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Search results for: CONVERGENCE PATTERNS
Upward convergence patterns in chosen environmental-related SDGs
PublicationSustainable development is a challenge facing humanity. EU countries not only strive to reach their specific objectives, but they also work collaboratively towards shared goals. There is a need to balance synergies and compromises to address these objectives effectively. When discussing countries' development and people's well-being, one often focuses on socio-economic development. However, it is crucial not to overlook the environmental...
Convergence or divergence in the European Union
PublicationThe disparities in economic prosperity revealed both from inter-country and inter-region perspective are one of the main problem in the modern economy. They consist of the dispersion in the real values such as incomes, GDP or productivity, but also nominal values such as prices and costs. The European Union is aware of this problem hence the role of the regional and structural policy aiming enhancing the cohesion between member...
Convergence to equilibrium under a random Hamiltonian
PublicationWe analyze equilibration times of subsystems of a larger system under a random total Hamiltonian, in which the basis of the Hamiltonian is drawn from the Haar measure. We obtain that the time of equilibration is of the order of the inverse of the arithmetic average of the Bohr frequencies. To compute the average over a random basis, we compute the inverse of a matrix of overlaps of operators which permute four systems. We first...
PublicationIn the paper, some aspects of the convergence of series of dependent Gaussian sequences problem are solved. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence of series of centered dependent indicators are obtained. Some strong convergence results for weighted sums of Gaussian functionals are discussed.
Social convergence in Nordic countries at regional level
PublicationResearch background: Geographical proximity, common historical roots and collaboration within the Nordic Council cause the Nordic countries to be often wrongly treated as monoliths. However, in reality, Nordic regions differ in terms of broadly defined social and economic development. Issues concerning the standard of living are one of the priorities of the Helsinki Treaty signed by Nordic countries. Purpose of the article: The...
Social Convergence in Nordic NUTS-3 Regions
PublicationGeographical proximity, common historical roots and collaboration within the Nordic Council make the Nordic countries, often wrongly treated as monoliths. However, in reality, Nordic regions differ in terms of broadly defined social and economic development. Issues concerning the standard of living are one of the priorities of the Helsinki Treaty signed by Nordic countries. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the existence...
The use of Markov chains in the social convergence analysis
PublicationThe main goal of this article is to analyze the social convergence process using Markov chains. In this research, term social convergence refers to the reduction of dispersion in the standard of living among countries. The use of Markov chains in the social convergence analysis allowed describing movements of observational units within the distribution and providing more details about the mechanism of the convergence process. A...
The impact of European Monetary Union on Price Convergence.
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy skutków wprowadzenia wspólnej waluty euro. Bada zarówno skutki krótkookresowe tj. odczucia co do podwyżek cen przez konsumentów i inflację w okresie przejścia na jedna walutę, jak i skutki długookresowe związane z redukcją kosztów tranzakcyjnych, eliminacją ryzyka kursowego i większą przejrzystością cen.
Price convergence in the EU-an aggregate and disaggregate approach
PublicationThis article examines the price dispersion in the European Union (EU) over 15 years (1990-2005). An extensive overview of the literature offers inconclusive results with the half-lives of price shocks from 2.8 to 282 months. Until now, most of the empirical research has been either micro or macro based. In contrast, we conducted a complex analysis utilizing both aggregate and disaggregate price data. The macro approach is based...
Analysis of human behavioral patterns
PublicationWidespread usage of Internet and mobile devices entailed growing requirements concerning security which in turn brought about development of biometric methods. However, a specially designed biometric system may infer more about users than just verifying their identity. Proper analysis of users’ characteristics may also tell much about their skills, preferences, feelings. This chapter presents biometric methods applied in several...
Sectors in Poland - Patterns of Concentration
PublicationThe main aim of the paper presented below, is to analysefrom theoretical point of view market concentration as economicproblem. The authors come out of defining market concentration, theypresent basic concentration measures, and characterize sectors onPoland on that ground. In the empirical part, the authors haveanalysed patterns of concentration of 35 sectors in Poland in timeperiod 1997-2006. We draw on recently made available...
On the convergence of iterative methods for general differential-algebraic systems.
PublicationW pracy badane jest istnienie i jednoznacznoSC rozwiązań dla ogólnej klasy układów równań całkowo-algebraicznych i różniczkowo-algebraicznych oraz zbieżność różnych metod iteracyjnych włączając metody typu ''waveform relaxation''. Podane są warunki, spełnienie których gwarantuje istnienie rozwiązań w/w równań oraz zbieżność badanych procesów iteracyjnych.
Quadrtic convergence of monotone iterations of differential-algebraic equations
PublicationZastosowano tu metodę quazilinearyzacji do równań różniczkowo-algebraicznych z warunkiem początkowym. Pokazano, że odpowiednie iteracje monotoniczne są zbieżne do jedynego rozwiązania.
Differential equations with a singular matrix and convergence of approximate solutions
PublicationZastosowano metodę kwazilinearyzacji dla równań różniczkowych z macierzą osobliwą aby pokazać, że odpowiednie ciągi rozwiązań przybliżonych są kwadratowo zbieżne do rozwiązania naszego problemu.Metodę tę zastosowano do układów takich równań różniczkowych.
Convergence of rational multistep methods of Adams-Padé type
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Convergence of rational multistep methods of of Adams-Padé type
PublicationRational generalizations of multistep schemes, where the linear stiff part of a given problem is treated by an A-stable rational approximation, have been proposed by several authors, but a reasonable convergence analysis for stiff problems has not been provided so far. In this paper we directly relate this approach to exponential multistep methods, a subclass of the increasingly popular class of exponential integrators. This natural,...
The impact of internal and international migration on regional convergence in Poland
PublicationAccording to neoclassical theory, migration is expected to speed up the convergence process between countries (Barro, Sala-i-Martin 2004). The flow of labour from low-wage regions to high-wage regions should equalise payrolls. However, the impact of migration on convergence rates is unclear when the labour flow is heterogeneous. Moreover, the movement of labour towards wealthier areas depresses the demand for goods, services and...
Price convergence in the European Union and in the new member states
PublicationThis paper examines price dispersion in the European Union (EU15) and in three New Member States (Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic) between 1995 and 2006. The analysis utilizes both disaggregate and aggregate price data, including the prices of 157 products and two indices constructed using two different weighting procedures. For each category of goods the price dispersion is lower in EU15 than EU15 plus 3 NMS. Sigma convergence...
Assurance Case Patterns On-line Catalogue
PublicationAssurance case is an evidence-based argument demonstrating that a given property of a system (e.g. safety, security) is assured. Assurance cases are developed for high integrity systems, as in many industry domains such argu-ment is explicitly required by regulations. Despite the fact that each assurance case is unique, several reusable argument patterns have been identified and pub-lished. This paper reports work on development...
Risk Identification Patterns for Software Projects.
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje metodę identyfikacji ryzyka w projektach informatycznych z użyciem wzorców ryzyka odnoszących się do modelu procesu projektowego. W artykule zdefiniowano meta-model dla modelowania procesów ukierunkowany na analizę ryzyka oraz proste i złożone wzorce ryzyka wywiedzione z tego meta-modelu, jak również pokazano przykładowe użycie wzorców do opisu czynników ryzyka odnoszących się do modelu RUP. Metodę poddano walidacji...
Patterns of Ethical Behaviour and Decision Making.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono propozycję wykorzystania wzorców programowych do opracowania wzorców etycznych, mających na celu wspomaganie prowadzącego projekt informatyczny w podejmowaniu decyzji. Ideę zilustrowano dwoma przykładami.
Automatic retrieval of musical rhythmic patterns.
PublicationObecnie stosowane technologie pozwalają na wyszukiwanie muzyki w zasobach Internetowych w oparciu o reprezentację melodyczną. W referacie przedstawiono problemy związane z wyszukiwaniem cech rytmicznych utworów muzycznych i pokazano stosowane metody umożliwiające automatyczne określanie rytmu.
Explainable machine learning for diffraction patterns
PublicationSerial crystallography experiments at X-ray free-electron laser facilities produce massive amounts of data but only a fraction of these data are useful for downstream analysis. Thus, it is essential to differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable data, generally known as ‘hit’ and ‘miss’, respectively. Image classification methods from artificial intelligence, or more specifically convolutional neural networks (CNNs), classify...
Argument strategies and patterns of the Trust-IT framework
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy metodologicznego i narzędziowego środowiska Trust-IT wspierającego budowę dowodów zaufania (ang. trust case), a w szczególności strategii tworzenia dowodu zaufania. Strategia uzależniona jest od właściwości systemu (lub innego rozważanego obiektu), która podlega analizie w ramach dowodu zaufania. W artykule zaprezentowano dwie strategie: oparta na ryzyku i oparta na standardach oraz omówiono kilka często stosowanych...
Quality of Test Specification by Application of Patterns
PublicationEmbedded system and software testing requires sophisticated methods, which are nowadays frequently supported by application of test patterns. This eases the test development process and contributes to the reusability and maintainability of the test specification. However, it does not guarantee the proper level of quality and test coverage in d ifferent dimensions of the test specification. In this paper the quality of the test...
Test Design Patterns for Embedded Systems,
PublicationTest suites for embedded systems are typically created from scratch using dif- ferent, often inadequate methods. In consequence, industry branches dealing with software-intensive embedded systems have to cope with quality problems, even though test processes are particularly time-consuming and costly. Based on an evolving model-based testing methodology we introduce test design patterns for simplifying and accelerating...
The Role of Analysis Patterns in Systems Analysis
PublicationWzorce analizy są techniką, która ma wspomagać analizę systemów.W referacie zaprezentowano analizę cech charakterystycznych wzorców analizy oraz przegląd zagadnień związanych z zastosowaniem ich w procesie wytwarzania oprogramowania. Następnie przedstawiono metodę analizy systemów z zastosowaniem wzorców analizy oraz studium przypadku analizy z wykorzystaniem wzorców analizy dla systemu wspomagającego małą przychodnię lekarską.
Seasonal Patterns and Trends in Dermatoses in Poland
PublicationThe amount of data available online is constantly increasing, including search behavior and tracking trends in domains such as Google. Analyzing the data helps to predict patient needs and epidemiological events more accurately. Our study aimed to identify dermatology-related terms that occur seasonally and any search anomalies during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Methods: The data were gathered using Google Trends, with 69 entries...
Quadratic convergence of monotone iterations to systems of differential-algebraic equations
PublicationZastosowano tu metodę dolnych i górnych rozwiązań do skonstruowania monotonicznych ciągów, które są zbieżne kwadratowo do jedynego rozwiązania układu równań różniczkowo-algebraicznych z warunkiem początkowym.
On convergence and stability of a numerical scheme of Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations
PublicationRozważamy rozwiązania numeryczne układu sprężynowych równań nieliniowych Schrödingera. Udowodniliśmy stabilność i zbieżność. Testujemy za pomocą rozwiązań solitonowych.
Structural convergence among selected European countries. Multidimensional analysis.
PublicationArtykuł stanowi syntetyczną analizę dotyczącą konwergencji strukturalnej pomiędzy krajami Europy. W szczególnosci autorki skupiły się na analizie gospodarki Polski, Czech, Węgier Słowacji. W analizie wykorzystano techniki analiz wielowymiarowych.
Does migration lead to economic convergence in an enlarged European market?
PublicationThis paper examines the relationship between migration and convergence for the enlarged internal market of the European Union (EU27) for the period 1990-2007. The impact of migration on growth is estimated in two ways: by including the migration rate in a growth regression and examining its impact on the convergence coefficient; and from the actual coefficient on migration, which can be interpreted as the effect of migration on...
PublicationThe main goal of this article is to verify whether the Visegrad Group countries are achieving social convergence at national level at the expense of internal divergence. For this purpose, the existence of social beta-, sigma- and gamma-convergence at national and regional level was tested. The author of this article decided to tackle the convergence problem since there is a high risk that countries are trying to catch up at...
Eventual Convergence of the Reputation-Based Algorithm in IoT Sensor Networks
PublicationUncertainty in dense heterogeneous IoT sensor networks can be decreased by applying reputation-inspired algorithms, such as the EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) algorithm, which is widely used in social networks. Despite its popularity, the eventual convergence of this algorithm for the purpose of IoT networks has not been widely studied, and results of simulations are often taken in lieu of the more rigorous proof....
Exploring music listening patterns: an online survey
PublicationAn online survey was carried out to explore how respondents listen to music recordings. It was anticipated that the listener’s preferences would be influenced by various factors, such as age, music genre, the contexts in which they listen, and their favored methods of music consumption. Consequently, the data were collected to analyze these relationships. The survey, structured as a web application, encompassed 23 questions,...
The architecture of distributed systems driven by autonomic patterns
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Endoscopic Video Classification with the Consideration of Temporal Patterns
PublicationThe article describes a novel approach to automatic recognition and classification of diseases in endoscopic videos. Current directions of research in this field are discussed. Most presented methods focus on processing single frames and do not take into consideration the temporal relationship between continuous classifications. Existing approaches that consider the temporal structure of an incoming frame sequence are focused on...
On the convergence of a nonlinear finite-difference discretization of the generalized Burgers–Fisher equation
PublicationIn this note, we establish analytically the convergence of a nonlinear finite-difference discretization of the generalized Burgers-Fisher equation. The existence and uniqueness of positive, bounded and monotone solutions for this scheme was recently established in [J. Diff. Eq. Appl. 19, 1907{1920 (2014)]. In the present work, we prove additionally that the method is convergent of order one in time, and of order two in space. Some...
Quadratic convergence of monotone iterations for differential equations with initial time difference
PublicationPodano warunki dostateczne na to, aby iteracje monotoniczne były zbieżne do jedynego rozwiązania równania różniczkowego przy różnych warunkach początkowych. Pokazano, że jest to zbieżność kwadratowa.
Global Digital Technology Convergence: Driving Diffusion via Network Effects
PublicationSince the 1970s, we have witnessed unprecedented diffusion of digital technologies in both speed and geographic coverage. These technologies are pervasive and disruptive, and lead to profound shifts and transformations in societies and economies. Many claim that emerging network externalities are the principal phenomenon driving the process of technology diffusion and determining its in-time dynamics. This book analyses the unique...
A Regional Scale Analysis of Economic Convergence in Poland in the Years 2004–2012
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Convergence of expansions in Schrödinger and Dirac eigenfunctions, with an application to the R-matrix theory
PublicationW pracy zbadano właściwości rozwinięć w szeregi funkcji własnych dla zagadnień Schrödingera i Diraca. Potwierdzono obserwacje poczynione wcześniej przez Rosenthala oraz przez Szmytkowskiego i Hinze, że szereg funkcyjny występujący w teorii R-macierzy dla cząstek Diraca w ogólności nie zbiega do funkcji ciągłej.
Remarks on the convergence of an iterative method of solution of generalized least squares problem
PublicationW pracy przedstawiona jest metoda iteracyjna znajdowania regularyzowanego (w sensie Tichonowa) rozwiązania układu równań Ax=b z dowolną macierzą A. Dla danej liczby alfa i wektora g daje ona ciąg przybliżeń zbieżny do rozwiązania (w sensie najmniejszych kwadratów) tego układu. Rozwiązanie to minimalizuje odległość zbioru wszystkich rozwiązań średniokwadratowych układu Ax=b od wektora g. Podane zostało również oszacowanie szybkości...
The Implementation of the Taxonomic Spatial Measure of Development in the Analysis of Convergence in the Standard of Living
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to analyse the existence of the social convergence in the European Union between 19952012. The social convergence refers to a reduction in the dispersion of the standard of living across countries. A taxonomic spatial measure of development was used as the standard of living approximation. The use of the new approach proposed by E. Antczak allowed for an explanation of the disparities in the analysed...
A convergence result for mountain pass periodic solutions of perturbed Hamiltonian systems
PublicationIn this work, we study second-order Hamiltonian systems under small perturbations. We assume that the main term of the system has a mountain pass structure, but do not suppose any condition on the perturbation. We prove the existence of a periodic solution. Moreover, we show that periodic solutions of perturbed systems converge to periodic solutions of the unperturbed systems if the perturbation tends to zero. The assumption on...
The Conference Report of Why R? Turkey 2022: The First R Conference with Call For Papers in Turkey
PublicationWhy R? Turkey 2022 was a non-profit conference that aimed to bring Turkish R users together and encourage them to attend the R conferences. The targeted audience of the conference consisted of, data scientists, data analysts, and all R users from academia and industry. The three-day conference, which consisted of several events such as workshops, regular talks, lightning talks, short tutorials, and panels, was free of charge and...
Kids On The Net. „Manipulative Patterns” of Digital Media Design
PublicationWhen owners and designers of mobile applications and websites compete for the attention of users, persuasive design becomes a common practice. In its preparation, the user’s perspective is adopted in order to better understand and optimise their experience when in contact with the offered media service. However, projects created in this way may be unethical and use so-called „manipulative patterns” depriving the user of (or limiting)...
Spike patterns and chaos in a map-based neuron model
PublicationThe work studies the well-known map-based model of neuronal dynamics introduced in 2007 by Courbage, Nekorkin and Vdovin, important due to various medical applications. We also review and extend some of the existing results concerning β-transformations and (expanding) Lorenz mappings. Then we apply them for deducing important properties of spike-trains generated by the CNV model and explain their implications for neuron behaviour....
THz Beam Shaper Realizing Fan-Out Patterns
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The Efficiency of Polish Stock Market: Ordinal Patterns Approach
PublicationZunino et al. analyzed the problem of discrimination of developed and emergent markets by the use of ordinal patterns methods: number of forbidden patterns and ordinal pattern probability distribution as a basis for entropy and statistical measure of complexity. In this paper we apply the same methodology for the analysis of Polish stock market (index WIG). The results indicate that Polish market belongs neither to developed, nor...