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Search results for: EDUKACJA GLOBALNA
PublicationTechnology in classroom is a matter of heated discussions in the field of education development, especially when multidisciplinary education goes along with language skills. Engineers’ education requires theoretical and practical knowledge. Moreover, dedicated computer skills become crucial for both young graduates and experienced educators on the labor market. Teaching online with or without using different Learning Management...
Working Conditions in Global Value Chains: Evidence for European Employees
PublicationThis article investigates a sample of almost nine million workers from 24 European countries in 2014 to conclude how involvement in global value chains (GVCs) affects working conditions. We use employer–employee data from the Structure of Earnings Survey merged with industry-level statistics on GVCs based on the World Input-Output Database. Given the multidimensional nature of the dependent variable, we compare estimates of the...
The Most Valuable Global Brands and Condition of Economies: a Spatial Approach
PublicationResearch background: Brands are considered to be the most valuable asset of a company. Some of them achieve spectacular global results. The significance of global brands is proved by the fact that their value is often greater than the sum of all company’s net assets. Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to highlight that brand value does not only create company’s value but also leverages economies. We claim that even though...
Global DNA demethylation as an epigenetic marker of human brain metastases
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Stringency of environmental regulations vs. global competitiveness: Empirical analysis
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A global atmospheric electricity monitoring network for climate and geophysical research
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International Startups from Poland: Born Global or Born Regional?
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Polish entrepreneur in the global market - legal conditions of business operation
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia prawne związane z możliwością prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej przez polskich przedsiębiorców w miejscu i skali ponadkrajowej. Nawiązano w związku z tym do dokonującej się globalizacji w świecie jako przyczyny, która jest źródłem określonych zachowań różnych podmiotów gospodarczych.
Current Practice of Global Bariatric Tourism—Survey-Based Study
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Food nowadays – local or global? Traditional or innovative? Conference monograph
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<i>Plasmodium knowlesi</i> as a Threat to Global Public Health
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Interest rate changes and the cross-section of global equity returns
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Country Risk and Expected Returns across Global Equity Markets
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Combining of global and local stresses in ship hulls on ocean waves.
PublicationOpisano zagadnienia superpozycji naprężeń dynamicznych od zginania ogólnego i strefowego, we wzdłużnych wiązarach kadłuba statku. Krytycznie skomentowano wymagania przepisów klasyfikacji i budowy statków, dotyczące oceny wytrzymałości tych elementów konstrukcji. Przedstawiono sposób wykonywania prognozy długoterminowej naprężeń w tych elementach i zaproponowano sposób sumowania charakterystycznych wartości naprężeń od zginania...
Nondestructive global corrosion measurement using guided wavefield data
PublicationMetallic structures often face degradation, and corrosion ranks among the most prevalent forms of deterioration. Accurate quantification of corrosion is crucial, especially for structures exposed to harsh environmental conditions, such as marine vessels and offshore installations. Because the traditional measurement methods based on scanning by ultrasonic gauge are time-consuming and provide only rough information on the thickness...
Global Surrogate Modeling by Neural Network-Based Model Uncertainty
PublicationThis work proposes a novel adaptive global surrogate modeling algorithm which uses two neural networks, one for prediction and the other for the model uncertainty. Specifically, the algorithm proceeds in cycles and adaptively enhances the neural network-based surrogate model by selecting the next sampling points guided by an auxiliary neural network approximation of the spatial error. The proposed algorithm is tested numerically...
Neural Network-Based Sequential Global Sensitivity Analysis Algorithm
PublicationPerforming global sensitivity analysis (GSA) can be challenging due to the combined effect of the high computational cost, but it is also essential for engineering decision making. To reduce this cost, surrogate modeling such as neural networks (NNs) are used to replace the expensive simulation model in the GSA process, which introduces the additional challenge of finding the minimum number of training data samples required to...
Interannual Variability of the GNSS Precipitable Water Vapor in the Global Tropics
PublicationThis paper addresses the subject of inter-annual variability of the tropical precipitable water vapor (PWV) derived from 18 years of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) observations. Non-linear trends of retrieved GNSS PWV were investigated using the singular spectrum analysis (SSA) along with various climate indices. For most of the analyzed stations (~49%) the GNSS PWV anomaly was related to the El Niño Southern Oscillation...
Modeling the global atmospheric transport and deposition of mercury to the Great Lakes
PublicationMercury contamination in the Great Lakes continues to have important public health and wildlife ecotoxicology impacts, and atmospheric deposition is a significant ongoing loading pathway. The objective of this study was to estimate the amount and source-attribution for atmospheric mercury deposition to each lake, information needed to prioritize amelioration efforts. A new global, Eulerian version of the HYSPLIT-Hg model was used...
Global value chains and productivity gains: a cross-country analysis
PublicationThe main aim of this article is to assess the implications of involvement in global value chains (GVC) on sectoral productivity growth from the international perspective. Our panel data analysis covers 40 countries, 20 industries (13 manufacturing and 7 services sectors) in the period 1995–2011. Estimation results suggest that there is a positive link between TFP growth and the involvement of sectors in global value chains (measured...
The condition of economies. Do most valuable global brands matter?
PublicationResearch background: Brands are considered to be the most valuable asset of a company. Some of them achieve spectacular global results. The significance of global brands is proved by the fact that their value is often greater than the sum of all company’s net assets. Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to highlight that brand value does not only create company’s value, but also leverages economies. The Authors claim...
The Discrete-Continuous, Global Optimisation of an Axial Flow Blood Pump
PublicationThis paper presents the results of the discrete-continuous optimisation of an axial flow blood pump. Differential evolution (DE) is used as a global optimisation method in order to localise the optimal solution in a relatively short time. The whole optimisation process is fully automated. This also applies to geometry modelling. Numerical simulations of the flow inside the pump are performed by means of the Reynolds-Average Navier-Stokes...
The International Mercury Cartel, 1928–1954: Controlling Global Supply
PublicationThis article describes the features of the international mercury marketduringthe firsthalfofthetwentiethcentury.Itanalyzes the various market agreements made, their effectiveness, and their consequences. The period studied is little understood, although it was one in which mercury production greatly increased. It was also one that saw persistent efforts at market manipulation, owing to a series of agreements between Spanish and...
Nauczanie matematyki na pierwszym roku studiów technicznych
PublicationUczelnie techniczne są miejsce, gdzie wysokiej jakości edukacja matematyczna jest szczególnie istotna. Wprowadzane reformy zmieniają stopniowo strukturę szkolnictwa co nie pozostaje bez wpływu na wyższe stopnie edukacji. Kształcenie z matematyki musi być nakierowane na potrzeby poszczególnych wydziałów oraz na zmieniające się zapotrzebowanie na rynku pracy. Tym bardziej, że zbliżający się niż demograficzny jest ogromnym wyzwaniem...
Transformacja łańcucha dostaw. Studium przypadku przejęcia ukraińskiego oddziału globalnej firmy produkcyjnej
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Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
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Wiedza na temat zaburzeń ze spektrum autyzmu i opinie dotyczące edukacji włączającej dzieci z tymi zaburzeniami u nauczycieli szkół podstawowych oraz studentów kierunków nauczycielskich
PublicationBadanie dotyczyło poziomu wiedzy na temat zaburzeń ze spektrum autyzmu (autism spectrum disorders, ASD) oraz opinii dotyczących kształcenia inkluzyjnego dzieci z tymi zaburzeniami u studentów kierunków nauczycielskich (N = 70) i aktywnych zawodowo nauczycieli ogólnodostępnych szkół podstawowych (N = 70). Poziom wiedzy o ASD oraz opinie na temat inkluzji mierzono dwoma opracowanymi na potrzeby badania kwestionariuszami. Ogólny...
Wrzeszcz z wyższej rzędnej – parki publiczne w historii Gdańska" w cyklu Dojrzały Smak Przygody (Centrum Informacji i Edukacji Ekologicznej Pomorskich Parków Krajobrazowych)-spacer edukacyjny
PublicationSpacer zaczęto w parku miejskim przy ul. Grunwaldzkiej, skąd ruszono do lasu do Parku Jaśkowej Doliny. Zwiedzono najstarszy park publiczny w Europie, podążając XIX wiecznymi ścieżkami, żeby zrobić piknik w teatrze! Następnie wędrówka przecięła Jaśkową Dolinę w kierunku Łąki Festynowej gdzie odwiedzono wzniesienie zwane Ślimakiem (Góra Sobótki 90 m npm) i odwiedzono punkt widokowy ‘Spojrzenie na Gdańsk’ w połowie wyprawy. Następnie...
Iterative Global Sensitivity Analysis Algorithm with Neural Network Surrogate Modeling
PublicationGlobal sensitivity analysis (GSA) is a method to quantify the effect of the input parameters on outputs of physics-based systems. Performing GSA can be challenging due to the combined effect of the high computational cost of each individual physics-based model, a large number of input parameters, and the need to perform repetitive model evaluations. To reduce this cost, neural networks (NNs) are used to replace the expensive physics-based...
Global sensitivity analysis of membrane model of abdominal wall with surgical mesh
PublicationThe paper addresses the issue of ventral hernia repair. Finite Element simulations can be helpful in the optimization of hernia parameters. A membrane abdominal wall model is proposed in two variants: a healthy one and including hernia defect repaired by implant. The models include many uncertainties, e.g. due to variability of abdominal wall, intraabdominal pressure value etc. Measuring mechanical properties with high accuracy...
Design of dimensionally stable composites using efficient global optimization method
PublicationDimensionally stable material design is an important issue for space structures such as space laser communication systems, telescopes, and satellites. Suitably designed composite materials for this purpose can meet the functional and structural requirements. In this paper, it is aimed to design the dimensionally stable laminated composites by using efficient global optimization method. For this purpose, the composite plate optimization...
Overview of the three multicriteria approaches applied to a global assessment of analytical methods
PublicationCritical and global evaluation of analytical methods should be one of the primary goals in analytical chemistry. A holistic approach, however, requires a look at the varied features: commonly discussed validation criteria, often underrated practical and economic aspects, and typically overlooked compliance with the principles of green analytical chemistry. Carrying out such an assessment in a critical and transparent way is extremely...
Global value chains and labour markets – simultaneous analysis of wages and employment
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Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete-time population model with harvesting
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Global Optimization-Based Method for Deriving Intermolecular Potential Parameters for Crystals
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Global Prevalence and Drivers of Dental Students’ COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy
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Diagnosis of Brain Tumors Through Global Specific DNA Methylation Analysis
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P04.06 Temozolomide influence on global DNA methylation in glioblastoma cell lines
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Global development of emissions reduction strategies from light duty vehicles
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Design of dimensionally stable composites using efficient global optimization method
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AC and DC global electric circuit and the height profile of atmospheric conductivity
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Development of Free Electron Lasers in Europe Local and Global Implications – 2016
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Rationale and design of a large registry on renal denervation: the Global SYMPLICITY registry
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Polish Textile and Apparel Industry: Global Supply Chain Management Perspective
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Global value chains and inward FDI: An empirical investigation of European firms
PublicationThis paper empirically investigates whether and how the level of GVC integration of a given market may explain the presence of foreign-owned firms. Using firm-level data from 28 European Union countries during the period 2008–2014, we provide evidence that a greater country-sector-level GVC participation, via both backward and forward linkages, exerts a positive effect on a firm's likelihood to receive FDI. These findings appear...
Global energy transition: From the main determinants to economic challenges regions
PublicationDynamic global energy transition has been accelerating for the last decade. Interestingly, the energy transition is multidimensional and concerns both the dimensions of technique/ technology and the economic, social, institu-tional, and legal spheres (Shuguang et al., 2022; Tzeremes et al., 2022; Ram-zan et al., 2022; Tzeremes et al., 2022). The literature also points to the signif-icant impact of the digitization of the global...
Global Digital Technology Convergence: Driving Diffusion via Network Effects
PublicationSince the 1970s, we have witnessed unprecedented diffusion of digital technologies in both speed and geographic coverage. These technologies are pervasive and disruptive, and lead to profound shifts and transformations in societies and economies. Many claim that emerging network externalities are the principal phenomenon driving the process of technology diffusion and determining its in-time dynamics. This book analyses the unique...
Global Complex Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm in C × R Domain
PublicationAn algorithm to find the roots and poles of a complex function depending on two arguments (one complex and one real) is proposed. Such problems are common in many fields of science for instance in electromagnetism, acoustics, stability analyses, spectroscopy, optics, and elementary particle physics. The proposed technique belongs to the class of global algorithms, gives a full picture of solutions in a fixed region ⊂ C × R and...
Global value chains and labour markets – simultaneous analysis of wages and employment
PublicationThis study examines the overall effect of global value chains (GVCs) on wages and labour demand. It exploits the World Input–Output Database to measure GVC involvement via recently developed participation indices (using both backward and forward linkages) and the relative GVC position using three-stage least squares regression. We find that the relative GVC position is negatively correlated with wages and employment and that the...
Global value chains and wages under different wage setting mechanisms
PublicationThis study examines whether, and how, differences in wage bargaining schemes shape the relationship between global value chains (GVCs) and the wages of workers while considering both GVC participation and position in GVC. Our dataset is derived from the European Structure of Earnings Survey (SES), containing employee–employer data from 18 European countries, merged with sectoral data from the World Input-Output Database (WIOD)....