Search results for: price bubbles - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: price bubbles
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Search results for: price bubbles

  • Diamond investments – Is the market free from multiple price bubbles?

    The following study aims to investigate whether multiple price bubbles, in which the quoted market price of diamonds significantly deviates from their fundamental value, exist in the diamond market. It was conducted using ADF, SADF and GSADF tests, with the latter found to be an optimal form of evaluating the analysed issue. The presented results support the conclusion that the diamond market is not free from periods defined as...

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  • Price bubbles in commodity market – A single time series and panel data analysis

    This paper examines thirty-five commodities, grouped into three market sectors (energy, metals, agriculture & livestock) in terms of the occurrence of price bubbles. The study was based on monthly data for each commodity separately and, in a panel approach, for selected sectors and for all commodities combined. The GSADF test and its version for panel data – panel GSADF – were used to identify bubbles. The beginning and end of...

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  • Nonlinear increase in bubbles radii caused by sound in a bubbly liquid

    The nonlinear interaction of acoustic and entropy modes in a bubbly liquid is considered. The reasons for interaction are both nonlinearity and dispersion. In the field of intense sound, a decrease in the mixture density is predicted. That corresponds to the well-established growth of bubbles volumes due to rectified diffusion. The nonlinear interaction of modes as a reason for a bubble to grow due to sound, is discovered. The...

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  • One Europe, one product, two prices - the price disparity in the EU


    The price dispersion in the European Union in the last fifteen years (1990-2005) is analysed. The analysis of price convergence is examined on aggregate and disaggregate levels. The macro approach is based on Comparative Price Level index calculated as the ratio between PPPs and exchange rate. The disaggregate analysis utilizesactual prices of 148 individual products sold in the 15 capital cities of the EU. The calculations comprise...

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  • Investing in wine, precious metals and G-7 stock markets – A co-occurrence analysis for price bubbles

    This paper used the GSADF test to determine the periods defined in this paper as price bubbles in the three markets studied, i.e. the investment wine market, precious metal market and national stock market indices of G-7 countries. The results obtained enabled the calculation of the values of the phi correlation coefficients, which served the research objective of assessing the co-occurrence of price bubbles in the markets analysed....

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  • 20+ years of Polish residential real estate prices – a house price index proxy


    Information on house prices is often considered crucial when assessing developments in economy. However, in Poland for the long time house prices haven’t been tracked in an organized manner. Recent developments, most notably house price indices developed by Poland’s national bank and by the statistical office do not go back more than 10 years, therefore data series are relatively short compared to those of other macroeconomic data. In...

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  • Price Diversification


    - Year 2007

    The price diversification is a complex phenomenon. We show that price discrimination can have both positive and negative effects. The final result depends whether it makes competition more intense. As far as legal procedure is cocerned it is recommended to focus on the effects of compan's actions rather than on the form that these actions may take. There is a need to understand and distinguish between price discrimination as the...

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  • Does one currency mean one price? An analysis of the euro effect on price dispersion and convergence

    This paper examines price differentials in the European Union to investigate whether the European Monetary Union has lowered the degree of price dispersion in the euro zone and increased the speed of price convergence. Both euro effects are evaluated using difference-in-difference methodology. Applied to the issue of introducing a single currency, the euro effects identified are the estimated differences in price dispersion and...

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  • Formation of bubbles from a single nucleation site.


    Przedstawiono wyniki systematycznych badań eksperymentalnych wrzenia wody destylowanej i metanolu z pojedynczego, sztucznego centrum nukleacji. Jako centra nukleacji służyły otwory wywiercone na czołowej powierzchni miedzianego pręta. Średnice otworów wynosiły: 0.25 mm, 0.60 mm oraz 1.0 mm. Do pomiaru częstotliwości odrywania się pęcherzyków zastosowano układ laser diodowy-fotodioda. Sygnał z fotodiody był rejestrowany za...

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  • Equilibrium price - modelling, forecast and application

    Nowoczesną gospodarkę charakteryzuje wzrastające znaczenie cen. Znajomość ogólnych zasad mechanizmu kształtującego ceny oraz analizy cen umożliwiają przedsiębiorstwom przewidzenie ceny równowagi i podjęcie przynoszącej zyski decyzji, zwłaszcza na rynku oligopolu homogenicznego, gdzie przedsiębiorcy muszą brać pod uwagę reakcję konkurencji. Przedstawiony w artykule, dynamiczny model ekonometryczny cen benzyny, na rynku paliw płynnych...

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