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Search results for: METODA SEGMENTOWA
EpiFood Adaptation of electrophoretic methods for the determination of the impact of food components on global DNA methylation.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2017/27/N/NZ9/02351 agreement from 2018-10-02
Preludium 21 Development of eco-friendly curing methods for constant shrinkage control of 3D printed concrete
ProjectsProject realized in West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin according to 2022/45/N/ST8/01277 agreement from 2022-12-06
Methodology for quick and precise calculation of human Body Surface Area
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Mechatronics and High Voltage Engineering according to UMO-2014/15/B/NZ7/01018 agreement from 2015-07-20
Otrzymywanie i charakterystyka trojwymiarowych struktur półprzewodnikowych metodami bezmatrycowymi
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2011/03/B/ST5/03242 agreement from 2012-08-29
NAWA ZUT-KhAI Methods of intelligent image and video processing based on visual quality metrics for emerging applications
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical Engineering according to PPN/BUA/2019/1/00074/U/00001 agreement from 2020-02-12
ASSIST Antenna Systems and Sensors for Information Society - new methods of theoretical analysis and fast numerical simulation
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to Decyzja nr 478/N-COST/2009/0 agreement from 2009-05-21
Studium podyplomowe Politechnika Gdańska Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska: Współczesne metody hydrologii inżynierskiej w gospodarce wodnej
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Hydraulic Engineering
nie dotyczy
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to WFOŚ/D/201/298/2015 agreement from 2015-12-15
Opracowanie metody i wykonanie przykładowej analizy systemowej pracy bloku jądrowego z reaktorem wodnym przy częściowym skojarzeniu
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering according to SP/J/10/176450/12 agreement from 2012-11-15
0091 Organocatalyzed Asymmetric Friedel-Crafts Reactions of Aromatic Heterocycles with 5-methylene Melldrum's Acid Derivatives. New Synthetic method of Biological and Pharmaceutical Interesting Moieties
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to POMOST/2013-8/6 agreement from 2014-07-21
Dezmetan Development of technology for substrate preparation used in methane co-fermentation using disintegration methods
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to POIR.04.01.02-00-0022/17 agreement from 2017-12-28
MCDF-COWF-EDM Zastosowanie wielokonfiguracyjnej metody Diraca-Focka do oszacowania wpływu elektronów swobodnych na elektryczne momenty dipolowe wybranych atomów diamagnetycznych
ProjectsProject realized in Katedra Fizyki Teoretycznej i Informatyki Kwantowej according to DEC-2017/01/X/ST2/0431 agreement from 2017-09-27
Grant KBN nr 7T07A 011 18, Flatter mostów wiszących i jego stabilizacja za pomocą metod aerodynamicznych ,
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to 1 agreement from 2000-05-01
POIG 01.01.02-10-106/09-00 Innovative measures and effective methods to improve the safety and durability of buildings and transport infrastructure in the sustainable development strategy
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to POIG 01.01.02-10-106/09-00 agreement from 2010-06-01
Wielopoziomowo-przyspieszone projektowanie optymalizacyjne liniowych stacjonarnych układów elektromagnetycznych wykorzystujące prawa fizyki, wielopoziomową metodę elementu skończonego i modele zredukowane
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to UMO-2012/07/B/ST7/01241 agreement from 2013-08-01
Nowoczesne metody obliczania przepustowości i oceny warunków ruchu dla dróg poza aglomeracjami miejskimi, w tym dla dróg szybkiego ruchu
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to DZP/RID-I-50/9/NCBR/2016 agreement from 2016-02-26
PRELUDIUM19 The impact of landfill fires on the atmospheric air quality - methodology and estimation of emission
ProjectsProject realized in Main School of Fire Safety according to 2020/37/N/ST10/02997 agreement from 2021-01-19
INNOTECH-K2/IN2/53/182767/NCBR/12 An intelligent PIG inspection device for the assessment of the condition of the underground oil and gas pipelines with the help of magnetic flux leakage (MFL) measurements
ProjectsProject realized in CDRiA Sp. z o.o. according to INNOTECH-K2/IN2/53/182767/NCBR/12 agreement from 2013-01-01
Methods for design of the camera network topology aimed to re-identification and tracking objects on the basis of behavior modeling with the flow graph
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Multimedia Systems according to UMO-2014/15/N/ST6/04905 agreement from 2015-09-30
GeoSPAR Weryfikacja i dobór (opracowanie nowych) metod analiz geoinformacyjncyh z wykorzystaniem GIS, na potrzeby typowania i progrnozowania zdarzeń kryminalnych i terrorystycznych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geoinformatics according to DOBR/0004/R/ID3/2012/03 agreement from 2012-12-19
Badania oddziaływań pochodnych akrydyny oraz niesymetrycznych pochodnych bisakrydynowych z kwasami nukleinowymi metodami spektroskopii NMR
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry from 2017-10-03
AID-4WATER Advanced electro-peroxone treatment of wastewater originated from medical units with special focus on pharmaceuticals degradation pathways
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to 20/1/2022/IDUB/I3b/Ag agreement from 2023-03-27
MINIATURA Research internship at the National Technical University of Athens on the study of geometric and radiometric calibration methods for multi-camera remote sensing systems under artificial illumination
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to 2022/06/X/ST10/00114 agreement from 2022-06-23
Zaawansowane techniki deformacji siatki wykorzystujące mechanikę bryły sztywnej dla zagadnień studiów parametrycznych i optymalizacji kształtu trójwymiarowych struktur elektromagnetycznych wysokiej częstotliwości z wykorzystaniem metody elementów skończ
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to UMO-2013/09/B/ST7/04202 agreement from 2014-04-03
BLOW Opracowanie metod neutralizacji zagrożenia wybuchu wytypowanych zbiorników z gazami technicznymi, w tym alternatywnymi źródłami zasilania w środowisku pożarowym na potrzeby ratowników biorących udział w akcjach ratowniczo-gaśniczych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Machine Design and Vehicles according to DOB-BIO6/02/50/2014 agreement from 2014-12-22
Meta-learning as a machine learning tool for experimental boosting of sorption properties of ionic liquids
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to UMO-2023/49/N/ST5/01043 agreement
Opracowanie nowych metodyk oznaczania związków bioaktywnych i zapachowych w próbkach owoców miechunki peruwiańskiej (Physalis peruviana L.) oraz innych "superowoców" jako narzędzia do oceny ich walorów zdrowotnych i sensorycznych.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2012/07/N/ST4/00629 agreement from 2016-07-17
SZS4SME Methodology of implementing and improving the environmental management system in SMEs. Integration of environmental management systems according to ISO 14000 series standards and EMAS guidelines and quality assurance system according to ISO 9000 series
ProjectsProject realized in Innovative Education Center