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The impedance of hydrogen oxidation reaction in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell in the presence of carbon monoxide in hydrogen stream
PublicationEvaluation of performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, which is affected by carbon monoxide that pollutes the hydrogen stream, was presented. This influence was studied for carbon monoxide concentration of 125–325 ppb, which are close to values specified in ISO 14687:2019 standard. Performed studies provided crucial information for further development of fuel cell as an energy source for automotive application. Impedance...
A framework estimating the minimum sample size and margin of error for maritime quantitative risk analysis
PublicationThe average accident frequency is essential for quantitative risk analysis and is conventionally estimated from accident statistics. This paper has systematically synthesised the knowledge on statistical errors and offered the missing instructions, a framework, for determining the minimum sample size and the margin of error (MOE) when calculating the average accident frequency from an accident database at hand. We have applied...
Modelling tunnelling-induced deformation in stiff soils with a hyperelastic–plastic anisotropic model
PublicationIn this paper, the tunnelling-induced deformation in anisotropic stiff soils is analysed using FE modelling. The influence of material description is investigated rather than an advanced simulation of the tunnelling method. A new hyperelastic– plastic model is proposed to describe the anisotropic mechanical behaviour of stiff highly overconsolidated soil. This model can reproduce the superposition of variable stress-induced anisotropy...
Superheroes or Super Spreaders? The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Attitudes towards Nurses: A Qualitative Study from Poland
PublicationThe social perception of the nursing profession in Poland is profoundly affected by social stereotypes that may discourage young people from entering the profession and lead to prejudice towards nurses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses gained visibility, which caused the social image of nurses to likewise grow. In this study, we explore nurses’ experiences with respect to how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the social image...
PublicationPast and recent investigations of colliding structures under seismic excitation confirmed that pounding may have a significant influence on the structural response. Interactions between adjacent buildings may cause serious damage to the structures, leading even to its total collapse. The main reason of earthquake-induced pounding, besides insufficient distance between structures, are differences in stiffness or mass of colliding structures....
Cost-Effective and Sufficiently Precise Integration Method Adapted to the FEM Calculations of Bone Tissue
PublicationThe technique of Young’s modulus variation in the finite element is not spread in biomechanics. Our future goal is to adapt this technique to bone tissue strength calculations. The aim of this paper is to present the necessary studies of the element’s integration method that takes into account changes in material properties. For research purposes, a virtual sample with the size and distribution of mechanical properties similar...
Process zone in the Single Cantilever Beam under transverse loading. - Part II: Experimental
PublicationThis paper describes an experimental arrangement to evaluate stress/strain fields in the process zone of asymmetric adhesively bonded joints. A transparent polycarbonate flexible beam was bonded to an aluminium alloy rigid block with an epoxy adhesive in a Single Cantilever Beam (SCB) configuration. The flexible adherend was loaded in the direction parallel to the initial crack front at constant rate. To monitor strains induced...
Effect of porosity on physical properties of lightweight cement composite with foamed glass aggregate
PublicationThis paper reports on a study of physical properties of lightweight cement composite. We investigate the possibility of replacing traditional aggregate with Granulated Ash Aggregate (GAA) and above all with Granulated Expanded Glass Aggregate (GEGA). For this purpose, 15 specimens of different percentage share of each aggregate in total aggregate volume were tested: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of foam glass aggregate (GEGA) partially...
If Gravity is Geometry, is Dark Energy just Arithmetic?
PublicationArithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), as well as the calculus they imply, are non-unique. The examples of four-dimensional spaces, R^4 and (−L/2,L/2)^4, are considered where different types of arithmetic and calculus coexist simultaneously. In all the examples there exists a non-Diophantine arithmetic that makes the space globally Minkowskian, and thus the laws of physics are formulated in terms...
Analytical Steady-State Model of the Pipeline Flow Process
PublicationThe paper addresses the issue of modeling the flow process in transmission pipelines. A base model used for numerical simulation is introduced. Under certain assumptions concerning steady state analysis, the differential equations describing the process are solved analytically for two cases: zero and nonzero inclination angle α. These equations describe a constant flow rate and a corresponding distribution of the pressure along...
Long Distance Vital Signs Monitoring with Person Identification for Smart Home Solutions
PublicationAbstract— Imaging photoplethysmography has already been proved to be successful in short distance (below 1m). However, most of the real-life use cases of measuring vital signs require the system to work at longer distances, to be both more reliable and convenient for the user. The possible scenarios that system designers must have in mind include monitoring of the vital signs of residents in nursing homes, disabled people, who...
Normalization of face illumination using basic knowledge and information extracted from a single image
PublicationThis paper presents a method for face image normalization that can be applied to the extraction of illumination invariant facial features or used to remove bad lighting effects and produce high-quality, photorealistic results. Most of the existing approaches concentrate on separating the constant albedo from the variable light intensity; that concept, however, is based on the Lambertian model, which fails in the presence of specularities...
Low cost set-up for supercapacitors parameters evaluation
PublicationSupercapacitors are capable to store relatively high amount of energy comparing to its mass. Growing number of these devices applications requires development of new testing methods. Standard methods of evaluation of supercapacitor parameters, as cycling voltammetry, CV, galvanostatic cycling with potential limitation, GCPL, impedance measurements, require equipment of high cost...
Comparative Analysis of Reactive Power Compensation Devices in a Real Electric Substation
PublicationA constant worldwide growing load stress over a power system compelled the practice of a reactive power injection to ensure an efficient power network. For this purpose, multiple technologies exist in the knowledge market out of which this paper emphasizes the usage of the flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) and presents a comparative study of the static var compensator (SVC) with the static synchronous compensator...
Estimation of Average Speed of Road Vehicles by Sound Intensity Analysis
PublicationConstant monitoring of road traffic is important part of modern smart city systems. The proposed method estimates average speed of road vehicles in the observation period, using a passive acoustic vector sensor. Speed estimation based on sound intensity analysis is a novel approach to the described problem. Sound intensity in two orthogonal axes is measured with a sensor placed alongside the road. Position of the apparent sound...
PublicationThe paper concerns the numerical solution of one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) advection-diffusion equations. For the numerical solution of the 1D advection-diffusion equation a method, originally proposed for solution of the 1D pure advection equation, has been developed. A modified equation analysis carried out for the proposed method allowed increasing of the resulting solution accuracy and consequently, to reduce...
Permeability of Waterfronts—Contemporary Approach in Designing Urban Blue Spaces
PublicationThe constant struggle with rising sea levels and flood hazards has resulted in the change of the paradigm in shaping urban waterfronts towards increasing their permeability and creation of urban blue spaces. The aim of the paper was to indicate a new approach in designing public spaces at the sea–land interface by presenting a comparative study of the design solutions used in case of the four selected case studies: the Sea Organs...
Disinfection characteristics of an advanced rotational hydrodynamic cavitation reactor in pilot scale
PublicationHydrodynamic cavitation is a promising technique for water disinfection. In the present paper, the disinfection characteristics of an advanced hydrodynamic cavitation reactor (ARHCR) in pilot scale were studied. The effects of various flow rates (1.4–2.6 m3/h) and rotational speeds (2600–4200 rpm) on the removal of Escherichia coli (E. coli) were revealed and analyzed. The variation regularities of the log reduction and reaction...
Thermal buckling of functionally graded piezomagnetic micro- and nanobeams presenting the flexomagnetic effect
PublicationGalerkin weighted residual method (GWRM) is applied and implemented to address the axial stability and bifurcation point of a functionally graded piezomagnetic structure containing flexomagneticity in a thermal environment. The continuum specimen involves an exponential mass distributed in a heterogeneous media with a constant square cross section. The physical neutral plane is investigated to postulate functionally graded material...
Photophysical processes in the selected white organic light-emitting diodes
PublicationThe first part discusses history of organic emitters, the scope of the work, phenomena in molecular systems, types of architectures in OLEDs, types of OLEDs emitting white light with examples from the literaturę and a description of the parameters chcracterizing LEDs. The second part describes materials, production of the samples, the measurement systems and results. In chapter 8.1 the results for the OLEDs based on emission from...
Koncepcja zdalnego sterowania i monitoringu urządzeń trakcyjnych z wykorzystaniem technologii teleinformatycznych
PublicationAdvancement in wireless communication enables engineers to apply sophisticated and relatively inexpensive technologies in new fields of industry, which were previously designated solely to wire-based solutions. One of those fields is railway transportation system. In effect of a high reliability and safety demands, this area was resistive to new technologies. Nowadays, increased security and reliability of wireless sensor networks...
Improved-Efficacy EM-Based Antenna Miniaturization by Multi-Fidelity Simulations and Objective Function Adaptation
PublicationThe growing demands for integration of surface mount design (SMD) antennas into miniatur-ized electronic devices have been continuously imposing limitations on the structure dimen-sions. Examples include embedded antennas in applications such as on-board devices, picosatel-lites, 5G communications, or implantable and wearable devices. The demands for size reduction while ensuring a satisfactory level of the electrical and field...
The Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Cluster Organizations
PublicationThe purpose of the paper is to explore how cluster organizations (COs) take advantage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The paper addresses the research question: “How do cluster organizations take advantage of ICT in fulfilling their main roles?”. The research was carried out in the first half of 2016 in four purposefully selected cluster organizations. The main research strategy involved Grounded Theory; the...
Metabolomic and antioxidant properties of different varieties and origins of Dragon fruit
PublicationDragon fruit has appealed much concern from consumers as a novelty fruit with potent nutritional and medicinal benefits. Dragon fruit quality warrants comprehensive evaluation, based on the contents of pigments and health- promoting natural compounds in different varieties. This study was aimed to evaluate the differences among dragon fruit varieties extracted with methanol–water (CD3OD-D2O) and methanol (CD3OD) by proton nuclear magnetic...
Cadmium accumulation by Phragmites australis and Iris pseudacorus from stormwater in floating treatment wetlands microcosms: Insights into plant tolerance and utility for phytoremediation
PublicationEnvironmentally sustainable remediation is needed to protect freshwater resources which are deteriorating due to severe industrial, mining, and agricultural activities. Treatment by floating wetlands could be a sustainable solution to remediate water bodies. The study aimed to examine the effects of Cd on Phragmites australis and Iris pseudacorus growth (height, biomass, root length and chlorophyll contents), anatomy, Cd accumulation...
The termostability, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of some vegetables subjected to different durations of boiling: investigation in vitro.
PublicationThis research was performed in order to compare the water and acetone extracts of raw and boiled for 10, 20, 40 and 60 min Korean lotus roots (KLR) and Polish white onion (PWO) in the contents of theirbioactive compounds, antioxidant activity and thermostability. It was found that polyphenols (mg GAE/g), flavanols (mg GAE/g), flavonoids (mg CE/g), anthocyanins(mg CGE/kg) and tannins (mg CE/g) in water extract of raw lotus roots...
Optimizing CO2 Purification in a Negative CO2 Emission Power Plant
PublicationIn the pursuit of mitigating CO2 emissions, this study investigates the optimisation of CO2 purification within a Negative CO2 Emission Power Plant using a spray ejector condenser (SEC) coupled with a separator. The approach involves direct-contact condensation of vapour, primarily composed of an inert gas (CO2), facilitated by a subcooled liquid spray. A comprehensive analysis is presented, employing a numerical model to simulate...
Analysis of cyclone separator solutions depending on spray ejector condenser conditions
PublicationThe core design strategy for minimizing CO2 emissions in gas power plant entails combining a spray ejector condenser (SEC) and separator to accomplish steam condensation and CO2 purification. This innovative process involves direct-contact condensation of steam with CO2, facilitated by interaction with a subcooled water spray, along with a cyclone separator mechanism intended for generating pure CO2. The investigation of the SEC...
Synergistic effects of a swirl generator and MXene/ water nanofluids used in a heat exchanger pipe of a negative CO2 emission gas power plant
Publicationfocus on optimizing heat exchangers contributes to improved temperature control mechanisms, ensuring the sustainable operation of innovative power plants working towards negative CO2 emissions. In the realm of oxy-combustion within Negative CO2 Emission Power Plants (nCO2PP), the temperature of combustion products surpasses 3000 (K). Addressing this challenge, the imperative arises to reduce these elevated temperatures to a manageable...
Dyfuzyjne spalanie turbulentne metanu w strudze: analiza numeryczna płomienia Sandia D
PublicationDyfuzyjne spalanie turbulentne jest najpowszechniej występującym w zastosowa-niach przemysłowych rodzajem tego procesu. Jednak jego dokładny opis wciąż sprawia trudności i obserwuje się rozwój konkurujących modeli implementowanych w podejściu RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes), a współcześnie coraz częściej także w metodzie dużych wirów (LES) o czym świadczą liczne publikacje [13, 16, 18, 21]. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono...
RANS-based design optimization of dual-rotor wind turbines
PublicationPurpose An improvement in the energy efficiency of wind turbines can be achieved using dual rotors. Because of complex flow physics, the design of dual-rotor wind turbines (DRWTs) requires repetitive evaluations of computationally expensive partial differential equation (PDE) simulation models. Approaches for solving design optimization of DRWTs constrained by PDE simulations are investigated. The purpose of this study is to determine...
Połączenie G3 dwóch kierunków prostych z użyciem krzywej NURBS
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono nową metodę projektowania układu geometrycznego toru kolejowego opartą na zastosowaniu krzywych NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) do opisu krzywizny. Punkty kontrolne krzywej NURBS wyznaczane są w procesie optymalizacji za pomocą algorytmu genetycznego. Jako kryterium optymalizacji przyjęto minimalizację oddziaływań dynamicznych występujących w układzie tor-pojazd przy spełnieniu warunków geometrycznych...
Wybrane elementy projektowania budynków wielofunkcyjnych stanowiących miejskie centra logistyczne
PublicationCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych aspektów dotyczących projektowania budynków wielofunkcyjnych stanowiących miejskie centra logistyczne. Centrum logistyczne lokalizowane w obszarze zurbanizowanym jest formalnie obiektem, który ma na celu zaspokojenie wielu potrzeb funkcjonalnych względem potencjalnych użytkowników. Miejskie centrum logistyczne stanowi swego rodzaju system, którego podstawą jest sprawna obsługa procesów...
Phototransformation of three selected pharmaceuticals, naproxen, 17α-Ethinylestradiol and tetracycline in water: Identification of photoproducts and transformation pathways
PublicationTransformation products (TPs) may be formed during various processes, however, it was proved that one of the main mechanisms responsible for degradation of pharmaceuticals in natural waters is photolysis. Three compounds were selected, tetracycline (TC), 17-α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) and naproxen (NAP), for degradation experiments which were performed using a xenon lamp emitting light with a spectrum closely approximating that of...
Synthesis, Chemical Characterization and Multiscale Biological Evaluation of a dimericcRGD Peptide for Targeted Imaging of αVβ3 Integrin Activity
PublicationCyclic peptides containing the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence have been shown to specifically bind the angiogenesis biomarker α V β3 integrin. We report the synthesis, chemical characterization, and biological evaluation of two novel dimeric cyclic RGD-based molecular probes for the targeted imaging of α V β3 activity (a radiolabeled version, 64Cu-NOTA-PEG4-cRGD2, for PET imaging, and a fluorescent version, FITC-PEG4-cRGD2, for in...
Sugar matters: sugar moieties as reactivity-tuning factors in quercetin O-glycosides
PublicationQuercetin, one of the most abundant flavonoids in plant-based foods, commonly occurs in nature in various glycosylated forms. There is still a less explored aspect regarding the cause of its glycosides diversity, depending on the sugars moiety attached. This work focuses on four widespread quercetin glycosides—hyperoside, isoquercitrin, quercitrin and rutin—by testing property-tuning capacity of different sugar moieties and thus...
Static magnetic multipole susceptibilities of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the ground state: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function
PublicationWe study far- and near-field magnetic and electric multipole moments induced in the ground state of the Dirac one-electron atom placed in a weak 2L-pole magnetostatic field. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the first-order Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theory, with the use of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function [Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B 30, 825 (1997);J. Phys. B 30, 2747(E)...
Evaluation of organic coating systems for corrosion protection of industrial equipment using impedance spectroscopy
PublicationThe high economic impact of corrosion can be reduced by enhanced corrosion management and prevention based on appropriate means. This applies in particular to the protection of structures with organic protective coatings. Steel is subject to corrosion that reduces its service life and leads to destruction in most severe cases. The application of paints to metallic objects for corrosion control has been known for a long time and...
A Reduction Method for Bathymetric Datasets that Preserves True Coastal Water Geodata
PublicationWater areas occupy over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface and are constantly subject to research and analysis. Often, hydrographic remote sensors are used for such research, which allow for the collection of information on the shape of the water area bottom and the objects located on it. Information about the quality and reliability of the depth data is important, especially during coastal modelling. In-shore areas are liable...
Rapid multi-objective design of integrated on-chip inductors by means of Pareto front exploration and design extrapolation
PublicationIdentification of the best trade-offs between conflicting design objectives allows for making educated design decisions as well as assessing suitability of a given component or circuit for a specific application. In case of inductors, the typical objectives include maximization of the quality factor and minimization of the layout area, as well as maintaining a required inductance at a given operating frequency. This work demonstrates...
An isogeometric finite element formulation for frictionless contact of Cosserat rods with unconstrained directors
PublicationThis paper presents an isogeometric finite element formulation for nonlinear beams with impenetrability constraints, based on the kinematics of Cosserat rods with unconstrained directors. The beam cross-sectional deformation is represented by director vectors of an arbitrary order. For the frictionless lateral beam-to-beam contact, a surface-to-surface contact algorithm combined with an active set strategy and a penalty method...
PublicationThe painting as a curtain (...) A contradiction is therefore what constitutes a painting, and ambiguity is its right. As a young artist, I intuitively defined the work of art as a boundary. Over the years that intuition changed into a conviction that the particular form of art which is painting at the same time reveals and hides; it exists at this intersection of functions as a see-through curtain. We don’t know why there are some...
FRP-based reinforcement coatings of steel with application prospects in ships and offshore structures: a review
PublicationLatest research on novel FRP-based anti-corrosion structural coatings (for enhancing structural capacity and strengthening the coating layer) is discussed with application prospects for ships and offshore structures. In the marine environment, structures constantly face corrosion and fatigue cracks. Combining this with high operational and wave loads, it might cause a structural collapse. Recently, polymer composites have been...
Softly Switched Robustly Feasible Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Network Systems
PublicationIt is common that an efficient constrained plant operation under full range of disturbance inputs require meeting different sets of control objectives. This calls for application of model predictive controllers each of them being best fit into specific operating conditions. It further requires that not only designing robustly feasible model predictive controllers is needed to satisfy the real plant state/output constraints, but...
Set of Experience and Decisional DNA: Experience-Based Knowledge Structures
PublicationThis chapter presents a description of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA), argumentation for a knowledge representation, composition, configuration and metrics. SOEKS is a combination of filtered and amalgamated information obtained from formal decision events. It facilitates effective explicit representation of decisional experience taken from different technologies. SOEKS comprises variables,...
Reclaimed Rubber/Poly(ε‐caprolactone) Blends: Structure, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties
PublicationThe amount of elastomeric waste, especially from tires is constantly increasing on a global scale. The recycling of these residua should be considered a priority. Compounding the waste rubbers with other polymers can be an excellent alternative to reuse waste materials. This procedure requires solving the issue of the lack of compatibility between the waste rubber particles and other polymers. Simultaneously, there is a claim for...
Application of the Optimum Dataset Method in Archeological Studies on Barrows
PublicationLight Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) became one of the technologies used in archaeological research. It allows for relatively easy detection of archaeological sites that have their own field form, e.g.: barrows, fortresses, tracts, ancient fields [1]. As a result of the scanning, the so-called point cloud is obtained, often consisting of millions of points. Such large measurement datasets are very time-consuming and labor-intensive...
Organizational Resilience in Hospitality and Tourism
PublicationAlthough ‘VUCA’ is not a new term, the features of the world it describes, a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment, have never been more valid. The VUCA world has become the new reality for business, specifically for hospitality and tourism organizations that are more vulnerable than any other sector due to the historically-recognized turbulent environment in which they operate. In this book, the authors present...
Partial characterization of three Korean white lotus cultivars
PublicationThe nutritional and bioactive values of Korean white lotus cultivars (Muan, Chungyang, and Garam)extracted with methanol, water, and acetone solvents were evaluated by the contents of their bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity determined by ABTS, CUPRAC, FRAP, DPPH, and β-carotene-linoleic acid assays. HPLC, fluorometry, and FTIR spectroscopy were employed for evaluation of polyphenols and fatty acids. All lotus cultivar...
Nowe stanowiska, rozmieszczenie i ochrona buławnika czerwonego Cephalanthera rubra (L.) Rich. (Orchidaceae) w Puszczy Augustowskiej (NE Polska)
PublicationCephalanthera rubra (L.) Rich. is a species under strict protection, very rare in the Suwałki region. In recent years, two sites were discovered in the Wigry National Park. The article presents a description of new localities and the distribution of the red helleborine in the Augustów Primeval Forest.