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Search results for: MOSTY BELKOWE

  • Concentration in ICTs sector - cross country analysis


    - Year 2010

    In the chapter below, the author present inequalities in sector of new information and communication technologies. Having in mind inequalities we can also discuss concentration issues, and the concentration itself is a problem to which the author refers on first place. The paper is organized as following: first basic measures of concentration are defined, after we can read a discussion referring to concentration in ICTs sector...

  • Determination of total mercury in raw petrol using cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry


    Presence of different forms of mercury in petroleum based products may impair the proper operation of the equipment or led to poisoning of automotive catalysts. However much more important problem is environmental pollution with mercury emitted from different types of fossil fuels. Although the average mercury concentration in petroleum based products (automotive fuels) is on the level around 1 ppb, taking into account annual...

  • Road texture influence on tire rolling resistance

    Tire rolling resistance is one of the most important resistive forces acting on road vehicles. It depends on tire and surface characteristics as well as vehicle operating parameters. This paper deals with the influence of road surface texture on rolling resistance of passenger car tires. Results of road measurements performed on variety of road surfaces are presented.

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  • Time-current tripping curves of arc fault detection devices


    Tripping curves of arc fault detection devices, in accordance with PN-EN 62606 “General requirements for arc fault detection devices” have been presented in the paper. Consequently the most fundamental differences in arc fault detection devices tripping compared to circuit-breakers and residual current devices have been indicated.

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  • Influence of meteorogical conditions om PM10 concentration in Gdańsk

    The paper presents the investigation of influence of meteorological conditions on the concentration of PM!) in Gdańsk in 2011 year. on the examples of episodes og high concentrations in this year. The results have shown the most crucial factors for high episodes of PM10: anticyclone atmospheric circulation, stable atmosphere conditions, low wind velocity and the occurence of inversion layer.

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  • Peptydy penetrujące – rodzaje i mechanizmy przenikania przez błony komórkowe


    - Wiadomości Chemiczne - Year 2015

    Peptydy penetrujące z pewnością są wyjątkową i ciekawą grupą związków peptydowych. Zostały odkryte ponad dwadzieścia lat temu, ale wiedza na ich temat wciąż jest rozbudowywana. Liczne badania nad mechanizmami ich przenikania do wnętrza komórek pozwalają zrozumieć jakie cechy strukturalne warunkują ich zdolność do penetracji komórek. Wiedza ta pozwala na projektowanie nowych, bardziej efektywnych peptydów penetrujących., które mogą...

  • A device for measuring heat flux on a rocket skin surface


    - Year 2021

    A novel method for measuring heat flux on a surface is presented. It is an extensive upgrade of currently known heat flux sensors used mostly in civil engineering. As the thermal environment of launchers, especially sounding rocket can have an enormous negative effect on payload, careful considerations have to be taken in the process of preparing insulation. Usually, thermal data provided by the launch vehicle manufacturer is limited...

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  • Hybrid approach to ontology specification and development


    In this chapter a first draft of a hybrid ontology development approach is presented. The context of this method encompasses the multi-agent system equipped with knowledge bases and inferring engine. The process of ontology engineering appears as a complex issue, as it addresses different point-views of both, a client and a modeler with a requirements/system analyst. Regarding this, an approach based on the knowledge preprocessing...

  • Comparative study of flow condensation in conventional and small diameter tubes

    Flow boiling and flow condensation are often regarded as two opposite or symetrical phenomena. Their description however with a single correlation has yet to be suggested.In the case of flow boiling in minichannels there is mostly encountered the annular flow structure, where the buble generetion is not present. Similar picture holds for the case of inside tube condensation, where annular flow structure predominates. In such case...

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  • Working in harmony with nature. Green office buildings in a present-day city


    - GeoScape - Year 2010

    Metropolis - as main point of people's migration, mostly because of work, have to face sustainable development as a strategy for the near future. This article describes possible ways leading to the best office building concepts in the design process. Searching for a workspace in harmony with nature is one of the aspects of a balanced development. The challenge is to create functional, compact, environmentally friendly and healthy...

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  • Polyethylene as a small vessel's building material


    - Year 2011

    The most common use of polyethylene we can notice nowadays are areas like water supply systems, gas industry (esp. gas piping), food industry, small-scale, light and consumer goods industries. That material has far more applications. One of them is shipbuilding - especially small inland or offshore vessels.

  • Research, theories and practical experience of therapeutic landscapes as a tool for urban open space design


    - Year 2013

    This paper reviews the research on therapeutic landscapes and discusses the design of urban parks and open green space. Firstly, the most relevant research on therapeutic landscapes is reviewed. Secondly, the practical experience of healing and therapeutic gardens is discussed. Finally, the conclusions leading to future use of therapeutic landscape concept in urban open space design are presented.

  • Przemoc w stosunkach ukraińsko-rosyjskich w opinii polskiej prasy codziennej


    - Year 2015

    The five most widely read Polish newspapers informing about the creation Maidan in Kiev and protests against decisions of the Ukrainian authorities revealed the existence of internal political violence. The external violence is associated with the inclusion of Russia into the conflict. Since the turn of 2013/2014 in Ukrainian-Russian relations were recorded examples of economic violence.

  • Klimat pracy zespołu wirtualnego


    - Year 2015

    Artykuł dotyczy klimatu pracy zespołowej, rozumianego jako wspólna dla pracowników zespołu percepcja procesów, praktyk i zachowań, które towarzyszą pracy zespołowej i mają wpływ zarówno na satysfakcję jak i na efekty pracy zespołu. Celem artykułu jest weryfikacja założenia, że wymiary klimatu pracy zespołowej, rozpoznane jako istotne dla zespołów tradycyjnych, mają swoje odzwierciedlenie również we współpracy zespołów wirtualnych....

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  • Segmentation-Based BI-RADS ensemble classification of breast tumours in ultrasound images



    Background: The development of computer-aided diagnosis systems in breast cancer imaging is exponential. Since 2016, 81 papers have described the automated segmentation of breast lesions in ultrasound images using arti- ficial intelligence. However, only two papers have dealt with complex BI-RADS classifications. Purpose: This study addresses the automatic classification of breast lesions into binary classes (benign vs. ma- lignant)...

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  • Review of non- welded piping technologies on offshore equipment projects

    The aim of this article are considerations on welded and non-welded tube connection technologies, with advantages and disadvantages of both. After choosing non-welded solutions as the assembly method of choice, the thesis progresses to describing the most widely-used tube connection technologies (JIC, Ermeto, retain ring flanges, flared tube flanges and other, minor, solutions) and their properties.

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    In a most commonly met design of a wind turbine the power is transmitted from the rotor to the generator through the system composed of the main shaft, friction connection, multiplicating gearbox and a flexible coupling. The driving system comprises almost a complete set of the machine elements being described during machine design lectures and can serve as an interesting illustration of the lectures.

  • Data visualization of marine objects on digital maps

    The paper presents the implementation of two multithreaded applications for data visualization of marine objects written in C#, designed to run on operator consoles with 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 7 OS. The article describes the most important functionality and features of the developed C# .NET user controls for data visualization on digital maps and in the configurable tables.

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  • Urine composition as a source of information about occupational exposure to chemicals

    In the article there is presented review of data concerning application of human urine samples to analytical studies conducted in order to gain information on occupational exposure. The parameters characterizing the most commonly used techniques of xenobiotics isolation and preconcentration (organic compounds and metals) from urine samples and techniques of analytes determination in properly prepared extract samples of human urine.

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  • Design of new cholinesterase inhibitors based on phosphorus analogs of tacrine as potential anti-Alzheimer’s disease agents


    - Year 2020

    Based on the analysis of the determined free binding energy (using the AutoDock Vina 1.1.2 docking program), the most potent cholinesterase inhibitors were selected. Moreover, studies of 3D visualization of the results of molecular modeling led to the identification of potential sites for the interaction of new potential inhibitors with amino acid residues building active sites of investigated cholinesterases.



    Although different methods of improving semiconductor gas sensor properties have been proposed, a technique involving temperature modulation seems to be the most promising. Semiconductor gas sensors working with modulated temperature can be more stable and are more selective comparing with sensor working at one temperature. In this paper, various approaches to temperature modulation are reviewed.

  • Drivetrain of a Wind Turbine

    In a most commonly met design of a wind turbine the power is transmitted from the rotor to the generator through the system composed of the main shaft, friction connection, multiplying gearbox and a flexible coupling. The driving system comprises almost a complete set of the machine elements being described during machine design lectures and can serve as an interesting illustration...

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  • Proposed Amendments to Reactive Energy Billing


    This paper describes possible amendments to the rules of reactive energy billing in the tariffs in Poland. Modifications in the tariffs to improve their motivational function for distribution system users are identified as the most expedient. New problems arising from distributed generator operations are also indicated. A billing method that can be effectively implemented at the occurrence of distorted voltage and current waveforms...

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  • Image as a key factor of brand value at social media


    - Logistyka - Year 2015

    The paper aims to investigate the relationship between social media presence and activities and brand value for the most valuable Global Brands 2012 (Interbrandt 2013). Social media communication is an innovative way of communication. Brand value is a key performance indicator of brand strategy for managers. Brand and category image realized to be the key factor of investigated relation.

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  • Five-phase Induction Motor Drive Operation During Stator Phase Fault

    The article presents the most important advantages of multi-phase electric drives. The construction of a five-phase squirrel cage induction motor together with possible stator winding distribution cases is presented, which affect the properties of such motor. Increased reliability of five-phase drives was indicated. The drive operation properties were confirmed by experimental results.

  • Modeling Volunteer Based Systems


    - Year 2016

    There are two main approaches to processing tasks requiring high amounts of computational power. One approach is using clusters of mostly identical hardware, placed in dedicated locations [1, 2, 3]. The other approach is outsourcing computing resources from large numbers of volunteers connected to the Internet [7]. This chapter presents an application of a mathematical model of the volunteer computing presented in Volume 1 of this...

  • Wykorzystanie technologii informatycznych w zarządzaniu przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi


    - Year 2006

    W rozdziale przedstawiono charakterystykę zarządzania przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi oraz wskazano na przydatność technologii informatycznych w procesach zarządzania przedsięwzięciem. Stan tych technologii ale głównie poziom ich wykorzystania może mieć kluczowe znaczenie w realizacji przedsięwzięć (osiąganiu założonego celu w ramach przyjętych - harmonogramu i budżetu). Stąd też w ramach koncepcji całej pracy dotyczącej zarządzania...

  • Enzymatyczna hydroliza białek mięśniowych kręgosłupów dorsza bałtyckiego

    Celem badań było ustalenie optymalnych warunków odzyskiwania białek mięśniowych z kręgosłupów dorsza bałtyckiego. Hydrolizę enzymatyczną białek mięśniowych prowadzono stosując trypsynę lub alkalazę w stężeniu: 2,5; 5; 10; 15; 20; 30 i 40 mg/g surowca. Reakcję prowadzono w środowisku obojętnym, przez 24 i 48 h. Wszystkie procesy i operacje jednostkowe powadzono w temperaturze 4 st.C. Efektywność enzymatycznej hydrolizy białek mięśniowych...

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  • Collagen Type II—Chitosan Interactions as Dependent on Hydroxylation and Acetylation Inferred from Molecular Dynamics Simulations

    • M. Przybyłek
    • P. Bełdowski
    • F. Wieland
    • P. Cysewski
    • A. Sionkowska

    - MOLECULES - Year 2023

    Chitosan–collagen blends have been widely applied in tissue engineering, joints diseases treatment, and many other biomedical fields. Understanding the affinity between chitosan and collagen type II is particularly relevant in the context of mechanical properties modulation, which is closely associated with designing biomaterials suitable for cartilage and synovial fluid regeneration. However, many structural features influence...

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  • An electronic nose based on the semiconducting and electrochemical gas sensors

    The practical application of human nose for fragrance recognition is severely limited by the fact that our sense of smell is subjective and gets tired easily. Consequently, there is a significant need for an instrument that can be a substitution of the human sense of smell. Development of an electronic nose devices is an active area of research starting from pioneering research of Dodd and Persuad in the mid-1980s. Such systems...

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  • Agile Commerce in the light of Text Mining

    The survey conducted for this study reveals that more than 84% of respondents have never encountered the term “agile commerce” and do not understand its meaning. At the same time, they are active participants of this strategy. Using digital channels as customers more often than ever before, they have already been included in the agile philosophy. Based on the above, the purpose of the study is to analyse major text sets containing...

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  • Swarm-Assisted Investment Planning of a Bioethanol Plant


    Bioethanol is a liquid fuel for which a significant increase in the share of energy sources has been observed in the economies of many countries. The most significant factor in popularizing bioethanol is the profitability of investments in construction of facilities producing this energy source, as well as the profitability of its supply chain. With the market filled with a large amount of equipment used in the bioethanol production...

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  • Rough Sets Applied to Mood of Music Recognition


    - Year 2016

    With the growth of accessible digital music libraries over the past decade, there is a need for research into automated systems for searching, organizing and recommending music. Mood of music is considered as one of the most intuitive criteria for listeners, thus this work is focused on the emotional content of music and its automatic recognition. The research study presented in this work contains an attempt to music emotion recognition...

  • High meniscal slope angle as a risk factor for meniscal allograft extrusion


    - MEDICAL HYPOTHESES - Year 2017

    A meniscal graft extrusion is still an unresolved problem that affects most patients after a meniscal transplantation. Despite the advances in surgical techniques, together with the improved methods for a meniscal allograft sizing, success is only observed in up to 75% of patients after they experience a meniscal allograft transplantation. Because a meniscal extrusion is associated with a cartilage deterioration and the progression...

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  • Electricity generation from rapeseed straw hydrolysates using microbial fuel cells



    Rapeseed straw is an attractive fuel material for microbial fuel cells (MFCs) due to its high content of carbohydrates (more than 60% carbohydrates). This study has demonstrated that reducing sugars can be efficiently extracted from raw rapeseed straw by combination of hydrothermal pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis followed by utilization as a fuel in two-chamber MFCs for electrical power generation. The most efficient method...

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  • Application of Game Theory to Conflict Management in a Construction Contract


    Interest has recently grown in the application of game theory (GT) to solve a number of diverse problems in the field of construction. The use of GT by a general contractor (GC) of construction works to indicate the best strategy leading to winning court proceedings in a situation of conflict with investor (IN), has not been investigated until now. Thus the aim of this paper is to indicate the optimal strategy from the GC viewpoint...

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  • Comparative Evaluation of Selected Biological Methods for the Removal of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Odorous VOCs from Air

    Due to increasingly stringent legal regulations as well as increasing social awareness, the removal of odorous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air is gaining importance. This paper presents the strategy to compare selected biological methods intended for the removal of different air pollutants, especially of odorous character. Biofiltration, biotrickling filtration and bioscrubbing technologies are evaluated in terms of...

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  • Study on Speech Transmission under Varying QoS Parameters in a OFDM Communication System


    - Year 2021

    Although there has been an outbreak of multiple multimedia platforms worldwide, speech communication is still the most essential and important type of service. With the spoken word we can exchange ideas, provide descriptive information, as well as aid to another person. As the amount of available bandwidth continues to shrink, researchers focus on novel types of transmission, based most often on multi-valued modulations, multiple...

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  • Properties of Different Varieties of Durian

    • S. Arsa
    • A. Wipatanawin
    • R. Suwapanich
    • O. Makkerdchoo
    • N. Chatsuwan
    • P. Kaewthong
    • P. Pinsirodom
    • R. Taprap
    • R. Haruenkit
    • S. Poovarodom... and 3 others

    - Applied Sciences - Year 2021

    Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.), like many other exotic, tropical, and conventional fruits, is important in the prevention of different diseases. In this study, the characterization of the main bioactive compounds of the most popular cultivars of durian and their properties are described. The changes in the quality indices of the antioxidant status were determined by CUPRAC, ABTS, FRAP, DPPH, and ORAC assays. The profiling of phytochemicals...

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  • Sequence-dependent structural properties of B-DNA: what have we learned in 40 years?

    • G. da Rosa
    • L. Grille
    • V. Calzada
    • K. Ahmad
    • J. P. Arcon
    • F. Battistini
    • G. Bayarri
    • T. Bishop
    • P. Carloni
    • T. Cheatham III... and 16 others

    - Biophysical Reviews - Year 2021

    The structure of B-DNA, the physiological form of the DNA molecule, has been a central topic in biology, chemistry and physics. Far from uniform and rigid, the double helix was revealed as a flexible and structurally polymorphic molecule. Conformational changes that lead to local and global changes in the helix geometry are mediated by a complex choreography of base and backbone rearrangements affecting the ability of the B-DNA...

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  • Development of Sulfamoylated 4‑(1-Phenyl‑1H‑1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)phenol Derivatives as Potent Steroid Sulfatase Inhibitors for Efficient Treatment of Breast Cancer



    We present here the advances achieved in the development of new sulfamoylated 4-(1-phenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)phenol derivatives as potent steroid sulfatase (STS) inhibitors for the treatment of breast cancer. Prompted by promising biological results and in silico analysis, the initial series of similar compounds were extended, appending a variety of m-substituents at the outer phenyl ring. The inhibition profiles of the newly...

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  • Accelerated large scale test set-up design in natural corrosion marine environment


    - Year 2021

    The standards for conducting small-scale specimen tests are well developed, but there is a lack of direct guidelines for conducting corrosion tests for large-scale specimens. The objective here is to develop a methodology which may be used in designing an accelerated corrosion test of large-scale structural components subjected to a natural corrosion marine environment. Different factors influencing corrosion degradation of steel...

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  • A numerical analysis of the thermal effects in the jet impingement stagnation zone

    • T. Kura
    • E. Fornalik-Wajs
    • J. Wajs
    • S. Kenjeres
    • S. Gurgul

    - Year 2019

    Most of the flows occurring in the engineering systems are turbulent and their accurate numerical analysis is still challenging, especially when combined with the heat transfer. One of the methods of heat transfer enhancement is utilization of the turbulent impinging jets, which were recently applied also in the heat exchangers. Their positive impact on the heat transfer performance was proven, but many questions related to its...

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  • Things You Might Not Know about the k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm


    Recommender Systems aim at suggesting potentially interesting items to a user. The most common kind of Recommender Systems is Collaborative Filtering which follows an intuition that users who liked the same things in the past, are more likely to be interested in the same things in the future. One of Collaborative Filtering methods is the k Nearest Neighbors algorithm which finds k users who are the most similar to an active user...

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  • Progress in development of molecularly imprinted polymers as sorbents for sample preparation

    Sample preparation has been one of the most often investigated steps in analytical procedures.These investigations are focused on problems such as isolation of analytes from the sample matrix, matrix implification, analyte enrichment to the level above the detection limit of the instrumentation used, and the removal of interfering species to improve the final determination. Techniques based on solid (adsorption) and pseudo liquid...

  • Reduction of vibrations of steel structure models with Polymeric Bearings - experimental study


    Earthquake-induced ground motions are the most severe and unpredictable threats to the structures all around the world. Therefore, designing earthquake protective systems has become an extremely challenging problem in civil engineering. Base isolation is one of the most popular and widely adopted methods of protecting structures against earthquake forces. The present paper reports the results obtained from the shaking table experimental...

  • Electrocatalytic gas sensor with reference layer


    In recent years electrochemical gas sensors based on solid state electrolytes have been intensively developed. They are easy to obtain, use and relative durable. Nasicon is one of the most promising materials, which have been used in construction of gas sensors. Most of these devices work in potentiometric or amperometric mode. However, some works are dedicated to sensors working in electrocatalytic mode. Principle of operation...

  • Determination of parent and methylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water samples by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction–two dimensional gas chromatography–time-of-flight mass spectrometry

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are contaminants frequently found in environmental waters. Owing to their toxic effects, it is important to develop analytical methodologies that allow their fast and reliable determination. Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME) allows a quick extraction of analytes with little organic solvent consumption. The best results regarding sample preparation are obtained when 40 mL of...

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  • Experimental investigation of Steel–Concrete–Polymer composite barrier for the ship internal tank construction


    Transportation of dangerous cargo by ships demands ensuring an appropriate protection level in case of an accident. Two of the most dangerous accident types resulting in an oil spill are grounding and ship to ship collision. The article presents results of research on a new composite construction for a ship hull that increases structural safety during collision. The concept of semi-elastic Steel–Concrete–Polymer structure is presented....

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  • C2 NIWA Community-Segmentation Criteria and Building Brand Associations on the Example of a Selected Target Group


    Every organization which offers products or services wishes to communicate with their customers in the most effective way. This kind of communication is based on proper selection of target groups, which are extracted in the process of market segmentation. That is way it is very important to ask the question to whom the message is to be directed and what kind of message we want to give. This article describes the selection criteria...

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