Search results for: WODNE INSEKTY - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: WODNE INSEKTY


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Search results for: WODNE INSEKTY

  • Inserts amplification for knockout cassette construction

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The goal of the study was to obtain optimal conditions for amplification of upstream and downstream genes fragments and introduce a cleavage site for restriction enzymes into them thanks to which it will be possible to clone fragments into a plasmid containing elements of the knockout cassette. The constructed cassettes will enable the removal of the...

  • Biofouling UF car wash

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Polyethersulfone (PES) membranes were used to separate wastewater from car washes containing bacteria.After the separation was completed, the UF installations were washed with chemical agents.The study examined how effectively these chemical agents remove bacterial contamination from the installation.P3 Ultrasil 11 alkaline solutions (pH = 12) were...

  • The results of the assessment of the degree of deacetylation, antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of chitosan materials

    Open Research Data

    Dane prezentują wyniki pomiarowe stopnia deacetylacji 5 komerycjnych chitozanów, które przetwarzane dwiema metodami oceniono pod kątem  aktywności przeciwdrobnoustrojowej i cytotoksyczności względem modelowej linii fibroblastów mysich L929. Ocenie porównawczej poddano materiały chitozanowe otrzymywane klasyczną metodą rozpuszczania w roztworze...

  • The Scanning Electron Microscopy images of three arthropods

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset contains micrographs of various arthropods made with the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) technique. The images were done during the laboratory with students from the Faculty of Chemistry. Among the studied species, there is a fruit fly (lat.Drosophila melanogaster), a spider (most likely Sibianor aurocinctus), and a weevil insect (Curculionoidea). 

  • Tubular ultrafiltration car wash wastewater

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The commercial ultrafiltration (UF) tubular polyvinylidene fluoride (100 and 200 kDa) and polyethersulfone  (4 kDa) membranes were applied for filtration of carwash wastewater. Intensive fouling was notice, which caused over 50% permeate  flux reduction during 3-5 h of filtration process. This phenomenon was reduced by washing the membranes with alkaline...

  • Imaging of biological samples: the ant Lasius Niger

    Open Research Data

    The world of arthropods continues to amaze researchers today. An example may be a relatively new report by a group of scientists on structures found in ant shells [1] Although calcareous anatomical structures have evolved in various groups of animals, little has been known so far about the occurrence of this type of form in insects. The authors of the...