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Search results for: internet rzezczy

  • Seamless roaming between UMTS and IEEE 802.11 networks.


    - Year 2004

    W artykule opisano metody przełączania pomiędzy systemami UMTS i sieciami standardu IEEE 802.11 - wykorzystującymi protokół MIP. Zaproponowano parametry i ........związane z przełączeniami połączeń, pozwalające na zwiększenie efektywności pracy systemów końcowych, uzyskujących dostęp do Intrnetu za pomocą wspomnianych wyżej systemów. Propozycje zostały zweryfikowane metodami symulacyjnymi, z wykorzystaniem symulatora NS-2.

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  • Platformy cyfrowe jako narzędzia współpracy - nowe szanse i zagrożenia


    Platformy cyfrowe stanowią zróżnicowane rozwiązania technologiczne, pozwalające na pokonywanie barier terytorialnych i umożliwiające współpracę dwóm lub większej ilości podmiotów, często w zakresie niedostępnym dla tradycyjnych form współpracy. Platformy technologiczne pozwoliły na powstanie nowych modeli biznesowych, w których następuje przenikanie się świata cyfrowego i fizycznego. Mamy bowiem do czynienia z konwergencją:...

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  • Żeglarstwo wśród studentów na przykładzie wyników działania ''Żelgowanie na PG'': działałania szkoleniowe


    - Year 2010

    Od kilku lat na Politechnice Gdańskiej realizowany jest program aktywizacji żeglarskiej studentów pod nazwą "Żeglarstwo na Politechnice". Prowadzone są dwukierunkowe działania: - z jednej strony akcja szkoleń na podstawowe stopnie żeglarskie adresowana do szerokiej rzeszy studentów i towarzysząca jej akcja kształcenia własnego zaplecza instruktorskiego, - z drugiej działania szkoleniowo- sportowe ukierunkowane na wychowanie własnej...

  • Modelowanie procesu regulacji osi toru kolejowego

    Na bezpieczeństwo transportu kolejowego wpływa między innymi bieżący stan infrastruktury oraz jej niezawodność. Ważnym czynnikiem mającym wpływ na bezpieczeństwo jest odpowiednie ustabilizowanie rusztu torowego, przez co minimalizowane jest ryzyko utraty stateczności konstrukcji. Zarówno minimalizacji imperfekcji, jak też zapewnieniu stateczności konstrukcji służy proces regulacji osi toru. W artykule przedstawiono ideę komputerowego...

  • The Influence of Selecting Regions from Endoscopic Video Frames on The Efficiency of Large Bowel Disease Recognition Algorithms

    The article presents our research in the field of the automatic diagnosis of large intestine diseases on endoscopic video. It focuses on the methods of selecting regions of interest from endoscopic video frames for further analysis by specialized disease recognition algorithms. Four methods of selecting regions of interest have been discussed: a. trivial, b. with the deletion of characteristic, endoscope specific additions to the...

  • Incorporating installation effects into the probability analysis of controlled modulus columns


    This technical report presents the probabilistic analysis which integrates the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) with random field theory to model the load–displacement behavior of Controlled Modulus Columns (CMCs) in overconsolidated Poznań clay. Presented study focuses on the practical aspects of statistical analysis of geotechnical data, numerical model development, and results evaluation. Variability and spatial distribution of...

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  • Modelling tunnelling-induced deformation in stiff soils with a hyperelastic–plastic anisotropic model


    - Acta Geotechnica - Year 2024

    In this paper, the tunnelling-induced deformation in anisotropic stiff soils is analysed using FE modelling. The influence of material description is investigated rather than an advanced simulation of the tunnelling method. A new hyperelastic– plastic model is proposed to describe the anisotropic mechanical behaviour of stiff highly overconsolidated soil. This model can reproduce the superposition of variable stress-induced anisotropy...

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    - Współpraca Europejska - Year 2022

    In recent years the polish real estate market has been characterised by a significant increase in supply and demand. This was facilitated by a number of macroeconomic factors. In recent years, housing has been commissioned as 30 years ago. Therefore, the depth analysis issue of the causes and consequences for the Polish economy of these trends is now relevant. Among the reasons are significant economic growth, low interest rates...

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  • Mangiferin Affects Melanin Synthesis by an Influence on Tyrosinase: Inhibition, Mechanism of Action and Molecular Docking Studies


    - Antioxidants - Year 2023

    Mangiferin is a strong antioxidant that presents a wide range of biological activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate, for the first time, the influence of mangiferin on tyrosinase, an enzyme responsible for melanin synthesis and the unwanted browning process of food. The research included both the kinetics and molecular interactions between tyrosinase and mangiferin. The research proved that mangiferin inhibits tyrosinase...

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  • Application of Thermo-chemical Technologies for Conversion of Associated Gas in Diesel-Gas Turbine Installations for Oil and Gas Floating Units


    - Polish Maritime Research - Year 2019

    The paper considers the issue of thermo-chemical recovery of engine’s waste heat and its further use for steam conversion of the associated gas for oil and gas floating units. The characteristics of the associated gas are presented, and problems of its application in dual-fuel medium-speed internal combustion engines are discussed. Various variants of combined diesel-gas turbine power plant with thermo-chemical heat recovery are...

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  • Co może się zdarzyć gdy w mieście pojawi się stadion? - przykład przemian w Gdańsku-Letnicy


    W działaniach na rzecz kształtowania, rewitalizacji i aktywizacji przestrzeni znaczącą rolę pełnią obiekty sportowe w tym stadiony budowane z myślą o EURO 2012. Jednym z miejsc wartych uwagi jest Gdańsk - Letnica. Dzielnica przemysłowa z XIX - wiecznymi zabudowaniami mieszkalnymi o złej infrastrukturze technicznej. Budowa nowego obiektu sportowego wiąże się ze zmianami przestrzennymi, ale i społecznymi nie tylko dla najbliższego...

  • XXVIII Aukcja Wielkie Serce


    - Year 2019

    Aukcja to wyjątkowa okazja dla miłośników i kolekcjonerów polskiej sztuki współczesnej. Kolejny raz będzie można obcować z dziełami artystów, którzy tworzą kanon, są „żywą encyklopedią” grafiki i malarstwa polskiego. Od początku lat 90. ubiegłego stulecia, organizatorzy aukcji szczycą się i zaufaniem najwybitniejszych polskich twórców. Pieniądze z licytacji ich dzieł, jak co roku, przekazane zostaną na rzecz wychowanków Specjalnego...

  • Jakość przestrzeni regionalnej polskiego pasa nadmorskiego


    - Year 2005

    Półwysep Helski przez naturalne ukształtowanie posiada wyjątkowe warunki przyrodnicze i krajobrazowe, a także kulturowe. W tradycyjnej zabudowie rybackiej można zaobserwować podział na budynki niemieckie i polskie. Funkcja turystyczna stanowi o intensywnym wykorzystaniu terenu w wyraźnym konflikcie ze środowiskiem. Charakterystyczna jest tendencja do tzw. urbanizacji. Kreowanie ładu przestrzennego w oparciu o edukację,popularyzację...

  • Tesla Friction-Type Micro Turbine For Small-Scale Cogeneration

    • Ł. Jędrzejewski
    • P. Lampart

    - RED. ZAGR. ANGIELSKI - Year 2011

    Tesla turbine is rarely used in professional power installations due to its specific work characteristics and relatively low internal efficiency. However, it has some potential to be applied in micro-power plants operating in distributed co-generation systems, also working in an organic Rankine cycle. This paper presents results from numerical calculations of flow in three models of Tesla disk turbines assuming nitrogen as a working...

  • Usage of Two-Center Basis Function Neural Classifiers in Compact Smart Resistive Sensors


    - Year 2012

    A new solution of the smart resistance sensorwith the Two-Center Basis Function (TCBF) neuralclassifier, for which the resistance sensor is a component ofan anti-aliasing filter of an ADC is proposed. Thetemperature measurement procedure is based on excitationof the filter by square impulses, sampling time response ofthe filter and processing measured voltage values by theTCBF classifier. All steps of the measurement procedure...

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  • Acoustic field and the entropy mode induced by it in a waveguide filled with some non-equilibrium gases

    The non-linear propagation of an acoustic beam in a rectangular waveguide is considered. The medium of sound propagation, is a gas where thermodynamically non-equilibrium processes take place: such as exothermic chemical reactions or excitation of vibrational degrees of a molecule’s freedom. The incident and reflected compounds of the acoustic field do not interact in the leading order in the case of periodic weakly nonlinear sound...

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    Paper presents results of an experimental verification of the method of quantitative evaluation of engine operation, presented in the literature, exemplified by a low-power internal combustion piston engine. In accordance with such interpretation, engine operation may be presented as a physical quantity defined as operation indicator. The paper presents results of preliminary tests, processed in that aspect, carried out on an engine...

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  • Współpraca transgraniczna Polski i Federacji Rosyjskiej na przykładzie euroregionu Bałtyk


    - Year 2008

    Współpraca Polski i Federacji Rosyjskiej w latach 1999-2006 była realizowana na trzech płaszczyznach: w ramach Funduszu Małych Projektów (2000-2006), Seagull II w ramach programu Interreg III B oraz w programie Kultura i Sztuka. Realizacja projektów zbliżyła obie strony i pozwoliła na wypracowanie strategii rozwoju współpracy w latach 2007-2013.

  • Neutral earthing reactor protection

    The IEEE and CIGRE recommend protection systems for high voltage shunt reactors. Unfortunately the recommendations do not include guidelines for the protection of neutral earthing reactors, which are often connected to shunt reactors to increase the effectiveness of single pole auto-reclosing. The paper discusses earthing reactor protection issues with particular emphasis on the detection of internal faults. An analysis carried...

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    Graphene has a range of unique physical properties which could be exploited in gas sensing. Every atom of graphene may be considered as a surface atom, able to interact even with single molecule of the target gas or vapour species resulting in the ultrasensitive sensor response. In this paper the potential of graphene as a nanomaterial for fabricating chemiresistors was described. Recent development in graphene sensors was considered...

  • Modelowanie zagrożeń w sieciach komputerowych


    - Year 2007

    W artykule przedstawiono problematykę zagrożeń w sieciach komputerowych. Dokonano przeglądu obszarów zastosowań Internetu ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa. Przedstawiono szereg strategii oraz rozwiązań o charakterze praktycznym w obszarach polityki bezpieczeństwa realizowanych przez różnego typu organizacje. Wyszczególniono zasady szeroko pojętej polityki bezpieczeństwa. Sklasyfikowano ataki oraz nielegalne...

  • Webquest- dobra praktyka w e-Learningu

    W dobie informatyzacji i pokonywania barier wdrażania e-technologii na uczelniach wyższych uważa się, że jedną z najczęściej stosowanych aktywizujących technik nauczania wśród nauczycieli akademickich jest metoda projektu (ang. project-based learning). W niniejszym opracowaniu proponuje się zastosowanie w procesie edukacji na wyższej uczelni, metody webquest. Jest ona dużo rzadziej stosowana w praktyce. Opracowano ją w oparciu...

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  • Internetowe systemy przetwarzania rozproszonego typu grid w zastosowaniach biznesowych

    Skoncentrowano się na możliwościach wykorzystania oraz integracji rozproszonych mocy obliczeniowych komputerów Internautów w globalnej sieci www. Zaprezentowano paradygmaty sieciowego przetwarzania typu grid computing oraz volunteer computing. Podkreślono istotność tego typu przetwarzania w zagadnieniach wymagających bardzo dużych mocy obliczeniowych. Zaprezentowano przykłady rozwiązań systemowych tego typu: system BOINC, będący...


    W pracy opisano zastosowanie aplikacji internetowej do oceny jakości dopasowania aparatów słuchowych. Metoda oceny polega na badaniu ankietowym, uzupełnionym testem rozumienia słów jednosylabowych w polu swobodnym. Opisywana aplikacja internetowa pozwala na przeprowadzenie badania z dowolnego komputera z dostępem do sieci. Dzięki implementacji metody w postaci aplikacji internetowej, można w systematyczny i uporządkowany sposób...

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  • Small Antenna Design Using Surrogate-Based Optimization


    In this work, design of small antennas using efficient numerical optimization is investigated. We exploit variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations and the adaptively adjusted design specifications (AADS) technique. Combination of these methods allows us to simultaneously adjust multiple geometry parameters of the antenna structure of interest in a computationally feasible manner, leading to substantial reduction of the...

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  • Hertzian Crack Propagation in Ceramic Rolling Elements


    The properties of ceramics are of most interest to rolling element manufacturers. The influence of ring crack size on rolling contact fatigue failure has been studied using numerical fracture analysis. Such crack are very often found on ceramic bearing balls and decrease fatigue life rapidly. The numerical calculations are based on a three dimensional model for the ring crack propagation. The stress intensity factors along crack...

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  • A dipole-driven path for electron and positron attachments to gas-phase uracil and pyrimidine molecules: a quantum scattering analysis

    • F. Carelli
    • F. Gianturco
    • J. Franz
    • M. Satta


    Electron and positron scattering processes in the gas-phase are analysed for uracil and pyrimidine molecules using a multichannel quantum approach at energies close to threshold. The special effects on the scattering dynamics induced by the large dipole moments in both molecules on the spatial features of the continuum leptonic wavefunctions are here linked to the possible bound states of the Rydberg-like molecular anions or ‘positroned’...

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  • An automatic system for identification of random telegraph signal (RTS) noise in noise signals

    In the paper the automatic and universal system for identification of Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) noise as a non-Gaussian component of the inherent noise signal of semiconductor devices is presented. The system for data acquisition and processing is described. Histograms of the instantaneous values of the noise signals are calculated as the basis for analysis of the noise signal to determine the number of local maxima of histograms...

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  • Pipeline geometry defects in high resolution pig's data


    - Year 2007

    Most of the pipelines have been inspected at least once using intelligent pigging. The problem of specific software for interactive presentation, analysis and comparison of features revealed during the consecutive geometry surveys is emphasized. Capabilities of a simultaneous measurement of internal geometry and metal loss features in a single run are illustrated. Advantages of application of statistical characteristics of both...

  • Analysis of the possibilities of using of DME fuel in motor boat drive systems

    The characteristics of alternative fuel for diesel: dimethyl ether (DME) and an analysis of the potential to reduce emissions of toxic compounds by the engines when running on this fuel have been presented in this work. Basic types of design solutions of gas supply and control systems, possible for use in internal combustion engines with DME supply have been also presented. The paper presents a study of the legislation and an analysis...

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  • Investigation method and mathematical model of pressure losses in hydraulic rotary motor


    Tis paper presents a way of determining the coefcient k of the pressure losses Δp (fow drag) in internal ducts 8 Mp of SWSB-63 hydraulic motor. Te coefcient is determined at a fow rate equal to the theoretical capacity Q of the Pt pump feeding the motor , the losses are related to the nominal pressure p in the hydraulic system. Te investigations n followed a model of energy performance of hydraulic rotary motor, proposed by...

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  • A method of measuring RLC components for microcontroller systems


    A new method of measuring RLC components for microcontroller systems dedicated to compact smart impedance sensors based on a direct sensor-microcontroller interface is presented. In the method this direct interface composed of a reference resistor connected in series with the tested sensor impedance is stimulated by a square wave generated by the microcontroller, and then its voltage response is sampled by an internal ADC of the...

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  • Conducting polymer films for biodegradable metallic cardiovascular stents

    In recent years, there is increasing interest to create biodegradable metallic cardiovascular stents instead of using their permanent form. The most interesting materials for this purpose are iron and its alloys. However, in order to use it in clinical application, their degradation rate and biological performance need to be optimized. One promising solution is coating the metal with conducting polymer films. In this work, short...

  • Wzbudzone siły wewnętrzne : skutki upr0szczonego modelowania zakrzywionej estakady sprężonej


    the paper presents problems, which were encountered during the construction of a southern road bypass of city gdansk. after prestressing and removing formwork, the contractor spotted, that some of outer bearings are detached. performed analysis showed that, this situation was caused by the usage of a simplified, straight beam model during design phase. the paper shows the influence of a curved in plane prestressed system on internal...



    - Year 2014

    The paper presents the final version of intelligent system to support the design process of hybrid photovoltaic systems supported by fuel cells and / or thermoelectric generators developed and constructed at the Institute of Electron Technology, as well as to conduct experiments and research. A block diagram of the system and the selection of its components is described and discussed. The paper considers the availability of the...

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  • Trust-Based Model for the Assessment of the Uncertainty of Measurements in Hybrid IoT Networks


    - SENSORS - Year 2020

    The aim of this paper is to introduce a NUT model (NUT: network-uncertainty-trust) that aids the decrease of the uncertainty of measurements in autonomous hybrid Internet of Things sensor networks. The problem of uncertainty in such networks is a consequence of various operating conditions and varied quality of measurement nodes, making statistical approach less successful. This paper presents a model for decreasing the uncertainty...

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  • LTE and NB-IoT Performance Estimation Based on Indicators Measured by the Radio Module

    Monitoring the operating parameters of power grids is extremely important for their proper functioning as well as for ensuring the security of the entire infrastructure. As the idea of the Internet of Things becomes more ubiquitous, there are tools for monitoring the state of the complex electrical grid and means to control it. There are also developed new measuring devices and transmission technologies allowing for the transfer...

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  • Edge-Computing based Secure E-learning Platforms


    - Year 2022

    Implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in E-Learning environments have brought up dramatic changes in the current educational sector. Distance learning, online learning, and networked learning are few examples that promote educational interaction between students, lecturers and learning communities. Although being an efficient form of real learning resource, online electronic resources are subject to...

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  • A Simplistic Downlink Channel Estimation Method for NB-IoT


    This paper presents a downlink channel estimation method intended for a Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) access link. Due to its low computational complexity, this method is well suited for energy-efficient IoT devices, still providing acceptable reception quality in terms of signal-to-noise (SNR) performance. This paper describes the physical layer of NB-IoT within the scope of channel estimation, and also reviews existing...

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  • Study on CPU and RAM Resource Consumption of Mobile Devices using Streaming Services


    Streaming multimedia services have become very popular in recent years, due to the development of wireless networks. With the growing number of mobile devices worldwide, service providers offer dedicated applications that allow to deliver on-demand audio and video content anytime and everywhere. The aim of this study was to compare different streaming services and investigate their impact on the CPU and RAM resources, with respect...

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    The development of IoT (the Internet of Things) wireless transmission opens a new era in communication systems. In the next years, the development and implementation of IoT systems will be very dynamic. It can be seen that the solutions of LTE – NB-IoT (Long Term Evolution – Narrowband IoT) transmission devices are implemented in a wide range of terrestrial solutions, e.g. smart grids. This paper aims to analyse the possibility...

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  • Rapid redesign of multiband antennas with respect to operating conditions and material parameters of substrate

    This work addresses geometry parameter scaling of multi-band antennas for Internet of Things applications. The presented approach is comprehensive and permits re-design of the structure with respect to both the operating frequencies and material parameters of the dielectric substrate. A two-step procedure is developed with the initial design obtained from an inverse surrogate model constructed using a set of appropriately prepared...

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  • Thematic Areas in the Polish Countryside and Their Role in Local Development


    - Year 2018

    The article defines the phenomenon of space thematisation with regards to rural areas in Poland. The typology of thematic spaces and criteria of their comparative description have been proposed. Thematic villages, home gardens, amusement parks and housing estates have been distinguished. They have been compared in terms of spatial availability, the degree of user participation and the commercial vs. non-commercial creation purpose....

  • Standard deviation as the optimization criterion in the OptD method and its influence on the generated DTM


    - E3S Web of Conferences - Year 2018

    Reduction of the measurement dataset is one of the current issues related to constantly developing technologies that provide large datasets, eg. laser scanning. It could seems that presence and evolution of processors computer, increase of hard drive capacity etc. is the solution for development of such large datasets. And in fact it is, however, the “lighter” datasets are easier to work with. Additionally, reduced datasets can...

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  • The effects of perceived risk, brand value, and brand trust on eWOM


    Unrestricted access to the Internet, mobile devices, social applications and offering shopping comment options via online stores and platforms, encourages customers to generate online reviews about brands. That is why it became important to learn about the factors that motivate customers to create electronic word of mouth (eWOM). The survey aimed to check if there are links between perceived brand value, perceived risk, brand trust...

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  • Do online reviews reveal mobile application usability and user experience? The case of WhatsApp

    The variety of hardware devices and the diversity of their users imposes new requirements and expectations on designers and developers of mobile applications (apps). While the Internet has enabled new forms of communication platform, online stores provide the ability to review apps. These informal online app reviews have become a viral form of electronic wordof-mouth (eWOM), covering a plethora of issues. In our study, we set ourselves...

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  • Deep Learning-Based Intrusion System for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


    - CMC-Computers Materials & Continua - Year 2020

    The increasing use of the Internet with vehicles has made travel more convenient. However, hackers can attack intelligent vehicles through various technical loopholes, resulting in a range of security issues. Due to these security issues, the safety protection technology of the in-vehicle system has become a focus of research. Using the advanced autoencoder network and recurrent neural network in deep learning, we investigated...

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  • Programowalne układy napędowe w dydaktyce.


    - Year 2004

    Opisane stanowisko laboratoryjne stanowi przykład zestawu, z pomocą którego możliwe jest zapoznanie szerokiej liczby odbiorców z nowoczesną techniką napędową. Studenci odbywający zajęcia laboratoryjne, prowadzonych w Katedrze Trakcji Elektrycznej, mogą badać różnorakie maszyny elektryczne pod względem własności ruchowych, zaznajomić się ze sposobami sterowania silnikami z użyciem energoelektronicznych przetworników energii oraz...

  • Method of selective fading as a educational tool to study the behaviour of prestressed concrete elements under excess loading

    Prestressed structures are a key to realization of the boldest architectural ideas, characteristic feature of prestressed structure is better use of concrete material properties by insertion of internal forces. Learning about pre-stressed reinforced concrete structures is an integral part of Graduate Studies Program in construction engineering. Know-how of geometry change patterns in prestressed concrete elements under certain...

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  • Maturity Mismatch in the Polish Banking System and its Impact on the Economy


    - Year 2013

    In the article maturity mismatch in the Polish banking system is estimated based on the publicly available data. Then the impact on the economy is discussed. Based on Polish central bank’s data it may be estimated that between 1996 and 2012 the maturity gap increased significantly – average residual maturity of assets exceeds 6 years in 2012 (less than 2 years in 1996), while that of liabilities remains below 1 year. The gap...

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