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  • Sensitivity analysis of a composite footbridge


    - Year 2014

    This work include an example of sensitivity analysis for the design of a composite footbridge. A sandwich structure is used, consisting two high-strength skins separated by a core material. The analysis was conducted for two numerical models. The first one is a simple, single-span beam of a composite cross-section (laminate and foam), with different Young’s modulus for each material. Calculations were made by means of a MATLAB-based...

  • Analysis of the chemical composition of sediments


    - Year 2016

    Analysis of sediments and corrosion products was carried out, including microscoping and spectroscopic measurements with SEM/EDX

  • Particulate Material Analysis in Air


    - Year 2016

    The chapter presents the methods and techniques used to asses the PM10 in air and different instruments typically used in analysis of PM, including sampling of particle by using filters and other systems. Besides the methods recommended by different national standards the other methods, especially electronic microscopy are also described.

  • Spectral Analysis of Capital Markets

    In this paper the problem of cycles existence in capital markets is addressed. A spectral analysis algorithm, which reduces signal-to-noise ratio, is proposed to derive cycle periodograms for the yield function of DJIA, WIG~20, and NIKKEI 225 indices. Peaks of the the periodograms provide premises to postulate the existence of some possible cycles. The 3.5 year periodicity in all 3 indices, which can be related to Kitchin cycle...

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  • Polarization rotaror - analysis and design


    - Year 2008

    W artykule przedstawiono metodę analizy wielosekcyjnego polaryzatora złożonego z periodycznych szyków obiektów cylindrycznych. W celu analizy badanej struktury zastosowano metodę pełnofalową opartą na metodzie dopasowania rodzajów.

  • Damage identification by wavelet analysis



    W pracy omówiono metodę identyfikacji rodzaju nieciagłości w 1 wymiarowych elementach konstrukcji wykorzystującą pomiar propagacji fali sprężystej i jej analizę metodą transformacji falkowej.

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  • Analysis of Green Algae Extracts

    • G. Schroeder
    • B. Łęska
    • J. Fabrowska
    • B. Messyasz
    • M. Pikosz
    • B. Leska

    - Year 2015

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  • Damage identification by wavelet analysis

    • J. Grabowska
    • M. Palacz
    • M. Krawczuk


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  • Analysis of abrasive powder at lapping


    - Year 2006

    Przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu dawkowania pasty i zawiesiny ściernej na jakość docierania powierzchni płaskich. Analizowano parametry chropowatości powierzchni elementów ceramicznych i miedzianych.

  • Geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells


    Artykuł porusza zagadnienia nieliniowej analizy powłok wykonanych z materiałów izotropowych. Obliczenia wykonano przy wykorzystaniu dwóch komercyjnych programów wykorzystujących Metodę Elementów Skończonych (Robot Millennium v. 19.0 i MSC.Marc v.2005r2 ). Główną uwagę skupiono na zjawisku zakleszczenia.

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  • The Analysis of Vodka: A Review Paper

    Vodka is the most popular alcoholic beverage in Poland, Russia and other Eastern European countries, made from ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin that has been produced via fermentation of potatoes, grains or other agricultural products. Despite distillation and multiple filtering, it is not possible to produce 100 % ethanol. The solution with a minimum ethanol content of 96 %, which is used to produce vodkas, also contains trace amounts...

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  • Data Analysis in Bridge of Data


    The chapter presents the data analysis aspects of the Bridge of Data project. The software framework used, Jupyter, and its configuration are presented. The solution’s architecture, including the TRYTON supercomputer as the underlying infrastructure, is described. The use case templates provided by the Stat-reducer application are presented, including data analysis related to spatial points’ cloud-, audio- and wind-related research.

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  • Flow Analysis of a Kaplan Turbine


    - Year 2017

    This monograph is a guide to a method of experimental and numerical flow investigations for Kaplan - type turbines. The numerical calculations were compared with the test results of the model Kaplan turbine. The tests were carried out on the model test rig in the Gdańsk University of Technology. The turbine has been thoroughly experimentally investigated, resulting in the identification of optimum setting combination of the stator...

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  • Multibody models for gait analysis


    - Year 2019

    The aim of this study was to create multibody biomechanical models to analyze a normal gait of the human. Proposed models can be used to identify joint moments of the lower limbs during normal gait in the single and double support phases. Applying Newton-Euler formulation, following planar models were developed: 1) a mathematical 6DOF model describing a gait in the sagittal plane of the body for single support phase and double...

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    • J. Drabik
    • R. Kozdrach
    • M. Wolszczak
    • G. Duszyński
    • M. Piątkowski

    - TRIBOLOGIA - Year 2022

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  • On analysis of nanocomposite conical structures



    This research examines the analysis of rotating truncated conical baskets reinforced by carbon nanotubes around the two independent axes. A time-dependent analysis is considered, and the nonlinear dynamic governing equations are extracted using the energy method. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) reinforced the conical basket, and the structure's mechanical properties are determined based on the several distributions of carbon nanotubes....

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  • Analysis of human behavioral patterns


    - Year 2022

    Widespread usage of Internet and mobile devices entailed growing requirements concerning security which in turn brought about development of biometric methods. However, a specially designed biometric system may infer more about users than just verifying their identity. Proper analysis of users’ characteristics may also tell much about their skills, preferences, feelings. This chapter presents biometric methods applied in several...

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  • Analysis of a gene expression model


    - Year 2017

    We study a mathematical model of gene transcription and protein synthesis with negative feedback. We consider a system of equations taking into account the number of active binding sites, the way in which dimers bind to DNA and time delay in translation process. For a simplified model that consist of three ordinary differential equations with time delay we derive conditions for stability of the positive steady state and for the...

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  • An annotated timeline of sensitivity analysis

    • M. Kuc-Czarnecka
    • S. Tarantolo
    • F. Ferretti
    • S. Lo Piano
    • M. Kozlova
    • A. Lachi
    • R. Rosati
    • A. Puy,
    • P. Roy
    • G. Vannucci
    • A. Saltelli,


    The last half a century has seen spectacular progresses in computing and modelling in a variety of fields, applications, and methodologies. Over the same period, a cross-disciplinary field known as sensitivity analysis has been making its first steps, evolving from the design of experiments for laboratory or field studies, also called ‘in-vivo’, to the so-called experiments ‘in-silico’. Some disciplines were quick to realize the...

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  • Trace analysis - challenges and problems

    W pracy przedstawiono podstawowe problemy związane z oznaczaniem składników śladowych i ultraśladowych w próbkach o złożonym składzie matrycy. W oparciu o dane literaturowe omówiono sposoby zapobiegania błędom jakimi mogą być obarczone wyniki oznaczeń końcowych.

  • Atmospheric precipitation sampling for analysis

    W pracy dokonano przeglądu różnych próbników stosowanych do pobierania próbek opadów atmosferycznych (wody deszczowe, mgła, wody spływne). Zaprezentowano urządzenia o różnym stopniu automatyzacji, od najprostszych konstrukcji do urządzeń kosztownych i wysoce zautomatyzowanych. W wielu publikacjach pomijane są informacje o stosowanej metodyce pobierania próbek oraz o położeniu stanowiska obserwacyjnego. Informacje te są jednak niezbędne,...

  • The analysis of stationary electrochemical noise.


    Szum elektrochemiczny jest techniką cieszącą się rosnącym zainteresowaniem. Jedną z podstawowych charakterystyk przebiegów otrzymywanych za pomocą omawianej metody jest widmowa gęstość mocy. Prawidłowa estymacja powyższej wielkości wiąże się z koniecznością zachowania wymogu stacjonarności szumu elektrochemicznego. W niniejszej pracy autorzy proponują zastosowanie rozkładu Wignera-Villego do oceny stopnia niestacjonarności przebiegów...

  • On aspects of tensile structures analysis.


    W pracy dokonano omówienia podstawowych aspektów analizy konstrukcji napiętych. Przedstawiono krótki rys historyczny tego typu konstrukcji, zwracając uwagę na konstrukcje membranowe, cięgnowe, pneumatyczne.

  • Analysis of transformer inrush currents


    - Year 2005

    W artykule przedstawiono model i wyniki obliczeń prądu i strumienia magnetycznego w układzie zawierającym transformator trójfazowy i wyłącznik. Opracowano obwodowy model łącznika z łukiem elektrycznym. Model łuku zbudowano w oparciu o jego statyczną i dynamiczną charakterystykę prądowo-napięciową. Przeprowadzone symulacje wykazały, że wartość maksymalna prądu włączania transformatora zależy zarówno od chwili włączenia napięcia...

  • The analysis of firms’ involvement in internationalisation and determinants of its intensity – an analysis for developing and post-transition economies

    The study presents the empirical analysis of firms’ involvement in different forms of internationalisation: export, indirect export, import, indirect import and finally simultaneous exporting and importing. The analysis is based on firm-level data from the World Bank Enterprise Survey (March 2017 release). The empirical part is divided into two stages. Firstly account is taken of firms’ heterogeneity and then a Melitz type analysis...

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    This article presents the third and last part of the problem of diagnosing the fatigue of marine propulsion shafts in terms of energy with the use of the action function, undertaken by the authors. Even the most perfect physical models of real objects, observed under laboratory conditions and developed based on the results of their research, cannot be useful in diagnostics without properly transferring the obtained results to the...

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  • Quantification of Compatibility Between Polymeric Excipients and Atenolol Using Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis


    - AAPS PharmSciTech - Year 2022

    An important challenge to overcome in the solid dosage forms technology is the selection of the most biopharmaceutically efficient polymeric excipients. The excipients can be selected, among others, by compatibility studies since incompatibilities between ingredients of the drug formulations adversely affect their bioavailability, stability, efficacy, and safety. Therefore, new, fast, and reliable methods for detecting incompatibility...

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  • Music information analysis and retrieval techniques

    • B. Kostek
    • Ł. Kania

    - Archives of Acoustics - Year 2008

    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie kluczowych zagadnień gwałtownie rozwijającej się gałęzi multimediów, reprezentowanej przez systemy automatycznego wyszukiwania informacji muzycznej MIR - Music Information Retrieval, która urasta do samodzielnej dziedziny zastosowań w obrębie informatyki muzycznej. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane systemy wyszukiwania informacji muzycznej oraz przedstawiono przykład takiego systemu, zrealizowanego...

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  • Dryout in annular flow - theoretical analysis


    - Archives of Thermodynamics - Year 2009

    W pracy zaprezentowano model kryzysu wrzenia w przepływie pierścieniowym, obowiązujący dla wysokich wartości stopnia suchości i stanowiący modyfikację wcześniejszej wersji modelu zaproponowanego przez Sedlera i Mikielewicza. Model ten uwzględnia bilans masy w filmie cieczowym i bilans masy dla kropel cieczy w rdzeniu przepływu oraz zawiera dodatkowy człon odpowiedzialny za odparowanie filmu na ściance kanału. Rozwiązanie układu...

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  • Dynamic analysis of a satellite with feexible link


    - Archive of Mechanical Engineering - Year 2009

    W artykule przedstawiono model przestrzenny satelity złożonego z dowolnej liczby podatnych ramion. Układ taki jest przykładem otwartego łańcucha kinematycznego o strukturze drzewa. Do dyskretyzacji członków podatnych zastosowano modyfikację metody sztywnych elementów skończonych. Równania ruchu wyprowadzono z równań Lagrange'a II rodzaju, stosując do opisu ruchu ciał współrzędne złączowe oraz przekształcenia jednorodne. W symulacjach...

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  • Multi-Stage Video Analysis Framework

    • A. Czyewski
    • G. Szwoch
    • P. Dalka
    • P. Szczuko
    • A. Ciarkowski
    • D. Ellwart
    • T. Merta
    • K. opatka
    • u. Kulasek
    • J. Wolski

    - Year 2011

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  • The method of quantitative automatic metallographic analysis

    • N. Martyushev
    • V. Skeeba

    - Journal of Physics : Conference Series - Year 2017

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  • The labor market in industrial cluster analysis

    • A. Szerenos

    - Year 2007

    The paper offers a description of methodologies used in industrial cluster analysis in conjunction with the labor market analysis. The author explores many tools utilized in cluster identi-fication: quantitative methods (LQ, shift-share), qualitative methods (MSQA) and mixed tools (cluster analysis in conjunction with discriminant analysis, spider diagram, GEM model, ne-twork analysis). Each tool is described in terms of its connection...

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  • Speciation Analysis of Chromium in Environmental Samples

    W artykule przedstawiono i omówiono w sposób krytyczny dane literaturowe na temat:- źródeł emisji związkow chromu do środowiska,- specjacji chromu w poszczególnych elementach środowiska- oddziaływania chromu na organizmy żywe,- procedur analitycznych wykorzystywanych w badaniach specjacji chromu i próbkach środowiskowych

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  • Multi-Stage Video Analysis Framework

    The chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the general structure of the proposed framework and a method of data exchange between system elements. Section 3 is describing the low-level analysis modules for detection and tracking of moving objects. In Section 4 we present the object classification module. Sections 5 and 6 describe specialized modules for detection and recognition of faces and license plates, respectively....

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  • Modal analysis of cylindrical steel tanks


    Cylindrical steel tanks are very popular structures used for storage of products of chemical and petroleum industries. Their safety and reliability is crucial because any failure could have serious consequences. The aim of present paper is to show the results of the first phase of investigation of seismic behaviour such structures. Modal analysis using Finite Element Method (FEM) for three models of real tanks used in Poland has...

  • Dynamic Analysis of Enterprise Business Scenarios


    - Year 2011

    W artykule przedstawiono system wspomagający projektowanie i poprawęscenariuszy procesów biznesowych. Scenariusze są wykonywane oraz monitorowane w środowisku SOA. Zaproponowany system oferuje dynamiczne gromadzenie i ocenianie metryk scenariuszy. Na podstawie wyników analizy wydajność, jakość oraz użyteczność scenariuszy są ulepszane. Dzięki elastycznemu API, system obsługuje dowolną rozszerzalną technologię wykonania scenariuszy...

  • PBDEs in environmental samples: Sampling and analysis

    The paper reviews the subject literature concerning analytical procedures routinely sed for monitoring polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in environmental samples. It describes and summarizes subsequent stages of analytical procedure including sample collection and preparation, extraction, clean-up and final determination. Different approaches with their advantages and limitations are presented. Special attention is drawn to...

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  • Analysis of arsenic species in environmental samples



    Many analytical methods for determining arsenic in various forms in environmental samples have been developed in recent years. The main objective of this review article is the presentation and comparison of the three principal techniques for the determination arsenic compounds, namely: hydride generation (HG), voltammetry and chromatography (liquid chromatography including high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and gas...

  • The use of bioassays in the analysis of environmental samples


    - Year 2012

    Toxicological tests are increasingly used as effective tool to complement the information obtained during the environmental monitoring. Moreover bioassays provide basic knowledge about the health effects of exposure to harmful factors associated with the environment. Toxicity tests might be a source of information about the content of pollutants in the sample, and the possibility of their interactions. They can be considered as...

  • Distorsional analysis of I-section beam


    - TASK Quarterly - Year 2012

    An elastic stiffness matrix was derived in the case of distortion of a restrained thin-walled I-section beam using the minimum total stationary elastic energy condition. The function describing the angle of distortion was adopted form the solution of differential equation in the case of restrained distortion. The example presented in the paper helps to assess the correctness of the proposed solution. The proposed elastic stiffness...

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  • Objectivization of Audio-Visual Correlation analysis


    Simultaneous perception of audio and visual stimuli often causes the concealment or misrepresentation of information actually contained in these stimuli. Such effects are called the ''image proximity effect'' or the ''ventriloquism effect'' in literature. Until recently, most research carried out to understand their nature was based on subjective assessments. The Authors of this paper propose a methodology based on both subjective...

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  • A Database Schema for the Analysis of Global Dynamics

    • Z. Arai
    • W. Kalies
    • H. Kokubu
    • K. Mischaikow
    • H. Oka
    • P. Pilarczyk
    • T. Simos
    • G. Psihoyios
    • C. Tsitouras

    - Year 2009

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  • Chlorogenic acids – their properties, occurrence and analysis

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    - Year 2013

    In this paper energy efficiency in electric drives is analysed. This factor strongly depends on energy parameters - efficiency n and power factor k (in special case cos fi)

  • Food analysis using artificial senses.

    Nowadays, consumers are paying great attention to the characteristics of food such as smell, taste, and appearance. This motivates scientists to imitate human senses using devices known as electronic senses. These include electronic noses, electronic tongues, and computer vision. Thanks to the utilization of various sensors and methods of signal analysis, artificial senses are widely applied in food analysis for process monitoring...

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  • Automatic Analysis of Trajectories of Moving Objects


    Ongoing monitoring is essential to providing security and safety of maritime and air operations. This paper presents the research in the area of automatic analysis of movement of unrestricted vehicles like ships and air-planes. The analysis is aimed at extraction of trajectory information, and the results can be used to identify anomalous behaviour in archived and real-time data. In this paper we focus on data acquired using the...

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  • Security aspects in functional safety analysis

    A security level of distributed control and protection system may have a significant impact on the results of functional safety analysis. However, the issue of integrating the safety and security aspects is difficult and usually is neglected during the functional safety analysis. This article presents a method of functional safety analysis which takes into consideration a concept of integrating these two aspects. It is based on...

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  • Platform Supporting the Esophageal Impedance Analysis

    The esophageal pH-impedance examination is one of the most popular diagnostic methods for identifying the upper gastrointestinal tract’s diseases. Inconclusive test evaluation criteria makes it difficult to state the definite diagnosis. In this paper, the computer platform supporting the research and teaching process in the area of pH-impedance analysis is presented. Users, having a variety of mathematical and statistical methods...

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  • Mode vibrations of plates – experimental analysis

    In this paper results of the square MDF plate and circular saw blades examination with the use of the harmonic method to static identification of resonant frequencies and shapes of mode vibrations are presented. Obtained results reveled that for circular saws with large holes in a saw blade appeared two resonant frequencies for the same nodal number.

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