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Search results for: EXERCICE EVALUATION
Basic evaluation of limb exercises based on electromyography and classification methods
PublicationSymptoms caused by cerebral palsy or stroke deprive a person partially or even completely of his ability to move. Nowadays we can observe more technologically advanced rehabilitation devices which incorporate biofeedback into the process of rehabilitation of such people. However, there is still a lack of devices that would analyse, assess, and control (independently or with limited support) specialised movement exercises. Here...
Design and Evaluation of the Platform for Weight-Shifting Exercises with Compensatory Forces Monitoring
PublicationDetails of a platform for the rehabilitation of people with severe balance impairment are discussed in the paper. Based upon a commercially available static parapodium, modified to fit force sensors, this device is designed to give a new, safe tool to physiotherapists. It is designed for the patients who cannot maintain equilibrium during a bipedal stance and need to hold to or lean on something during the rehabilitation. Visual,...
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Compression Therapy Combined with Exercises Versus Exercises Only Among Lipedema Patients Using Various Outcome Measures
PublicationThe treatment of lipedema remains challenging, largely due to widespread misconceptions. Selecting the appropriate treatment method necessitates the use of accurate outcome measures. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of compression therapy combined with exercises versus exercises alone in lipedema patients using various outcome measures. Twenty-four women with lipedema were divided into two equal groups: one group received...
Evolution of concept of agent system for information technology evaluation
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Switching off direct current with contactors: A laboratory exercise
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Does Tempo of Resistance Exercise Impact Training Volume?
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Effectiveness of either short-duration ischemic pre-conditioning, single-set high-resistance exercise, or their combination in potentiating bench press exercise performance
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Exercise bike powered electric generator for fitness club appliances
PublicationA generator powered by a stationary bicycle for the purposes of generating electricity for fitness club appliances is considered. A generator is connected to a stationary bicycle in such a way as the circular rotation of the front wheel rotates the coils of wires inside the generator between the poles of the magnets inside the generator. The resulting Direct Current is channeled to the attached battery bank and converted into different...
Exercise bike powered electric generator for fitness club appliances
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The pressure–strain work indices in response to isometric handgrip exercise
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Physioprophylaxis of type 1 diabetes in children using physical exercise
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Sex differences in oxidative stress after eccentric and concentric exercise
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Can the Cambered Bar Enhance Acute Performance in the Bench Press Exercise?
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Exercise-induced fatigue impairs visuomotor adaptability in physical education students
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The effects of resistance training experience on movement characteristics in the bench press exercise
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Dual-task exercise as a therapy for executive motor function in Parkinson’s disease
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From a Point Cloud to a 3D Model - an Exercise for Users of AutoCAD and Revit
PublicationThe paper presents a proposal of the topic of an exercise for students of building faculties as part of classes on 3D modelling. The task consists in creating a three-dimensional model based on the measurement obtained with the Leica P30 laser scanner. Due to the maximum number of points in the cloud in the presented programs, the output files must be properly cleared and reduced. The point cloud was pre-processed in Cyclone software....
The Immunomodulary Effects of Systematic Exercise in Older Adults and People with Parkinson’s Disease
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Anaerobic Exercise-Induced Activation of Antioxidant Enzymes in the Blood of Women and Men
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Effects of kinesio taping on anaerobic power recovery after eccentric exercise
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Effect of maximal-intensity exercise on systemic nitro-oxidative stress in men and women
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Climbing-Specific Exercise Tests: Energy System Contributions and Relationships With Sport Performance
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Changes in Non-Enzymatic Antioxidants in the Blood Following Anaerobic Exercise in Men and Women
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Evaluation of electrosynthesized reduced graphene oxide–Ni/Fe/Co-based (oxy)hydroxide catalysts towards the oxygen evolution reaction
PublicationIn this work, the specific role of the addition of graphene oxide (GO) to state-of-the-art nickel–iron (NiFe) and cobalt–nickel–iron (CoNiFe) mixed oxides/hydroxides towards the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is investigated. Morphology, structure, and OER catalytic activity of the catalysts with and without GO were studied. The catalysts were fabricated via a two-step electrodeposition. The first step included the deposition...
The Choice of Exercises on Technical Graphics at the Specialization of Geodesy and Cartography
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Results from a geotechnical benchmark exercises of an embankment on softclay
PublicationZagadnienie brzegowo-początkowe przykładowego nasypu budowlanego na podłożu słabonośnym zostało rozwiązane przy pomocy różnych programów komputerowych opierających się na metodzie elementów skończonych. Zastosowano także różne modele konstytutywne opisujące zachowanie się jednorodnego podłoża słabonośnego. Wyniki obliczeń porównano analizując szczegółowo różnice oraz ich przyczyny. Przeprowadzona analiza jest cennym porównaniem...
Comparative Greenness Evaluation
PublicationGreenness of analytical procedure is multivariable aspect as many greenness criteria should be taken into consideration. On the other hand, modern analytical chemistry offers dozens of analytical procedures, based on different sample preparation and final determination techniques that are used for the determination of a given analyte in a given matrix. For such complex decision-making processes, multi-criteria decision analysis...
A Comparison of Muscle Activity Between the Cambered and Standard Bar During the Bench Press Exercise
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Range of motion of resistance exercise affects the number of performed repetitions but not a time under tension
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Effect of grip width on exercise volume in bench press with a controlled movement tempo in women
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Impact of single anaerobic exercise on delayed activation of endothelial xanthine oxidase in men and women
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Rehabilitation device supporting active and passive upper limb exercises
PublicationThis article presents a mechatronic solution for rehabilitation devices supporting active and passive exercises in persons with motor dysfunctions of the upper limbs in the area of the elbow and shoulder joints. A planar positioner integrated with original software and a control system, served as the basis for creating the present solution. Bellman’s programming method was applied to optimize the motion trajectory of the planar...
Impact of Movement Tempo Distribution on Bar Velocity During a Multi-Set Bench Press Exercise
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The impact of resistance exercise range of motion on the magnitude of upper-body post-activation performance enhancement
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Endocrine responses following exhaustive strength exercise with and without the use of protein and protein-carbohydrate supplements
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The Influence of Ambient Temperature Changes on the Indicators of Inflammation and Oxidative Damage in Blood after Submaximal Exercise
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Postactivation Performance Enhancement of Concentric Bench Press Throw After Eccentric-Only Conditioning Exercise
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Acute Effects of Different Blood Flow Restriction Protocols on Bar Velocity During the Squat Exercise
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Contrast Tempo of Movement and Its Effect on Power Output and Bar Velocity During Resistance Exercise
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Acute impact of blood flow restriction on strength-endurance performance during the bench press exercise
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Acute Anaerobic Exercise Affects the Secretion of Asprosin, Irisin, and Other Cytokines – A Comparison Between Sexes
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Evaluation of the Greenness of Analytical Procedures
PublicationThis contributions introduces the need to develop the methods to evaluate analytical procedures in the light of green analytical chemistry. Green chemistry metrics are not applicable in analytical chemistry because they refer to the mass of product and no product with mass is generated during analytical determination. Analytical greenness evaluations are based on scoring - such as NEMI or Eco-scale or comparative analysis as it...
Evaluation of accuracy of surrogate models
PublicationArtykuł przestawia statystyczne podejście do oceny dokładności modeli zastępczych. Prezentowana jest miara dokładności bazująca na dystrybucji błędów w zbiorze testowym. Praca zawiera dyskusję na temat oceny dokładności samego modelu oraz zasadności wyboru kryterium zatrzymującego proces automatycznego tworzenia modelu.
Durability evaluation of technical fabrics
PublicationA thorough examination of the influence of the conditions of use on the mechanical properties of technical fabrics is proposed. Laboratory experiments (uniaxial tensile, rheological, cyclic and biaxial tensile tests) have been conducted and the material’s parameters for Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations have been identified. Various constitutive models of technical fabrics are investigated and compared. On the basis of these...
Evaluation of information technology projects
PublicationOcena projektów IT. W artykule zaproponowano nową platformę oceny projektów badawczych związanych z technologiami informacyjnymi. Metodę oceny oparto na bazie wiedzy historycznej związanej z projektami sponsorowanymi przez Unię Europejską. Jako główny element aparatu oceny zaproponowano bazę wiedzy w postaci zasad produkcji i wnioskowanie oparte na teorii zbiorów rozmytych.
SimMechanics package - some effective tool for pedagogical exercises in multibody dynamics.
PublicationW pracy skoncentrowano się na poszukiwaniach narzędzia przydatnego w procesie nauczania dynamiki układów wielomasowch. Proces ten, z natury dwuetapowy, wymaga aby klasyczne wykłady dla studentów poszerzyć o ćwiczenia komputerowe, pozwalające na samodzielne modelowanie wybranych układów. Wymaga to zastosowania oprogramowania łatwego do nauki i wykorzystania, w tym pozwalającego na szybkie modelowanie prostych mechanizmów i umożliwiającego...
Impact of the “Sling Shot” Supportive Device on Upper-Body Neuromuscular Activity during the Bench Press Exercise
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The Effects of Ischemia During Rest Intervals on Bar Velocity in the Bench Press Exercise With Different External Loads
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Corrigendum: Contrast Tempo of Movement and Its Effect on Power Output and Bar Velocity During Resistance Exercise
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Exercise-dependent BDNF as a Modulatory Factor for the Executive Processing of Individuals in Course of Cognitive Decline. A Systematic Review