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Search results for: UNMANED PLAFORM

  • Geo-location of the commune of an IP user


    - Year 2008

    This paper describes a system of geo-location of an IP user that would enable VoIP users to call 112. Basic requirement is fast (under 50ms) determination of the commune of the subscriber. To obtain as accurate information as possible aggregation of several methods was proposed: using a database of locations of IP ranges created by specialized companies, traceroute using history of user locations to assume his current one.It is...

  • AffecTube — Chrome extension for YouTube video affective annotations


    - SoftwareX - Year 2023

    The shortage of emotion-annotated video datasets suitable for training and validating machine learning models for facial expression-based emotion recognition stems primarily from the significant effort and cost required for manual annotation. In this paper, we present AffecTube as a comprehensive solution that leverages crowdsourcing to annotate videos directly on the YouTube platform, resulting in ready-to-use emotion-annotated...

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  • A Stand for Measurement and Prediction of Scattering Properties of Diffusers


    In this paper we present a set of solutions which may be used for prototyping and simulation of acoustic scattering devices. A system proposed is capable of measuring sound field. Also a way to use an open source solution for simulation of scattering phenomena occurring in proximity of acoustic diffusers is shown. The result of our work are measurement procedure and a prototype of the simulation script based on FEniCS - an open source...

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  • Implementacja wykrywalnych usług typu REST na platformie Jakarta EE


    - Year 2021

    Niniejszy rozdział przedstawia propozycję w jaki sposób może być realizowana implementacja wykrywalnych usług sieciowych opartych na stylu architektonicznym REST na platformie Jakarta EE. Zostały tutaj przedstawione zarówno podstawy teoretyczne niezależne od zastosowanej platformy technologicznej, jak i szczegóły implementacji w technologii JAX-RS wchodzącej w skład platformy Jakarta EE. W szczególności zostały tutaj przedstawione...

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    The hydroacoustic signature of ships' propellers can be estimated experimentally through measurements of cavitation-induced pressure fluctuations and the corresponding noise distributions at model scale. These measurements need to be performed in a cavitation tunnel under the propellers operating conditions and are quite sensitive and challenging to perform with sufficient accuracy. In comparison, the numerical approach can be...

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  • Numerical solutions for blood flow in elastic vessels



    We consider the differential–algebraic system for the blood flow and pressure in the systemic arteries. By the operator splitting method, we transform the system into the hyperbolic one, introduce the bicharacteristics, and perform the time–space nonuniform discretization, obtaining the innovative difference scheme. Our results are illustrated with numerical experiments.

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  • System Supporting Speech Perception in Special Educational Needs Schoolchildren


    - Year 2012

    The system supporting speech perception during the classes is presented in the paper. The system is a combination of portable device, which enables real-time speech stretching, with the workstation designed in order to perform hearing tests. System was designed to help children suffering from Central Auditory Processing Disorders.

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  • Precise Bathymetry as a Step Towards Producing Bathymetric Electronic Navigational Charts for Comparative (Terrain Reference) Navigation



    Bathymetric Electronic Navigational Charts (bENCs) contain only bathymetry data and can be used in applications such as underwater positioning, dredging and piloting. According to International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) standard S-57, Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) contain depth information with pure density of depth contours. Typical depth contours encoded by Hydrographic Offices are limited to 2, 5, 10 and 20 m....

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    - Year 2015

    We study the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of the p53-Mdm2 model proposed by Monk (2003). The p53 gene is crucial for cellular inhibition of the angiogenesis process, while Mdm2 is a negative regulator of the p53 tumor-suppressor. We investigate the stability of the positive steady state and perform some numerical experiments.

  • Wiarygodna integracja systemów ESB oraz Web services

    W pracy przedstawiono problem wiarygodnej integracji aplikacji rozproszonych z wykorzystaniem technologii Enterprise Service Bus oraz Web services. Przeprowadzono badania trzech platform integracji serwisów: Sun Open ESB, Windows Workflow Foundation oraz Mule ESB wraz z najbardziej popularnymi serwerami Web services. Badania wykazały, że delkarowane i zaimplementowane możliwości współpracy w platformach integracji różnią się w...

  • Knowledge-Grid Modelling for Academic Purposes


    - Year 2016

    Nowadays, we face a huge amount of data and information sharing on the Web by different users worldwide. A multidimensional perspective in describing a university ontology seems to be very important for the modelling of higher education resources. This paper proposes a multi-dimensional knowledge model, designed to distribute and manage knowledge resources efficiently. We propose our model as the foundation of an advanced knowledge...

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  • A shared curriculum for daylighting education to meet the educational needs of society

    • N. Gentile,
    • F. Giuliani
    • M. Khanie, Sarey
    • N. Sokół
    • V. R. M. Lo Verso
    • F. Caffaro
    • M. K. Pedersen
    • F. Pompili
    • P. Mattsson

    - Year 2022

    This article describes the collaborative creation of the curriculum for a new eLearning programme on daylighting design of buildings targeting both traditional and lifelong learners. The programme consists of an online platform integrated with a summer school for practical applications. The process was conducted through several workshops with professionals, representatives of national bodies on building regulations, academics,...

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  • GPU based implementation of Temperature-Vegetation Dryness Index for AVHRR3 Satellite Data


    Paper presents an implementation of TVDI (Temperature-Vegetation-Dryness Index) algorithm on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). Calculation of this index is based on LST (Land Surface Temperature) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). Discussed results are based on multi-spectral imagery retrieved from AVHRR3 sensors for area of Poland. All phases of TVDI implementation on GPU are modified in respect to CUDA platform....

  • Finite element matrix generation on a GPU

    This paper presents an efficient technique for fast generation of sparse systems of linear equations arising in computational electromagnetics in a finite element method using higher order elements. The proposed approach employs a graphics processing unit (GPU) for both numerical integration and matrix assembly. The performance results obtained on a test platform consisting of a Fermi GPU (1x Tesla C2075) and a CPU (2x twelve-core...

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  • Przykład zastosowania przetworników piezoelektrycznych do stworzenia elektronicznych padów na platformie sprzętowej Arduino


    - Year 2018

    W pracy zaprezentowano autorskie urządzenie umożliwiające sterowania procesem wyzwalania dowolnych próbek dźwiękowych przy użyciu tak zwanych padów perkusyjnych w zewnętrznym samplerze. Pady stworzono za pomocą zestawu zabawkowej perkusji, przetworników piezoelektrycznych oraz specjalnie zaprogramowanej platformy sprzętowej Arduino.

  • Wykonanie i zastosowanie układów złożonych z miniaturowych (solid-contact) elektrod jonoselektywnych do badań biomedycznych


    - Year 2017

    W rozprawie doktorskiej przedstawiono konstrukcję i parametry miniaturowych elektrod jonoselektywnych (EJS) użytych do budowy zintegrowanych platform czujnikowych, które mogą mieć potencjalne zastosowanie w badaniach biomedycznych i klinicznych. Wykazano wpływ lepkości roztworu na zakres liniowy pracy EJS oraz wpływ temperatury przechowywania próbek śliny na ich skład jonowy. Praca badawcza obejmowała zaprojektowanie, wykonanie...

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  • Research project BRIK: development of an innovative method for determining the precise trajectory of a railway vehicle


    - Przegląd Komunikacyjny - Year 2019

    In the paper the essential assumptions regarding a research project implemented by a consortium of Gdansk University of Technology and Gdynia Maritime University are presented. The project has been commissioned by National Center of Research and Development with cooperation with Polish Railways (PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.). The project is focused in implementation of modern measurement techniques using Global Navigation Positioning...

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  • Overcoming carboxylic acid inhibition by granular consortia in high-load liquefied food waste fermentation for efficient lactate accumulation



    Granular sludge, a self-aggregating spherical biofilm, possesses better stability compared to flocculent sludge under extreme conditions. This study compared the ability of anaerobic granular sludge (AnGS) and flocculent waste activated sludge (WAS) to convert food waste (FW) into highly-valuable optically active lactic acid (LA), a central and versatile intermediate platform molecule. Different loadings (30–60 g volatile suspended...

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  • Modeling and control of a redundantly actuated variable mass 3RRR planar manipulator controlled by a model-based feedforward and a model-based-proportional-derivative feedforward–feedback controller


    - MECHATRONICS - Year 2016

    In the paper, dynamics of a complex mechatronics system is considered. A redundantly actuated planar manipulator is the base of the mechanical part of it. It is a 3RRR 1 platform based parallel manipulator. To control its trajectory, a model-based feedforward controller is employed. Three aspects are fundamental in the presented investigations. The first focus is on development of an accurate numerical model used to solve the inverse...

  • Capacity Transforming challenges into opportunities


    - Year 2022

    The Urban Initiative Laboratory (UIL) aims to upgrade the smart city concept in Gdańsk by introducing the Food-Water-Energy (FWE) nexus to the city. It was agreed in the CRUNCH international consortium that projects on different scales would be implemented in the individual countries to test the Integrated Decision Supportive system platform, which would, in principle, concern urban scale. The regular urban scale was to be researched...

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  • Receiver of Doppler multistatic system for moving target detection and tracking


    The article presents a method for solving major structural problems that occur in the receiver used in the multistatic Doppler system, aimed at determination of the trajectory and velocity of a moving target. In the system two transmitters emit acoustic continuous sinusoidal waves at different frequencies. The signals, scattered from a moving target are received by four hydrophones. Beside of the echoes, much larger signals coming...

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  • DOROTKA, czyli Doskonalenie Organizacji, ROzwoju oraz Tworzenia Kursów Akademickich przez Internet.


    - Year 2005

    W artykule zaprezentowano dedykowaną platformę wspierającą kształcenie na odległość opracowaną i uruchomioną w ramach projektu Leonardo da Vinci TeleCAD (Teleworkers Training for CAD System Users, 1998-2001), wykorzystywaną w latach 2000-2003 do wspomagania przedmiotu Podstawy Informatyki na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej Politechniki Gdańskiej. Przedstawiono również, bazujący na wieloletnich doświadczeniach, model DOROTKA (Doskonalenie...

  • Recurrent Neural Network Based Adaptive Variable-Order Fractional PID Controller for Small Modular Reactor Thermal Power Control

    This paper presents the synthesis of an adaptive PID type controller in which the variable-order fractional operators are used. Due to the implementation difficulties of fractional order operators, both with a fixed and variable order, on digital control platforms caused by the requirement of infinite memory resources, the fractional operators that are part of the discussed controller were approximated by recurrent neural networks...

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  • A new quaternion-based encryption method for DICOM images

    In this paper, a new quaternion-based lossless encryption technique for digital image and communication on medicine (DICOM) images is proposed. We have scrutinized and slightly modified the concept of the DICOM network to point out the best location for the proposed encryption scheme, which significantly improves speed of DICOM images encryption in comparison with those originally embedded into DICOM advanced encryption standard...

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  • Ocena wykorzystywania komunikatorów w systemach zdalnego nauczania


    - Year 2006

    W referacie wskazano na korzyści dla uczestników kursów i właścicieli platform zdalnego nauczania wynikające z korzystania z komunikatorów. Wykazano, że brak kompatybilności poszczególnych klasycznych rozwiązań jest na tyle uciążliwy, ze dla systemów zdalnego nauczania należy znaleźć rozwiązanie, które obsługiwałoby wszystkie komunikatory. Omówiono więc dwie nowe, tworzone w ramach IETF propozycje standardów komunikatorów: XMPP...

  • WSN for intelligent street lighting system

    In this article authors propose to apply WSN to intelligent street lighting system. As a result of such a combination one obtains a system designed to increase functionality of light installations for a wide range of applications and introduce a platform for new additional services, which meets current and future user needs. The system is composed of WSN nodes integrated with light sources based on high power LED diodes, which...

  • Inference Mechanisms for Knowledge Management System in E-health Environment


    - Year 2005

    W artykule zaprezentowano badania i ich wyniki osiągnięte w trakcie prac na systemem zarządzania wiedzą dla systemu typu e-health PIPS (ang. Personalised Information Platform for Life and Health Services)Opisano warstwę semantyczną systemu zarządzania wiedzą, a w szczególności skoncentrowano się na silniku wnioskującym.Poddano dyskusji następujące zagadnienia: analizę dostępnych narzędzi wnioskujący i ich zgodności ze standardem...

  • Review on Wikification methods


    - AI COMMUNICATIONS - Year 2019

    The paper reviews methods on automatic annotation of texts with Wikipedia entries. The process, called Wikification aims at building references between concepts identified in the text and Wikipedia articles. Wikification finds many applications, especially in text representation, where it enables one to capture the semantic similarity of the documents. Also, it can be considered as automatic tagging of the text. We describe typical...

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  • Low-coherence photonic method of electrochemical processes monitoring

    We present an advanced multimodality characterization platform for simultaneous optical and electrochemical measurements of ferrocyanides. Specifcally, we combined a fber-optic Fabry– Perot interferometer with a three-electrode electrochemical setup to demonstrate a proof-ofprinciple of this hybrid characterization approach, and obtained feasibility data in its monitoring of electrochemical reactions in a boron-doped diamond flm...

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  • High-Precision FIR-Model-Based Dynamic Weighing System

    Conveyor belt-type checkweighers are increasingly popular components of modern production lines. They are used to assess the weight of the produced items in motion, i.e., without stopping them on the weighing platform. The main challenge one faces when designing a dynamic weighing system is providing high measurement accuracy, especially at high conveyor belt speeds. The approach proposed in this paper can be characterized as a...

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  • Implementation of TVDI calculation for coastal zone


    - Year 2015

    Paper will show an implementation of TVDI (Temperature-Vegetation-Dryness Index) algorithm on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). Calculation of this index is based on LST (Land Surface Temperature) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). Discussed results are based on multi-spectral imagery retrieved from AVHRR3 sensors for area of Poland, especially from region of Gdańsk coastal zone. All phases of TVDI implementation...

  • Reliable underwater communication system for shallow coastal waters


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2014

    This paper presents a reliable and robust low data rate spread spectrum approach which is implemented in the acoustic underwater communication system for shallow coastal waters. It shows operation assumptions of spread spectrum techniques based on the wellknown Shannon equation. It describes two methods of spread spectrum: frequency hopping spread spectrum and direct sequence spread spectrum; their block diagram and their characteristics...

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  • UWB-Based Indoor Navigation in a Flexible Manufacturing System Using a Custom Quadrotor UAV

    • P. Savvakis
    • G. Vosniakos
    • E. Stathatos
    • A. Debar-monclair
    • M. Chodnicki
    • P. Benardos

    - Year 2023

    A novel solution for indoor navigation of a transportation drone in flexible manufacturing is presented in this paper. To address the challenges of accurate and robust drone navigation in occluded environments, an ultra-wideband (UWB) navigation system has been integrated with a commercially available open source control platform. The system offers high accuracy (± 20 mm), low power consumption, resistance to electronic interference,...

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  • Interdisciplinary e-collaboration tools / Narzędzia interdyscyplinarnej e-współpracy


    W projektach interdyscyplinarnych niezwykle ważnym czynnikiem jest aktywne konsultowanie i bezpośrednie zastosowanie relatywnie nowo powstałej dziedziny zwanej współpracą interdyscyplinarną. Nawiązywanie interdyscyplinarnej współpracy przynosi wiele korzyści, jednakże niejednokrotnie wiąże się z licznymi problemami i niedogodnościami, a także koniecznością ciągłego doszkalania się i rozszerzania kompetencji zawodowych. Na podstawie...

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  • Kaskada - scenariusze analizy strumieni multimedialnych


    - Year 2010

    Zaprezentowano podstawowe mechanizmy działania platformy KASKADA ze względu na wykonywanie usług prostych związanych z realizacją algorytmów analizy strumieni multimedialnych, jak również usług złożonych dotyczących wykonywania bardziej skomplikowanych scenariuszy. Rozpatrzono problemy implementacyjne na przykładzie scenariusza analizy strumieni z kamer wideo.

  • Analysis of GNSS, Hydroacoustic and Optoelectronic Data Integration Methods Used in Hydrography

    • O. Lewicka
    • M. Specht
    • A. Stateczny
    • C. Specht
    • D. Brčić
    • A. Jugović
    • S. Widźgowski
    • M. Wiśniewska

    - SENSORS - Year 2021

    The integration of geospatial data in hydrography, performed using different measurement systems, involves combining several study results to provide a comprehensive analysis. Each of the hydroacoustic and optoelectronic systems is characterised by a different spatial reference system and the method for technical implementation of the measurement. Therefore, the integration of hydrographic data requires that problems in selected...

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    - Year 2024

    Structural mechanics is a key issue to study for engineers. A high rank and high social responsibility profession requires both a high graded and intuitive approach. The evolution of learning / teaching methodology follows the novel technical achievements of every decade. The aim remains the same: to produce a professional to perform advanced relevant analysis and safe, optimal structural design

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  • Mobile Activity Plan Applications for Behavioral Therapy of Autistic Children

    This paper concerns technological support for behavioral therapy of autistic children. A family of tools dedicated for mobile devices is presented, that allows to design and perform an activity schedule in behavioral therapy. The paper describes the main challenges, that were encountered, especially in meeting the non-functional requirements of the application: simplicity, repeatability, robustness, personalization, re-usability...

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  • Tracing of dynamic objects in distributed interactive simulation systems


    - Year 2003

    Distributed interactive simulation systems require integration of several areas of computer science and applied mathematics to enable each individual simulation object to visualize effectively dynamic states of other objects. Objects are unpredictable,i.e., controlled by their local operators, and are remote, i.e., must rely on some transmission media to visualize dynamic scene from their local perspectives. The paper...

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  • Porównanie systemu Ilias i Moodle - przypadek użycia.


    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję darmowych systemów LMS (ang. Learning Management System) jako narzędzi wspomagających prowadzenie zajęć metodą tradycyjną F2F (ang. Face to Face). Omówiono eksperyment zrealizowany przez dwie uczelnie trójmiejskie: Akademię Morską w Gdyni i Politechnikę Gdańską. Celem eksperymentu było porównanie systemu Ilias (wersja 2.4.4) z systemem Moodle (wersja 1.2). Na wstępie uzgodnione zostały zasady...

  • Scheduling for Industrial Control Traffic Using Massive MIMO and Large Intelligent Surfaces


    - Year 2023

    Industry 4.0, with its focus on flexibility and customizability, is pushing in the direction of wireless communication in future smart factories, in particular massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), and its future evolution Large Intelligent Surfaces (LIS), which provide more reliable channel quality than previous technologies. As such, there arises the need to perform efficient scheduling of industrial control traffic...

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  • Postawy przedsiębiorców wobec rozstrzygania sporów na platformie ODR

    Artykuł dotyczy tematyki alternatywnych metod rozwiązywania sporów, głównie mediacji w środowisku biznesowym. Skoncentrowano się na analizie postaw i oczekiwań przedsiębiorców wobec internetowej platformy do e-mediacji. Tłem do prezentacji wyników badań własnych z tego zakresu jest model uwarunkowań postaw polskich przedsiębiorców wobec ODR, obejmujący postawy wobec konfliktu, wobec mediacji oraz wobec rozwiązań IT, które omówiono...

  • Application of method of differential magnetometric system for detection of sunken objects

    This paper presents a magnetometric system with scalar sensors mounted on two independent platforms, which is used to detect sunken shipwrecks. Increasing the distance between the sensors allows for more precise measurement of the difference in the magnetic induction module than in the case of sensors mounted e.g. on the aeroplane’s wings. This type of system makes it possible to enlarge detection range of the sunken wrecks.

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    Celem pracy było wykonanie analizy obciążeń oddziałujących na rurociągi zatłaczające wodę do złoża oraz kompleksowego projektu fundamentowania rur CT i riserów eksportowych ropy wraz z pomostami obsługowymi na zmodernizowanej platformie PETROBALTIC. W tym celu wykonano obliczenia MES struktury platformy oraz opracowano dokumentację wykonawczą.

  • Układ szerokopasmowego namiernika wykonanego w technologii radia programowalnego

    W artykule przedstawiono układ szerokopasmowego namiernika wykonanego w technologii radia programowalnego oraz wyniki badań warstwy sprzętowej, w tym opracowanego układu przełącznika antenowego. Przedstawione wyniki badań urządzeń, stanowiących platformę radia programowalnego oraz układu przełącznika antenowego potwierdzają możliwość zastosowania wytypowanych podzespołów w końcowym rozwiązaniu.

  • An Innovative Floating System with a Savonius Rotor as a Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine


    - Polish Maritime Research - Year 2024

    In this project, an innovative wind turbine was designed for a floating plant. A large Savonius rotor was replaced with a double-rotor wind turbine implemented as a horizontal-axis turbine. This double rotor was positioned on the tip of a thrust plate and fixed to the deck of a catamaran. Simple 2D numerical simulations were performed to confirm the effectiveness of the concept. An analysis of the floating system configuration...

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  • Automated anonymization of sensitive data on production unit

    The article presents an approach to data anonymization with the use of generally available tools. The focus is put on the practical aspects of using open-source tools in conjunction with programming libraries provided by suppliers of industrial control systems. This universal approach shows the possibilities of using various operating systems as a platform for process data anonymization. An additional advantage of the described...

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  • Optical glyphs based localization and identification system

    The paper presents a description of functioning of a platform supporting the detection of obstructive diseases in the respiratory system education process. A 16-parameter model of the respiratory system simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment was set in the role of the tested patient. It has been linked to the control layer, developed in the LabVIEW environment, using the SIT library (Simulation Interface Toolkit). This layer...

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  • An application supporting the educational process of the respiratory system obstructive diseases detection

    The paper presents a description of functioning of a platform supporting the detection of obstructive diseases in the respiratory system education process. A 16-parameter model of the respiratory system simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment was set in the role of the tested patient. It has been linked to the control layer, developed in the LabVIEW environment, using the SIT library (Simulation Interface Toolkit). This layer...

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  • Visual Data Encryption for Privacy Enhancement in Surveillance Systems


    In this paper a methodology for employing reversible visual encryption of data is proposed. The developed algorithms are focused on privacy enhancement in distributed surveillance architectures. First, motivation of the study performed and a short review of preexisting methods of privacy enhancement are presented. The algorithmic background, system architecture along with a solution for anonymization of sensitive regions of interest...

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