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Search results for: LOGIC GATE
Voltage and Reactive Power Load Flow Optimization in the Power System Using Fuzzy Logic
PublicationThe paper presents issues related to voltage control in the power system. An original method of reactive power flow optimization is considered, which leads to improved voltages in the power system and reduced active power losses. The optimization method is based on a procedure that employs fuzzy logic and is supported by a gradient search algorithm. The method has been implemented in PLANS software and verified.
Analysis of odour interactions in model gas mixtures using electronic nose and fuzzy logic
PublicationMeasurement and monitoring of air quality in terms of odour nuisance is an important problem. Although the source of these nuisances is different (e.g. wastewater treatment plants, municipal landfills), their common feature is that they are a complex mixture of odorants with different odour thresholds. An additional problem is occurrence of the odour interactions between mixture components. From a practical point of view, it would...
Accuracy of Trajectory Tracking Based on Nonlinear Guidance Logic for Hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vessels
PublicationA new trend in recent years for hydrographic measurement in water bodies is the use of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs). In the process of navigation by USVs, it is particularly important to control position precisely on the measuring profile. Precise navigation with respect to the measuring profile avoids registration of redundant data and thus saves time and survey costs. This article addresses the issue of precise navigation...
Implementacja reguł animacji w logice rozmytej
PublicationZaprojektowano system komputerowy wspomagający tworzenie animacji. System wykorzystuje reguły animacji wywodzące się z animacji tradycyjnej. Reguły opisują sposób uzyskiwania animacji postaci nacechowanych emocjonalnie. Na potrzeby badań zostały one sformułowane w logice rozmytej i zaimplementowane w języku programowania Python. Wykorzystując system wygenerowano animacje testowe, które poddano ocenie subiektywnej, w celu określenia...
Design of Inner Gate for CRIST Shipyard Dry Dock
PublicationThe paper deals with a removable steel inner gate which was designed to separate two parts of a dry dock of about 70 m in width and 380 m in length. The gate allows for independent assembly of ship structures in two separated parts of the dock. The fore part of the dock can be flooded while the after part is dry. Tthe gate was designed by IDEK Company Ltd in 2011 and it was soon constructed and used by CRIST Shipyard in Gdynia.
Gate Driver with Overcurrent Protection Circuit for GaN Transistors
PublicationThe improvement of the gate driver for GaN transistor is presented in this paper. The proposed topology contains the overcurrent protectionwith the two-stage turning off and independent control of turn on and off time of the GaN transistor. The operation of driver and its application in thehalf-bridge converter are described using both simulation and prototype measurements. The overcurrent protection was tested in Double Pulse...
The Waiter Game: Structure and Development of an Hospitality Training Game
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Application of fuzzy logic to determine the odour intensity of model gas mixtures using electronic nose
PublicationThe paper presents the possibility of application of fuzzy logic to determine the odour intensity of model, ternary gas mixtures (α-pinene, toluene and triethylamine) using electronic nose prototype. The results obtained using fuzzy logic algorithms were compared with the values obtained using multiple linear regression (MLR) model and sensory analysis. As the results of the studies, it was found the electronic nose prototype along...
Gates of Enzymes
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A Semantic Algebra for Modularized Description Logics Knowledge Bases
PublicationPublikacja wprowadza pojęcia modularyzacji ontologii opartej na tzw. modułach semantycznych (s-modułach) oraz algebry s-modułów. W pracy zawarto szereg twierdzeń opisujących właściwości algebry, jej związku z klasą algebr cylindrycznych oraz przedyskutowano możliwości zastosowania prezentowanych idei.
Reasoning with Projection in Multimodular Description Logics Knowledge Bases
PublicationWe present an approach to reasoning with projection, i.e. reasoning in which it is possible to focus on a selected part of knowledge (by neglecting some non-interesting fragments). Projection is most useful for modular knowledge bases in which only parts of knowledge have to be exchanged or imported to other modules. In this paper we present an optimized method of reasoning over results of projection. The tests indicate that the...
The cartographer algorithm for processing and querying description logics ontologies
PublicationLogika opisowa jest jednym z najbardziej popularnych formalizmów opisu wiedzy. Jej popularność jeszcze wzrosła kiedy pojawił się standard języka OWL. W artykule zaprezentowano nowy algorytm wnioskowania - algorytm kartograficzny - umożliwiający wnioskowanie niejawnie podanej wiedzy z terminologii (TBox) i opisu świata (ABox). Opisano sposób przetwarzania ontologii w terminach sygnatur binarnych i efektywny sposób odpytywania ontologii...
Hydraulic gate contact areas in view of investigation and field experience
PublicationW pracy podano ogólny przegląd dotyczący określenia powierzchni kontaktowych zamknięć wodnych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na siły występujące w powierzchniach kontaktowych zamknięć, trybologię i inne zjawiska mające wpływ na rozwiązania problemów kontowych określających sprawność zamknięć. Ważnym zagadnieniem jest dobór materiału i określenie jego właściwości na podstawie badań laboratoryjnych i oceny pracy tego materiału w wyniku...
Numerical modal analysis of a vertical rising steel water gate
PublicationVertical rising steel water gates are very common not only in Poland and Germany but also in other countries of the world. Their popularity is mainly attributed to their simplicity of construction, which makes their production process cheaper and faster when compared to other solutions. The aim of this paper is to conduct a numerical modal analysis to examine the eigenvalues and eigenmodes of a vertical rising steel gate. Two cases...
Comparative analysis of different numerical models of a steel radial gate
PublicationHydrotechnical structures are important components in water management system and general flooding safety. Their reliability should be ensured since potential damage might lead to catastrophic consequences. Weir gates are considered to be highly vulnerable elements of each hydro power plant, with regard to its dynamic resistance. The aim of the paper is to compare different numerical models and their influence on the results of...
Implementing fuzzy logic to generate user profile in decisional DNA television: the concept and initial case study
PublicationIn the paper the concept and case study of a novel approach that generates a television user's profile utilizing principles of fuzzy logic is presented.
Optimization of Self-Organized TiO2 Nanotube Geometry on Ti and Ti Alloys Using Fuzzy Logic Reasoning
PublicationThe geometry of self-organized TiO2 nanotubes, obtained by electrochemicalanodization, has been determined by using fuzzy reasoning approach. The efficiency of TiO2nanotubular layer in biomedical applications depends on geometry and available surface area ofnanotubes, which can be determined by their diameter and length. The structure of nanotubesdepends on processing parameters of electrochemical anodization, like applied potential,anodization...
Applying Fuzzy Logic of Expert Knowledge for Accurate Predictive Algorithms of Customer Traffic Flows in Theme Parks
PublicationThis study analyzes two forecasting models based on the application of fuzzy logic and evaluates their effectiveness in predicting visitor expenditure and length of stay at a popular theme park. The forecasting models are based on a set of more than 600 decision rules constructed in the form of a complex series of IF-THEN statements. These algorithms store expert knowledge. A descriptive instrument that records the individual visitor's...
Risk Assessment at Unsignalized Intersections Based on Human-Road-Environment-Vehicle System Applying Fuzzy Logic
PublicationThe constant increase in motorization level and traffic density increases risks due to dangerous situations for road participants. Therefore, assessing the accident level of road network elements has been an urgent task over the past decades. However, existing approaches mainly rely on traffic flow parameters and account for dynamic vehicle characteristics. The research aims to design a model accounting for uncertain factors (weather...
Metody strukturalnej analizy ontologii opartych na logice opisowej
PublicationW rozprawie przedstawiono opracowaną przez autora metodę wewnętrznej reprezentacji ontologii opartych na logice opisowej: kartografię wiedzy. Metoda ta służy przede wszystkim zwiększeniu efektywności wnioskowania dla baz wiedzy zawierających dużą liczbę asercji. W pracy przedstawiono formalizm opracowanej metody oraz towarzyszące jej algorytmy. Kartografię wiedzy wykorzystano w ramach projektu PIPS (6. Program Ramowy UE), a testy...
Application of virtual gate for counting people participating in large public events
PublicationThe concept and practical application of the developed algorithm forpeople counting in crowded scene is presented. The aim of the work is to estimatethe number of people passing towards entrances of a large sport hall. Thedetails of implemented the Virtual Gate algorithm are presented. The video signalfrom the camera installed in the building constituted the input for the algorithm.The most challenging problem was the unpredicted...
Different Terahertz Phases of AlGaN/GaN Grating-Gate Plasmonic Crystals
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A DFT+U study of carbon nanotubes under influence of a gate voltage
PublicationA possibility of appearance of antiferromagnetic ordering in armchair carbon nanotubes and graphene is studied using density functional theory within a DFT+U approach. It is shown that the Coulomb repulsion between electrons in the -orbitals of graphene would need to reach a threshold value of ,...
Room-Temperature Amplification of Terahertz Radiation by Grating-Gate Graphene Structures
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Grating-Gate AlGaN/GaN Plasmonic Crystals for Terahertz Waves Manipulation
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THz Double-Grating Gate Transistor Detectors in High Magnetic Fields
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Modal analysis of a fish-belly flap type of steel water gate
PublicationABSTRACT: The results of a modal analysis of the fish-belly flap type of steel water gate are presented in the paper. The analysis was conducted for a detailed numerical model of the structure using four-node quadrilateral shell elements. The study was focused on the examination of the influence of positioning of the flap gate and hydrostatic pressure of water on the eigenvalues and eigenmodes of the structure. The results of the study...
Modal Analysis of a Steel Radial Gate Exposed to Different Water Levels
PublicationWith the increase in water retention needs and planned river regulation, it might be important to investigate the dynamic resistance of vulnerable elements of hydroelectric power plants, including steel water locks. The most frequent dynamic loads affecting hydroengineering structures in Poland include vibrations caused by heavy road and railway traffic, piling works and mining tremors. More destructive dynamic loads, including...
Determination of Odor Intensity of Binary Gas Mixtures Using Perceptual Models and an Electronic Nose Combined with Fuzzy Logic
PublicationMeasurement and monitoring of air quality in terms of odor nuisance is an important problem. From a practical point of view, it would be most valuable to directly link the odor intensity with the results of analytical air monitoring. Such a solution is offered by electronic noses, which thanks to the possibility of holistic analysis of the gas sample, allow estimation of the odor intensity of the gas mixture. The biggest problem...
Publication: The study is aimed to develop the logic-linguistic models to design a number of rules for the correct calculation of the vehicles needed, taking into account the technical, technological, and weather and climate conditions of the harvesting and transport complex. The article has shown that the construction of the design of logic-linguistic models was not performed earlier to solve the problem of the agro-industrial production...
Phenotypic yield and its structure variability of moderately late and late potato cultivars
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The Knowledge Cartography – A New Approach to Reasoning over Description Logics Ontologies
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Tworzenie map konceptów dla ontologii opartych na logice opisowej
PublicationW poprzednich pracach przedstawiono nową metodę reprezentacji wiedzy nazwaną metodą kartograficzną. Metoda ta pozwala na uchwycenie zależności pomiędzy pojęciami wyznaczonymi w ramach terminologii, jak również na stopniowe (w miarę zwiększania się naszej wiedzy) przyporządkowywanie indywidualnych obiektów tym pojęciom. Zależności te reprezentowane są w postaci tzw. mapy konceptów. Efektywność budowy mapy konceptów stanowi zagadnienie...
The knowledge cartography - a new approach to reasoning over description logics ontologies
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje nową metodę reprezentacji i przetwarzania wiedzy ontologicznej - Kartografię wiedzy. Ta metodapozwala na wnisokowanie z części terminologicznej i asercjonalnej ontologii. Artykuł opisuje metodę oraz jej podstawy teoretyczne. Kartografia wiedzy prechowuje i przetwarza w terminach sygnatur binarnych, które umożliwiają efektywne przetwarzanie ontologii zawierających dużą liczbę osobników. Kartografia wiedzy została...
Przetwarzanie zapytań w rozproszonej bazie wiedzyopartej na logice opisowej
PublicationRozdział prezentuje podstawy algorytmu Spider przetwarzania zapytań asercjonalnych (typu ABox) w rozproszonej bazie wiedzy opartej na logice opisowej. Algorytm Spider może być stosowany w celu integracji wiedzy z różnych źródeł. W rozdziale pokrótce przedstawiono zasadę kartograficznej reprezentacji wiedzy, sposób odwzorowywania terminologii różnych źródeł oraz oszacowano złożoność obliczeniową przedstawianego algorytmu.
Przetwarzanie zapytań do terminologii ontologiiniepewnych opartych na logice opisowej
PublicationSystemy informatyczne oparte na bazach wiedzy stają się coraz bardziej popularne. Znacząca ilość istniejących systemów do opisu wiedzy wykorzystuje ontologie. Budując ontologie, bardzo często zakłada się, że informacje w nich przechowywane są pewne. W niektórych jednak zastosowaniach takie założenie może nie być do końca prawdziwe. Niniejszy Rozdział wprowadza w tematykę ontologii niepewnych oraz prezentuje propozycje rozszerzenia...
Comparison of tuning procedures based on evolutionary algorithm for multi-region fuzzy-logic PID controller for non-linear plant
PublicationThe paper presents a comparison of tuning procedures for a multi-region fuzzy-logic controller used for nonlinear process control. This controller is composed of local PID controllers and fuzzy-logic mechanism that aggregates local control signals. Three off-line tuning procedures are presented. The first one focuses on separate tuning of local PID controllers gains in the case when the parameters of membership functions of fuzzy-logic...
Multi-region fuzzy logic controller with local PID controllers for U-tube steam generator in nuclear power plant
PublicationIn the paper, analysis of multi-region fuzzy logic controller with local PID controllers for steam generator of pressurized water reactor (PWR) working in wide range of thermal power changes is presented. The U-tube steam generator has a nonlinear dynamics depending on thermal power transferred from coolant of the primary loop of the PWR plant. Control of water level in the steam generator conducted by a traditional PID controller...
Effect of adopted rules of inference and methods of defuzzification on the final result of the evaluation of reliability made using the fuzzy logic methods
PublicationThe object of interest is to solve the problem of risk management of marine systems. But the main trouble is a lack of numerous and sure data on the reliability of the components of such systems. The methods based on the fuzzy logic seem to be helpful here. The goal of the article is to check the effect of using different fuzzy inference rules and methods of defuzzification on the final result of reliability assessment. The three...
Identification of Public Service Logic (PSL) and Public Service Motivation (PSM) elements in Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives
PublicationWhile previous research on Open Government Data (OGD) has primarily focused on reuse and adoption, this study aims to explore the implications of the Public Service Logic (PSL) and Public Service Motivation (PSM) dimensions in the context of OGD initiatives. This study is contextualized in Tanzania wherein the OGD initiatives are at an evolving stage. For the present study, the perspectives of the 15 public officials involved in...
Temperature, back gate and polarization studies in nanotransistor based THz plasma detectors
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Modified U-Net with attention gate for enhanced automated brain tumor segmentation
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Terahertz radiation detection by double grating-gate transistors in high magnetic fields
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Equilibria of wireless multihoming game
PublicationTerminale podłączone do wielu sieci bezprzewodowych modelowane są jako uczestnicy gry niekooperacyjnej, której symetryczny punkt równowagi Nasha w strategiach mieszanych wyznaczono dla przypadku sieci WLAN standardu IEEE 802.11. Udziały pasma w punkcie równowagi okazują się niższe w porównaniu ze środowiskiem terminali stosujących ustawienia standardowe.
Model of emotions for game players
PublicationAffect-aware video games can respond to a game player's emotions. Such games seem to be more attractive for users. Therefore for that kind of games it is necessary to create a model of the player's emotions to know to which emotions the application should react. The paper describes different models of emotions. The questionnaire and experiment for video game players is presented. Some results of the tests are shown. Then the model...
Game with a Purpose for Mappings Verification
PublicationMappings verification is a laborious task. The paper presents a Game with a Purpose based system for verification of automatically generated mappings. General description of idea standing behind the games with the purpose is given. Description of TGame system, a 2D platform mobile game with verification process included in the gameplay, is provided. Additional mechanisms for anti-cheating, increasing player’s motivation and gathering...
Measuring Pulse Rate with a Webcam
PublicationIn this paper a simple method of measuring the pulse rate is presented. Elaborated algorithm allows for efficient pulse rate registration directly from face images captured from a webcam. The desired signal is obtained by proper channel selection and principal component analysis. To determine the accuracy of the method an ECG signal is collected together with a video recordings. The effectiveness of the algorithm is considered...
The instantaneous frequency rate spectogram
PublicationAn accelerogram of the instantaneous phase of signal components referred to as an instantaneous frequency rate spectrogram (IFRS) is presented as a joint time-frequency distribution. The distribution is directly obtained by processing the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) locally. A novel approach to amplitude demodulation based upon the reassignment method is introduced as a useful by-product. Additionally, an estimator of energy...
Elementary gates for cartoon computation
PublicationSformułowano elementarne bramki kwantowe, pozwalające tłumaczyć algorytmy kwantowe na język geometryczny.
Denitrifcation rate in the mainstream deammonification
PublicationThe conventional processes of biological nitrogen removal based on nitrification and denitrification does not fit properly into the concept of the circular economy. As the alternative one should consider the deammonification process, which is a combination of partial nitrification (nitritation) and Anammox processes. It consists of removing ammonium nitrogen from wastewater under anaerobic conditions by a group of autotrophic microorganisms....