total: 66
Search results for: recombinant antigen
Use of MAG1 recombinant antigen for diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection in humans
PublicationPraca opisuje klonowanie, oczyszczanie oraz zastosowanie w immunodiagnostyce toksoplazmozy antygenu rekombinantowego macierzy cyst tkankowych (MAG1) Toxoplasma gondii. Zastosowany system ekspresyjny pozwolił uzyskać dużą ilość rekombinantowego antygenu, który następnie wykorzystano w teście ELISA do wykrywania specyficzych przeciwciał anty-T. gondii klasy IgG w surowicach pacjentów chorych na toksoplazmozę. W przeprowadzonych badaniach...
Production of Toxoplasma gondii MAG1 recombinant antigen in Leishmania tarentolae expression system
PublicationThe results of the work associated with the production of the Toxoplasma gondii matrix antigen 1 (MAG1) in the eukaryotic expression system of Leishmania tarentolae are shown.
Toxoplasma gondii Recombinant antigen AMA1: Diagnostic Utility of Protein Fragments for the Detection of IgG and IgM Antibodies
PublicationToxoplasma gondii is an important zoonotic protozoan that infects a wide variety of vertebrates as intermediate hosts. For this reason, the diagnosis of this disease is very important and requires continuous improvement. One possibility is to use recombinant antigens in serological tests. Apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1), a protein located in specific secretory organelles (micronemes) of T. gondii, is very interesting in regard...
Toxoplasma gondii: Usefulness of ROP1 recombinant antigen in an immunoglobulin G avidity assay for diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis in humans
PublicationWyniki zawarte w niniejszej pracy pokazują, iż antygen rekombinantowy ROP1 Toxoplasma gondii może być użyteczny w wykrywaniu wczesnej fazy toksoplazmozy z zastosowaniem testu oznaczania awidności przeciwciał klasy IgG. W przeprowadzonych badaniach wykazano, że specyficzne przeciwciała o niskiej awidności były wykrywane w surowicach pacjentów z wczesną fazą choroby, natomiast przeciwciała o wysokiej awidności lub ich brak notowano...
A new MIC1-MAG1 recombinant chimeric antigen can be used instead of the Toxoplasma lysate antigen in the serodiagnosis of human toxoplasmosis
PublicationW niniejszej publikacji po raz pierwszy przedstawiono otrzymanie i oszacowanie przydatności diagnostycznej nowego chimerycznego antygenu MIC1-MAG1 Toxoplasma gondii do rozpoznawania toksoplazmozy u ludzi. Antygen chimeryczny MIC1-MAG1 został otrzymany jako białko fuzyjne zawierające dwie domeny oligohistydynowe na N- i C-końcu z użyciem systemu ekspresyjnego Escherichia coli. Po oczyszczeniu z wykorzystaniem metody chromatografii...
A New MIC1-MAG1 Recombinant Chimeric Antigen Can Be Used Instead of the Toxoplasma gondii Lysate Antigen in Serodiagnosis of Human Toxoplasmosis
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The Immunogenic and Immunoprotective Activities of Recombinant Chimeric T. gondii Proteins Containing AMA1 Antigen Fragments
PublicationToxoplasmosis, one of the most common parasitoses worldwide, is potentially dangerous for individuals with a weakened immune system, but specific immunoprophylaxis intended for humans is still lacking. Thus, efforts have been made to create an efficient universal vaccine for both animals and humans to overcome the shortcomings of currently used treatment methods and protect all hosts against toxoplasmosis. The current work represents...
Toxoplasma gondii: an evaluation of diagnostic value of recombinant antigens in a murine model
PublicationPraca dotyczy oceny użyteczności sześciu rekombinantowych białek antygenowych Toxoplasma gondii (GRA1, GRA6, GRA7, p35, SAG1 i SAG2) w diagnozowaniu doświadczalnej toksoplazmozy u myszy. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły na określenie stopnia reaktywności zastosowanych antygenów z surowicami z wczesnej i przewlekłej toksoplazmozy. W przypadku ostrej fazy choroby obserwowano silną odpowiedź humoralną na antygeny GRA7, GRA6 i p35,...
Toxoplasma gondii Recombinant Antigens in the Serodiagnosis of Toxoplasmosis in Domestic and Farm Animals
PublicationToxoplasmosis is caused by an intracellular protozoan, Toxoplasma gondii, and is a parasitic disease that occurs in all warm-blooded animals, including humans. Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common parasitic diseases of animals and results in reproductive losses. Toxoplasmosis in humans is usually caused by eating raw or undercooked meat or consuming dairy products containing the parasite. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is currently...
Toxoplasma gondii: Recombinant GRA5 antigen for detection of immunoglobulin G antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
PublicationW publikacji po raz pierwszy oszacowano przydatność diagnostyczną antygenu rekombinantowego GRA5 Toxoplasma gondii do serodiagnostyki toksoplazmozy u ludzi. Do celu wykorzystano pulę surowic pochodzącą od 189 pacjentów chorych na toksoplazmozę wczesną, podostrą i przewlekłą oraz od 31 pacjentów zdrowych , które testowano z wykorzystaniem metody ELISA. Specyficzne przeciwciała anty-GRA5 klasy IgG wykryto w 70,9% surowic seropozytywnych....
Toxoplasma gondii recombinant antigens as tools for serodiagnosis of human toxoplasmosis: current status of studies
PublicationToxoplasma gondii is a parasitic protozoan which is the cause of toxoplasmosis. Although human toxoplasmosis in healthy adults is usually asymptomatic, serious disease can occur in the case of congenital infections and immunocompromised individuals. Furthermore, despite the exact recognition of its etiology, it still presents a diagnostic problem. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is mainly based on the results of serological tests detecting...
CaZnO-based nanoghosts for the detection of ssDNA, pCRISPR and recombinant SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen and targeted delivery of doxorubicin
PublicationOverexpression of proteins/antigens and other gene-related sequences in the bodies could lead to significant mutations and refractory diseases. Detection and identification of assorted trace concentrations of such proteins/antigens and/or gene-related sequences remain challenging, affecting different pathogens and making viruses stronger. Correspondingly, coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) mutations/alterations and spread could lead to overexpression...
Bioactive hybrid metal-organic framework (MOF)-based nanosensors for optical detection of recombinant SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen
PublicationFast, efficient, and accurate detection of SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen is pivotal to control the spread and reduce themortality of COVID-19. Nevertheless, the sensitivity of available nanobiosensors to detect recombinant SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen seems insufficient. As a proof-of-concept, MOF-5/CoNi2S4 is developed as a low-cost, safe, and bioactive hybrid nanostructure via the one-pot high-gravity protocol. Then, the porphyrin, H2TMP,...
The optimal mixture of Toxoplasma gondii recombinant antigens (GRA1, P22, ROP1) for diagnosis of ovine toxoplasmosis
PublicationToxoplasmosis, caused by Toxoplasma gondii, is the major parasitic disease affecting sheep. Infection not only results in significant reproductive losses in these animals, but has public health implications since consumption of infected meat can facilitate zoonotic transmission. Although several serological tests are currently used for diagnosis of ovine toxoplasmosis, production of reliable reagents is a constraint and therefore...
Efficient production of the Toxoplasma gondii GRA6, p35 and SAG2 recombinant antigens and their applications in the serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis
PublicationSkonstruowano system ekspresji rekombinantowych białek antygenowych GRA6, p35 i SAG2 Toxoplasma gondii. Uzyskano miligramowe ilości białek fuzyjnych po zastosowaniu jednoetapowego oczyszczania z wykorzystaniem metody chromatografii metalopowinowactwa. Przydatność otrzymanych antygenów do konstrukcji serologicznego testu diagnostycznego oszacowano z wykorzystaniem testu ELISA, w którym zastosowano 99 surowic pobranych od pacjentów...
Prime-Boost Vaccination with Toxoplasma Lysate Antigen, but Not with a Mixture of Recombinant Protein Antigens, Leads to Reduction of Brain Cyst Formation in BALB/c Mice
PublicationIntroduction Infection with the ubiquitous parasite Toxoplasma gondii is a threat for immunocompro- mised patients and pregnant women and effective immune-prophylaxis is still lacking. Methods Here we tested a mixture of recombinant T . gondii antigens expressed in different develop- mental stages, i.e., SAG1, MAG1 and GRA7 (SMG), and a lysate derived from T . gondii tachyzoites (TLA) for prophylactic vaccination against cyst formation....
Application of recombinant antigens in serodiagnosis of swine toxoplasmosis and prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection among pigs in Poland
PublicationNiniejsza praca przedstawia częstość występowania toksoplazmozy w populacji świń obejmującej 1754 osobników pochodzących z różnych regionów Polski, która określona została z wykorzystaniem testu IgG ELISA opartego na antygenie natywnym pasożyta. Specyficzne przeciwciała anty-T. gondii klasy IgG zostały wykryte u 19,2% zwierząt z testowanej grupy. Ponadto w pracy oszacowano użyteczność diagnostyczną w rozpoznawaniu toksoplazmozy...
Usefulness of Toxoplasma gondii recombinant antigens (GRA1, GRA7 and SAG1) in an immunoglobulin G avidity test for the serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis
PublicationOpisano wykorzystanie mieszanki trzech antygenów rekombinantowych (GRA1, GRA7 i SAG1) Toxoplasma gondii w serodiagnostyce toksoplazmozy z wykorzystaniem oznaczenia awidności przeciwciał klasy IgG. Zastosowana mieszanka może z powodzeniem zastąpić całkowity lizat antygenów natywnych który obecnie stosowany jest w komercyjnie dostępnych zestawach. Ponadto wykazano, że zastosowane antgeny rekombinantowe różnicują fazy choroby lepiej...
GRA2 and ROP1 Recombinant Antigens as Potential Markers for Detection of Toxoplasma gondii -Specific Immunoglobulin G in Humans with Acute Toxoplasmosis
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GRA2 and ROP1 recombinant antigens as potential markers for detection of Toxoplasma gondii-specific immunoglobulin G in humans with acute toxoplasmosis.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia oszacowanie przydatności w serodiagnostyce toksoplazmozy dwóch rekombinatowych białek antygenowych GRA2 i ROP1 Toxoplasma gondii. Białka rekombinantowe otrzymano z wykorzystaniem bardzo wydajnego, bakteryjnego systemu ekspresyjnego, który pozwolił na otrzymanie miligramowych ilości antygenów z 1 litra hodowli po zastosowaniu jednoetapowego oczyszczania metodą chromatografii metalopowinowactwa. Użyteczność diagnostyczna...
A new human IgG avidity test, using mixtures of recombinant antigens (rROP1, rSAG2, rGRA6), for the diagnosis of difficult-to-identify phases of toxoplasmosis
PublicationThe preliminary diagnostic utility of two mixtures of Toxoplasma gondii recombinant antigens (rROP1+rSAG2 and rROP1+rGRA6) in IgG ELISA and IgG avidity test has been evaluated. A total of 173 serum samples from patients with toxoplasmosis and seronegative people were examined. The sensitivity of IgG ELISA for rROP1+rSAG2 and rROP1+rGRA6 was 91.1% and 76.7%, respectively, while the reactivity for sera from patients where acute toxoplasmosis...
The Development of Toxoplasma gondii Recombinant Trivalent Chimeric Proteins as an Alternative to Toxoplasma Lysate Antigen (TLA) in Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for the Detection of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) in Small Ruminants
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The Development of Toxoplasma gondii Recombinant Trivalent Chimeric Proteins as an Alternative to Toxoplasma Lysate Antigen (TLA) in Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for the Detection of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) in Small Ruminants
PublicationThis study presents an evaluation of seventeen newly produced recombinant trivalent chimeric proteins (containing the same immunodominant fragment of SAG1 and SAG2 of Toxoplasma gondii antigens, and an additional immunodominant fragment of one of the parasite antigens, such as AMA1, GRA1, GRA2, GRA5, GRA6, GRA7, GRA9, LDH2, MAG1, MIC1, MIC3, P35, and ROP1) as a potential alternative to the whole-cell tachyzoite lysate (TLA) used...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen MIC1-MAG1-AMA1
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen MIC1-MAG1-MIC3
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen MIC1-MAG1-ROP1
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen MIC3-MAG1-ROP1
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen MIC1-MIC3-ROP1
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen MIC3-MAG1-AMA1
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen AMA1-MIC1-ROP1
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen AMA1-MIC1-MIC3
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-P35
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-GRA7
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-GRA9
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-GRA1
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-GRA6
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-AMA1F
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-MIC1L
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-MAG1L
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-AMA1
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-LDH2
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-GRA5
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-MIC3
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-ROP1
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-GRA2
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen AMA1-MIC3-ROP1
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-MAG1S
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-MIC1S
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
The usefulness of Toxoplasma gondii MIC1-MAG1-SAG1 chimeric antigen in the serodiagnosis of ovine toxoplasmosis
PublicationToxoplasmosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, which infects humans and most warm-blooded animals throughout the world. Although human toxoplasmosis in healthy adults is usually asymptomatic, a serious disease can occur in the case of congenital infection and immunocompromised individuals. Among food animals, sheep, along with goats and pigs, possess the highest incidence of T. gondii cysts in meat,...
A new Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen containing fragments of SAG2, GRA1, and ROP1 proteins—impact of immunodominant sequences size on its diagnostic usefulness
PublicationThis study presents the first evaluation of new Toxoplasma gondii recombinant chimeric antigens containing three immunodominant regions of SAG2, GRA1, and one of two ROP1 fragments differing in length for the serodiagnosis of human toxoplasmosis. The recombinant chimeric antigens SAG2-GRA1-ROP1L (with large fragment of ROP1, 85-396 amino acid residues) and SAG2-GRA1-ROP1S (with a small fragment of ROP1, 85-250 amino acid residues)...