Search results for: REGULACJA ROZMYTA
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Search results for: REGULACJA ROZMYTA
Allosteric regulation of cathepsins and procathepsins enzymatic activity by glycosaminoglycans and their mimetics
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to UMO-2023/48/C/ST4/00163 agreement from 2023-12-01
STOPertussis Regulation of SLPI-IL-17 signaling pathway during respiratory infections and vaccination
ProjectsProject realized in Jagiellonian University according to 2021/43/P/NZ6/02314 agreement from 2022-09-30
Investigating the coordinated regulation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and phospholipid amounts by the essential LPS assembly proteins LapB/LapC and the involvement of a new thioesterase
ProjectsProject realized in Laboratory of Bacterial Genetics according to UMO-2023/49/B/NZ1/01986 agreement