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Cyclic voltammetry curves of the V2O5 nanorods (Na-ion batteries)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the next thirty cycles voltammetry curves for the V2O5 nanorods obtained by the sol-gel method. The cyclic voltammetry was measured using the AUTOLAB 302N potentiostat-galvanostat. The measurements were carried out in a voltage range of 2 V to 4 V vs. Na/Na+ at a scan rate of 1 mV/s. As an electrolyte 1M NaPF6 was applied.
Cyclic voltammetry curves of the V2O5 nanocrystals (Na-ion batteries)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the next thirty cycles voltammetry curves for the V2O5 nanocrystals obtained by the sol-gel method. The cyclic voltammetry was measured using the AUTOLAB 302N potentiostat-galvanostat. The measurements were carried out in a voltage range of 2 V to 4 V vs. Na/Na+ at a scan rate of 1 mV/s. As an electrolyte 1M NaPF6 was applied.
Cycling performances of the V2O5 nanostructures as cathode material in Na-ion batteries
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the next one hundred galvanostatic charge/discharge curves of the V2O5 nanostructures with different morphology obtained by the sol-gel method. The battery tests of the samples were performed using the Atlas-Sollich 0961 (Atlas-Sollich, Poland) with C/5 current densities in the voltage range between 2.0 V and 4.0 V vs. Li/Li+. Here...
Elemental composition of deposited sediments at the tram-route junction
Open Research DataThis data set contains the elemental composition results of deposited sediments collected at the tram-route junction in Gdańsk. Sample collection began in July 2022, when the tram lines were completed and before the rails were scrubbed (27/07/2022). The second sample round was carried out following rail scrubbing in October 2022 (7/10/2022). Since February...
Measurement of the tram rail profile during a year of operation
Open Research DataThe aim of the work was to analyze the wear of rails during operation and to analyze the supplementation of heavy metals in the soil around the tram route, originating from wearing out rails and tram wheels.The dataset contains measurements of rail head coordinates in 9 research sections made in 8 measurement series. The wear of the rails in selected...
Measurement of the tram rail profile during a year of operation - supplementary data
Open Research DataThe aim of the work was to analyze the wear of rails during operation and to analyze the supplementation of heavy metals in the soil around the tram route, originating from wearing out rails and tram wheels.The dataset contains measurements of rail head coordinates in 9 research sections made in 8 measurement series. The wear of the rails in selected...
Elemental composition of deposited sediments - Warszawska/Havla tram-route junction (2024 May)
Open Research DataThis data set contains the elemental composition results of deposited sediments collected at the tram-route junction in Gdańsk. Samples collected after fifteen months of operation of tram line.
Results of accelerometer measurements in rail passenger transport vehicles
Open Research DataAs part of the project, field research was done to better understand how unbalanced accelerations affect passenger comfort in rail transport and to compare this with passengers’ actual, subjective feelings. Data were collected from different types of rail vehicles, like trains and trams, using common mobile devices with MEMS accelerometer sensors.
The effect of anthraquinone derivatives on telomerase activity
Open Research DataThe data set contains images of the PCR products obtained from the Telomerase Repeated Amplification Protocol (TRAP). The effect of anthraquinone derivatives (TXT1-TXT9) on telomerase activity was comparatively examined using the following reference compounds: BIBR1532, TMPyP4 and mitoxantrone (MTX).
The effect of anthraquinone derivatives (C1-C9) on telomerase activity
Open Research DataThe data set contains images of the PCR products obtained from the Telomerase Repeated Amplification Protocol (TRAP). The effect of anthraquinone derivatives (C-C9) on telomerase activity was analyzed using lysates from drug-treatedcancer cell line.
Confocal microscopy analysis of DNA DSB in telomerase negative cells after exposure to TXT2 and TXT4
Open Research DataThe data sets contain confocal microscopic images showing the γ-H2AX with TRF2 after treatment of NHBE and U2OS cell lines with TXT2 and TXT4 in equitoxic concentrations. Images were acquired with an LSM 800 inverted laser scanning confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss; Dresden, Germany) equipped with an Airyscan detector using a ×63 1.4 NA Plan Apochromat...
Enhancement of self-trapped excitons and near-infrared emission in Bi3+/Er3+ co-doped Cs2Ag0.4Na0.6InCl6 double perovskite
Open Research DataErbium (Er) complexes are used as optical gain materials for signal generation in the telecom C-band at 1540 nm, but they need a sensitizer to enhance absorption. Na+ substitution for Ag+ and Bi3+ doping at the In3+ site is a possible strategy to enhance the broadband emission of Cs2AgInCl6, which could be used as a sensitizer for energy transfer to...
Electrochemical performance of boron-doped electrodes on quartz substrates in Fe(CN)₆³-/⁴- and ruthenium hexamine (RuHex): Observations from cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy
Open Research DataIn this study, we investigated the electrochemical behavior of boron-doped electrodes using two different redox probes: 5 mM ferrocyanide (Fe(CN)₆³⁻/⁴⁻) and ruthenium hexamine (RuHex) in a 0.5 M Na₂SO₄ electrolyte. The electrochemical testing was carried out using cyclic voltammetry (CV) to analyze the redox reactions and kinetics at the electrode interface,...
Electrochemical performance of boron-doped electrodes on silicon substrates in Fe(CN)₆³-/⁴- and ruthenium hexamine (RuHex)
Open Research DataIn this study, we explored the electrochemical behavior of boron-doped electrodes fabricated on silica substrates, using two distinct redox probes: 5 mM ferrocyanide (Fe(CN)₆³⁻/⁴⁻) and ruthenium hexamine (RuHex) in a 0.5 M Na₂SO₄ electrolyte. The electrochemical characterization was performed using cyclic voltammetry (CV) to assess the redox reactions...
Analysis of induction of DNA DSBs on telomeres in A549 cells
Open Research DataData consist of an analysis of DNA DSBs on telomeres. A549 were treated with compounds (TXT4, MTX, DMSO) at IC90 concentration for the indicated time. Images were acquired with an LSM 800 inverted laser scanning confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss; Dresden, Germany) equipped with an Airyscan detector using a ×63 1.4 NA Plan Apochromat objective (Carl Zeiss)....
IKE1-IKE3 (C-1305 derivatives) inhibitory effect of the Yeast Topoisomerase II relaxation activity
Open Research DataInhibition of Yeast Topoisomerase II were analyzed according to relaxation assay kit from Inspiralis. Briefly, 250 ng of supercoiled pBR322 DNA, 1 mM ATP, 1-200 μM of analyzed compound were mixed with reaction buffer (1 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.9), 10 mM KCl, 0.5 mM MgCl 2, 0.2 % (v/v) glycerol). The reaction was initiated by the addition of an enzyme, allowed...
Structural and luminescence properties of B2O3-Bi2O3+10AlF3 glasses doped with Eu3+/Dy3+ ions
Open Research DataThe attached data contains the results of measurements of B2O3-Bi2O3 and B2O3-Bi2O3+10AlF3 glasses doped with Eu3+ and Dy3+ ions in different molar ratios. Glasses were synthesized by the melt quenching technique. On their basis, the structural, optical, and luminescence properties of synthesized samples were characterized. The dataset includes XRD,...
H2-TPR and O2-TPD results for Sr0.90Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of H2-TPR (temperature programmed reduction) and O2-TPD (temperature programmed desorption) measuremnt fot Sr0.90Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d material. Experiment was performed using an apparatus equipped with a TCD detector (Buck Scientific, USA), cold trap, and heated gas transfer line. The profiles were collected using the PeakSimple...
H2-TPR and O2-TPD results for Sr0.95Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of H2-TPR (temperature programmed reduction) and O2-TPD (temperature programmed desorption) measuremnt fot Sr0.95Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d material. Experiment was performed using an apparatus equipped with a TCD detector (Buck Scientific, USA), cold trap, and heated gas transfer line. The profiles were collected using the PeakSimple...
Influence of controlled crystallization and SrF2 content on the structure and properties of Eu3+ doped phosphate glasses
Open Research DataThe attached data contains the results of measurements of phosphate glasses and glass-ceramics doped with Eu. On their basis, the new material was characterized and the influence of the SrF2 addition on the glass structure was determined. In addition, the influence of the SrF2 content and controlled crystallization on the luminescent properties of Eu3+...
The results of the assessment of the degree of deacetylation, antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of chitosan materials
Open Research DataDane prezentują wyniki pomiarowe stopnia deacetylacji 5 komerycjnych chitozanów, które przetwarzane dwiema metodami oceniono pod kątem aktywności przeciwdrobnoustrojowej i cytotoksyczności względem modelowej linii fibroblastów mysich L929. Ocenie porównawczej poddano materiały chitozanowe otrzymywane klasyczną metodą rozpuszczania w roztworze...
Tax system in Poland - current situation and direction of changes
Open Research DataThe study conducted on a group of 259 entrepreneurs from various regions of Poland concerns the opinions of business owners on the current tax situation, as well as potential changes in the tax system.
Microscopy analysis of A549 and H460 cells' mitochondria after exposure to TXT2 and TXT4
Open Research DataThe data set contains live-cell imaging of A549 and H460 cells' mitochondria after exposure to TXT2 and TXT4. Cells were exposed for 6 h to the tested compounds at their IC90 concentration or to DMSO. Then, mitochondrial labelling was performed by incubating the cells with a MitoTracker Green FM probe (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and Hoechst 33342 (Thermo...
Concrete temperature measurements of cubic specimens cured under isothermal and semi-adiabatic conditions
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains temperature measurements of concrete cubes (150 x 150 x 150 mm) cured under isothermal and semi-adiabatic conditions. The specimens were moulded from six types of concrete mixtures produced in the laboratory conditions. Mix #1: Portland cement CEM I 42.5R and gravel aggregate, mix #2: CEM I 42.5R and basalt aggregate, mix#3: Portland-composite...
Measurements of the heat of hydration released by concrete specimens cured under adiabatic conditions
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains measurements of heat of hydartion of concrete cubes (150 x 150 x 150 mm) cured under adiabatic conditions. The specimens were moulded from six types of concrete mixtures produced in the laboratory conditions. Mix #1: Portland cement CEM I 42.5R and gravel aggregate, mix #2: CEM I 42.5R and basalt aggregate, mix#3: Portland-composite...
Results of timber material tests from a strength testing machine
Open Research DataThis dataset consists of an archive with TRA files with the results of timber (wooden rolls) material tests from an universal strength testing machine.
Architectural compositions - EUmiesaward 2024 'collective housing'
Open Research DataThe collection contains three elements:
The luminescence study ofNaK2Li[Li3SiO4]4:Ce coumpounds.
Open Research DataPhosphors with a rigid and symmetrical structure are urgently needed. The alkali lithosilicate family (A[Li3SiO4]) has been extensively studied with a narrow emission band due to its unique cuboid-coordinated environment and rigid structure. However, here we demonstrate for the first time Ce-doped NaK2Li[Li3SiO4]4 phosphors with a broad emission band,...
Tellurite based glass doped by Eu3+ ions - XPS measurements
Open Research DataEu3+ doped tellurite glass ceramics containing SrF2 nanocrystals were prepared using melt quenching technique and subsequent heat treatment of glass in 370 °C for different time periods. Thermal properties of glass matrix have been determined based on DSC measurements. XRD and XPS results confirmed formation of SrF2 nanocrystals in glass matrices after...
XRD pattern of Mo2Ga2C, Mo2CTx/Mo2GaC and Ni-Mo2CTx/Mo2Ga2C materials
Open Research DataIn the dataset are included raw data for the preparation of XRD pattern of Mo2Ga2C, Mo2CTx/Mo2GaC and Ni-Mo2CTx/Mo2Ga2C materials.
The profiles and spectrum of aqua solution of tannic acid by HPLC-DAD-MS analysis.
Open Research DataThe profiling of tannic acid is determined by examining the content and proportion / ratio of gallotannins [Aras et al. 2016, Clifford et al. 2007, Gauri et al. 2012, Nishizawa et al. 1982]. In order to check the ion mass distribution (TIC) in an aqueous solution of commercial tannic acid, a direct sample injection (TA) was performed into the mass spectrometer....
Born-Oppenheimer potential energy curves of the NaK molecule
Open Research DataAdiabatic potential energy curves (APEC) of the singlet (s) and triplet (t) Sigma+, Pi, and Delta electronic states have been calculated for the NaK molecule. All results of the presented molecular states have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) method used with pseudopotentials describing the interaction...
Imaging of morphological and physicochemical changes occuring in the structure of austenitic steel due to the thermal sensitization
Open Research DataIn polycrystalline materials, grain boundaries are always where phenomena such as surface diffusion, sedimentation and corrosion occur. They have a significant impact on the macroscopic properties of the construction material [1]. In addition to inhomogeneities such as manganese sulphide inclusions formed during the metallurgical process, interfacial...
Temperture-programmed reduction (H2-TPR) of Ni-Mo2CTx_Mo2Ga2C and Ni-Mo2CTx_Mo3AlC2 catalysts
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the data for the preparation of plots illustrating the reduction peaks versus the temperature of the catalyst sample.
Au nanoparticles identifiction with the use of AFM Volta potential mapping
Open Research DataThe specific physical, chemical and electrochemical electrical properties of gold nanoparticles have led to their extensive use as high-performance chemical and biochemical sensors. The described properties relate to surface plasmon resonance, fluorescence quenching or enhancement, high electrical conductivity and light scattering. The described nanoparticles...
Students receiving scholarships in 1990-2011
Open Research DataSince 2005, the financial support system for students has been operating on the basis of on the Act of 27 July 2005, the Law on Higher Education (Journal of Laws No. 164, item 1365), as amended, and detailed regulations for determining the amount, awarding and payment of financial assistance benefits for students determined by rectors in consultation...
Greencoin Project - open phase application dataset
Open Research DataThis dataset captures detailed transactional records of the Greencoin project, focusing on rewarding pro-environmental behavior in the Tricity region of Poland. It includes data on user interactions such as quiz completions, challenges, and other sustainable actions, with corresponding timestamps and wallet balances. This data supports research on gamification...
Dual role of oxygen-related defects in the luminescence kinetics of AlNMn2+
Open Research DataThis dataset presents the impact of temperature and pressure on AlN:Mn2+ luminescence kinetics. Unusual behavior of Mn2+ optical properties during UV excitation is observed, where a strong afterglow luminescence of Mn2+ occurs even at low temperatures. When the temperature increases, the contribution of the afterglow luminescence is further enhanced,...
Place attachment, place identity, and visual pollution sensitivity.
Open Research DataThe data include individual responses on the following scales (1) place attachment, (2) place identity, and (3) visual pollution sensitivity. Each line represents responses obtained from one participant and his or her demographic characteristics. like gender, age, and education level.
AeroSense Measurements: Wind Tunnel Ecole Centrale Lyon
Open Research DataData from wind tunnel tests of Aerosesne measurement system installed on NACA 63418 aerfoil in the anechoic wind tunnel at the Ecole Centrale Lyon.
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / BedZED, London
Open Research DataThe data presents the results of work on the analysis of contemporary neighbourhoods. The aim of this part of the research was to analysis housing estates already existed in various cities in Europe. The analyses ware done in real time with AI and powered for key factors such as sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate. These data...
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma (formerly Spacemaker) / Battersea Power Station Development, London
Open Research DataThe data presents the results of work on the analysis of contemporary neighbourhoods. The aim of this part of the research was to analysis housing estates already existed in various cities in Europe. The analyses ware done in real time with AI and powered for key factors such as sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate. These data...
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / Brunnshög district in Lund, Sweden
Open Research DataThe data presents the results of work on the analysis of contemporary neighbourhoods. The aim of this part of the research was to analysis housing estates already existed in various cities in Europe. The analyses ware done in real time with AI and powered for key factors such as sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate. These data...
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / ZAC de Bonne, Grenoble, France
Open Research DataThe data presents the results of work on the analysis of contemporary neighbourhoods. The aim of this part of the research was to analysis housing estates already existed in various cities in Europe. The analyses ware done in real time with AI and powered for key factors such as sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate. These data...
Open Research DataThis is the original dataset containing 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and 173 element-feature vector [1-6,9]. A collection of more than 50000 music excerpts described with a set of descriptors obtained through the analysis of 30-second mp3 recordings was gathered in a database called SYNAT. The SYNAT database was realized by the Gdansk University...
Open Research DataThere is a series of datasets containing feature vectors derived from music tracks. The dataset contains 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and feature vector after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 48-element vectors derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier...
SYNAT Music Genre Parameters PCA 19
Open Research DataThe dataset contains feature vector after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 11 music genres and 19-element vector derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier research studies carried out by the team of authors [1-6]. A collection of 52532 music excerpts described...
Open Research DataThe dataset contains 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and feature vector after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 11-element vectors derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier research studies carried out by the team of authors [1-6]. A collection of more than...