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Search results for: FOUCAULT'S PENDULUM
Foucault's pendulum. Uncomplicated tool in the study of geodesy and cartography
PublicationModern education methods often refer to the sophisticated and technologically advanced methods. In the process of education the latest technologies and inventions should be presented. Modern research achievements becomes an indispensable part of the technical studies. However the learning process of an engineer should refer to the standard methods of measurement and well known fundamental instruments. One of the simplest devices...
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S - Chemia i Inżynieria Ekologiczna S
Journals -
Foucault Studies
Journals -
A comprehensive approach to double inverted pendulum modelling
PublicationThe problem of mathematical modelling and indication of properties of a DIP has been investigated in this paper. The aim of this work is to aggregate the knowledge on a DIP modelling using the Euler-Lagrange formalism in the presence of external forces and friction. To indicate the main properties important for simulation, model parameters identification and control system synthesis, analytical and numerical tools have been used....
An Automatic Self-Tuning Control System Design for an Inverted Pendulum
PublicationA control problem of an inverted pendulum in the presence of parametric uncertainty has been investigated in this paper. In particular, synthesis and implementation of an automatic self-tuning regulator for a real inverted pendulum have been given. The main cores of the control system are a swing-up control method and a stabilisation regulator. The first one is based on the energy of an inverted pendulum, whereas the second one...
Examples of retrofit of structures on seismic areas by friction pendulum system.
PublicationZastosowanie łożysk wahadłowych, w których dyssypacja energii następuje na skutek tarcia, to jedna z najbardziej obiecujących metod wzmacniania odporności sejsmicznej budowli. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie przykładów zastosowania tej metody do różnych typów konstrukcji budowlanych narażonych na wstrząsy sejsmiczne.
Reduction of steel chimney vibrations with a pendlum damper.
PublicationKarman vortices observed around chimneys may induce dangerous structural vi-brations at certain wind velocities. The aim of this paper is to analyse theeffectiveness of pendulum damper in vibration reduction of a steel chimney. A two degree-of-freedom system is used to model the behaviour of the struc-ture equipped with a damper. The results of the study show that the use of pendulum with tuned frequency leads to significant...
A case study of robust sliding mode control applied to inverted pendulum on a cart
PublicationA control problem of an inverted pendulum on a cart has been addressed in this paper. In particular, a synthesis of alternative sliding mode control for stabilisation of an inverted pendulum at an upper equilibrium point has been investigated. Hence, the feasibility of implementing the developed control system, taking into account primarily the friction of the cart against the gantry and the limited length of the gantry, in a real...
Journals -