenced by timing of digital control events, e.g. by sampling instant of motor currents. Reflecting this timing in drive analytical models is therefore important for analysis of vehicle traction systems. The paper considers five...
Implementation of Extended Kalman Filter with Optimized Execution Time for Sensorless Control of a PMSM Using ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontroller
PublicationThis paper addresses the implementation and optimization of an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) sensorless control using an ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller. A various optimization levels based on arithmetic calculation reduction was implemented in ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller. The execution time of EKF estimator was reduced from 260.4 μs to 37.7 μs without loss of accuracy. To further...
Impact of digital signal processing on FOC current feedback in high-speed PMSM drive
PublicationIn applications where size and weight of the electric motor are among major design concerns, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) with wide operational speed-range are commonly preferred. Due to limited inverter switching frequency, high-speed operation of a drive results in a low ratio between the switching frequency and the fundamental frequency of motor voltage. Such operating conditions have been recently identified...
Experimental investigations and simulations of the microturbine unit with permanent magnet generator
PublicationIn dispersed power generation, low power devices are used for local combined generating of heat end electric power. There are developing concepts of micropower plants with electric generators driven by steam or gas microturbines. The paper presents the results of an experimental investigations of the microturbine set consists of the turbine with partial admission, permanent magnet generator and three phase AC-to-DC rectifier. The...
Half-Order Modeling of Saturated Synchronous Machine
PublicationNoninteger order systems are used to model diffusion in conductive parts of electrical machines as they lead to more compact and knowledge models but also to improve their precision. In this paper a linear half-order impedance model of a ferromagnetic sheet deduced from the diffusion of magnetic field is briefly introduced. Then, from physical considerations and finite elements simulation, the nonlinear half-order impedance model...
Modeling of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generators
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Permanent Magnet Selections for AFPM Disc Generators
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Algorytmy sterowania trakcją pojazdu autonomicznego z elektrycznymniezależnym napędem kół
PublicationW ostatnich latach rośnie zainteresowanie pojazdami autonomicznymi o napędzie elektrycznym lub hybrydowym. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują wielosilnikowe napędy, pozwalające dostosować moment na każdym kole pojazdu do warunków drogowych. Odpowiednie sterowanie momentem poszczególnych kół w każdej fazie ruchu pojazdu, zwłaszcza na krętej drodze oraz w warunkach niskiej, nierównomiernej i zmieniającej się w czasie przyczepności nawierzchni,...
SSFR Test of Synchronous Machine for Different Saturation Levels using Finite-Element Method
PublicationIn this paper the StandStill Frequency Response characteristics (SSFR) of saturated synchronous generator (SG) have been calculated using Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis. In order to validate proposed approach for unsaturated conditions FEM simulation from Flux2D software has been compared with the measurements performed on the 10 kVA, 4- poles synchronous machine ELMOR GCe64a of salient rotor construction, equipped with a...