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Search results for: wax crystals
Mechanical properties of single V2O5 nanocrystal - nanoindentation measurement in control of the max-depth
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the nanoindentation curves (indentation force Fn vs penetrationPd) for a single V2O5 nanocrystal supported on a substrate. The measurements were performed in control of the maximum depth of Berkovich indenter penetration: 60, 70, and 100 nm.
Proceeds from value added tax to the state budget as a percentage of the revenues (2010-2014)
Open Research DataFrom 1 January 2011, there was a general increase in the rates of tax on goods and services. According to the assumptions, it was temporary, and the amended regulations were to apply until the end of 2013. However, due to government policy, the rate hike was maintained. The changes introduced in 2010 concerned the basic and reduced rates - they were...
Dataset of bibliometric data for a research study on tax research retrived from Web of Science.
Open Research DataThis dataset was created for the purpose of research study on taxation research. Analytical data come from the Web of Science (WoS) databases provided by Clarivate Analytics and was retrived in March 2021.
Total annual EU country support for tax credits and child benefits in EUR (2017)
Open Research DataThe inhabitants of Luxembourg can count on the highest support, the smallest - only a dozen or so euros in Bulgaria. Considerable variation also occurs when we consider the help of general support measured in relation to the average salary. In this case, the highest rate is in France (13.7%), and the lowest, similarly to Bulgaria, (only 0.2%).
The luminescence study of Ga2–x(Al0.68In0.32)xO3:Cr3+ coumpounds.
Open Research DataNear-infrared (NIR) phosphor-converted light-emitting diodes (pc-LEDs) are a highly efficient perspective NIR light source, with application hindered by a narrow emission band. In this work, we broaden the emission of a new series of NIR phosphors by controlling crystal structure disorder through cation cosubstitution. By substituting Ga3+ with (Al0.68In0.32)3+,...
Tax on dividend income and income from investments in equity instruments in selected European Union countries
Open Research DataThe following data contains the information about the capital gains tax in selected EU countries. Capital gain is understood as an increase in the value of capital, e.g. as a result of an increase in the prices of securities held on the stock exchange, units of funds, exchange rate differences or other assets. This profit may be specified in nominal...
Structure of ammonium vanadate synthesis by LPE-IonEx method
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns, FTIR spectra of NH4VO3 crystals with different morphology obtained by the LPE-IonEx method.
Determination of cytotoxic activity of new bisacridines IKE18, IKE19, IKE21 and IE10 against human kidney HEK-293 (ATCC® CRL-1573™) and liver cells HEPG2 (ATCC® HB-8065™)
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of determining in vitro cytotoxic activity of compounds using human cell lines assessed by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, a method that evaluates cell viability by measuring cellular oxidoreductase activity. Initially, cells were seeded in 96-well culture plates and allowed...
The luminescence study of (C10H16N)2MnBr4 Organic–Inorganic Hybrid
Open Research DataOrganic–inorganic hybrid metal halides have recently attracted attention in the global research field for their bright light emission, tunable photoluminescence wavelength, and convenient synthesis method. This study reports the detailed properties of (C10H16N)2MnBr4, which emits bright green light with a high photoluminescence quantum yield. Results...
CIT income tax from legal persons / corporations on account of income from renting real estate
Open Research DataThe following data contains analysis of the tax burden on investments, purchase of real estate and obtaining income from its rental.In the case of earning income from the rental of real estate, in most countries of the EU, the entrepreneur may be subject to taxation of income with Personal Income Tax (PIT) or corporate / Corporate Income Tax (CIT)....
Personal income tax (PIT) from conducting business activity due to income from real estate rental
Open Research DataThe following data contains analysis of the tax burden on investments, purchase of real estate and obtaining income from its rental.In the case of earning income from the rental of real estate, in most countries of the EU, the entrepreneur may be subject to taxation of income with personal income tax (PIT) or corporate / corporate income tax (CIT)....
Cytotoxicity of chitosan hydrogels aginst L929 cells
Open Research DataThis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds to the cytotoxicity of chitosan compounds (dissolved in carbonic acid, dissolved in carbonic acid endotoxin free, and dissolved in hydroxyacetic acid) aginst adult mouse fibroblast L929 cells. The experiments were carried out according to the ISO 10993-5:2009(E)...
Discount for children deducted from tax in selected EU countries, available according to number of children criterion (in EUR) in 2017
Open Research DataWhen analyzing the collected data, it should be indicated that the amount of tax preferences addressed to families with children varies widely and ranges from several hundred euro to even several tens of thousands of euro relief annually. The highest family allowances, calculated in absolute terms, are in Germany, and the lowest in Poland. All countries,...
SEM images of dewetted gold films
Open Research DataGold nanostructures were prepared on silicon - Si(111) as a substrate. as a result of dewetting process. Thin golds films were deposited using a table-top dc magnetron sputtering coater under pure Ar plasma conditions . The Au target had 99.99% purity, the rate of Au layer deposition was about 0.4 nm·s−1 and the incident power was 32 W. The thickness...
Oxidation of silver nanostructures
Open Research DataSilver nanostructures were prepared on Si substrate. Thin Ag films (2 and 6 nm thickness) were deposited using a tabletop dc magnetron sputtering coater (EM SCD 500, Leica) in pure Ar plasma. The Ag target was of 99.99% purity, the rate of layer deposition was about 0.4 nm·s−1 , and the incident power was in the range of 30–40 W. The layer thickness...
Tax discount for children deducted from income in selected EU countries, available according to the criterion of the number of children (in EUR) in 2017
Open Research DataDespite the far-reaching harmonization of collection mechanisms and the amount of VAT and excise duty rates in the European Union, individual countries, as a rule, conduct individual income tax policies, including a system of reliefs and exemptions. It is worth noting that, as shown below, each European Union country uses at least one method of supporting...
The scanning tunnelling micrographs of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results imaging of a sample of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite obtained using scanning tunneling microscopy. The above variant of scanning probe microscopy is one of the most convenient research techniques at atomic scales. The file contains images corresponding to increasing magnifications from the 1 um scale to a few nanometers....
Comparison of XPS spectra of Ag3d for silver nanostructures and bulk material
Open Research DataAg nanostructures were prepared on borosilicate glass (Corning 1737F) and Si substrates. In both cases, the substrateswere cleaned with acetylacetone and then rinsed in ethanol. Thin Ag films (2 and 6 nm thickness) were deposited using a tabletop dc magnetron sputtering coater (EM SCD 500, Leica) in pure Ar plasma (argon, Air Products 99.999%). The...
Structural investigations of the LTO:Cu thin films
Open Research DataLithium titanate (Li1+xTi2-xO4) doped with Cu2+ ions was synthesized by sol-gel processing method. The structure was characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD). All samples revealed presence of LTO spinel phase. X-ray pattern of undoped LTO was free of any impurities and other crystal phases. Similarly, samples with low amount of copper dopant (x = 0.05...
Number of tax returns filed by taxpayers obtaining income taxed with a lump sum on income recorded according to sources of income 2011-2015
Open Research DataTaxpayers engaged in non-agricultural business activities benefiting from taxation in the form of a lump sum on recorded income, are required to have and store proofs of purchase of goods, keep a list of fixed assets and intangible assets, records of equipment and, separately for each tax year, a record of revenues. The obligation to keep records of...
SEM images of tge gold nanostructures on silicon
Open Research DataAu nanostructures were prepared on Si(111) as a substrate. The substrates (1 × 1 cm2 of area) were cleaned with acetylacetone and then rinsed in ethanol. Thin Au films (with thicknesses in a range of 1.7–5.0 nm) were deposited using a table-top dc magnetron sputtering coater (EM SCD 500, Leica) under pure Ar plasma conditions (Argon, Air Products 99.999%)....
Investigation of plasmon resonance in a silver nanoparticles
Open Research DataSilver nanostructures were prepared on borosilicate glass (Corning 1737F) substrates. Thin Ag films (1–9 nm thickness) were deposited using a table-top dc magnetron sputtering coater (EM SCD 500, Leica) in pure Ar plasma (argon, Air Products 99.999%). The Ag target was of 99.99% purity, the rate of layer deposition was about 0.4 nm·s−1, and the incident...
Number of tax returns filed by taxpayers who obtain income taxed with a lump sum on income recorded according to sources of income (2011-2015)
Open Research DataTaxpayers engaged in non-agricultural business activities benefiting from taxation in the form of a lump sum on recorded income, are required to have and store proofs of purchase of goods, keep a list of fixed assets and intangible assets, records of equipment and, separately for each tax year, a record of revenues. The obligation to keep records of...
Formation of gold anostructures detected by SEM microscope
Open Research DataGold nanostructures were prepared on silicon - Si(111) as a substrate. The substrates (1 × 1 cm2 of area) were cleaned with acetylacetone and then rinsed in ethanol. Thin Au films (with thicknesses in a range of 1.7–5.0 nm) were deposited using a table-top dc magnetron sputtering coater (EM SCD 500, Leica) under pure Ar plasma conditions (Argon, Air...
Opposite pressure impact on electron-phonon coupling in Eu2+ and Ce3+ doped AlN
Open Research DataThis data analyzes the influence of pressure on electron–lattice interactions in the 5d excited states of Ce3+ and Eu2+ in the AlN host based on pressure-dependent photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation spectra. High-pressure measurements on AlN samples doped with Eu2+ and Ce3+ ions reveal that the Stokes shift increases with pressure for...
X-ray diffraction patterns of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1)
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of three raw X-ray diffraction (XRD) files collected using a Phillips X’Pert Pro diffractometer (CuKα radiation (𝜆 = 1.541 Å), under 40 kV and 30 mA). The diffraction patterns of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.18Fe0.02O3-δ (BCZYFe2), BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.15Fe0.05O3-δ (BCZYFe5), and BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Fe0.1O3-δ (BCZYFe10) were collected at room temperature....
Budget revenues from selected taxes in 2010–2020
Open Research DataThe dataset contains a tabular summary of the main sources of revenuesof the state budget in the years 2010–2020 from tax revenues. The amounts that the state received in individual years from sources such as: corporate income tax, personal income tax, value added tax (VAT), excise tax, gambling tax and customs duties can be found.
The luminescence study of Ga1.98–xAlxO3:0.02Cr3+ coumpounds.
Open Research DataA chemical and mechanical pressure-induced photoluminescence tuning method was developed through structural evolution and hydrostatic pressure involving phase transition. A series of Ga1.98−xAlxO3:0.02Cr3+ phosphors were synthesized by collaborators from National Taiwan University. Structural evolution reveals a crystal phase change with the incorporation...
Mini Light-Emitting Diode Technology with High Quantum Efficient NIR-II Partially Inverse Spinel MgGa2O4:Cr3+,Ni2+ Nanophosphors
Open Research DataThe increasing demand for second near-infrared (NIR-II) region materials, which retain the advantage of minimal scattering and immense applications in the medical and NIR spectroscopy field, has led to considerable research in this region. A mini light-emitting diode (mini-LED) is essential for backlighting liquid crystal displays, indicating the need...
X-ray diffraction patterns of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1M0.1O3-δ (M = Fe, Pr, Tb)
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of three raw X-ray diffraction (XRD) files collected using a Phillips X’Pert Pro diffractometer (CuKα radiation (𝜆 = 1.541 Å), under 40 kV and 30 mA). The diffraction patterns of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Fe0.1O3-δ (BCZYFe), BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Pr0.1O3-δ (BCZYPr), and BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ (BCZYTb) were collected at room temperature. Collected...
Cities that will obtain the highest revenues from PIT in 2021 per capita in thous. PLN
Open Research DataAn example of a tax that is proportionally divided between the state (government administration) and local governments is the personal income tax. The following dataset presents the income tax revenues to the central budget, as well as the cities that obtain the highest income from the above tribute. The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on the financial...
The level of VAT in relation to the GDP of selected European Union countries in 2007-2015 (in%)
Open Research DataVAT (Value Added Tax) is part of a strictly harmonized tax within the European Union. Under the so-called The Sixth Directive introduced provisions regulating the subject and subject of taxation, tax exemptions and exclusions as well as the tax collection mechanism in all Member States.
Introduction of SAF-T in selected European countries together with applicable national names
Open Research DataAmong the methods used by individual countries in norder to seal the tax collection the introduction of the Standard Audit File for Tax is one of the most important ones.
PIT revenues in 2012-2021 in PLN billion
Open Research DataTaxes are the primary source of income for the state budget and local government units. Tax issues play an important role in the economy of each country, its citizens and economic entities that operate on the market. Taxes are the main instrument of the state's influence on the economy, as they cover almost all natural and legal persons operating on...
Cities that obtain the highest revenues from PIT in 2021 in PLN billion
Open Research DataTax issues play an important role in the economy of each country, its citizens and economic entities that operate on the market. Taxes are the main instrument of the state's influence on the economy, as they cover almost all natural and legal persons that operate on the market.
Average CIT rate in European Union countries in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 (in%)
Open Research DataThe following data presents the average CIT rate in European Union countries between 2008-2016 .
VAT rates in particular member states of the European Union in 2015
Open Research DataUnder European Union law, the minimum standard rate of VAT that Member States can apply is 15%. An upper limit has not been specified. Despite attempts to harmonize the value added tax rates, the range of tax rates applied between countries is large. Currently, Luxembourg uses the lowest standard rate (15%), and Hungary uses the highest (27%). Due to...
TGA data of MXenes catalysts
Open Research DataData contain results from TGA measurement of the Ti3C2Tx MXenes produced via acidic etching aluminum from MAX Phase (Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2) using different etching agents, HF/HCl and HF/H2SO4 with different weight ratios (1:3, 1:4, and 1:5). The samples were labeled as MXene HF/HCl X:Y and MXene HF/H2SO4 X:Y, where X:Y means the acids weight ratios. ...
Raman spectra of MXenes catalysts
Open Research DataData contain results from Raman spectroscopy of the Ti3C2Tx MXenes produced via acidic etching aluminum from MAX Phase (Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2) using different etching agents, HF/HCl and HF/H2SO4 with different weight ratios (1:3, 1:4, and 1:5). The samples were labeled as MXene HF/HCl X:Y and MXene HF/H2SO4 X:Y, where X:Y means the acids weight ratios. ...
SEM images of MXene catalysts
Open Research DataData contain results SEM measurements of the Ti3C2Tx MXenes produced via acidic etching aluminum from MAX Phase (Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2) using different etching agents, HF/HCl and HF/H2SO4 with different weight ratios (1:3, 1:4, and 1:5). The samples were labeled as MXene HF/HCl X:Y and MXene HF/H2SO4 X:Y, where X:Y means the acids weight ratios. MAX...
XRD patterns of MXenes catalysts
Open Research DataData contain results from XRD measurements of the Ti3C2Tx MXenes produced via acidic etching aluminum from MAX Phase (Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2) using different etching agents, HF/HCl and HF/H2SO4 with different weight ratios (1:3, 1:4, and 1:5). The samples were labeled as MXene HF/HCl X:Y and MXene HF/H2SO4 X:Y, where X:Y means the acids weight ratios....
Average price of a book in Poland (2010-2013)
Open Research DataAlthough the Central Statistical Office does not provide detailed data on the growth rate of book prices, the overall comparison, which includes books, newspapers, magazines as well as drawing and painting articles, shows that the average annual price increase in 2011 amounted to 3.3% in this category. Moreover, as noted, the changes to the VAT Act...
Government Military Expenditures as a Share of GDP in Selected Years, 1820-2018 (Selected Countries)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains a summary of government military expenditures, presented as a share of GDP of a given country in selected years. Data is presented in selected years, 1820-2019, if possible in 10-year intervals and with particular emphasis on the periods of World War I and World War II. The aim of the summary was to show the change in the approach...
The chemical and mechanical pressure influence on chromium luminescence
Open Research DataIn this study, we aim to compare the changes in the luminescence properties of Ga2O3:Cr3+ modified by Al or Sc ion substitution (chemical pressure) and hydrostatic pressure. We find the same behavior for Ga2–xAlxO3:Cr3+ and different behavior for Ga2–xScxO3:Cr3+ in terms of the optical properties under chemical and mechanical pressure. We consider Al...
Internal legal acts of technical and medical universities in Poland regulating classes conducted in-person during the Covid-19 pandemic
Open Research DataA database of legal acts and other internal documents of medical and technical universities in Poland regulating the way of organizing in-person or hybrid classes during the COVID-19 pandemic from the summer semester 2019/2020 to the winter semester 2020/2021.Documents were encoded in two separate coding systems using the MAXQDA program for qualitative...
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2019 - Poviat areas
Open Research DataData contain the number of accidents, victims, accident costs divided on poviat areas (16 areas) on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2019. Measures used to assess the level of social risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2019 - Municipality areas
Open Research DataData contain the number of accidents, victims, accident costs divided on municipality areas (119 areas) on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2019. Measures used to assess the level of social risk are (5 classes: low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
XRD data of V2AlC, Mo3AlC2, Mo3CTx and V2AlCTx
Open Research DataRaw data for XRD diffractograms of MAX phases: V2AlC and Mo3AlC2 and corresponding MXenes after selective etching of Al.
VAT rates in selected countries
Open Research DataThis dataset contains a list of selected countries with information on the VAT (or similar) tax rate applicable in them. Datarefers to the status as of 30.06.2024.
Measurements of ultrasonic bulk and guided wave propagation in additively manufactured cubes and plates obtained by ultrasonic pulse velocity analyzer and scanning laser vibrometry
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of measurements of ultrasonic wave propagation in additively manufactured samples made of polylactic acid (PLA). Three types of raster angles in two consecutive layers were assumed: 0°/90° (#1), 45°/-45° (#2) and 90°/90° (#3) with respect to the x-axis. For each printing variants a cubic sample (#C1-3) with dimensions...