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Search results for: distributed searching

  • Distributed graph searching with a sense of direction

    In this work we consider the edge searching problem for vertex-weighted graphs with arbitrarily fast and invisible fugitive. The weight function w provides for each vertex v the minimum number of searchers required to guard v, i.e., the fugitive may not pass through v without being detected only if at least w(v) searchers are present at v. This problem is a generalization of the classical edge searching problem, in which one has...

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  • Searching by heterogeneous agents

    In this work we introduce and study a pursuit-evasion game in which the search is performed by heterogeneous entities. We incorporate heterogeneity into the classical edge search problem by considering edge-labeled graphs: once a search strategy initially assigns labels to the searchers, each searcher can be only present on an edge of its own label. We prove that this problem is not monotone even for trees and we give instances...

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  • Searching by Heterogeneous Agents


    - Year 2019

    In this work we introduce and study a pursuit-evasion game in which the search is performed by heterogeneous entities. We incorporate heterogeneity into the classical edge search problem by considering edge-labeled graphs. In such setting a searcher, once a search strategy initially decides on the label of the searcher, can be present on an edge only if the label of the searcher and the label of the edge are the same. We prove...

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  • Searching the growth factors.


    - Year 2004

    W części literaturowej przedstawiono dotychczasową wiedzę na temat dotych-czasowych czynników wzrostu małych przedsiębiorstw, tworząc model badawczy. W części literaturowej opisano wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na próbie 28 właścicieli małych firm w regionie Gdańskim w latach 1996 i 2003.

  • Agent-Based Non-distributed and Distributed Clustering


    - Year 2009

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  • Connected searching of weighted trees


    W pracy pokazano, że problem spójnego przeszukiwania drzew ważonych jest silnie NP-zupełny. Problem pozostaje trudnym dla drzew z jednym wierzchołkiem o stopniu większym niż 2. Ponadto, przedstawiony został wielomianowy optymalny algorytm dla klasy drzew z ograniczonym stopniem.

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  • Connected searching of weighted trees

    W artykule rozważamy problem spójnego przeszukiwania drzew obciążonych. Autorzy w [L. Barriere i inni, Capture of an intruder by mobile agents, SPAA'02 (2002) 200-209] twierdzą, że istnieje wielomianowy algorytm dla problemu obliczania optymalnej strategii przeszukiwania obciążonego drzewa. W niniejszej pracy pokazano, że problem ten jest obliczeniowo trudny nawet dla wierzchołkowo-obciążonych drzew (wagi krawędzi równe 1) oraz...

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  • On minimum cost edge searching


    We consider the problem of finding edge search strategies of minimum cost. The cost of a search strategy is the sum of searchers used in the clearing steps of the search. One of the natural questions is whether it is possible to find a search strategy that minimizes both the cost and the number of searchers used to clear a given graph G. We call such a strategy ideal. We prove, by an example, that ideal search strategies do not...

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  • A Distributed Description of Facts in a Distributed Semantic Web Ontology


    - Year 2008

    Inicjatywa Sieci Semantycznej (ang. Semantic Web) zakłada tworzenie w Internecie ontologii zawierających semantyczny opis dużych dziedzin wiedzy. Okazało się jednak, że przekroczenie pewnej wielkości ontologii powoduje szereg negatywnych zjawisk. Aby tym zjawiskom zapobiec, wiele prac koncentruje się na dzieleniu baz wiedzy. Celem tego opracowania jest zaprezentowanie problemów związanych z modularyzacją oraz przedstawienie kilku...

  • Searching for new development in areas of the city

    • M. Skiba
    • A. Bazan-Krzywoszańska
    • W. Eckert
    • M. Mrówczyńska
    • M. Sztubecka

    - E3S Web of Conferences - Year 2018

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  • Hearing and stomatognathic system: Searching for a link


    - Dental and Medical Problems - Year 2017

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  • Searching for metric structure of musical files


    Celem opisywanych prac jest porównanie efektywności wybranych metod sztucznej inteligencji w wyznaczaniu rytmu dla zapisu symbolicznego muzyki. Opisano sposób wykorzystania sztucznych sieci neuronowych i zbiorów przybliżonych do poszukiwania właściwej struktury rytmicznej utworu. Analizowane są fizyczne atrybuty dźwięku, które są najbardziej znaczące dla określenia położenia dźwięku na pozycji akcentowanej lub nieakcentowanej....

  • Edge ranking and searching in partial orders


    Artykuł jest poświęcony problemowi konstrukcji optymalnej (wymagającej minimalnej ilości porównań/zapytań) strategii wyszukiwania elementu w częściowym porządku. W pracy wskazano związki pomiędzy tym problemem oraz uporządkowanym kolorowaniem krawędzi grafów, co implikuje liniowy algorytm dla częściowych porządków o strukturze drzewa. Pokazano również, że znalezienie optymalnej strategii jest problemem obliczeniowo trudnym dla...

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  • Searching for a new therapeutic target in sepsis


    - Minerva Anestesiologica - Year 2023

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  • Non-monotone graph searching models

    Graph searching encompasses a variety of different models, many of which share a property that in optimal strategies fugitive can never access once searched regions. Monotonicity, as it is called, is vital in many established results in the field however its absence significantly impedes the analysis of a given problem. This survey attempts to gather non-monotone models, that are less researched in effort of summarizing the results...

  • A Framework for Searching in Graphs in the Presence of Errors


    - Year 2019

    We consider a problem of searching for an unknown target vertex t in a (possibly edge-weighted) graph. Each vertex-query points to a vertex v and the response either admits that v is the target or provides any neighbor s of v that lies on a shortest path from v to t. This model has been introduced for trees by Onak and Parys [FOCS 2006] and for general graphs by Emamjomeh-Zadeh et al. [STOC 2016]. In the latter, the authors provide...

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  • Testability of distributed object.

    • M. Sławińska

    - Year 2004

    Wyróżniono trzy poziomy zdalnego dostępu do obiektu: ograniczony, częściowy; pełny i sformułowano warunki testowalności dla dwu klas aplikacji rozproszonych: własnych i obcych. Zaproponowano metodę zdalnego monitorowania stanu obiektów zaimplementowanych =na platformie COBRA

  • Relability of distributed networks


    Niezawodność sieci jest jednym z parametrów opisujących jakość sieci. Jako parametr niezawodnościowy przyjęto liczbę niezależnych tras pomiędzy każdą parą węzłów. Podano dwie metody projektowania niezawodnych sieci. Jedna z nich wyznacza niezawodną strukturę sieci o minimalnym koszcie, druga wyznacza niezawodną strukturę z minimalną liczbą kanałów.

  • Application of genetic algorithms in graph searching problem

    Graph searching is a common approach to solving a problem of capturing a hostile intruder by a group of mobile agents. We assume that this task is performed in environment which we are able to model as a graph G. The question asked is how many agents are needed to capture an arbitrary fast, invisible and smart intruder. This number is called the (edge) search number of G. The strategy which must be performed by agents is called...

  • Searching for innovation knowledge: insight into KIBS companies


    - Knowledge Management Research & Practice - Year 2017

    The paper analyses the activity of research for “innovation knowledge”—here defined as knowledge that can lead to the introduction of service innovations—by Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) companies. It proposes a classification of the possible search approaches adopted by those companies based on two dimensions: the pro-activity of search efforts and the source primarily used. Such classification is then discussed...

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  • Searching for smart solutions:Comparative study of Gdansk and Glasgow


    - Year 2015

    This chapter is the executive summary of undertaken comparative study between Gdansk and Glasgow.

  • Searching for innovation knowledge: insight into KIBS companies


    - Year 2015

    Purpose – The paper analyzes the patterns of research of “innovation knowledge” (i.e. knowledge that can result in introducing innovations in the company that can be observed in KIBS (Knowledge-Intensive Business Services) companies. Particularly, it identifies and classifies the possible approaches adopted by companies on the basis of two dimensions: the intensity/proactivity of search efforts, and the source primarily used. Design/methodology/approach...

  • Multi-agent graph searching and exploration algorithms


    - Year 2020

    A team of mobile entities, which we refer to as agents or searchers interchangeably, starting from homebases needs to complete a given task in a graph.The goal is to build a strategy, which allows agents to accomplish their task. We analyze strategies for their effectiveness (e.g., the number of used agents, the total number of performed moves by the agents or the completion time).Currently, the fields of on-line (i.e., agents...

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  • On the complexity of distributed greedy coloring


    - Year 2007

    W pracy rozważono problem kolorowania grafów przy dodatkowym założeniu, że kolor żadnego wierzchołka nie może zostać zmniejszony bez zmiany kolorów przynajmniej jednego z jego sąsiadów. Przeprowadzone rozważania dotyczyły złożoności obiczeniowej problemu w modelu Liniala obliczeń rozproszonych. Podano ograniczenia dolne i górne złożoności problemu oraz zestawiono problem z innymi pokrewnymi zagadnieniami grafowymi.

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  • Distributed VoIP telecommunication system


    - Year 2009

    In the paper a distributed VoIP telecommunication system architecture with load balancing is described. Important features of this architecture are the high level of system reliability and the possibility of using lowcost hardware solutions.

  • Distributed Learning with Data Reduction


    - Year 2011

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  • Theory vs. practice. Searching for a path of practical education

    The introduction of a three-tier model of higher education (the Bologna model) has led to considerable changes in the 1st- and 2nd-tier technical courses at universities. At present, a student with a bachelor’s degree can be employed in his / her profession after completing only 7 semesters of study. A search is under way for methods of combining theoretical knowledge taught at universities with practical knowledge gained afterwards....

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  • Searching for Critical Conditions During Lifeboat Launching – Simulations

    The article describes numerical simulations of the process of lifeboat launching at the ship’s side. The research is aimed at finding the values of ship motion parameters which appear to be most dangerous for people in the lowered lifeboat due to the generated accelerations. The simplified model of ship hull motion adopted at this research stage bases on a superposition of harmonic motions with given amplitudes and periods in six...

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  • Searching for road deformations using mobile laser scanning


    Millions of people use roads every day all over the world. Roads, like many other structures, have an estimated durability. In Poland a lot of the roads were built at the turn of the 20th and 21st c., especially for light cars. Many of these roads carry traffic and heavy goods vehicles which were not predicted when the traffic was first estimated. It creates a lot of problems with technical conditions and the infrastructure must...

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  • Usage of parametric echosounder with emphasis on buried object searching.


    - Year 2013

    The purpose of this article is to present the results of investigation to search for buried objects. The paper will contain echograms and other means of visualization from buried pipe placed between area of W?adys?awowo and gas platform and interesting in terms of the number of small and medium-sized unidentified objects found in the muddy bottom at different depths localized in the Gulf of Puck - results will be presented also...

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  • Blackout initial disturbances in electric Power System searching


    The paper contains short survey of the blackouts that took place in the last few years. The sources and initial disturbances are discussed. The typical scenario of the disturbance, leading to blackout in the electrical power system are presented.Next, models of a power system eligible to considered topic are discussed. Finally the algorithm of the blackout initial disturbances in power system searching is presented.The consideration...

  • Landscape of the Vistula Estuary - searching for traces of ingenium embodied


    - Year 2005

    Artykuł podaje skrótowe informacje o dawnym i współczesnym znaczeniu obiektów inżynieryjnych w krajobrazie delty Wisły, które znalazły się na trasie objazdu konserwatorskiego w dniu 5 maja w ramach realizacji programu konferencji HOT-GO 4 wraz z kalendarium ich dziejów: Most Lisewski przez Wisłę w Tczewie, wielki przekop Wisły w Świbnie, śluzy w Przegalinie, Gdańskiej Głowie i Białej Górze, relikty kanału w Piekle.

  • Searching of the buried objects in the sea bottom by means of noninvasive methods


    - Year 2012

    Searching of objects on the seabed or under its surface currently is a challenge for a number of researchers interested in the sea bottom. The problem relates to the objects on the depths of up to several tens of meters from the surface of the seabed. Finding the objects is the subject of interest for a wide group of users starting from archaeologists, and ending on groups interested in marine safety, as well as in military application...

  • Searching for objects under the sea bed bythe acoustic method


    Opisano metodykę poszukiwania przedmiotów zamulonych w morzu z zastosowaniem metod akustycznych.

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  • Comparison of reproduction strategies in genetic algorithm approach to graph searching

    genetic algorithms (ga) are a well-known tool used to obtain approximate solutions to optimization problems. successful application of genetic algorithm in solving given problem is largely dependant on selecting appropriate genetic operators. selection, mutation and crossover techniques play a fundamental role in both time needed to obtain results and their accuracy. in this paper we focus on applying genetic algorithms in calculating...

  • Maszyny elektryczne wokół nas. Poszukiwanie dróg do nauczania na kierunku Elektrotechnika Politechniki Gdańskiej = Electrical machines around us. searching for teaching ways at electrical engineering of the Gdansk University of Technology

    Streszczenie angielskie: This paper provides a summary of the didactic assumptions, goals and approach concerning the syllabus and description/modelling of electrical machines (EM) for teaching in the field of power electrical engineering at the Gdansk University of Technology. They have been used to write e-text book entitled "Electrical machines around us" that covered the lectures on electrical machines given for the second...

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  • Distributed representation of information on cyclic events

    A representation of information on cyclic events has been proposed which is advantageous for computing environments where a distributed set of Receivers reacts to cyclic events generated by distributed sources. In such scenario no immanent central information repository exist on event timing or volume. Receivers are able to learn the event cycles without communicating with each other, merely on the basis of the fact that an event...

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  • Geometric Algebra Model of Distributed Representations


    - Year 2010

    Formalism based on GA is an alternative to distributed representation models developed so far-Smolensky's tensor product, Holographic Reduced Representations (HRR) and Binary Spatter Code (BSC). Convolutions are replaced by geometric products, interpretable in terms of geometry which seems to be the most natural language for visualization of higher concepts. This paper recalls the main ideas behind the GA model and investigates...

  • A consensus-based approach to the distributed learning


    - Year 2011

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  • Prototype selection algorithms for distributed learning


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  • An agent-based framework for distributed learning


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    In this paper we discuss the comparison of point cloud filters focusing on their applicability for streaming optimization. For the filtering stage within a stream pipeline processing we evaluate three filters: Voxel Grid, Pass Through and Statistical Outlier Removal. For the filters we perform series of the tests aiming at evaluation of changes of point cloud size and transmitting frequency (various fps ratio). We propose a distributed...

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  • Depth Images Filtering In Distributed Streaming

    In this paper, we propose a distributed system for point cloud processing and transferring them via computer network regarding to effectiveness-related requirements. We discuss the comparison of point cloud filters focusing on their usage for streaming optimization. For the filtering step of the stream pipeline processing we evaluate four filters: Voxel Grid, Radial Outliner Remover, Statistical Outlier Removal and Pass Through....

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  • Distributed Evacuation in Graphs with Multiple Exits


    We consider the problem of efficient evacuation using multiple exits. We formulate this problem as a discrete problem on graphs where mobile agents located in distinct nodes of a given graph must quickly reach one of multiple possible exit nodes, while avoiding congestion and bottlenecks. Each node of the graph has the capacity of holding at most one agent at each time step. Thus, the agents must choose their movements strategy...

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  • The methods of design reliable distributed networks

    Opisano dwie metody projektowania niezawodnych sieci rozległych. W pierwszej metodzie przyjęto, że koszt konstrukcji każdego połączenia jest jednakowy, w drugiej koszty opisuje zadana macierz kosztów. Jako parametr niezawodnościowy przyjęto liczbę niezależnych dróg pomiędzy węzłami sieci. Pierwsza z metod jest metodą dokładną, druga heurystyczną. Zdefiniowano i oceniono błąd metody heurystycznej. Opublikowano wyniki otrzymane...

  • Influence of Exception Handling on Distributed Applications.


    W artykule przedstawiono metodologię oceny systemów rozproszonych w sytuacji występowania wyjątków i błędów. Analiza jest przeprowadzana przez zidentyfikowanie zmian stanów danych i wyprowadzenie ogólnych charakterystyk systemu. Rozproszone zależności są modelowane przez podstawowe zależności między metodami i złożone zależności występujące w sytemie. Analiza umożliwia odpowiedź na pytanie, jak zależności rozproszone wpływają na...

  • Distributed processing in medical, parametric imaging


    - Year 2005

    Artykuł prezentuje metodę dystrybucji bazującej na JavaSpace do zastosowania w wyznaczaniu obrazów parametrycznych. Zaimplementowano metodologię Compute Server, którą użyto do aktywnej termografii i dynamicznych badań MRI mózgu.

  • On greedy graph coloring in the distributed model


    - Year 2006

    Artykuł traktuje o zachłannym kolorowaniu grafów w modelu rozproszonym. Zaprezentowano nowy probabilistyczny algorytm dający w wyniku pokolorowanie LF. Udowodniono, że jakakolwiek rozproszona implementacja LF wymaga co najmniej D rund, gdzie D jest maksymalnym stopniem wierzchołka w grafie.

  • Searching of the buried objects into the sea bottom by means of nonlinear acouctic methods


    The main goal of this paper is to introduce the methodology of preparing the area for investigations that will be carried out at the sea. As the first step there is recognition of the basic method both in the theory as well as experimental investigation. There were taken into account the nonlinear methods. These ones are very promising methods that have very interesting features, very convenient for examinations of the seabed structure....

  • World Wide Web CBIR Searching Using Query by Approximate Shapes


    - Year 2019

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