total: 3361
filtered: 10
- Publications 2059 available results
- Journals 128 available results
- Conferences 16 available results
- Publishing Houses 2 available results
- People 293 available results
- Inventions 2 available results
- Projects 10 available results
- Laboratories 1 available results
- Research Teams 8 available results
- Research Equipment 1 available results
- e-Learning Courses 655 available results
- Events 27 available results
- Open Research Data 159 available results
Chosen catalog filters
ARCHITEKTURA CATALHOYUK Catalhoyuk in the Late Neolith (6500 - 5900 BC): reconstruction of the settlement layout based on architectural and structural aspects of buildings.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of History of Architecture and Conservation of Monuments from 2014-07-01
RIBA The Royal Institute of British Architects Certificate
ProjectsProject realized in Administration, Faculty of Architecture
Paradygmat parametryczno-algorytmiczny w architekturze
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture from 2011-06-02
VREA Virtual Reality Engineering and game design for Architecture and Cultural Heritage
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture
n/d Investigation of traffic effects on flexible pavements reinforced by geocomposites
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to PPN_BEK_2020_1_00289 agreement from 2021-05-15
Optymalizacja wydajności obliczeniowej metody elementów skończonych w architekturze CUDA
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to UMO-2013/08/T/ST7/00531 agreement from 2013-09-13
SOA SOWI SOA (ang. Service Oriented Architecture) SOWI - usługowy system antyplagiatowy Politechniki Gdańskiej
ProjectsProject realized in TASK Informatics Center
Rozwój Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej poprzez zbudowanie nowej oferty kształcenia w zakresie gospodarki przestrzennej
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to UDA-POKL.04.01.01-00-237/08-00 agreement from 2008-08-27
NLITED New Level of Integrated Techniques for Daylighting Education
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning according to 2020-1-1T02-KA203-079527 agreement
TELOS Towards a European Landscape ecOnomy for a Sustainable urban development
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning according to 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000031123 agreement from 2021-12-15