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Search results for: wdrazanie
Inkubator Innowacyjności Wsparcie systemu wdrażania innowacji w Politechnice Gdańskiej
ProjectsProject realized in Technology Transfer Office according to DS/1555/7/WG/POIG/II/2014 agreement from 2014-03-27
Circular MuSe Promoting circular economy approaches that increase the resource efficiency of municipal services
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology according to STHB.02.03-IP.01-0011/23-00 agreement
brak Grupowe wdrażanie elementów koncepcji Six Sigma w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach regionu pomorskiego
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Manufacturing and Production Engineering
DESTINATE "Decision supporting tools for implementation of cost-efficient railway noise abatement measures”
ProjectsProject realized in Poznan University of Technology according to 730829 agreement from 2016-11-01
SZS4SME Methodology of implementing and improving the environmental management system in SMEs. Integration of environmental management systems according to ISO 14000 series standards and EMAS guidelines and quality assurance system according to ISO 9000 series
ProjectsProject realized in Innovative Education Center