Search results for: technology-labour market interactions
Empirical investigation on labour market interactions in an enlarged Europe
PublicationThis paper proposes an empirical assessment of economic interactions between the labour markets ofthe integrating EU over the period of time 1995-2005. Drawing on recently made available industrystatistics, we provide a sector level study (13 tradable sectors, including manufacturing and services),analysing the contemporary evolution of domestic and trade partners' employment levels. Given theintensification of trade relations...
Aleksandra Parteka dr hab. inż.
PeopleAbout me: I am an associate professor and head of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology (GdanskTech, Poland). I got my MSc degree in Economics from Gdansk University of Technology (2003) and Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche (2005), as well as MA degree in Contemporary European Studies from Sussex University (2006, with distinction). I received my PhD in Economics...
Małgorzata Gawrycka dr hab.
PeopleMałgorzata Gawrycka, a graduate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk, PhD in economics. From 2012-2020, deputy dean for teaching at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Currently Dean of the Faculty. Scientific interests focus on issues related to the macroeconomic policy of the state. In particular, the problems of the situation on the labour market, demographic changes,...
Workforce mobility against the background of labour market duality theory – the example of selected OECD countries
PublicationThe paper aims to present an empirical study of labour market segmentation (LMS) hypothesis. According to the dual labour market theory jobs can be divided into two groups: primary and secondary jobs, with enter barriers into the first one. The primary jobs are usually described with relative high wages, whereas secondary jobs provide lower level of wages. In this paper we first examine the main sectors (according to the ISIC rev....
Journal for Labour Market Research
Journals -
The Employment of Ukrainians as an Opportunity to Fill the Labour Market in Poland – Selected Issues
PublicationThe labour market in Poland has undergone signifi cant transformations over the past two decades. The observed changes have been infl uenced by various factors related to, among other things, the possibility of free movement of the population resulting from membership of EU structures, demographic changes, technological changes, and the automation and robotisation of production processes. Demographic change is becoming a signifi...
PublicationThe aim of the following article is to present gender inequality in the labour market in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Gender inequality was researched by analyzing documents providing rights for women and men in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The author presented the unequal treatment of women in the labour market by examining the causes of the level of employment of women and men - contract workers, higher unemployment among women,...
Selected issues of women's participation in labour market and on boards of family entreprises
PublicationThe chapter presents cultural determinants of roles attributed to women, as well as their situation in the labour market and in family businesses. The main aim of the study is to trace the changes in the social image of women’s roles in the labour market. The observations made are based on the changes in the value of the economic activity rate among women in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) countries, as well as on the feminisation...
The situation of young mothers in the Polish labour market
PublicationThe purpose of the article is to present the situation of young women combining professional and paternal responsibilities in the Polish labour market. The papaer presents the results of interviews conducted with six young mothers.
Activity and discrimination against women in the labour market in the countries of Baltic Sea Region
PublicationAn increasing participation of women in the labour market seem to be a key to overcome the problems of the EU labour market and to achieve the objectives of Strategy Europe 2020. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to identify differences in the situation of women in the labour market in selected countries such as those in the Baltic Sea region and to attempt to verify the hypothesis of the existence of discrimination against...
PublicationThe known in empirical economics question ‘Why so Few? Why so Slow? Why so Low?’ refers here to the persistently small number of women involved in innovative activities, the slowness of change in the inequalities between women and men in these fields, and women’s continuing lower rank in business and academic positions. In developing countries, women`s labour and entrepreneurial activity remains an ‘untapped resource’ for economic...
Sabina Szymczak dr inż.
PeopleI am a Research & Teaching Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics at Gdańsk University of Technology (GdanskTech). Currently I am a member of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics. I got my PhD degree in Economics from Faculty of Management and Economics at GdanskTech. I got my M. Sc. degree in Mathematics and my B. Eng. degree in Technical Physics (Specialization: Applied Computer Science) both...
The digital divide and the issue of participation of persons aged 50+ in the Polish labour market
PublicationThe main objective of this article is to present the debate on the level of digital literacy of people aged 50+ and the consequences of deficits in this area. Due to the limited scope of the report, particular attention is paid to the impact of low IT skills of people aged 50+ on their situation in the labour market.
The impact of global value chains on wages, employment, and productivity: a survey of theoretical approaches
PublicationThis study presents a systematic literature review to provide a collection of theories explaining the impact of global value chains (GVCs) on labour market outcomes. Due to the complex nature of GVCs and the interconnectedness of wages, employment, and productivity, many direct and indirect effects are at play. To ensure a transparent and systematic flow of the review process, I follow the PRISMA guide. Eventually, 36 records out...
Why do Poles withdraw from the labour market so early? - systematics of the factors influencing Poles' decisions to retire
PublicationThe study undertakes to identify the factors that influence the decisions of the working population approaching retirement age to withdraw from the labour market (which in this case is equivalent to retirement) or continue economic activity (also after reaching the formal retirement age)
Łukasz Sienkiewicz dr hab.
PeopleGraduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, habilitated doctor in the field of social sciences in the discipline of management and quality science. University Associate professor at the Department of Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology and coordinator of the Center for Economic, Social and Technological Transformation (C-TEST). Chairman of the Board of the Institute...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' professional careers - the year 2018
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers, from the year 2018. The survey was conducted in 2020, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 727 respondents. The study concerned i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates of the...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' professional careers - the year 2013.
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers, from the year 2013. The survey was conducted in 2015, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1777 respondents. The study concerned i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates of the...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' professional careers - the year 2017
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers, from the year 2017. The survey was conducted in 2019, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1594 respondents. The study concerned i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates of...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' professional careers - the year 2015
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers, from the year 2015. The survey was conducted in 2017, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 2553 respondents. The study concerned i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates of the...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' professional careers - the year 2014
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers, from the year 2014. The survey was conducted in 2016, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 2004 respondents. The study concerned i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates of the...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' professional careers - the year 2016
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers, from the year 2016. The survey was conducted in 2018, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1947 respondents. The study concerned i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates of the...
PublicationThe article looks into the employment of Russian citizens in Poland in 2004– 2018. It presents the legal basis for Russians’ entering Poland and taking up work without having to seek a work permit, and specifies who must apply for such a permit. Russian citizens can obtain refugee status under the Geneva Convention, which grants them the right to move freely, choose their place of residence and undertake paid employment, while...
Competencies of graduates as future labour market participants – preliminary study
PublicationThe aim of article is to examine and compare the views of employers and future employees on the desirable competencies of the potential labour market participants. The applied research method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods – interviews conducted among recruiters (representing potential employers) and a survey of university graduates (future employees). The study shows that both the Polish graduates and...
PublicationThe quality of education is one of the most important factors determining the job opportunity for graduates. The authors present the possibility of carrying out the diplomas in cooperation with employers and institutions interested in employment of students who graduated Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and University of Warmia and Mazury, Faculty of Geodesy and Land Management (major:...
Global value chains, wages, employment and labour production in China: A regional approach
PublicationIn this study we analyse the relationship of trade and global value chains (GVCs) to the labour market in 31 Chinese provinces for 25 sectors, by means of a system of structural equations. We firstly distinguish between provincial value chains (PVCs) and interprovincial value chains (PRVCs) in order to outline their distribution and evolution over time. Then, we investigate to what extent participation in GVCs, PVCs and PRVCs –...
Discrimination of workers aged 55+ in companies in Poland
PublicationThe problem of discrimination on the grounds of age in the workplace is particularly topical not only in Poland but also in Europe as a whole. The paper presents the essence of the discrimination and its most common manifestations. The results of own research on the youngPoles' perception of the discrimination on grounds of age in the workplace, intergenerational competition in the labour market and some of the factors shaping...
EU Enlargement and Labour Demand in the New Member States
PublicationResearch to date on labour market responses to EU integration has tended to concentrate on the labour markets of the 'old' EU members. But what effects has the integration of trade had on wages in the new member states? The following article attempts to answer this question using and empirical model of conditional labour demand.
Continuous learning as a method of raising qualifications – the perspective of workers, employers and training organizations
PublicationContinuous learning is discussed in strategic documents of Poland and the European Union. In Poland, the idea of continuous learning is not very popular. However, in the context of strong competition in the labour market and the progressive globalization processes, the skills issue takes on new meaning — both for employees and employers. In order to adapt skills to labour market needs it is necessary to conduct adequate studies...
Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for the Experimental Classification and Clustering of Higher Education Institutions
PublicationHigher education institutions have a big impact on the future of skills supplied on the labour market. It means that depending on the changes in labour market, higher education institutions are making changes to fields of study or adding new ones to fulfil the demand on labour market. The significant changes on labour market caused by digital transformation, resulted in new jobs and new skills. Because of the necessity of computer...
Deregulation of the labour markets in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe — selected issues
PublicationThe countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the 1990s pursued the transformation processes which were to result in introducing systemic changes and building market economies. It was a process requiring adjustment of the regulatory and system framework to the requirements of the EU. One of the areas covered by the changes was the labour market. The reforms related to the functioning of national labour markets necessitated taking...
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to examine the changes in the share of labour in the domestic income in the years 1995-2010 in the Visegrád Group states, taking into account the level of development of the domestic labour markets. The study involves a review of the literature relating to the labour market issues, collecting sources and their use in the empirical part. The study used the induction method, the elements of descriptive...
Data from the Survey on Gdańsk University of Technology Graduates’ Professional Careers
PublicationThe dataset titled Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers includes data from a survey of Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech) graduates’ professional careers. The survey was conducted in 2017, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 2553 respondents. The study concerned, i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates...
Implementation of the Concept of Flexicurity in the Selected Countries of Central Eastern Europe
PublicationThe CEE countries have to create their own flexicurity policies which would take into account the employment policy guidelines, cultural traditions and socio-economic development. The aim of this article is to examine and evaluate the implementation of the flexicurity concept on the basis of the adopted set of composite indicators. The study covers 9 countries of the CEE region, and the research period covers the years 2007 and 2013....
PublicationThe quality of education is one of most important factors determining the job opportunity for graduates. The authors present the possibility of carrying out the diplomas in cooperation with employers and institutions interested in employment of students who graduated Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and University of Warmia and Mazury, Faculty of Geodesy and Land Management (major:...
Oferta kształcenia a wymogi współczesnego rynku pracy
PublicationWspółcześnie zmianom ulegają struktury gospodarek oraz sposoby gospodarowania poszczególnymi zasobami na rynkach. Wpływ na to mają nowoczesne technologie, procesy globalizacji i integracji. Obserwowane dynamiczne zmiany wymuszają włączenie się w proces unowocześniania różnych uczestników rynku. Jednym z nich są instytucje zajmujące się szeroko rozumianym kształceniem, które przygotowują zasoby pracy do wejścia na rynek pracy. Celem...
Factors influencing decisions to retire – case study of Poland
PublicationThe main objective of the article is to present the factors influencing the decisions of the Poles from the older age groups to withdraw from the labour market by retirement, or on the contrary – to remain economically active, also upon reaching the formal retirement age.
Education of Logisticians in Poland: Problems and Prospects in Students’ Opinion
PublicationLogistics is one of the key sectors of the Polish economy. Its value reflects not only its own capacity, but also the role it plays in ensuring the proper functioning of the entire economy. The rapid development of the industry and the highest demands on logistics solutions bring to the fore the problem of preparing a new generation of specialists in logistics. That is why the question of compliance to learning expectations of...
state aid for employment of disadvantaged persons
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of the most important legal acts, a list of selected Polish and foreign bibliography, together with a list of important individual EC decisions issued on the topic of state aid dedicated to including persons with disabilities to the labour market in Poland and some UE countries in the period 2001-2019. Thanks to that...
Mind the Gender Wage Gap – the Impact of Trade and Competition on Sectoral Wage Difference
PublicationThis article examines differences between women’s and men’s wages in 18 selected OECD countries in the period 1970-2005. The study is based on 12 manufacturing sector- and skill-specific sets of panel data on the gender wage gap. We apply a system GMM estimator to the extended version of the conditional gender wage gap convergence equation, controlling for sector concentration and industry-specific measures of openness using a...
Theory vs. practice. Searching for a path of practical education
PublicationThe introduction of a three-tier model of higher education (the Bologna model) has led to considerable changes in the 1st- and 2nd-tier technical courses at universities. At present, a student with a bachelor’s degree can be employed in his / her profession after completing only 7 semesters of study. A search is under way for methods of combining theoretical knowledge taught at universities with practical knowledge gained afterwards....
PublicationSpatial and town planning is a complex process caused by the interaction between natural and social systems at different temporal and spatial scales. That is the reason, why it is difficult to introduce this subject to students studying disciplines other than spatial or urban planning. The main problem is to define goals, the scope and expected educational effects. The second step is to choose the appropriate teaching and assessment...
Labour resources in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan - a comparative study
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to show the transformation and comparison of labour resources in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan using the following methods: deductive data analysis, observation of changes in the structure of resources based on publicly available macroeconomic data. During the two decades of the 21st century, both countries experienced population growth which translated into an increased number of persons of working age. In...
Labour share and income inequalities in the European Union, taking into account the level of development of economies
Publicationesearch background: The relationship between labour share and income inequality is a complex and multifaceted problem. Despite ongoing discussions among economists, there is still no consensus on the direction of the relationship between labour share and income ine-quality. Purpose of the article: The article aims to assess the impact of labour share on income inequal-ity, which is measured in three ways: the Gini index...
Self-assessment of competencies of students and graduates participating in didactic projects – Case study
PublicationAim/purpose: the aim of this article is to examine the opinions of students and graduates of the faculty of economics of a technical university as regards their selfassessment of their preparation for entering the modern labour market. All the respondents participated during their studies in didactic projects aimed at improving their competencies taking into account the expectations of potential employers. Design/methodology/approach:...
Dariusz Dąbrowski dr hab. inż.
PeopleDariusz Dąbrowski graduated from the Faculty of Shipbuilding at Gdańsk University of Technology and in 1987 began working at the university as an assistant in the Department of Shipbuilding Industry Organization within the then Institute of Organization and Design of Production Systems. In 1990, he went on a TEMPUS scholarship from the EU and spent 14 months at the University of Sheffield, where he participated in the Master of...
The Efficiency of Public and Private Higher Education Institutions in Poland
PublicationChanges introduced to Poland’s education system in 2011 and 2014 amid efforts to adjust it to the needs of the labour market had an effect on the country’s institutions of higher learning. This paper provides an analysis of the efficiency of public and private Polish universities and examines the impact of selected factors in the years that followed. To estimate this efficiency, a Banker, Charnes and Cooper (BCC) model of the...
PublicationFaculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (WILiS) at Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) offers studies in the fields of Geodesy and Cartography. The bachelor program (7 semesters) was started ten years ago in 2009. It provides the student with the basic skills and knowledge in the fields of surveying, geodesy and more generally geomatics and cartography. It is strongly related to expertise knowledge of civil building (geodetic...
Global value chains and labour markets – simultaneous analysis of wages and employment
PublicationThis study examines the overall effect of global value chains (GVCs) on wages and labour demand. It exploits the World Input–Output Database to measure GVC involvement via recently developed participation indices (using both backward and forward linkages) and the relative GVC position using three-stage least squares regression. We find that the relative GVC position is negatively correlated with wages and employment and that the...
Is There any Demand for the Workers Aged 50+ in Poland?
PublicationThe process of ageing affects all the European Union Member States, including Poland. According to forecasts by the Central Statistical Office, in 2035, the population of Poland will decrease in relation to 2010 by more than 2 million, and the share of people aged 50+ in the total population will increase from 34.8% to 46.6% (Prognoza ludności 2009). In the context of current and projected demographic changes, a discussion is taking...