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Search results for: ship handling
Ship weather routing featuring w-MOEA/D and uncertainty handling
Publication -
Ship weather routing featuring w-MOEA/D and uncertainty handling
PublicationThe paper presents a new version of evolutionary multi-objective weather routing (WR) for ships taking into account uncertainties of weather forecasts in route optimization. The method applies authors’ w-MOEA/D algorithm: MOEA/D framework incorporating Decision Maker’s (DM) preferences by means of w-dominance relation. Owing to this, DM preferences are taken into account throughout optimization, allowing the process to focus on...
Parametrical Method for Determining Optimal Ship Carrying Capacity and Performance of Handling Equipment
PublicationThe paper presents a method of evaluating the optimal value of the cargo ships deadweight and the coupled optimal value of cargo handling capacity. The method may be useful at the stage of establishing the main owners requirements concerning the ship design parameters as well as for choosing a proper second hand ship for a given transportation task. The deadweight and the capacity are determined on the basis of a selected economic...
Towards Improving Optimised Ship Weather Routing
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to outline a project focusing on the development of a new type of ship weather routing solution with improved uncertainty handling, through better estimation of ship performance and responses to sea conditions. Ensemble forecasting is considered to take into account the uncertainty levels that are typical of operations in a stochastic environment. Increased accuracy of weather prediction is achieved through...
Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: Evaluation of Individuals
PublicationThe paper presents a description of the evaluation phase of the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method. In general, the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method combines some of the assumptions of game theory with evolutionary programming and finds an optimal set of cooperating trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter situation. While developing a new version of this method, the authors decided to...
Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: Evaluation of Individuals
PublicationThe paper presents a description of the evaluation phase of the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method. In general, the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method combines some of the assumptions of game theory with evolutionary programming and finds an optimal set of cooperating trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter situation. While developing a new version of this method, the au-thors decided...
A method of determining and visualizing safe motion parameters of a ship navigating in restricted waters
PublicationThe paper presents a method of displaying ship collision avoidance information which is based on an unconventional Collision Threat Parameters Area (CTPA) technique. The solution presented here extends CTPA's functionality from past works by supporting navigation in restricted waters and handling ship domains analytically instead of numerically. It visualizes potential navigational threats as well as possible collision avoidance...
PublicationThe conducted research investigations aimed to carry out an identification of the constructional materials fatigue state of the ship propulsions’ rotational mechanical units for diagnostic purposes. The fatigue cracks of the elements transmitting mechanical energy streams from the propulsion engines to the ship propellers or to the generators of the ship’s electric power station stand for a primary reason for the secondary, usually...
Study of Noise Propagation for Small Vessels
PublicationThe paper presents the results of the noise propagation analysis in ship structures tested in a number of AHTS (Anchor Handling Tug Supply) vessels. Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) based on numerical model developed specially for the purpose of this numerical investigation were conducted. This numerical model enabled the analysis of both the structural elements and the acoustic spaces. For the detailed studies 47 points fixed...
Wytrzymałość pętli wplatanych na linach podwójnie plecionych
PublicationCechą wyróżniającą statki żaglowe z grona innych obiektów pływających są żagle. To cecha widoczna, za którą kryją się mniej romantyczne elementy, takie jak maszty, liny i osprzęt. Rozpostarcie białych płócien na maszcie i następnie żeglowanie wymaga sprawnego operowania nimi, co wiąże się z doborem odpowiedniego ich zestawu, ułożenia i napięcia. To maszty są kręgosłupem takielunku, a liny jego mięśniami i ścięgnami. Do poprawnego...
Modelling of Ship’s Heeling and Rolling for the Purpose of Gantry Control Improvement in the Course of Cargo Handling Operations in Sea Ports
PublicationThe paper presents two proposals of models of interaction between a ship and cargo being loaded or discharged by a gantry in port, in terms of heeling and rolling of the vessel. The main purpose of such modelling is the need for improvement of gantry control with regard to faster operations thanks to more accurate estimation of level and moment of cargo release from a gantry hook or spreader. The study may be the contribution to...
Maciej Reichel dr inż.