total: 3207
filtered: 496
Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Connectors
Open Research DataThe set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Connectors category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.
Herbarium of Division of Marine Biology and Ecology University of Gdańsk (DMBE)
Open Research DataHerbarium of Division of Marine Biology and Ecology University of Gdańsk (DMBE) is a research herbarium encompassing specimens of vascular plants and algae hosted by the Laboratory of Marine Plant Ecology at University of Gdańsk, Poland. The aim of Herbarium is to preserve marine plant and algae collections mostly from the Gulf of Gdańsk, but the herbarium...
2 Latin letters by Georg Pauli (b.1586-d.1650) - transcription, translation and photographs
Open Research DataThe data set contains two Latin letters by Georg Pauli (b. 1586 – d. 1650) to his brother Adrian (d. 1622) in photographs, transcriptions, and translations into Polish and English. The first letter was sent by Georg from Gdańsk (formerly Danzig) in 1604 when he was still a student at the local Academic Gymnasium. The second one, in turn, was written...
Microalgal strains from the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains information on the cyanobacterial and microalgal strains maintained at the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA) at the Institute of Oceanography UG. The collection maintains cyanobacterial and algal strains isolated from the Baltic Sea and additionally several strains collected from a wide range of habitats. The culture collection...
Sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea derived from Landsat 8 satellite data - path 191
Open Research DataThe data set contains high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) maps estimated from Landsat 8 Level 1 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data using NLSST algorithm. SST was calculated only for granules (185 x 180 km) from satellite path number 191, that covered at least 2000 km2 of the cloud-free area of the Baltic Sea.
Sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea derived from Landsat 8 satellite data - path 190
Open Research DataThe data set contains high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) maps estimated from Landsat 8 Level 1 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data using NLSST algorithm. SST was calculated only for granules (185 x 180 km) from satellite path number 190, that covered at least 2000 km2 of the cloud-free area of the Baltic Sea.
Sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea derived from Landsat 8 satellite data - path 194
Open Research DataThe data set contains high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) maps estimated from Landsat 8 Level 1 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data using NLSST algorithm. SST was calculated only for granules (185 x 180 km) from satellite path number 194, that covered at least 2000 km2 of the cloud-free area of the Baltic Sea.
Sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea derived from Landsat 8 satellite data - path 192
Open Research DataThe data set contains high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) maps estimated from Landsat 8 Level 1 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data using NLSST algorithm. SST was calculated only for granules (185 x 180 km) from satellite path number 192, that covered at least 2000 km2 of the cloud-free area of the Baltic Sea.
Sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea derived from Landsat 8 satellite data - path 193
Open Research DataThe data set contains high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) maps estimated from Landsat 8 Level 1 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data using NLSST algorithm. SST was calculated only for granules (185 x 180 km) from satellite path number 193, that covered at least 2000 km2 of the cloud-free area of the Baltic Sea.
The general state of preservation of immovable monuments in connection with the primary function – comparison of 2003 and 2016
Open Research DataThe following dataset compares the structure of the register of immovable monuments in Poland regarding the general state of preservation of the objects in connection with the primary function for 2003 and 2016. The included types contain the following ones: sacred, defensive, public, parks, residential, farmhouses, industrial, cemeteries and others....
The general state of preservation of immovable monuments in connection with the state of ownership – comparison of 2003 and 2016
Open Research DataThe following dataset compares the structure of the register of immovable monuments in Poland regarding the general state of preservation of the objects in connection with the state of ownership for 2003 and 2016. The dataset has been compiled based on the data in the Report analysing the state of immovable monuments (the report was prepared in 2004...
Maximum forces in tendon connections for an anchor with a pin in the full sample experiment
Open Research DataThe main objective of the all study was to assess the load capacity of a new implant device for knotless tendon anastomosis. During this series of experiments the load capacity of the anchoring element with a pin (see figure 1) was examined. Tendons from fresh swine legs (commercially available) served as the biological material. All samples were subjected...
Characteristics of selected Anabaena isolates from CCNP Collection
Open Research DataEN: This dataset includes information about Anabaena strains (cyanobacteria) deposited in the Culture Collection of Northern Poland (CCNP), at the Division of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, Poland. Presented data concern Anabaena strains their (1) isolation and culture conditions, (2) taxonomic position, (3) morphology...
Maximum forces in tendon connections for the Kessler suture in the single-side sample experiment
Open Research DataThe main objective of the all study was to assess the load capacity of a new implant device for knotless tendon anastomosis. During this series of experiments the load capacity of the traditional two-strand Kessler sutures (3-0 sutures) was examined. Tendons from fresh swine legs (commercially available) served as the biological material. All samples...
Maximum forces in tendon connections for an anchor with pin in the single-side sample experiment
Open Research DataThe main objective of the all study was to assess the load capacity of a new implant device for knotless tendon anastomosis. During this series of experiments the load capacity of the anchoring element with a pin (see figure 1) was examined. Tendons from fresh swine legs (commercially available) served as the biological material. All samples were subjected...
Characteristics of selected Nodularia spumigena isolates from CCNP Collection
Open Research DataEN: This dataset includes information about Nodularia spumigena strains (Cyanobacteria) deposited in the Culture Collection of Northern Poland (CCNP), at the Division of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, Poland. Presented data concern Nodularia spumigena strains, their (1) isolation and culture conditions, (2) taxonomic...
A collection of directed graphs for the minimum cycle mean weight computation
Open Research DataThis dataset contains definitions of the 16 directed graphs with weighted edges that were described in the following paper: Paweł Pilarczyk, A space-efficient algorithm for computing the minimum cycle mean in a directed graph, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20 (2020), no. 4, 349--355, DOI: 10.22436/jmcs.020.04.08, URL: These...
Determination of denaturation temperature of connective tissue proteins by viscometric measurements.
Open Research DataViscometric denaturation temperature of connective tissue proteins was determined by measuring viscosity with a Brookfield viscometer, using a LV SC4 - 18, 25 or LV3 spindle and shear rates from 50 to 110 s-1 (Fig.1). Freeze-dried protein samples were dissolved in 0.5 M acetic acid at 4 °C and concentration of 20 mg/mL. The solution was stirred with...
Maximum forces in tendon connections for an anchor without pin in the single-side sample experiment
Open Research DataThe main objective of the all study was to assess the load capacity of a new implant device for knotless tendon anastomosis. During this series of experiments the load capacity of the anchoring element without a pin (see figure 1) was examined. Tendons from fresh swine legs (commercially available) served as the biological material. All samples were...
The 3d Ce XPS spectra of Ce0.9M0.1O2
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 3d Ce XPS of Ce0.9M0.1O2 where (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu). X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy analysis (XPS) was performed using X-ray photoelectron spectrometer Omnicron NanoTechnology with 128-channel collector. XPS measurements were undertaken in ultra-high vacuum conditions, below 1.1x10-8 mbar. Photoelectrons were excited by an...
Correction of far-field measurements obtained in non-anechoic test site
Open Research DataThe dataset contains raw and processed measurements of radiation pattern characteristics performed in non-anechoic regime for two geometrically small antenna structures: a spline-parameterized Vivaldi structure and a compact spline-based monopole. The responses have been obtained at the selected frequencies of interest as a function of mentioned structures...
The 2p XPS spectra of transition metals in Ce0.9M0.1O2
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 2p XPS spectra of transition metals in Ce0.9M0.1O2 where (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu). X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy analysis (XPS) was performed using X-ray photoelectron spectrometer Omnicron NanoTechnology with 128-channel collector. XPS measurements were undertaken in ultra-high vacuum conditions, below 1.1x10-8 mbar. Photoelectrons...
The XPS spectra of Ce0.8Cu0.2O2 prepared using microemulsion method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XPS spectra of Ce0.8Cu0.2O2-s sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion). The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of Ce0.8Ni0.2O2 prepared using microemulsion method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XPS spectra of Ce0.8Ni0.2O2-s sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion). The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of LSCNT sintered at 1200C
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XPS spectra of La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s sintered at various temperatures under air atmosphere for 12 h. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (Pechini). The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of AlOOH/5%Cu prepared using wet impregnation method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XPS spectra of AlOOH/5%Cu catalyst sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods and incipient wettness impregnation using nitrate solution. The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of Al2O3/5%Cu prepared using wet impregnation method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XPS spectra of Al2O3/5%Cu catalyst sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods and incipient wettness impregnation using nitrate solution. The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of ZrO2/5%Cu prepared using wet impregnation method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XPS spectra of ZrO2/5%Cu catalyst sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods and incipient wettness impregnation using nitrate solution. The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of AlOOH/1%Cu prepared using wet impregnation method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XPS spectra of AlOOH/1%Cu catalyst sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods and incipient wettness impregnation using nitrate solution. The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of SrTiO3/5%Cu prepared using wet impregnation method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XPS spectra of SrTiO3/5%Cu catalyst sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods and incipient wettness impregnation using nitrate solution. The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of CeO2/5%Cu prepared using wet impregnation method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XPS spectra of CeO2/5%Cu catalyst sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods and incipient wettness impregnation using nitrate solution. The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy studies of ammonium vanadate
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the high-resolution XPS studies of the ammonium vanadate nanostructures obtained by the hydrothermal method. XPS analyses were carried out with an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (Omicron NanoTechnology) with a 128-channel collector. The measurements were performed at room temperature in an ultra-high vacuum condition (below 1.1x10-8...
XPS analysis of the GO based materials
Open Research DataGraphene oxides samples were measured by XPS method. The X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements were carried out with Omicron NanoTechnology UHV equipment. The hemispherical spectrophotometer was equipped with a 128-channel collector. The XPS measurements were performed at room temperature at a pressure below 1.1 × 10−8 mBar. The photoelectrons...
Graphene oxide thin films deposited on a PCB board - chemical analysis
Open Research DataGraphene oxides based films were measured by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) method. TheXPS measurements were carried out with the Omicron NanoTechnology UHV equipment. The hemispherical spectrophotometer was equipped with a 128-channel collector. The XPS measurements were performed at room temperature at a pressure below 1.1 × 10−8 mBar. The...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve with (C=6.4, b=0.45) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve with (C=5.7, b=0.32) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve with (C=6.2, b=0.38) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve with (C=2.8, b=0.25) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve with (C=2.1, b=0.14) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve with (C=5.5, b=0.37) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve with (C=2.4, b=0.26) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve with (C=3.3, b=0.40) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve with (C=2.0, b=0.11) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve with (C=7.3, b=0.49) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve with (C=4.4, b=0.42) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=5.5, b=0.37) and a silencer (C=1.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=6.2, b=0.38) and a silencer (C=1.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=3.3, b=0.40) and a silencer (C=3.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=6.4, b=0.45) and a silencer (C=7.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=4.4, b=0.42) and a silencer (C=3.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...