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Search results for: FIRING HANDHELD
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Search results for: FIRING HANDHELD



    Sports, hunting and military shooting grounds are well known sources of noise that can be disruptive both for people present at those facilities, as well as for people and animals that live nearby. What is more, shooters are also subjected to very painful and dangerous impulse noise. The paper discusses the issues related to the noise immission during firing of small firearms of military type that are typical for Poland. The experiments...

  • Handel Wewnętrzny


    ISSN: 0438-5403

  • Educational Dataset of Handheld Doppler Blood Flow Recordings


    - Year 2022

    Vital signals registration plays a significant role in biomedical engineering and education process. Well acquired data allow future engineers to observe certain physical phenomena as well learn how to correctly process and interpret the data. This dataset was designed for students to learn about Doppler phenomena and to demonstrate correctly and incorrectly acquired signals as well as the basic methods of signal processing. This...

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  • Low-cost handheld multiprobe reflectometer for the ism band


    - Year 2008

    W artykule przedstawiona została procedura oraz działający model taniego miernika współczynnika odbicia na pasmo ISM. Koncepcja modelu oparta jest o reflektometr z multi próbkowaniem oraz wykorzystanie zintegrowanego detektora mocy firmy Analog Devices. Prototypowy miernik z interfejsem został zbudowany. Wyniki symulacji oraz eksperymentu zostały przedstawione.

  • Mobile Systems (Portable, Handheld, Transportable) for Monitoring Air Pollution

    The monitoring and analysis of atmospheric air pollutants is a rapidly developing branch of analytical chemistry. The in situ analysis of atmospheric air quality using mobile instrumentation is becoming routine. The article provides information on devices used in various kinds of mobile laboratories. It reviews the portable gas chromatographs and handheld devices used for detecting and determining specific harmful substances in...

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  • A method supporting fault-tolerant optical text recognition from video sequences recorded with handheld cameras


    - Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence - Year 2023

    In the paper a method supporting the optical character recognition from video sequences recorded with cameras without good stabilization is proposed. Due to the presence of various distortions, such as motion blur, shadows, lossy compression artifacts, auto-focusing errors, etc., the quality of individual video frames, e.g., recorded by a smartphone camera, differs noticeably, influencing the results of text recognition, causing...

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  • Handel targowy jako faux pas


    Współcześnie występujący handel targowy w przestrzeni publicznej posiada dwoisty charakter, polegający na niejednoznacznej odpowiedzi na pytanie czy powinno się ingerować współczesną architekturę w organizację targowisk czy jarmarków. Może tego rodzaju wydarzenia stanowią pewnego rodzaju nostalgię za tą pierwotną żywiołową formą handlu, której już się nie odnajdzie w galeriach handlowych, hipermarketach, gdzie rzesze ludzi pracują...

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  • Why Are Left-Handed G-Quadruplexes Scarce?

    G-quadruplexes (G4s) are nucleic acid structures crucial for the regulation of gene expression and genome maintenance. While they hold promise as nanodevice components, achieving desired G4 folds requires understanding the interplay between stability and structural properties, like helicity. Although right-handed G4 structures dominate the experimental data, the molecular basis for this preference over left-handed helicity is unclear....

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  • Handel międzynarodowy - główne trendy i kierunki rozwoju


    - Year 2009

    Przeprowadzona analiza ma na celu ukazanie głównych kierunów zmian w światowym handlu. Opisano wzrost wymiany handlowej na skutek procesów integracyjnych oraz liberalizacji handlu w ramach WTO; zmiany w strukturze towarowej handlu, nowych graczy na światowej scenie hndlowej oraz wzrost znaczenia praktyk związanych z międzynarodowym outsoursingiem.

  • Fractional Problems with Right-Handed Riemann-Liouville Fractional Derivatives


    In this paper, we investigate the existence of solutions for advanced fractional differential equations containing the right-handed Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative both with nonlinear boundary conditions and also with initial conditions given at the end point T of interval [0,T ]. We use both the method of successive approximations, the Banach fixed point theorem and the monotone iterative technique, as well. Linear problems...

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