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Search results for: antena mikropaskowa
Badania anten konforemnych przy wykorzystaniu hybrydowych metod analizy
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to UMO-2011/01/D/ST7/06639 agreement from 2011-12-20
Projektowanie anten szerokopasmowych z wykorzystaniem szybkich metod optymalizacji wielokryterialnej
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering from 2014-08-13
Automatyczne projektowanie oraz efektywna optymalizacja wymiarów geometrycznych i topologii anten zminiaturyzowanych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microelectronic Systems according to UMO-2017/27/B/ST7/00563 agreement from 2018-06-29
BATS Baltic sea region Active mobiliTy Solutions - in darkness and all weather conditions
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to #C053 BATS agreement from 2023-10-16
GALATEA GALATEA diGitAL twin frAmework for TailorEd infAnt nutrition
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry according to 101183057 — GALATEA — HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01 agreement from 2024-08-06
TEWI Platforma Informatyczna TEWI
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering according to POIG.2.03.00-00-028/09 agreement from 2009-09-24
Characterization of bioactive peptides from chicken feather keratin and products of their transformations occurring during the Maillard reaction
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry, Technology and Biotechnology of Food according to UMO-2021/41/N/NZ9/04466 agreement from 2022-01-03
„Analiza skali zagrożeń środowiska hydrogeologicznego obszarów wiejskich z uwzględnieniem współcześnie występujących źródeł zanieczyszczeń
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering from 2013-05-27
JOIN THE NETWORK INTERNATIONAL ALUMNI - JOIN THE NETWORK. Działania wspierające nawiązanie współpracy z absolwentami zagranicznymi Politechniki Gdańskiej
ProjectsProject realized in Careers and Alumni Office
VIII Gdańskie Spotkania z Energią Odnawialną
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics from 2013-09-12
Budowa partnerstwa i opracowanie strategii: klastra branży ICT/ETI
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to UDA-RPPM.01.05.02-010/08-00 agreement from 2009-07-14
KCN Kompleks podwodny do obsługi nurkowań rekreacyjnych
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology from 2013-07-25
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ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry from 2012-10-09
Biblioteka Pomorska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (lokalizacja: Serwerownia CI TASK; ośr. digit. Politechnika Gdańska, Uniwersytet Gdański, Biblioteka Gdańska PAN; Centrum Mobilne - obwoźny skaner)
ProjectsProject realized in Library according to UDA-RPPM.02.02.02-00-011/08-00 agreement from 2009-06-29
Enhancing the capacity of Gdańsk Tech in the ENHANCE Alliance
ProjectsProject realized in International Relations Office
LABORATORIUM KOMPETENCJI – Podniesienie jakości edukacji ogólnej wiejskiej Gminy Sadlinki poprzez wsparcie uczniów oraz nauczycieli w rozwijaniu kompetencji kluczowych wymaganych na rynku pracy.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to RPPM.03.02.01-22-0012/15-00 agreement from 2016-10-28
CSR EUREKA Przebudowa i remont wraz z wyposażeniem Centrum Szkoleniowo-Rehabilitacyjnego EUREKA w Sopocie
Projects -
SOA SOWI SOA (ang. Service Oriented Architecture) SOWI - usługowy system antyplagiatowy Politechniki Gdańskiej
ProjectsProject realized in TASK Informatics Center
Klaster ICT INNOVA - Wzrost konkurencyjności i innowacyjności Pomorza poprzez rozwój klastra kluczowego branży ICT
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to UDA-RPPM.01.05.02-00-004/10 agreement from 2011-02-07
Unowocześnienie wyposażenia laboratoriów dydaktycznych na Wydziale ETI PG /Modernizacja infrastruktury edukacyjnej i naukowo-dydaktycznej Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki PG
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
Wpływ grupy donorowej substancji rozpuszczonej na stabilność temperaturową białka
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to DEC-2019/03/X/ST4/01021 agreement from 2019-12-04
REPHIRA Reduction of Pharmaceutical Emissions from Dispersed Point Sources in Rural Areas
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology
WISA Water Innovation system Amplifier
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology according to STHB.02.02.00-SE-0153/18 agreement from 2019-09-20
APRIORA Improved risk assessment for strategic water management to reduce micro-pollutant emissions in the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in University of Rostock according to PROGRAMME 2021-2027 agreement from 2023-11-01
APRIORA Improved risk assessment for strategic water management to reduce micro-pollutant emissions in the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in University of Rostock according to PROGRAMME 2021-2027 agreement from 2023-11-01
APRIORA Improved risk assessment for strategic water management to reduce micro-pollutant emissions in the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology
MORPHEUS Model Areas for Removal of Pharmaceutical Substances in the South Baltic
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology according to STHB.02.02.00-SE-0038/16-00 agreement from 2017-03-08
Ekoinnowacyjna technologia dezintegracji niskotemperaturowej zwiększająca efektywność technologiczną i energetyczną procesu przeróbki osadów ściekowych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering according to WFOŚ/D/201/6/2018 agreement from 2018-01-19
Studies of alkaline hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass and conversion conditions of hydrolized products to biogas
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2014/13/B/ST8/04258 agreement from 2015-02-11
Opracowanie nowych deskryptorów obrazowania w podczerwieni dla obiektywnej oceny gojenia ran pooperacyjnych
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to UMO-2011/03/B/ST7/03423 agreement from 2012-09-25
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ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to UDA.POKL-04.01.01-00-236/08 agreement from 2009-04-21
Mistrzowie Dydaktyki Mistrzowie Dydaktyki
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Economic Sciences according to MNISW/2020/306/DIR/KH agreement from 2020-10-07
Desorption efficiency of perfluorinated compounds from microplastics in a model considering digestion in fish and humans
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Colloid and Lipid Science from 2021-11-30
BE OPEN European forum and oBsErvatory for OPEN science in transport
ProjectsProject realized in Main Library Office according to 824323 — BE OPEN — H2020-MG-2018-2019-2020/H2020-MG-2018-SingleStage-INEA agreement from 2018-12-03
CNPG nie dotyczy
ProjectsProject realized in Rector’s Office according to UDA-POIS.13.01-017/08-00 agreement from 2010-02-24
Construction of high-performance mathematical models based on fractional calculus using new machine learning techniques as a parameter identification tool.
ProjectsProject realized in Divison of Differential Equations and Applications of Mathematics according to Wniosek o otwarcie zadania agreement from 2021-09-16
Solidarni z Ukrainą Solidarity with Ukraine
ProjectsProject realized in International Relations Office
UpGrid Real proven solutions to enable active demand and distributed generation flaxible integration, through a fully controllable LOW Voltage and MEDIUM Voltage distribution grid
ProjectsProject realized in Administration - Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering
BE OPEN European forum and oBsErvatory for OPEN science in transport
ProjectsProject realized in Main Library Office according to 445229/PnH2/2019 agreement from 2019-11-21
LearnNoisyVideo Video segmentation of irregular objects in the presence of noise/artifacts
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Biomedical Engineering according to UMO-2024/53/B/ST6/04273 agreement from 2025-01-29
Food OxNA2 Assessment of the potential toxicological risk associated with the consumption of nucleic acids oxidized during thermal processing of meat products
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry, Technology and Biotechnology of Food according to UMO-2023/49/N/NZ9/02749 agreement
UA w ENHANCE Collaboration with Ukrainian universities within the ENHANCE alliance
ProjectsProject realized in International Relations Office
Podniesienie kompetencji dydaktycznych nauczycieli akademickich Politechniki Gdańskiej
ProjectsProject realized in Main Library Office according to POWR. agreement from 2017-11-28
NPM 2025 International promotion of the Gdańsk University of Technology
ProjectsProject realized in International Relations Office
Kinezyna w ruchu względem tubuliny - właściwości wody solwatacyjnej i oddziaływania pomiędzy białkami
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to UMO-2013/09/D/NZ1/01087 agreement from 2014-02-10
New pathways for functionalization of phosphorus-rich ligands
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Inorganic Chemistry according to UMO-2017/25/N/ST5/00766 agreement from 2018-02-14
Strength in weakness: Nitrile and thiazolothiazole complexes as new materials for filamentary memristors
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Inorganic Chemistry according to UMO-2022/47/B/ST4/00728 agreement from 2023-06-02
PROM – krótkookresowa wymiana akademicka PROM- short term mobility project
ProjectsProject realized in Biuro ENHANCE
Dekaban A study of the role of bridge institutions in technology transfer from the R&D sector in the US
ProjectsProject realized in Politechnika Warszawska from 2006-10-01
CoLED Collaborative Learning Environment for Engineering Education
ProjectsProject realized in PRO-MED according to 11111111 agreement from 2018-10-01