Search results for: surface array - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: surface array

Search results for: surface array

  • The Processing Procedure for the Interpretation of Microseismic Signal Acquired from a Surface Array During Hydraulic Fracturing in Pomerania Region in Poland

    Hydraulic fracturing is a procedure of injecting high pressure fluid into the wellbore in order to break shell rock and facilitate gas flow. It is a very costly procedure and, if not conducted properly, it may lead to environmental pollution. To avoid costs associated with pumping fluid outside the perspective (gas rich) zone and improve one’s knowledge about the reservoir rock, microseismic monitoring can be applied. The method...

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  • Frequency Selective Surface Based MIMO Antenna Array for 5G Millimeter-Wave Applications


    - SENSORS - Year 2023

    Abstract: In this paper a radiating element consisting of a modified circular patch is proposed for MIMO arrays for 5G millimeter-wave applications. The radiating elements in the proposed 2×2 MIMO antenna array are orthogonally configured relative to each other to mitigate mutual coupling that would otherwise degrade the performance of the MIMO system. The MIMO array was fabri-cated on Rogers RT/Duroid high frequency substrate...

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  • Blade Section Prpfile Array Lifting Surface Design Method for Marine Screw Propeller Blade


    The lifting surface model is widely used in screw propeller design and analysis applications. It serves as a reliable tool for determination of the propeller blade mean line and pitch distribution. The main idea of this application was to determine the blade shape that would satisfy the kinematic boundary condition on its surface with the prescribed bound circulation distribution over it. In this paper a simplified lifting surface...

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  • Structural optimization of microjet array cooling system

    The single phase heat transfer from an upward facing, horizontal copper surface to arrays of impinging water jets was experimentally investigated. Experimental configuration allows for a free-surface unconfined jets flow. Square nozzles 50 × 100 μm arranged in four different geometries were used. Additionally, for the set of two jets array geometry was varied by adjusting the nozzle to nozzle distance. The area averaged heat transfer...

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    - Year 2017

    Presented work considers flow and thermal phenomena occurring in the system consisting of minijets array and heated with constant heat flux surface. Numerical analyses, based on the mass, momentum and energy conservation laws, were conducted. Focus was placed on the proper model construction, in which turbulence and boundary layer modelling was crucial. Calculations were done for various mass flow rates. The main calculations were...

  • A Conformal Circularly Polarized Series-Fed Microstrip Antenna Array Design


    A conformal circularly polarized series-fed microstrip array design for broadside radiation is presented. The array aperture under design is conformal to a cylindrical surface of a given radius. The approach we present primarily addresses focusing of the circularly polarized major lobe of the conformal array by proper dimensioning of the aperture spacings. The proposed analytical models yield the values of the element spacings...

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  • An Innovative Antenna Array with High Inter Element Isolation for Sub-6 GHz 5G MIMO Communication Systems


    - Scientific Reports - Year 2022

    A novel technique is shown to improve the isolation between radiators in antenna arrays. The proposed technique suppresses the surface-wave propagation and reduces substrate loss thereby enhancing the overall performance of the array. This is achieved without affecting the antenna’s footprint. The proposed approach is demonstrated on a four-element array for 5G MIMO applications. Each radiating element in the array is constituted...

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  • Multifrequency Wideband Sonar Array

    • A. Eliminowicz
    • W. Lis
    • L. Zajączkowski

    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2012

    This paper describes of new approach to Multifrequency Wideband Arrays (MWA),applied piezocomposite technologies of the array elements. MWA operating in transmitting(Tx) and receiving (Rx) mode on two or three bands, requires state-of-the-art technology andefficient array designing than conventional array in which separate arrays for every band oreven separate Tx and Rx transducers/arrays are used. The new piezocomposite elements...

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  • High-precision bearing estimation for active sonar with cylindrical array performed by interpolated array transformation


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    The article presents a method for improving the accuracy of bearing in multibeam sonar with a cylindrical array. The antenna’s non-linear shape and the resulting non-uniform sampling of the signal in space, mean that known methods of high-resolution spectral analysis cannot be used. In order to apply an algorithm from this group, a linear virtual antenna must be produced. The paper presents a technique of mapping a cylindrical...

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    The microseismic monitoring is a method of monitoring of fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing process. Hydraulic fracturing is a method of reservoir stimulation used especially for unconventional gas recovery. A matrix of several thousand geophones is placed on the surface of earth to record every little tremor of ground induced by fracturing process. Afterwards, the signal is analysed and the place of tremor occurrence...

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  • Passive sonar with cylindrical array

    Artykuł prezentuje sposób wykorzystania sonaru aktywnego z anteną cylindryczną do nasłuchu pasywnego podwodnych źródeł dźwięku. Wykazano, że wykrycie źródła dźwięku i określenie jego namiaru może być zrealizowane bez zmian konstrukcji odbiornika. Wymagana jest jedynie zmiana algorytmów przetwarzania sygnałów w beamformerze. Wykazano również, że w celu zwiększenia dokładności namiaru można zastosować wysokorozdzielcze metody estymacji...

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  • Equal Baseline Camera Array—Calibration, Testbed and Applications


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Year 2021

    This paper presents research on 3D scanning by taking advantage of a camera array consisting of up to five adjacent cameras. Such an array makes it possible to make a disparity map with a higher precision than a stereo camera, however it preserves the advantages of a stereo camera such as a possibility to operate in wide range of distances and in highly illuminated areas. In an outdoor environment, the array is a competitive alternative...

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  • Compact antenna array comprising fractal-shaped microstripradiators

    A design method of antenna array consisting of eight microstrip patches modified with Sierpinski fractal curves has been presented andexperimentally validated in this paper. Method proposed has enabled the achievement of considerable miniaturization of array length (26%),together with multi-band behavior of the antenna, which proves the attractiveness of presented design methodology and its ability to be implemented in more complex...

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  • Optimal configuration of an electrode array for measuring ventricles' contraction

    An influence of an electrode-array configuration on an impedance signal composition for a fixed spatial distribution of its sources is examined in the paper. The Finite Element Method and Geselowitz relationship were used for examining three different electrode-arrays. A sensitivity approach was used to evaluate each configuration assuming that localization of the signal source is known. A conductivity change, thus the source of...

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  • Azimuth estimator for a rotating array radar with wide beam


    - Year 2017

    The problem of estimating azimuth in rotating array radar with a beam, wide in the azimuth plane, is considered. Under such setup the echo signal usually has a very low signal to noise ratio, but the number of observations is large, because of long dwell times. The proposed solution is based on the maximum likelihood approach, but it employs simplifications which facilitate its implementation in real time systems. Results, obtained...

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  • Electronic stabilization of beams in sonar with cylindrical array

    Artykuł prezentuje podstawy opisu beamformera dla sonaru z antena cylindryczną. Artykuł pokazuje, że zmodyfikowany beamformer może zostać użyty do stabilizacji osi wiązki w horyzontalnej płaszczyźnie, gdy znany jest przechył i zanurzenie statku. Artykuł przedstawia także problem elektronicznego odchylania wiązki.

  • Visualisation forms in passive sonar with towed array

    Artykuł dotyczy organizacji zobrazowań na monitorach modernizowanego w KSEM sonaru pasywnego z długą, holowaną za rufą okrętu, anteną akustyczną. We wprowadzeniu opisano strukturę takiego sonaru oraz sposób pozyskiwania i charakter odbieranych sygnałów jako podstawę organizowania zobrazowań efektów nasłuchu. Dalej opisano inne czynniki wpływające na organizację obrazów na monitorach sonaru tzn. zadania operatorów, organizację i...

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  • Plane wave scattering by an array of circular cylinders

    Metodę dopasowania rodzajów zastosowano do połączenia zastępczego pola rozproszonego od dowolnej konfiguracji dwuwarstwowych prętów ferrytowych i dielektrycznych z pobudzeniem falą płaską. Zaprezentowano charakterystyki rozpraszania zarówno w strefie dalekiej jaki i bliskiej dla kilku konfiguracji prętów przy pobudzeniu falą płaską.

  • Plane wave scattering by an array of metamaterial cylinders


    - Year 2003

    Metodę dopasowania rodzajów zastosowano do połączenia zastępczego pola rozproszonego od dowolnej konfiguracji prętów dielektrycznych lub wykonanych z metamateriału z pobudzeniem falą płaską. Zaprezentowano charakterystyki rozpraszania w strefie dalekiej dla jednego i dwóch prętów dielektrycznych lub wykonanych z metamateriału przy pobudzeniu falą płaską.

  • Oblique scattering by an array of conducting and dielectric cylinders


    - Year 2003

    Metodę dopasowania rodzajów zastosowano do połączenia zastępczego pola rozproszonego od dowolnej konfiguracji prętów metalowych i dielektrycznych z falą płaską padającą pod dowolnym kątem na określoną strukturę. Zaprezentowano charakterystyki rozpraszania w strefie dalekiej dla konfiguracji czterech, pięciu i siedmiu prętów metalowych i dielektrycznych umieszczonych w cylindrycznym obszarze wypełnionym dielektrykiem przy skośnym...