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Search results for: ZIMNOLUBNY ENZYM
A cold-adapted esterase from psychrotrophic Pseudoalteromonas sp. strain 643A
PublicationDzięki zastosowaniu lipaz możliwa jest biotechnologiczna produkcja biodegradowalnych biopolimerów, biopaliw (tzw. biodiesel), wielu terapeutyków, herbicydów, pestycydów, kosmetyków, substancji smakowych, serów i in. Szczególnie interesującą grupę stanowią enzymy lipolityczne, pochodzące z organizmów psychrofilnych i psychrotrofowych, ze względu na zdolność do wydajnego katalizowania reakcji w temperaturach rzędu 10-20 ºC....
Enzyme immobilization on magnetic nanoparticles
PublicationImmobilized enzymes have been commonly used in many branches of industry, biotechnology, medicine and also in analytical chemistry. Their use provides many advantages in comparison with free enzymes including repeated, easy recovery of the enzyme and improvement in enzyme stability. Enzymes are strong and specific catalysts, but are also expensive and fragile. Their immobilization and stabilization may reduce reaction costs, which...
Zimnolubna β-D-galaktozydaza Pseudoalteromonas sp. 22b - identyfikacja genu, klonowanie, ekspresja w komórkach Escherichia coli, oczyszczanie i charakterystyka.
Enzymes of UDP-GlcNAc biosynthesis in yeast
PublicationD-glukozamina stanowi ważny składnik budulcowy głównych elementów strukturalnych grzybowej ściany komórkowej: chityny, chitozanu i mannoprotein. Inne aminocukry, takie jak D-mannozamina i D-galaktozamina, stosunkowo powszechne w komórkach wyższych organizmów eukariotycznych, rzadko występują u grzybów i są praktycznie nieobecne w komórkach drożdży i drożdżaków. Zawierający glukozaminę nukleotyd cukrowy UDP-GlcNAc jest syntezowany...
Immobilized preparation of cold-adapted and halotolerant Antarctic β-galactosidase as a highly stable catalyst in lactose hydrolysis
PublicationZimnolubna rekombinowana beta-galaktozydaza antarktycznej morskiej bakterii Pseudoalteromonas sp. 22b została immobilizowana na chitozanie za pomocą aldehydu glutarowego. Preparat immobilizowanego enzymu w przeciwieństwie do preparatu enzymu w buforze reakcyjnym nie był inhibowany przez glukozę. Immobilizacja enzymu wpłynęła na podwyższenie o 10°C optymalnej temperatury aktywności względem jego nieimmobilizowanego odpowiednika...
[Chapter] 2. Thermostable enzymes in food processing
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono charakterystykę termostabilnych hydrolaz glikozydów, izomeraz, transferaz,lipaz i enzymów proteolitycznych w przetwórstwie rozmaitych surowców źywnościowych. Podano przyczyny termostabilności tych enzymów oraz wymieniono korzyści wynikające z ich stosowania.
Effect of furfural on the enzyme activity during enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose isolated from poplar wood (Populus sp.) Wpływ furfuralu na aktywność enzymu podczas hydrolizy celulozy wyodrębnionej z drewna topoli (Populus sp.)
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Glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase - the multi-facets enzyme
PublicationAmidotransferaza L-glutamina: D-frukozo-6-fosforan, nazywana zwyczajowo syntazą glukozamino-6-fosforanu, jako jedyny enzym należący do grupy amidotransferaz, nie wykazuje aktywności amoniakozależnej. Enzym ten, katalizujący pierwszy wyjątkowy etap w szlaku metabolicznym prowadzącym do ostatecznego wytworzenia 5´difosfourydyno-N-acetylo-D-glukozaminy (UDG-GlcNAc) stanowi ważny punkt kontroli metabolicznej biosyntezy makromolekuł...
Enzyme-conjugated MXene nanocomposites for biosensing and biocatalysis acuities
PublicationEngineered two-dimensional (2-D) MXenes-based materials with tunable characteristics and multi-functionalities have brought up new paradigms in the biosensing and catalysis of chemical compounds. The profusion of electroactive functional moieties on the surface of few/multi-layer MXenes facilitates their ability to retain biomolecules such as enzymes resulting in unique dimensions for bioanalytical and biosensing applications....
Cloning, expression, and purification of a recombinant cold-adapted β-galactosidase from antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. 22b
PublicationAntarktyczny szczep, gram-ujemnych bakterii Pseudoalteromonas sp. 22b, wyizolowanych z przewodu pokarmowego kryla z gatunku Thyssanoessa macrura, jest producentem wewnątrzkomórkowej zimnolubnej beta-galaktozydazy. Białko to jest homotetramerem, w którym każda z jednostek monomeru zbudowana jest z 1028 reszt aminokwasowych. Gen kodujący ten enzym został sklonowany i eksprymowany w komórkach E. coli. Następnie z zastosowaniem procedury...
Influence of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (or dioleoylphosphatidylcholine) and phospholipase A2 enzyme on the properties of emulsions
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Computer-assisted enzyme engineering by modification of tunnels, channels and gates
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In vitro antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory properties of Rubus caesius L
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The wetting and interfacial properties of alumina surface treated with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and lipase enzyme
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Quinone- and nitroreductase reactions of Thermotoga maritima peroxiredoxin–nitroreductase hybrid enzyme
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Modelling of Thyroid Peroxidase Reveals Insights into Its Enzyme Function and Autoantigenicity
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Enzyme Conjugation - A Promising Tool for Bio-catalytic and Biotransformation Applications – A Review
PublicationEnzymes have revolutionized conventional industrial catalysts as more efficient, eco-friendly, and sustainable substitutes that can be used in different biotechnological processes, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Yet, the enzymes from nature are engineered to make them adapt and enhance their durability in the industrial environment. One promising approach involves the combined use of multiple enzymes that catalyze highly...
Molecular modelling of a psychrophilic β-galactosidase
PublicationAntarktyczny szczep, gram-ujemnych bakterii, wyizolowanych z przewodu pokarmowego kryla z gatunku Thyssanoessa macrura, sklasyfikowany na podstawie analizy sekwencji nukleotydowej geny 16S rDNA jako Pseudoalteromonas sp. 22b jest producentem wewnątrzkomórkowej zimnolubnej beta-galaktozydazy. Ponieważ enzym ten wykazuje wysoką aktywność katalityczną w zakresie temperatur od 0 do 30 stC, stanowi on atrakcyjny biokatalizator, użyteczny...
In vitro enzyme inhibitory properties, antioxidant activities, and phytochemical profile of Potentilla thuringiaca
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Enzyme-linked carbon nanotubes as biocatalytic tools to degrade and mitigate environmental pollutants
PublicationA wide array of organic compounds have been recognized as pollutants of high concern due to their controlled or uncontrolled presence in environmental matrices. The persistent prevalence of diverse organic pollutants, including pharmaceutical compounds, phenolic compounds, synthetic dyes, and other hazardous substances, necessitates robust measures for their practical and sustainable removal from water bodies. Several bioremediation and...
Engineering Candida albicans glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase for efficient enzyme purification
PublicationRationally designed muteins of Candida albicans glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase, an enzyme known as a promising target for antifungal chemotherapy, were constructed, overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to near homogeneity. To facilitate and to optimize the purification of the enzyme, three recombinant versionscontaining internal oligoHis fragments were constructed: (i) by substituting residues 343 - 348...
Enzymy występujące w mięsie i ich wrażliwość na wysokie ciśnienie
PublicationW artykule przeglądowym przedstawiono wpływ wysokiego ciśnienia na aktywność endogennych enzymów występujących w tkance mięśniowej zwierząt stałocieplnych i ryb.
Changes in wetting properties of silica surface treated with DPPC in the presence of phospholipase A2 enzyme
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Electrokinetic properties of n-tetradecane/ethanol emulsions with DPPC and enzyme lipase or phospholipase A2
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Changes in wetting properties of alumina surface treated with DPPC in the presence of phospholipase A2 enzyme
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Organic solvents aggregating and shaping structural folding of protein, a case study of the protease enzyme
PublicationLow solubility of reactants or products in aqueous solutions can result in the enzymatic catalytic reactions that can occur in non-aqueous solutions. In current study we investigated aqueous solutions containing different organic solvents / deep eutectic solvents (DESs) that can influence the protease enzyme's activity, structural, and thermal stabilities. Retroviral aspartic protease enzyme is responsible for the cleavage of the...
Effect of dendrimer-based interlayers for enzyme immobilization on a model electrochemical sensing system for glutamate
PublicationIn this paper, we discuss dendrimer usage in enzyme-based electrochemical biosensors, particularly with respect to biomolecule loading on the sensing surface. A novel approach to design bioactive layers with immobilized enzymes for electrochemical biosensors using the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) method in combination with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was presented. The gold surface was modified with linear linkers...
Effect of Temperature on n-Tetradecane Emulsion in the Presence of Phospholipid DPPC and Enzyme Lipase or Phospholipase A2
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Assessing the Interactions of Statins with Human Adenylate Kinase Isoenzyme 1: Fluorescence and Enzyme Kinetic Studies
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Effect of Whole-Body Cryostimulation on Serum Mediators of Inflammation and Serum Muscle Enzyme in Healthy Men
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Activity and primary characterization of enzyme from Thermus ruber cells catalyzing conversion of maltose into trehalose
PublicationTermofilna bakteria Thermus ruber wytwarza syntazę trehalozy użyteczną do jednoetapowego przekształcania maltozy w trehalozę. Enzym ten wykazuje największą aktywność w temperaturze 65 C przy pH 6,5. Największą wydajność wytwarzania enzymu osiągano podczas hodowli drobnoustroju w temp. 55 stC w podłożu zawierającym 0,5% peptonu,0,1% ekstraktu drożdżowego oraz 0,% maltozy lub skrobi.
A simple modification to improve the accuracy of methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme quantitative polymerase chain reaction
PublicationDNA digestion with endonucleases sensitive to CpG methylation such as HpaII followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) quantitation is commonly used in molecular studies as a simple and inexpensive solution for assessment of region-specific DNA methylation. We observed that the results of such analyses were highly overestimated if mock-digested samples were applied as the reference.We determined DNA methylation levels in several...
Inspired by Nature: The Use of Plant-derived Substrate/Enzyme Combinations to Generate Antimicrobial Activity in situ
PublicationThe last decade has witnessed a renewed interest in antimicrobial agents. Plants have received particular attention and frequently rely on the spontaneous enzymatic conversion of an inactive precursor to an active agent. Such two-component substrate/enzyme defence systems can be reconstituted ex vivo. Here, the alliin/alliinase system from garlic seems to be rather effective against Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whilst the glucosinolate/myrosinase...
A Flexible Nafion Coated Enzyme‐free Glucose Sensor Based on Au‐dimpled Ti Structures
PublicationThe detection of glucose at low concentrations using electrochemical sensors is of great importance due to the possibility of using different human body fluids than blood, such as e.g. urine, saliva, sweat or tears. The interest behind those biofluids is related to their utility in non-invasive sugar determination. In this work, we present flexible, fully biocompatible electrode material based on Au nanoparticles immobilized onto...
Chromogenic Substrates of Bovine β-Trypsin: The Influence of an Amino Acid Residue in P1 Position on Their Interaction with the Enzyme
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Comparison of antioxidant enzyme activities and DNA damage in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes exposed to vanadium
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The effect of inorganic nanoparticles (ZnO, Cr2O3, CuO and Ni) and their bulk counterparts on enzyme activities in different soils
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Effect of Converting Enzyme Inhibitor on Copper and Iron Concentrations of Blood Plasma in Calves During the Neonatal Period
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Photoactive Protochlorophyllide-Enzyme Complexes Reconstituted with PORA, PORB and PORC Proteins of A. thaliana: Fluorescence and Catalytic Properties
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Chocolate desserts with ricotta hydrolysates: In vitro study of inhibitory activity against angiotensin‐converting enzyme and cholinesterase
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Thyroid peroxidase as a dual active site enzyme: Focus on biosynthesis, hormonogenesis and thyroid disorders of autoimmunity and cancer
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Chloroacridine derivatives as potential anticancer agents which may act as tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme inhibitors
PublicationThe chloroacridines affect biological forms of melanoma in different ways. Amelanotic (Ab) melanoma (with inhibited melanogenesis and higher malignancy) was particularly sensitive to the action of the chloroacridines. The Ab melanoma cells died through apoptosis and through death without caspase activation. Diminished activity of TAC enzymes was noticed among Ab melanoma cells together with ATP/NAD depletion, especially in the...
Production of trehalose by intramolecular transglucosylation of maltose catalysed by a new enzyme from Thermus thermophilus hb-8
PublicationThermus thermophilus HB-8 jest źródłem syntazy trehalozy katalizującej konwersję maltozy. Aktywność specyficzna wytwarzania trehalozy w reakcji katalizowanej ekstraktem białek komórkowych wymienionej bakterii wynosi 0,1 U/mg białka i frakcjonowanie białek przez wysalanie siarczanem amonu powoduje około 3,5-krotne zwiększenie aktywności specyficznej. Optymalna temperatura konwersji maltozy wynosi 65 st.C i w 85 st.C zostaje zachowane...
Glucose/O2 biofuel cell to generate electricity
PublicationOgniwa paliwowe mogą stanowić jedną z głównych technologii do produkowania energii w przyszłości. Pozwalają na uzyskanie energii elektrycznej i ciepła bezpośrednio z zachodzącej w nich reakcji chemicznej. Glukoza utleniana jest do glukonolaktonu przez enzym Glucose Oxidase, który jest immobilizowany ze specyficznym mediatorem na anodzie, podczas gdy tlen jest redukowany do wody za pomocą enzymu Laccase zimmobilizowanego ze specyficznym...
Development of the first internally-quenched fluorescent substrates of human cathepsin C: The application in the enzyme detection in biological samples
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Comparison of siRNA-mediated silencing of glycosaminoglycan synthesis genes and enzyme replacement therapy for mucopolysaccharidosis in cell culture studies.
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Effects of melatonin on lipid peroxidation and antioxidative enzyme activities in the liver, kidneys and brain of rats administered with benzo(a)pyrene
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Comparison of antioxidant and enzyme inhibition activities as well chemical composition of different extracts and fractions of Rubus caesius leaves
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Biscuits from Fermented Roasted Buckwheat Flour - Phenolics Profile and Bioaccessible Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Activity
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Toxoplasma gondii: Recombinant GRA5 antigen for detection of immunoglobulin G antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
PublicationW publikacji po raz pierwszy oszacowano przydatność diagnostyczną antygenu rekombinantowego GRA5 Toxoplasma gondii do serodiagnostyki toksoplazmozy u ludzi. Do celu wykorzystano pulę surowic pochodzącą od 189 pacjentów chorych na toksoplazmozę wczesną, podostrą i przewlekłą oraz od 31 pacjentów zdrowych , które testowano z wykorzystaniem metody ELISA. Specyficzne przeciwciała anty-GRA5 klasy IgG wykryto w 70,9% surowic seropozytywnych....