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Smart Decisional DNA Technology to Enhance Industry 4.0 Environment in Conjunction with Conventional Manufacturing
PublicationKnowledge-based support has become an indispensable part not only to the traditional manufacturing set-ups but also to the new fast-emerging Industry 4.0 scenario. In this regard, successful research has been performed and extensively reported to develop Decisional DNA based knowledge representation models of engineering object and engineering process called Virtual engineering object (VEO), Virtual engineering process (VEP) and...
Advanced coating of Tank Interior as means of Rising Environmental Safety of Tankers/RIM technology
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Integrated dewatering and stabilization system as an environmentally friendly technology in sewage sludge management in Poland
PublicationSludge treatment reed beds (STRBs) are an environmentally friendly technology which provides integrated dewatering and stabilization of sewage sludge. STRBs do not require the use of chemicals to improve the dewatering process. STRB is both, a low-emission and a low-energy-consuming method. After the stabilization process, sludge is characterized by the chemical composition similar to that of humus. The aim of the paper is to present...
PublicationArchitectural inventories are the main field for using innovative technology ( remote sensing). The main purpose of using ie. Laser scanning or photogrammetry is to capture all of the important details of structure. Regarding the extents of inventory works, it may only apply to external details, such as facades, supporting structures and surroundings, whilst in terms of advanced inventory, the building's interior is also expected...
Center for Scientific and Technical Information - Library Services for Business and Science at Wroclaw University of Technology
PublicationWroclaw University of Technology is situated in Lower Silesia – the dynamically developing region of Poland. Focusing on adopting its own offer to the market needs had been selected as a strategy. Due to that, a synergy effect has been achieved with the development of segments strategic for the region. The University is strongly oriented to cooperation with the economy and industry. One of the key initiatives was establishment...
Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdańsk University of Technology in the face of knowledge-based society challenges.
Publicationw artykule przedstawiono Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej w obliczu wyzwań, jakie niesie ze sobą rozwój społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy. W ocenie wydziału posłużono się kryteriami baldrige'a.
Research and development in Department of Hydraulics and Pneumatics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono aktualny stan prac badawczych prowadzonych w Katedrze Hydrauliki i Pneumatyki PG:- rozwój laboratorium badawczego,- prace nad nowym typem pomp wielotłoczkowych z rozrządem krzywkowym,- prace nad silnikami satelitowymi z kompensacją luzów osiowych,- stanowisko do badań silników zasilanych emulsją wodno-olejową,- badania zachowania układów hydraulicznych w niskiej temperaturze otoczenia.
Developmental competence of mammalian oocytes-insights into molecular research and the promise of microfluidic technology: a review
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The Control System Based on FPGA Technology For Fatigue Test Stand MZGS-100 PL
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Engineering and Manufacturing Technology of Green Epoxy Resin Coatings Modified with Recycled Fine Aggregates
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The State Of Lightguide Technology In Poland On The Basis Of The IV National Symposium "Optical Fibres And Their Applications"
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Optimization of briquetting technology of fine-grained metallurgical materials based on statistical models of compressibility
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Testing of PTA automatic braze-welding technology for producing absorber joints of solar collectors
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Technology of laser deposition of narrow bead overlays using solid and flux-cored wires
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Technology of braze welding absorber tubes to copper foil in solar collectors by the GTA method
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Peculiarities of Dewatering Technology for Heavy High-Viscosity Crude Oils of Eastern Region of Ukraine
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Dosing Free Nitrous Acid as an Alternative Sulphide Control Technology for Pressure Sewers in Germany
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Transmission system model in the track-vehicle relationship based on Long Term Evolution technology
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Classic electrocardiogram-based and mobile technology derived approaches to heart rate variability are not equivalent
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Green Technology as a Way of Cleaning the Environment from Petroleum Substances in South-Eastern Poland
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Appraisal of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology in view of domestic education standards
PublicationOpisano doświadczenia Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej wyniesione z akredytacji kierunku studiów: mechanika i budowa maszyn. Skoncentrowano się na przedstawieniu procedury sporządzania raportu samooceny i jego weryfikacji przez komisję zewnętrzną.
Fatigue tests of steel Sandwich panel. Fifth International Conference on Marine Technology and Transportation.
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych paneli SANDWICH prowadzonych w Katedrze Technologii Okrętów, Systemów Jakości i Materiałoznawstwa Wydziału OiO na konstrukcjach w skali rzeczywistej. Dokonano porównania uzyskanych rezultatów w wynikami prezentowanymi w literaturze.
Badania i analiza właściwości szerokopasmowej sieci dostępowej ANYMEDIA firmy Lucent Technology
PublicationWykonano analizę szerokopasmowej sieci dostępowej ANYMEDIA firmy Lucent Technology. Opracowano metodologię badań systemu i wykonano badania instalacji pilotażowej. Przeanalizowano wyniki badań i opracowano wnioski
Ontology-Driven Rule-Based Model for an Extension of Information Technology Infrastructure Library Processes
PublicationThe aim of this study is to present the stages for building a development model to create information technology (IT) systems for IT service providers. In order to ensure the consistency of the model, a novel solution is proposed where the stages of the model's construction are controlled using ontologies dedicated to the ITIL standard. In this article, a description of models used to assess the provider organization, with particular...
Management Strategy for Seaports Aspiring to Green Logistical Goals of IMO: Technology and Policy Solutions
PublicationRecently, because of serious global challenges including the consumption of energy and climate change, there has been an increase in interest in the environmental effect of port operations and expansion. More interestingly, a strategic tendency in seaport advancement has been to manage the seaport system using a model which balances environmental volatility and economic development demands. An energy efficient management system...
Virtual reality as a tool for development and simulation. Research projects and experience of the Gdańsk University of Technology
PublicationBy supporting the human imagination, virtual reality technology can be applied in almost every human activity. This is evidenced by the cooperation of the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab with specialists representing such different professions from architects and artists, astronomers and chemists, through historians and museologists, criminologists and military educators, mechanical and ship engineers, up to physicians and psychologists....
Enhancing environmental literacy through urban technology-based learning. The PULA app case
PublicationThis study addresses the need to enhance environmental literacy, focusing on urban adults through mobile applications, based on the example of PULA app that engages early adopters in gamified pro- environmental activities, offering insights into informal learning. Grounded in 'urban pedagogy,' the study combines semi-structured interviews with 17 application testers and quantitative data analysis, unveiling motivations, user feedback,...
Ozone nanobubble technology as a novel AOPs for pollutants degradation under high salinity conditions
PublicationConventional water treatment systems frequently exhibit diminished efficiency at high salinity - a significant issue especially for real industrial effluents - mostly due to the creation of intricate structures between pollutants and salts. One of the primary obstacles associated with high salinity conditions is the generation of by-products that pose additional hurdles for treatment. In this work, we have investigated the novel...
P-448 The impact of assisted reproductive technology for second births: a follow-up study
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New Technology or Adaptation at the Frontier? Butchery as a Signifier of Cultural Transitions in the Medieval Eastern Baltic
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DS-CDMA receiver in Software Defined Radio technology. Admission to the implementation of a RAKE receiver
PublicationProgrammable radio is one of the latest trends in the construction of multi-standard receivers. The technology, called Software Defined Radio (SDR), is also an ideal test platform that allows to try out different algorithms of signal receiving. This particular feature led to choose this platform to implement a DS-CDMA receiver (Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access). The use of SDR allows for a gradual upgrade of data processing...
Design of high frequency OTA in 130nm CMOS technology with single 1.2v power supply
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wzmacniacz transkonduktancyjny OTA zasilany niskim napięciem i przeznaczony do użycia w filtrach czasu ciągłego w zakresie wysokich częstotliwości przetwarzanych sygnałów. Stopień wejściowy zbudowany jest w oparciu o inwertery CMOS. Wartość transkonduktancji wzmacniacza jest przestrajana z wykorzystaniem efektu podłożowego tranzystorów. Omówiono również układ dostrajania wzmacniacza. Brak wewnętrznych węzłów...
4x4 Butler matrix in microstrip-slot technology for 5.4 - 5.7 GHz frequency band
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano projekt, realizację oraz wyniki pomiarów parametrów 8-wrotowej, mikropaskowej matrycy Butlera wykonanej w technice wielowarstwowej. Poprzez odpowiednie rozmieszczenie wrót układu oraz zastosowanie sprzęgaczy wykorzystujących efekt sprzężenia poprzez szczelinę w płaszczyźnie wspólnej masy wyeliminowano konieczność zastosowania skrzyżowań linii mikropaskowych. Zrealizowany układ wydaje się obiecujący, ze względu...
Quality Assurance of Educational Processes as the Foundation of the Quality Management System in Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationThe paper presents a model of quality management system (QMS) developed by the author in Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). The core of the model is internal quality assurance system of educational processes based on the ENQA guidelines. Next described in the paper steps of GUT QMS development are the implementation of one of the normative QMS models (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 17025) in selected organizational units of GUT and...
Lean Startup as a New Way of Managing Technology Ventures Illustrated by the Example of Wlcome App
PublicationThe dot-com bubble in the 1990s made the technology industry aware that even excellent ideas backed by amazing teams are not sufficient to ensure a startup’s success. The biggest risk of startups is that they have to operate within many uncertainties, their market and customers are unknown, and their business model is not yet validated. Therefore, successful execution of such a venture requires a rigorous process that would validate...
Policy Monitoring on Accessible Technology for Inclusive Education – Research Findings and Requirements for a Software Tool
PublicationStatistics about disabled people usually do not receive as much attention as statistics highlighting other socio-economic problems. However, such statistics is important due to its actual weight.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 15% of the world population, meaning one billion people, live with disabilities, and 80% of them live in developing countries. UNESCO claims that 90% of the children with disabilities...
Quality Assurance of Educational Processes as the Foundation of the Quality Management System in Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationW opracowaniu przedstawiono rozwojowy model systemu zarządzania jakością w dużej uczelni technicznej. Punktem wyjścia dla tego projektowania tego modelu jest wewnętrzny system zapewnienia jakości kształcenia oparty na wytycznych ENQA a kluczowym czynnikiem wspierającym systemowo prowadzone zarządzanie wiedzą oraz samoocena.
Tubular House - Form Follows Technology, Concrete Shell Structure with Inner Thermal Insulation
PublicationThe aim of this paper is the theoretical analysis of the possibilities and limitations of using an unconventional technology and the original architectural form stemming from it – the building with external construction and internal insulation. In Central European climatic conditions, the traditional solution for the walls of heated buildings relies on using external thermal insulation. This stems from building physics: it prevents...
High performance filtering for big datasets from Airborne Laser Scanning with CUDA technology
PublicationThere are many studies on the problems of processing big datasets provided by Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS). The processing of point clouds is often executed in stages or on the fragments of the measurement set. Therefore, solutions that enable the processing of the entire cloud at the same time in a simple, fast, efficient way are the subject of many researches. In this paper, authors propose to use General-Purpose computation...
Development of cooperation in localized cooperation networks: A comparative study of cluster organizations and technology parks
PublicationThe main aim of the paper is to analyze the level of development of cooperative relationships in localized cooperation networks – among enterprises associated in cluster organizations and park tenants. The author reports the findings from the quantitative study carried out in the selected cluster organizations and technology parks functioning in Poland. The basic method of data collection was a survey questionnaire. The research...
Potential applications of by-products from the coffee industry in polymer technology – Current state and perspectives
PublicationCoffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and its popularity is continuously growing, which can be expressed by almost doubling production over the last three decades. Cultivation, processing, roasting, and brewing coffee are known for many years. These processes generate significant amounts of by-products since coffee bean stands for around 50% of the coffee cherry. Therefore, considering the current pro-ecological...
Low-Loss Mechanically Tunable Resonator and Phase Shifters in Groove Gap Waveguide Technology
PublicationThis research is focused on the design and realization of high-performance high-power variable phase shifters in groove gap waveguide technology. Specifically, it is shown that the unique characteristic of groove gap waveguides, which is its proper operation without the need for electrical connection between the top and bottom sections of the waveguide, can be used to design mechanically tunable devices. Using the proposed method,...
Public Perception of Digital Contact Tracing App and Implications for Technology Acceptance and Use Models
PublicationGovernments are increasingly adopting digital contact tracing applications (DCT) as a key component of their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, governments are struggling to achieve widespread adoption of DCT necessary for obtaining the expected individual and public benefits associated with its use. Consequently, studies on DCT have focused on the barriers to DCT adoption in different contexts and possible ways of overcoming...
Sustainable energy system combined biogas-feedSolid Oxide Fuel Cell and Microalgae technology
PublicationIn the new frontier of energy and environmental safety, new efficient and clean safe energy conversion systems are required. In this sense, the present work is framed within the context of Circular Economy and proposes a multidisciplinary study for the development of more efficient, economically viable and non-polluting energy conversion systems, based on the synergetic combination of different technologies: fuel cells, biofuels,...
A Pilot Study on Machining Difficult-to-Cut Materials with the Use of Tools Fabricated by SLS Technology
PublicationThe growing use of contemporary materials in various industrial sectors, such as aerospace, automotive, as well as the oil and gas industry, requires appropriate machining methods and tools. Currently, apart from the necessity to obtain high-dimensional and shape accuracy, the efficiency and economic aspects of the selected manufacturing process are equally important, especially when difficult-to-cut materials, such as hard and...
Odzysk materiałów w procesach chemicznych recyklingu modułów fotowoltaicznych I i II generacji
PublicationWraz ze wzrostem zainteresowania technologią fotowoltaiczną pojawił się problem zagospodarowania odpadów powstałych podczas produkcji i użytkowania oraz pod koniec życia modułu. Technologie recyklingu tego typu odpadów powinny być zgodne z obecnie obowiązującym prawem oraz dostosowane do technologii produkcji przerabianego modułu. Dlatego też tak ważne są badania nad doskonaleniem i opracowywaniem nowych technologii recyklingu....
Influence of design characteristics and manufacturing process parameters on the strength of tubular aluminium joints produced by hydrobulging
PublicationPrzedmiotem prezentowanej pracy było szukanie odpowiednich parametrów konstrukcyjnych i technologicznych do wytwarzania trwałych złączy rurowych metodą rozpęczania hydraulicznego. Badania obejmowały łączenie próbek będących parami rura-pierścień. Uwzględniono różne zestawienia materiałowe obu łączonych elementów, tj. AA6060-AA6060, AA6060-AZ31 oraz AZ31-AA6060. Złącza uzyskane metodą rozpęczania hydraulicznego poddano próbom na...
Application of Thermo-chemical Technologies for Conversion of Associated Gas in Diesel-Gas Turbine Installations for Oil and Gas Floating Units
PublicationThe paper considers the issue of thermo-chemical recovery of engine’s waste heat and its further use for steam conversion of the associated gas for oil and gas floating units. The characteristics of the associated gas are presented, and problems of its application in dual-fuel medium-speed internal combustion engines are discussed. Various variants of combined diesel-gas turbine power plant with thermo-chemical heat recovery are...
Kwalifikowanie technologii lutowania twardego próżniowego stali austenitycznej zgodnie z wymaganiami przepisów ASME BPVC, sekcja IX
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono procedurę kwalifikowania technologii lutowania twardego w piecu próżniowym na przykładzie elementów ze stali wysokostopowej nierdzewnej austenitycznej łączonych lutem miedzianym z grupy F-No. 105, zgodnie z przepisami ASME Sec. IX, part QB (ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing and Fusing; Procedures; Welders; Brazers; and Welding, Brazing and Fusing Operators)....
Opinia o innowacyjności; Wdrożenie technologii spawania stali duplex w połączonej metodzie rulonowej i swobodnego podparcia.
PublicationOpinia dotyczy nowego sposobu wykonania cylindrycznego zbiornika stalowego o dużych wymiarach, co stanowi ulepszenie znanej techniki wytwarzania zbiorników metodą podbudowy dolnych pierścieni od dachu w dół z zastosowaniem tzw. swobodnego podparcia.