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Search results for: poezja
BW Demiurge's work. A record of the Gnostic experience of existence in the early poetry of Czesław Miłosz
ProjectsProject realized in Wydział Filologiczny according to F100-5-030-9 agreement from 2009-04-05
2021/41/N/ST2/00972 Developing a new direction for collider BSM searches with Machine Learning
ProjectsProject realized in University of Warsaw according to DEC-2021/41/N/ST2/00972 agreement from 2021-11-26
THERMION Ionic thermoelectric phenomena in copper(I) selenide during the α→β phase transition and beyond
ProjectsProject realized in Division of New Functional Materials for Energy Conversion according to UMO-2020/37/N/ST3/03892 agreement from 2021-01-22
Nowoczesne metody obliczania przepustowości i oceny warunków ruchu dla dróg poza aglomeracjami miejskimi, w tym dla dróg szybkiego ruchu
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to DZP/RID-I-50/9/NCBR/2016 agreement from 2016-02-26