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Search results for: NOB SUPPRESSION
Validation of EORTC, CUETO, and EAU risk stratification in prediction of recurrence, progression, and death of patients with initially non–muscle‐invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC): A cohort analysis
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Regioselective synthesis of novel 4,5-diaryl functionalized 3,4-dihydropyrimidine-2(1H)-thiones via a non-Biginelli-type approach and evaluation of their in vitro anticancer activity
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The role of non-profit open access journals in building the country's scientific potential: Reflections on ten years of the International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies experience
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The effect of anthropogenic activity on BTEX, NO2, SO2, and CO concentrations in urban air of the spa city of Sopot and medium-industrialized city of Tczew located in North Poland
PublicationThe major goal of the present study is to compare the air quality of two urban locations situated in Northern Poland – the spa City of Sopot and the medium-industrialized city of Tczew using chemometric methods. As a criterion for the assessment of atmospheric air quality, measurements of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes were used (collected from atmospheric air using diffusion-type passive samplers) as well as...
Hybrid metal and non-metal activation of Oxone by magnetite nanostructures co-immobilized with nano-carbon black to degrade tetracycline: Fenton and electrochemical enhancement with bio-assay
PublicationElectrochemically synthesized magnetite nanostructures (ESMNPs) as a metal activator and nano-carbon black (NCB) as a non-metal activator were co-immobilized by alginate natural polymer to activate Oxone for the degradation of tetracycline (TC) antibiotic. The formation of sulfate radical was indirectly confirmed during the Oxone/ESMNPs/NCB/alginate process via the addition of scavenging compounds. This study revealed the high...
Cleaner energy for sustainable future using hybrid photovoltaics-thermoelectric generators system under non-static conditions using machine learning based control technique
PublicationIn addition to the load demand, the temperature difference between the hot and cold sides of the thermoelectric generator (TEG) module determines the output power for thermoelectric generator systems. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control is needed to track the optimal global power point as operating conditions change. The growing use of electricity and the decline in the use of fossil fuels have sparked interest in photovoltaic-TEG...
Theoretical designing of selenium heterocyclic non-fullerene acceptors with enhanced power conversion efficiency for organic solar cells: a DFT/TD-DFT-based prediction and understanding
PublicationIn this study, we have designed and explored a new series of non-fullerene acceptors for possible applications in organic solar cells. We have designed four molecules named as APH1 to APH4 after end-capped modification of recently synthesized Y6-Se-4Cl molecule. Density functional theory and time dependent-density functional theory have been employed for computing geometric and photovoltaic parameters of the designed molecules....
Coupling transformation of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in a long-term operated full-scale constructed wetland
PublicationThe coupling transformation of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur compounds has been studied in lab-scale and pilot-scale constructed wetlands (CWs), but few studies investigated full-scale CW. In this study, we used batch experiments to investigate the potentials of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur transformation in a long-term operated, full-scale horizontal subsurface flow wetland. The sediments collected from the HSFW were incubated for...
Cloning, expression, and purification of a recombinant cold-adapted β-galactosidase from antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. 22b
PublicationAntarktyczny szczep, gram-ujemnych bakterii Pseudoalteromonas sp. 22b, wyizolowanych z przewodu pokarmowego kryla z gatunku Thyssanoessa macrura, jest producentem wewnątrzkomórkowej zimnolubnej beta-galaktozydazy. Białko to jest homotetramerem, w którym każda z jednostek monomeru zbudowana jest z 1028 reszt aminokwasowych. Gen kodujący ten enzym został sklonowany i eksprymowany w komórkach E. coli. Następnie z zastosowaniem procedury...
Regulation of the First Committed Step in Lipopolysaccharide Biosynthesis Catalyzed by LpxC Requires the Essential Protein LapC (YejM) and HslVU Protease
PublicationWe previously showed that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) assembly requires the essential LapB protein to regulate FtsH-mediated proteolysis of LpxC protein that catalyzes the first committed step in the LPS synthesis. To further understand the essential function of LapB and its role in LpxC turnover, multicopy suppressors of ΔlapB revealed that overproduction of HslV protease subunit prevents its lethality by proteolytic degradation...
Erroneous Vehicle Velocity Estimation Correction Using Anisotropic Magnetoresistive (AMR) Sensors
PublicationMagnetic field sensors installed in the road infrastructure can be used for autonomous traffic flow parametrization. Although the main goal of such a measuring system is the recognition of the class of vehicle and classification, velocity is the essential parameter for further calculation and it must be estimated with high reliability. In-field test campaigns, during actual traffic conditions, showed that commonly accepted velocity...
Induction Generator with Direct Control and a Limited Number of Measurements on the Side of the Converter Connected to the Power Grid
PublicationThe article presents an induction generator connected to the power grid using the AC/DC/AC converter and LCL coupling filter. Three-level inverters were used in the converter, both from the generator side and the power grid side. The algorithm realizing Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) in inverters has been simplified to the maximum. Control of the induction generator was based on the Direct Field-Oriented Control (DFOC) method. At...
Roughness evaluation of turned composite surfaces by analysis of the shape of Autocorrelation Function
PublicationIn this paper, the application of an Autocorrelation Function for the characterisation of surface topography was validated. The roughness evaluation of turned composite surfaces was supported by sophisticated studies of the Autocorrelation Function properties, considering especially the shape of the function. Details were measured with the optical method. The selection of the surface roughness evaluation procedures was carried...
Regulation of LPS assembly via controlled proteolysis and sensing of LPS stress in Escherichia coli
PublicationLipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a complex glycolipid, essential for the bacterial viability and along with phospholipids, it constitutes the major amphiphilic component of outer membrane (OM) in most of the Gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli. LPS molecules confer an effective permeability barrier to the OM and play a crucial role in bacteria-environment and -host interactions. The synthesis and accumulation of this...
Contaminants in airport runoff water in the Vicinities of Two International Airports in Poland
PublicationThe general aim of the study was to evaluate environmental quality associated with the operations (combustion of fuels, cleaning of aircraft and airport aprons, aircraft, ground vehicle maintenance and repairs, fuelling operations, de/anti-icing operations) of international airports located in central and northern of Poland. These two monitoring areas were set up to monitor PAHs, PCBs, formaldehydes, phenols, detergents (cationic,...
The interplay between dopant and a surface structure of the photocatalyst – The case study of Nb-doped faceted TiO2
PublicationAnatase nanoparticles, exposing the majority of the {0 0 1}, {1 0 0} and {1 0 1} facets were synthesized and doped with different niobium amount to investigate the self-trapping of the excess electrons and resulting photocatalytic activity. Photocatalyst structure and presence of excess electrons inside the obtained Nb-doped anatase samples was confirmed by the combination of structural and spectroscopic analyses. Only for the...
Dissolution of Nb-doped hydroxyapatite prepared via low-temperature mechanochemical method: Spectroscopy studies
PublicationCalcium phosphate glass ceramics with nominal hydroxyapatite stoichiometry doped with niobium were synthesized using simple as well as low-temperature mechanochemical method and then in the form of compressed pellet were submitted to the static dissolution process in distilled water for one month. The results of structural analysis, performed mainly on the base of spectroscopic methods such as: infrared absorption spectroscopy,...
Fabrication, structural and electrical properties of Sr(V,Nb)O 3-δ perovskite materials
PublicationThe SrV1-xNbxO3-δ materials with different niobium content in perovskite B-sublattice were prepared by a solid-state reaction process. The microstructure and phase compositions of obtained samples were analyzed by the X-ray diffraction technique (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The electrical conductivity of samples was measured by a DC 4-wire method in range of 100–600 °C in different gas conditions. The oxidation...
Spectroscopic studies of Nb-doped tricalcium phosphate glass-ceramics prepared by sol-gel method
PublicationCalcium-phosphate based glasses and glass-ceramics play a crucial role in the tissue engineering development. Apart from their high biocompatibility and excellent ability to undergo varying degrees of resorbability1, they exhibit relatively high bioactivity and due to that they are commonly used as bone and dental implants. A substantial research effort is devoted to improve calcium-phosphate materials physico-chemical properties...
Effect of Nb and Al on in vitro dissolution behavior and structure of Na2O-MgO CaO-P2O5 glasses
PublicationIn vitro dissolution, structure, and thermal properties of the glass series Na2O-MgOsingle bondCaOsingle bondNb2O5 -Al2O3-P2O5 were studied. The dissolution behavior in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) confirmed the potential bioactive properties of tested glasses. The dissolution process was found to depend on the Al, Nb, and Mg contents. Al, respectively, suppresses the Nb and accelerates the Mg release process from the glasses....
Antitumor imidazoacridinone derivative C-1311 induces cell cycle arrest and cellular senescence-like phenotypic changes in human non-small lung A549 cancer cells
PublicationPrzeprowadzone badania miały na celu zbadanie rodzaju odpowiedzi komórkowej indukowanej przez pochodną C1311 w komórkach ludzkiego, niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuc A549, wyselekcjonowanych do badań ze względu na wysoką wrażliwość na działanie pochodnej C-1311. Wszystkie eksperymenty przeprowadzone zostały przy stężeniu hamującym proliferację komórek nowotworowych w 80%. Badania z wykorzystaniem techniki cytometrii przepływowej oraz...
Second law analysis of a 3D magnetic buoyancy-driven flow of hybrid nanofluid inside a wavy cubical cavity partially filled with porous layer and non-Newtonian layer
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Molecular basis of essentiality of early critical steps in the lipopolysaccharide biogenesis in Escherichia coli K-12: requirement of MsbA, cardiolipin, LpxL, LpxM and GcvB
PublicationTo identify the physiological factors that limit the growth of Escherichia coli K-12 strains synthesizing minimal lipopolysaccharide (LPS), we describe the first construction of strains devoid of the entire waa locus and concomitantly lacking all three acyltransferases (LpxL/LpxM/LpxP), synthesizing minimal lipid IVA derivatives with a restricted ability to grow at around 21 °C. Suppressors restoring growth up to 37 °C of Δ(gmhD-waaA)...
Characterization of the c-BN/TiC, Ti3SiC2 systems by element selectivespectroscopy.
PublicationPomimo dużego technologicznego zainteresowania tytanowymi kompozytami bazującymi na c-BN daje się zauważyć wyraźny brak danych dotyczących lokalnego otoczenia atomów Ti w tego typu materiałach. Główna przyczyna tego stanu rzeczy tkwi w trudności związanej z analizą układu wielofazowego o dużej twardości za pomocą konwencjonalnych metod. Praca poświęcona jest analizie składu i struktury tytanowych kompozytów za pomocą atomowo-selektywnych...
A technique of experiment aided virtual prototyping to obtain the best spindle speed during face milling of large-size structures
PublicationThe paper presents an original method concerning vibration suppression problem during milling of large-size and geometrically complicated workpieces with the use of novel way of selecting the spindle speed. This consists in repetitive simulations of the cutting process for subsequent values of the spindle speed, until the best vibration state of the workpiece is reached. An appropriate method of obtaining a computational model,...
Design considerations for compact microstrip resonant cells dedicated to efficient branch-line miniaturization
PublicationA conventional compact microstrip resonant cell (CMRC)has been thoroughly investigated to enhance its slow-wave properties and subsequently ensure an efficient miniaturization of a microstrip circuit. The geometry of a classic CMRC has been improved in terms of slowwave effect in two progressive steps: (i) a single-element topology has been replaced with a double-element one and (ii) a high-impedance section has been refined by...
Conservation and diversity of MutS proteins
PublicationThe homologues of MutS, mismatch repair protein, exist in all prokaryotes, with the exception of Actinobacteria, Mollicutes and part of the Archaea. Multiple alignments of 316 MutS amino acid sequences from 169 species revealed conserved residues and sequence motifs distinguishing MutS homologues. All MutS homologues show high conservation within the ATPase domain. MutS1, the homologue responsible for DNA mismatch recognition,...
The improvement of the analytical performance of direct current atmospheric pressure glow discharge generated in contact with the small-sized liquid cathode after the addition of non-ionic surfactants to electrolyte solutions
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Simultaneous analysis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and estrogenic hormones in water and wastewater samples using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and gas chromatography with electron capture detection
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Non-linear static stability of bi-layer carbon nanosheets resting on an elastic matrix under various types of in-plane shearing loads in thermo-elasticity using nonlocal continuum
PublicationIn this research, the shear and thermal buckling of bi-layer rectangular orthotropic carbon nanosheets embedded on an elastic matrix using the nonlocal elasticity theory and non-linear strains of Von-Karman was studied. The bi-layer carbon sheets were modeled as a double-layered plate, and van der Waals forces between layers were considered. The governing equations and boundary conditions were obtained using the first order shear...
Hai la fanciulla grande? Tu non hai maggiore tesoro di quello a guardare”. I doveri della madre nelle omelie di Bernardino da Siena
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Validation of EORTC, CUETO and EAU risk stratification in prediction of recurrence, progression and death of patients with initially non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC): a cohort analysis with systematic review.
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The Influence of the Radio Channel on Precision of Position Estimation of the User Terminal Using the NB-IoT Radio Interface
PublicationIn the article the method of user terminal position estimation using the broadcast signals transmitted in the downlink of the NB-IoT interface was presented, including the analysis of the radio channel influence on precision of position estimation as well as the eNodeB (Evolved Node B) synchronization. The practical ability to estimate the position in the test area has been verified in the laboratory conditions, using the reference...
Crystal structure and physical properties of Mg6Cu16Si7-type M6Ni16Si7, for M=Mg, Sc, Ti, Nb, and Ta
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Ab-initio investigations for structural, mechanical, optoelectronic, and thermoelectric properties of Ba2SbXO6 (X Nb, Ta) compounds
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Ab-initio investigations for structural, mechanical, optoelectronic, and thermoelectric properties of Ba2SbXO6 (X Nb, Ta) compounds
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Efficiency of pollutants removal from landfill leachates using Nb/BDD and Si/BDD anodic oxidation
PublicationLandfill leachates (LLs) is a complex, refectory and difficult to depurate liquid generated from sanitary landfills. It contains excessive levels of biodegradable and in particular non-biodegradable products (e.g. heavy metals, phenols, sulphide, plasticisers). LLs are among the effluents that may pose major environmental concerns, they can be a dangerous source of pollution e.g. due to infiltration into soil and underlying water....
Investigation of the 0.4C-35Cr-45Ni-Nb Alloy after Service in High-Temperature Steam and Hydrocarbons Environment
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation of the 0.4C-35Cr-45Ni-Nb alloy, which operated in the cracked hydrocarbon feeds and dilution steam at 1125 C. The material originated from the pyrolytic furnace coil tubes, of which internal walls were in contact with the aforementioned medium, whereas the external walls were in contact with the flue gases. The examination included metallographic and mechanical tests on the material...
Modelowanie matematyczne dwustopniowej nitryfikacji w układach osadu czynnego w procesie oczyszczania ścieków o wysokiej zawartości azotu amonowego
PublicationW rozprawie przedstawiono opracowanie i zastosowanie mechanistycznego modelu matematycznego w systemie osadu czynnego z biologicznym usuwaniem biogenów, do opisu którego zastosowano rozszerzony model dwustopniowej nitryfikacji. Głównym celem badań było zidentyfikowanie ograniczeń w modelowaniu pełnoskalowych technologii oczyszczania ścieków, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem procesów częściowej nitryfikacji...
Advances in analysis, quantification and modelling of N2O emission in SBRs under various DO set points
PublicationNitrous oxide (N2O), considered a major greenhouse gas (GHG) in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), is produced during both nitrification and denitrification processes; hence, it needs to be controlled by internal and external strategies. Various factors, such as DO, temperature, and pH, could be incorporated into the mitigation of emissions in WWTPs. In this research, potential operational strategies were investigated in order...
The coexistence and competition of canonical and comammox nitrite oxidizing bacteria in a nitrifying activated sludge system – Experimental observations and simulation studies
PublicationThe second step of nitrification can be mediated by nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB), i.e. Nitrospira and Nitrobacter, with different characteristics in terms of the r/K theory. In this study, an activated sludge model was developed to account for competition between two groups of canonical NOB and comammox bacteria. Heterotrophic denitrification on soluble microbial products was also incorporated into the model. Four 5-week washout...
Magneto-thermal convection of low concentration nanofluids
PublicationThe main aim of this paper was to analyze possible utilization of the low concentration nanofluids and the magnetic field to enhance heat transfer. The studied fluids were based on water with an addition of copper particles (40-60 nm diameter). They belonged to the diamagnetic group of materials. As a first attempt to stated target the analysis of enclosure placed in the maximal value of square magnetic induction gradient was carried...
Cost-Efficient Design Methodology for Compact Rat-Race Couplers
PublicationIn this article, a reliable and low-cost design methodology for simulation-driven optimization of miniaturized rat-race couplers (RRCs) is presented. We exploit a two-stage design approach, where a composite structure (a basic building block of the RRC structure) is first optimized using a pattern search algorithm, and, subsequently, the entire coupler is tuned by means of surrogate-based optimization (SBO) procedure. SBO is executed...
An Improved Method of Minimizing Tool Vibration during Boring Holes in Large-Size Structures
PublicationThe paper presents a thoroughly modified method of solving the problem of vibration suppression when boring large-diameter holes in large-size workpieces. A new approach of adjusting the rotational speed of a boring tool is proposed which concerns the selection of the spindle speed in accordance with the results of the simulation of the cutting process. This streamlined method focuses on phenomenological aspects and involves the...
Fire Protection and Materials Flammability Control by Artificial Intelligence
PublicationFire safety has become a major challenge of materials developers because of the massive production of organic materials, often combustibles, and their use for different purposes. In this sense, fire safety is critically considered in the development of engineering materials [1, 2]. The multiplicity of parameters contributing to the development of formulation of flame-retardant materials from one side and the sustainability concerns...
Human Gb3/CD77 synthase reveals specificity toward two or four different acceptors depending on amino acid at position 211, creating Pk, P1 and NOR blood group antigens
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Zawadzka M, Matheisel A, Konieczna S, Mazurkiewicz-Bełdzińska M.: Autonomic seizure with prominent apnea in patient with SCN8A-related epileptic encephalopathy. Epilepsy Res. 2020 Nov;167:106440.
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Antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from cows with mastitis in the eastern Poland and analysis of susceptibility of resistant strains to alternative non-antibiotic agents: lysostaphin, nisin and polymyxin B.
PublicationThe aim of the studies was analysis of resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from bovine mastitis in eastern part of Poland to a set of 20 antibiotics and three alternative agents: lysostaphin, nisin and polymyxin B. Eighty-six out of 123 examined isolates were susceptible to all of 20 tested antibiotics (70 %). The highest percentage of resistance was observed in the case of β-lactam antibiotics: amoxicillin (n=22, 17.9...
Effect of electron count and chemical complexity in the Ta-Nb-Hf-Zr-Ti high-entropy alloy superconductor
PublicationHigh-entropy alloys are made from random mixtures of principal elements on simple lattices, stabilized by a high mixing entropy. The recently discovered body-centered cubic (BCC) Ta-Nb-Hf-Zr-Ti high-entropy alloy superconductor appears to display properties of both simple crystalline intermetallics and amorphous materials; e.g., it has a well-defined superconducting transition along with an exceptional robustness against disorder....