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Search results for: CATAPHORETIC COATING
Novel application of dynamic electrochemical impedance monitoring to a cataphoretic coating process
PublicationThe paper presents a novel method of on-line impedance monitoring of cataphoretic coating application process. Utilization of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS) overcame the fundamental problem connected with non-stationarity of the aforementioned coating deposition process, which eliminates classical impedance spectroscopy technique from a real-time description of cataphoresis. The paper illustrates selected examples...
Water uptake in protective organic coatings and its reflection in measured coating impedance
PublicationWater uptake in commercially available epoxy coating on mild steel using impedance spectroscopy and gravimetry was studied. The water content in the coating was determined using the Brasher-Kingsbury equation and various methods of coating capacitance calculation used in the literature. The obtained results were compared with reference gravimetric data. An overestimation of values obtained from impedance data in relation to gravimetric...
Effect of laser heating on cavitation behaviour of Fe-Cr-Mn coating.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania odporności kawiracyjnej napoiny Fe-Cr-Mn po obróbce laserowej polegającej na przetapianiu napoiny wiązką lasera CO2 o mocy 1000W oraz jej nagrzewaniu w stanie stałym. Rezultaty badań wskazują,że po każdym rodzaju obróbki występuje inna podatność obrobionej powierzchni do odkształceń plastycznych pod działaniem obciążeń kawitacyjnych.
Interlayer defect evolution in an coating system on steel under hydromechanical loading
PublicationZaprezentowano wyniki pomiarów impedancyjnych obszaru międzywarstwowego w systemie powłokowym poddanym naprężeniom. Przedstawiono nowy sensor który jest zdolny do detekcji defektów w obszarze międzywarstwowym. Dwuwarstwowy system powłokowy przeznacziony do zastosowań morskich zbadano w celu określenia jego odporności na oddziaływanie cyklicznych naprężeń i zanurzeń w 3% roztworze NaCl.
Interlayer defect evolution in an organic coating system on steel under hydromechanical loading
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Magnetoacoustic Heating in Nonisentropic Plasma Caused by Different Kinds of Heating-Cooling Function
PublicationThe nonlinear phenomena which associate with magnetoacoustic waves in a plasma are analytically studied. A plasma is an open system with external inflow of energy and radiation losses. A plasma’s flow may be isentropically stable or unstable. The nonlinear phenomena occur differently in dependence on stability or instability of a plasma’s flow. The nonlinear instantaneous equation which describes dynamics of nonwave entropy mode...
An advanced Thermal-FSI approach to flow heating/cooling
PublicationActually, two-way thermal-energy exchange between working fluid and solid material of a casing is a leading problem for modern – semi automatic – design techniques. Many questions should be solved, especially, the turbulent mode of thermal energy transport both in fluid and solid, should be re-examined and reformulated from the primary principles. In the present paper, a group of researchers from Energy Conversion Department of...
Thermal Barrier as a technique of indirect heating and cooling for residential buildings
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano koncept pośredniego ogrzewania i chłodzenia budynków mieszkalnych promieniowaniem słonecznym zwany barierą termiczną. System składa się z polipropylenowych rurek umieszczonych w ścianach zewnętrznych, w których znajduje się płyn. Koncept jest zastosowany do stabilizacji i redukcji przepływu ciepła w kierunku prostopadłym do ścian. Wykonano obszerne obliczenia MES z zastosowaniem nowego systemu kontroli,...
Formation of Surface Topography During Turning of AISI 1045 Steel Considering the Type of Cutting Edge Coating
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Alcohol craving in relation to coping with stress and satisfaction with life in the addicted
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The influence of the cooling conditions on the cutting tool wear and the chip formation mechanism
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Standing Waves and Acoustic Heating (or Cooling) in Resonators Filled with Chemically Reacting Gas
PublicationStanding waves and acoustic heating in a one-dimensional resonator filled with chemically reacting gas, is the subject of investigation. The chemical reaction of A ! B type, which takes place in a gas, may be reversible or not. Governing equations for the sound and entropy mode which is generated in the field of sound are derived by use of a special mathematical method. Under some conditions, sound waves propagating in opposite...
Adsorption chiller in a combined heating and cooling system: simulation and optimization by neural networks
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Estimation of fracture toughness and shear yield stress of orthotropic materials in cutting with rotating tools
PublicationThe cutting force is an energetic effect of splitting material, and might be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Forecasting of the shear plane angle in cutting broaden possibilities for modelling of the cutting process even for thin uncut chips. Such mathematical model has been developed here for description of the orthotropic materials’ cutting on the base of fracture theory, and includes work of separation...
The impact of footing conditions of a vertical-axis floating-roof tank on structural shell deformation
PublicationStructural shells of fuel tanks are often subjected to geometric imperfections which may lead to exceeding the ultimate and serviceability limit states. One of the means triggering shell deformation is non-uniform settlement caused by incoherent soil conditions. Analysis carried out in the work concerns of vertical-axis, floating-roof cylindrical shell which volume is 50.000 m3, founded on a complex multi-layered soil. The sensitivity...
Quality Improvement of Wear-Resistant Coatings in Plasma Spraying Integrated with High-Energy Heating by High Frequency Currents
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The features of steel surface hardening with high energy heating by high frequency currents and shower cooling
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Improved energy management technique in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling system in residential buildings
PublicationEffective and environmentally responsive techniques of energy management in residential buildings are desirable for the resulting reduction of energy costs and consumption. In this paper, an improved and efficient technique of energy management in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling systems, called the Thermal Barrier, is described. Specifically, the Thermal Barrier is a technique focused on the management and control of heat supply...
Improved energy management technique in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling system in residential buildings
PublicationEffective and environmentally responsive techniques of energy management in residential buildings are desirable for the resulting reduction of energy costs and consumption. In this paper, an improved and efficient technique of energy management in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling systems, called the Thermal Barrier, is described. Specifically, the Thermal Barrier is a technique focused on the management and control of heat...
Instantaneous Heating and Cooling Caused by Periodic or Aperiodic Sound of Any Characteristic Duration in a Gas with Vibrational Relaxation
PublicationThermodynamic relaxation of internal degrees of a molecule's freedom in a gas occurs with some characteristic time. This makes wave processes in a gas behave differently depending on the ratio of characteristic duration of perturbations and the relaxation time. In particular, generation of the secondary non-wave modes by intense sound in a nonlinear flow dependens on frequency. These kinds of interaction are considered in this...
Polyurethanes for Coating, Adhesives, and Other Applications
PublicationAn interesting group of polyurethane (PU) materials are coatings, adhesives, sealants, and thickeners. A wide base of raw materials and various methods of PU synthesis allows production of materials with a wide range of properties that can be commonly used in many industries. This chapter describes the main types of PU coatings and adhesives and special application PUs and the methods of their production. The materials described...
Coatings in arthroplasty [online]
PublicationThe modern coatings used in arthroplasty for long term implants are reviewed. The phosphate coatingsare the most popular technique to improve the bone-implant interfacial strength and promote theosseointegration. The plasma spraying, electrophoretic precipitation, powder metallurgy, ion beamsputtering, high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) combustion spraying, sol-gel technique, biomimeticdeposition are mostly used to obtain the phosphate,...
Examination of the epoxy coating system's resistance to Corrobill
PublicationThe tests of the influence of the surface cleaning agent on the epoxy coating were carried out. Electrochemical and corrosion tests were carried out. The effect of the preparation on the adhesion and hardness of the tested coating was tested.
Transverse surface waves on a cylindrical surface with coating
PublicationWe discuss the propagation of transverse surface waves that are so-called whispering-gallery waves along a surface of an elastic cylinder with coating. The coating is modelled in the framework of linearized Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity. Other interpretations of the surface shear modulus are given and relations to so-called stiff interface and stiff skin model are discussed. The dispersion relations are obtained and analyzed.
Evaluation of coating systems using impedance spectroscopy
PublicationTrwałość powłokowych systemów ochronnych zależy od oddziaływań środowiska i związana jest nieodwracalnymi procesami chemicznymi i fizycznymi. Zastosowanie spektroskopii impedancyjnej pozwala na określenie obszaru zastosowań danej powłoki i prognozowanie okresu jej trwałości. W pracy zamieszczono przykłady oceny trwałości systemów powłokowych stosowanych w strategicznych konstrukcjach.
Impedance measurements of coating properties on bridge structures
PublicationPomiary impedancyjne pozwalają na prostą ocenę właściwości ochronnych powłok ochronnych i wykładzin. Pomiary stosuje się w celu porównania powłok, monitorowania ich właściwości i oceny mechanizmu działania. Metodyka jest z powodzeniem stosowana w pomiarach laboratoryjnych. Pomiary terenowe są bardziej skomplikowane ponieważ wymagają w pełni kontrolowanych komputerowo przyrządów, kontroli warunków pogodowych oraz wielu innych parametrów...
The lubricant-coating interaction in rolling and sliding contacts
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Hydroxyapatite films as biocompatibile coating for artifical bone
PublicationW artykule została szczegółowo opisana budowa kości oraz materiał biokompatybilny hydroksyapatyt (HAp). Autorzy wykazali jak wielkie podobieństwo do budowy kości przejawia sztuczny hydroksyapatyt. opisali syntezy powłoki z HAp.
Cyclic behavior of FeCoCrNiMn high entropy alloy coatings produced through cold spray
PublicationeCoCrNiMn high entropy alloy powders were employed to produce coatings on carbon steel through high pressure cold spray (at 1100 °C and 7 MPa in temperature and pressure respectively). X-ray diffraction of the sprayed material revealed a dense coating with the retention of the original crystallographic structure. Once splatted, particles revealed high flattening ratio with consequent excellent adhesion of the coating to the substrate....
The Creation of an Antimicrobial Coating on Contact Lenses by The Use of Nanocopper
PublicationThe aim of the research was to creation an antimicrobial coating on contact lens and examine the ability of copper nanoparticles to decrease microbial adhesion and prevent the growth of bacteria. The creation was based on the immersion method in solution with dispersed nanoparticles of copper at concentration 200 pm. There were evaluated follows factors: time of immersion and base to dispersed nanoparticles. Three solutions: ethyl...
PublicationThe aim of this research was to study the properties of nanohydroxyapatite (nanoHAp) and nanohydroxyapatite, doped with nanosilver (nanoHAp/nanoAg), coatings obtained by an electrophoretic deposition process. The suspensions was prepared by dispersing 0.1 g of HAp nanopowder for nanoHAp coatings and 0.1 g of nanoHAp and 0.025 g nanoAg for nanoHAp/nanoAg coatings. The deposition was carried out for 1 min at 50 V voltage followed...
Accelerated ageing of organic coating systems by thermal treatment
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Special Issue “Corrosion Resistance of Alloy and Coating Materials”
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Bio-based semi-aromatic polyesters for coating applications
PublicationLinear and branched bio-based semi-aromatic (co)polyesters were evaluated as resins for solvent-basedand powder coatings. Dimethyl-2,5-furandicarboxylate (DMF), 2,3-butanediol and various multifunc-tional comonomers were used to synthesize amorphous hydroxyl-end-capped (co)polyesters. The resinswere cross-linked using the -caprolactam blocked trimer of isophorone diisocyanate. Both the solvent-based and powder coatings proved to...
PublicationCrystal structure and phase composition of stainless steel substrates (AISI 304 type) was studied and it was found that they adopted the cubic symmetry. The calculated elementary cell parameter for the mayor Fe-Ni phase (weight fraction 99%) was a = 3.593 Å, whereas the mean grain size was = 2932 Å. Morphology of the stainless steel substrate surface was studied with profilometry. Mechanical properties of the stainless steel...
Temperature Fiber-Optic Sensor with ZnO ALD Coating
PublicationThis study presents a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with a ZnO Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) coating thickness of 100 nm for temperature measurements. Metrological properties of the sensor were investigated over the temperature range of 100 °C to 300 °C, with a 10 °C step. An interferometric signal is used to control whether the microstructure is whole. Spectrum shift of a reflected signal is used to ascertain changes in...
On organic coatings in marine applications
PublicationZnaczna liczba konstrukcji eksploatowanych w warunkach morskich ulega zniszczeniu wskutek zmęczeniowego oddziaływania cyklicznych naprężeń mechanicznych. Również w przypadku powłok organicznych chroniących wspomniane konstrukcje obserwuje się przedwczesną degradację zmęczeniową. W poniższym artykule autorzy przedstawiają metodologię oceny wpływu cyklicznych naprężeń mechanicznych na trwałość ochronnych układów powłokowych. Badaniu...
Antistatic properties of nanofilled coatings
Publicationpraca podsumowuje wyniki badań właściwości antystatycznych powłok polimerowych domieszkowanych nanocząsteczkami srebra oraz sio2. właściwości antystatyczne określano poprzez badanie czasu rozpraszania ładunku zgromadzonego po wyładowaniu koronowym.
Comparative tests of the wall thickness effect of a glass-reinforced thermosetting plastic coating with a non-circular cross section in a soil-coating object for economic aspect
PublicationCulvert structures made of plastics are employed extensively in the construction of new facilities as well as the renovation of existing ones. Due to the high costs of materials required for the manufacturing of these goods, the objective of this research is focused to lessen the thickness of the walls, which may, on the other hand, result in a reduction in the stiffness of the system. In the course of the testing, the structure...
Corrosion degradation of spacers – examination of changes in bone cement coating.
PublicationSpacer is a special implant used at the time of infection after endoprosthetic surgery. It consists of a metal core and bone cement coating with an antibiotic. In the human body spacers are exposed to degradation processes. This paper looks at the effect of corrosion on spacers. Electrochemical corrosion tests were performer on titanium pins with bone cement coating in two solutions: Ringer’s solution and artificial...
Modified Manganese Phosphate Conversion Coating on Low-Carbon Steel
PublicationConversion coatings are one of the primary types of galvanic coatings used to protect steel structures against corrosion. They are created through chemical reactions between the metal surface and the environment of the phosphating. This paper investigates the impact that the addition of new metal cations to the phosphating reaction environment has on the quality of the final coating. So far, standard phosphate coatings have contained...
Biological and mechanical research of titanium implants covered with bactericidal coating
PublicationThe paper concerns the biological and mechanical properties of titanium implants with an antibacterial coating. The Ti13Zr13Nb alloy samples were coated with hydroxyapatite (HAp) coatings using the electrophoretic deposition technique (EPD). Subsequently, the surface of the samples was modified with silver, copper, and nickel nanoparticles by the immersion method. Different titanium sample types (i.e. HAp-only and nanometals-enriched...
Identification and localization of organic coating degradation onset by impedance imaging
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Assessment of organic coating degradation via local impedance imaging
PublicationThe paper presents a new approach to organic coating condition evaluation at micrometer scale using localized impedance measurements. It is based on atomic force microscopy (AFM) in contact mode. Impedance is measured between conductive AFM tip and metal substrate covered with organic coating. A single-frequency voltage perturbation signal is applied between the electrodes and current response signal is registered. As the tip is...
Selection of Organic Coating Systems for Corrosion Protection of Industrial Equipment
PublicationThe most important element of corrosion protection in industrial conditions is the protective coating system. However, selecting the right coating can often be a real problem due to the sheer number of coating manufacturers and their products on the market. A quantitative approach based on the data mining technique used to analyze the obtained multi-site exposure data has been proposed. This was demonstrated by the example of the...
Measurements of the optical and thermal properties of the 2D black phosphorus coating
PublicationBlack phosphorus is a 2D material, which properties are still being discovered. In this paper, the sensitivity to the temperature of a few-layer black phosphorus coating deposited, on the surface of a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor, by a dip-coating method is presented. The coating was investigated after 2, 3, and 5 deposition cycles and during temperature growth from 50 °C to 300 °C in an interferometric setup. The intensity...
Damage Development on the Surface of Nickel Coating in the Initial Period of Erosion
PublicationThe common occurrence of the phenomenon of cavitation in many industries and the multitude of factors affecting the resistance to cavitation erosion of used materials contribute to the search for methods and appropriate parameters of coating application that are able to minimize the effects of erosion. To determine the validity of the developed application parameters and the method used, cavitation studies and microscopic observations...
Biopsy needles coated with the antimicrobial coatings
PublicationDrug delivery systems are used to achieve higher therapeutic effects of medicaments in a specific diseased site with minimal toxicological effect. The used of biopolymers in drug delivery systems ensure the biocompatibility, biodegradability and low immunogenicity. Drug delivery systems enhance the drug delivery actively and can be used in different diseases. In this study, two types of polymer coatings were prepared and were...
Cavitation erosion degradation of Belzona® coatings
PublicationIn hydrocarbon and maritime industry there is a constant need of materials and coatings withstanding severe conditions. One of adverse phenomena present there is cavitation erosion. The paper presents evaluation of cavitation resistance of three different steel coatings. Belzona 2141 (ACR-Fluid Elastormer), 1321 (Ceramic S-Steal) and 5831 (ST-Barrier) were deployed on P110 steel and subjected to ultrasound cavitation in distilled...
Advancements in Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings
PublicationAn essential resource for engineers and scientists in the coatings field, providing an in-depth examination of current and advanced technologies for industrially oriented nanoceramic and nanocomposite coatings