total: 986
filtered: 824
Influence of geometrical imperfections on stresses in cylindrical shells
PublicationResults of the numerical analysis of the shells of storage tanks of 50 000 m3 capacity with geometrical imperfections are presented in the paper. Results were verified by tensometric tests performed on the real tank. It was recognized that real geometrical imperfections cause increase of stresses in the tank construction by 30%.
Satellite inventory of tram track geometrical layout
PublicationIn the paper a methodology of restoring of railway track’s geometrical shape in a horizontal plane on the base of conducted mobile satellite surveying was presented. The authors proposed a calculating algorithm for designing the track sections placed in horizontal arcs. In the algorithm an analytical methodology with mathematical formulas is applied. The procedure has an universal character, i.e. provides the possibility of varying...
Geometrical accuracy of the objects in the axial run-out conditions
PublicationW pracy omówiono wpływ wartości bicia osiowego ostrzy pił tarczowych i parametrów obróbki na dokładność geometryczną powierzchni uzyskiwanych podczas procesu przecinania.
Geometrical effects of axial run-out in circular saws
PublicationW pracy omówione zostały efekty geometryczne jakie wywoływane są przez błąd bicia osiowego pił tarczowych.
Earthworks calculations due to reconstruction of railway geometrical layout
PublicationThe paper characterizes continuation of ongoing work of computer program MUGO which is connected with earthworks. The program is related to the modernization of the railway track layout. The methodology for the calculating the size of earthworks in the areas of embankments on the two way railway line is discussed in detail.
Buckling of thin-walled columns accounting for initial geometrical imperfections
PublicationThe paper is devoted to the effect of some geometrical imperfections on the critical buckling load of axially compressed thin-walled I-columns. The analytical formulas for the critical torsional and flexural buckling loads accounting for the initial curvature of the column axis or the twist angle respectively are derived. The classical assumptions of theory of thin-walled beams with non-deformable cross-sections are adopted. The...
A New Geodetic Method of Examination of Geometrical Conditions of a Crane Bridge
PublicationSafety is one of the key aspects related to crane-based material transport. In order to ensure safe crane operation and material transport, it is necessary to meet certain geometrical conditions. The authors addressed the geometrical conditions of a crane bridge, a substantial crane component. The paper presents the method to compute displacement components of points on the top of a bridge crane relative to their design position....
Ifluence of geometrical and thermophysical parameters on two-phase thermosiphon performance
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych dotyczących wpływu geometrii pęku rur, rodzaju powierzni przejmowania ciepła parownika oraz płynu pośredniego na całkowitą wydajność dwufazowego termosyfonowego wymiennika ciepła (DTWC).
Generative Process Planning with Reasoning Based on Geometrical Product Specification
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Analysis of geometrical layout of tram tracks based on the railway methods
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Generative Process Planning with Reasoning based on Geometrical Product Specification
PublicationThe focus of this paper is on computer aided process planning for parts manufacture in systems of definite process capabilities, involving the use of multi-axis machining centers for parts shaping and grinding machines for finishing. It presents in particular a decision making scheme for setup determination as a part of generative process planning. The planning procedurę consists of two stages. The first stage is associated with...
Computer-aided reconstruction of the railway track axis geometrical shape
PublicationIn the paper a method of the railway track axis geometrical shape identification in a horizontal plane, directly from the continuous satellite measurements, is presented. In this method, an algorithm for the design of railway track sections located in the horizontal arc is used. The algorithm uses an analytical description of the layout by means of suitable mathematical formulas. The design procedure has a universal character and...
Geometrical versus analytical approach in problem solving- an exploatory study
PublicationAbstract. In this study we analyse the geometrical visualization as a part of the process of solution. In total 263 students in the first year of study at three different universities in three different countries (Poland, Slovakia and Spain) were asked to solve four mathematical problems. The analysis of the results of all students showed that geometrical visualization for problems where there is a possibility to choose different ways...
Geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells
PublicationArtykuł porusza zagadnienia nieliniowej analizy powłok wykonanych z materiałów izotropowych. Obliczenia wykonano przy wykorzystaniu dwóch komercyjnych programów wykorzystujących Metodę Elementów Skończonych (Robot Millennium v. 19.0 i MSC.Marc v.2005r2 ). Główną uwagę skupiono na zjawisku zakleszczenia.
The analysis of tram tracks geometrical layout based on Mobile Satellite Measurements
PublicationIn this article, the results of the research in a field of which uses active global navigation satellite system (GNSS) geodetic networks for the inventory of geodetic geometric tram tracks are presented. The applied measurement technique has been adapted for the designing of the geometric layout of tram tracks. Several configurations of receivers and settings of an active GNSS networks with the objective to increase the accuracy...
Teleportation of geometric structures in 3D
PublicationThe simplest quantum teleportation algorithms can be represented in geometric terms in spaces of dimensions 3 (for real state vectors) and 4 (for complex state vectors). The geometric representation is based on geometric-algebra coding, a geometric alternative to the tensor-product coding typical of quantum mechanics. We discuss all the elementary ingredients of the geometric version of the algorithm: geometric analogs of states...
Optimizing the process of railway geometrical layout designing with multi-criteria assessment method
PublicationThe paper presents the main assumptions of the Multi-criteria assessment method used in process of upgrading the railway geometrical layout. The advantages of metaheuristic search were described. The criteria influencing the investment were defined. The fitness function used in the analysis was described. The example of using the optimization algorithm with the help of self developed computer software was described.
Effect of geometrical features various objects on the data quality obtained with measured by TLS
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Effect of the Geometrical Shape of a Partition on the Natural Convection of Two Fluids in a Separated Cavity
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Influence of geometrical and operational parameters on tooth wear in the working mechanism of a satellite motor
PublicationThis article describes the phenomena affecting the wear of the rotor of the working mechanism in a hydraulic satellite motor. The basic geometrical relationships that allow the calculation of the coordinates of the points of contact between the satellite and the rotor and the curvature are presented. A method for calculating the number of contacts of the satellite teeth with the rotor teeth and of the satellite teeth with the curvature...
Modelling of Curvature of the Railway Track Geometrical Layout Using Particle Swarm Optimization
PublicationA method of railway track geometrical layout design, based on application of cubic C-Bezier curves for describing the layout curvature is presented in the article. The control points of a cubic C-Bezier curve are obtained in an optimization process carried out using Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. The optimization criteria are based on the evaluation of the dynamic interactions and satisfaction of geometrical design requirements.
3D modelling of liquid fuels base infrastructure for the purpose of visualization and geometrical analysis
PublicationThe paper presents the methodology for obtaining a 3D model of the tank for liquid fuels on the basis of the terrestrial laser scanning and its processing for the analysis of tanks geometry. The development process indicates the possibility to obtain the reliable results useful for the evaluation of the tank side surfaces geometry (shells). The result of the development is a 3D model of the tank, taking into account the individual...
The process of identification of the track's geometrical layout and the alignment project based on the of satellite measurements
PublicationIn the paper a methodology of restoring of railway track’s geometrical shape in a horizontal plane on the base of conducted mobile satellite surveying was presented. The authors proposed a calculating algorithm for designing the track sections placed in horizontal arcs. In the algorithm an analytical methodology with mathematical formulas is applied. The procedure has an universal character, i.e. provides the possibility of varying...
Accuracy assessment of mobile satellite measurements in relation to the geometrical layout of rail tracks
PublicationThe paper presents the campaigns of mobile satellite measurements, carried out in 2009–2015 on the railway and tram lines. The accuracy of the measurement method has been analysed on the basis of the results obtained in both horizontal and vertical planes. The track axis deviation from the defined geometric shape has been analysed in the areas clearly defined in terms of geometry, i.e. on the straight sections and sections with...
Support Vector Machines in Biomedical and Biometrical Applications
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On the geometrically nonlinear vibration of a piezo-flexomagnetic nanotube
PublicationIn order to describe the behavior of thin elements used in MEMS and NEMS, it is essential to study a nonlinear free vibration of nanotubes under complicated external fields such as magnetic environment. In this regard, the magnetic force applied to the conductive nanotube with piezo-flexomagnetic elastic wall is considered. By the inclusion of Euler-Bernoulli beam and using Hamilton’s principle, the equations governing the system...
Geometric analogue of holographic reduced representation
PublicationHolographic reduced representations (HRRs) are distributed representations of cognitive structuresbased on superpositions of convolution-bound n-tuples. Restricting HRRs to n-tuples consisting of 1,one reinterprets the variable binding as a representation of the additive group of binary n-tupleswith addition modulo 2. Since convolutions are not defined for vectors, the HRRs cannot be directlyassociated with geometric structures....
Geometric Algebra Model of Distributed Representations
PublicationFormalism based on GA is an alternative to distributed representation models developed so far-Smolensky's tensor product, Holographic Reduced Representations (HRR) and Binary Spatter Code (BSC). Convolutions are replaced by geometric products, interpretable in terms of geometry which seems to be the most natural language for visualization of higher concepts. This paper recalls the main ideas behind the GA model and investigates...
How much a geometrical model of a honeycomb seal can be simpli ed in the CFD calculation
PublicationThis paper presents the inuence of geometry simplication on the results obtained in the computational fluid dynamics simulation. The subject of simulation was part of the honeycomb seal located at the inlet to high pressure part of a steam turbine. There were three different geometrical models assumed in the calculations. First one was two-dimensional case and two others were three dimensional, one with the radius of curvature...
Dispersion compensation in optical coherence tomography
PublicationDyspersja wprowadzana przez system optycznej tomografii koherentnej (OCT) oraz badane obiekty powoduje zniekształcenia fazowe w zależności od długości fali widma promieniowania zastosowanego źródła optycznego. powoduje to rozmycie obrazów otrzymanych przekrojów badanych materiałów pogarszając właściwości metrologiczne systemu OCT. W artykule przedstawiono metody kompensacji dyspersji w systemie OCT oraz przedyskutowano ich właściwości.
A Geometrically Simple Compact Wideband Circularly Polarized Antenna
PublicationA compact broadband wide-slot circular polarization (CP) antenna is proposed. An inverted L-shape parasitic strip at the open end of a microstrip line extension and a slot modification is applied to attain wideband CP. The advantage of this technique is simplicity which makes it readily re-designable for different frequency bands. To demonstrate the concept, three designs working at different frequencies are obtained. The redesign...
Fatigue test bearings with geometrically modyfied sliding surface.
PublicationW artykule uzasadniono celowość wprowadzenia nowego łóżyska testowego do badań wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej materiałów łożyskowych. Przedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań łożysk o zmodyfikowanej geometrii powierzchni ślizgowej i porównano otrzymane wyniki testów przeprowadzonych przy użyciu o standartowej geometrii.
Identification and simulation of shells geometric initial imperfection
PublicationPrzedstawiono stochastyczną analizę stalowych zbiorników walcowych ze wstępnymi imperfekcjami geometrycznymi. Imperfekcje opisano za pomocą jednorodnych pól losowych.
Tensor-product versus geometric-product coding
PublicationKodowanie przy pomocy iloczynów tensorowych, a kodowanie przy pomocy iloczynów geometrycznych. Formalizm jest zilustrowany przy pomocy paru przykładów.
Effect of geometric imperfections on aluminium silo capacities
PublicationAn aluminum silo with initial imperfections is analysed. Two types of imperfections are considered. The first one takes the form of local indentations in the shell; their size and range are adopted on the basis of the standard guidelines. The second type is a global imperfection described through the use of its eigenforms and by means of two-dimensional random fields. The calculations are limited to two cases of loading: negative...
Influence of analysis of features geometrical abrasive grains stress, strain and displacement of material in zone microgrinding
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Estimation of Geometrical Deformations of 3D Prints Using Local Cross-Correlation and Monte Carlo Sampling
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Geometrical conditions of saw blade`s entering into and going out of material during wood cutting
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę geometrycznych warunków wejścia i wyjścia ostrza piły z materiału obrabianego przy przecinaniu drewna. Przedstawiono czasowy i przestrzenny rozkład geometrycznych parametrów wejścia i wyjścia ostrza i ich wpływ na trwałość ostrzy i dokładność przecinania.
Analysis of the influence of geometrical imperfections on the equivalent load stabilizing roof truss with lateral bracing system
PublicationThe paper is focused on the numerical analysis of the stability and load bearing capacity of a flat steel truss. The structure was supported by elastic lateral braces. The translational and rotational brace stiffness was taken into account. The linear buckling analysis were performed for the beam and shell model of the truss. The nonlinear static analysis were conducted for the structure initial geometric imperfections. As a result...
Curves of thermodynamic states in some fluids with dispersion
Publicationvariations in the thermodynamic state of a dispersive medium, caused by sound, are studied. A bubbly liquid and a Maxwell fluid are considered as examples. Curves in the plane of thermodynamic states are plotted. They are in fact pictorial images of linear relations of excess pressure and excess density in the acoustic wave which reflect irreversible attenuation of the sound energy. The curves account for the nonlinear generation...
Dispersion of thermo-optic coefficient of optical polymers
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Is 9-acridinamine anion a dispersion-bound anion?
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Study on stable dispersion of functionalized Fe-MWCNTs
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On geometrically non-linear FEA of laminated FRP composite panels
PublicationThe paper presents a state-of-art review on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of geometrically non-linear problems for laminated composite plates and shells made as fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) laminates. Besides a subjective overview of the historical development of geometrically non-linear FEA of laminated FRP composite panels, some remarks on possible future issues in this research area are given
Impact of Geometrical Imperfections on Estimation of Buckling and Limit Loads in a Silo Segment Using the Vibration Correlation Technique
PublicationThe paper examines effectiveness of the vibration correlation technique which allows determining the buckling or limit loads by means of measured natural frequencies of structures. A steel silo segment with a corrugated wall, stiffened with cold-formed channel section columns was analysed. The investigations included numerical analyses of: linear buckling, dynamic eigenvalue and geometrically static non-linear problems. Both perfect...
Increasing the Geometrical and Interpretation Quality of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry Products Using Super-Resolution Algorithms
PublicationUnmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have now become very popular in photogrammetric and remote-sensing applications. Every day, these vehicles are used in new applications, new terrains, and new tasks, facing new problems. One of these problems is connected with flight altitude and the determined ground sample distance in a specific area, especially within cities and industrial and construction areas. The problem is that a safe flight...
Thermodynamic and geometrical characteristics of mixed convection heat transfer in the shell and coil tube heat exchanger with baffles
PublicationThe article presents passive heat transfer enhancement method in the form of baffles to increase the energy efficiency of the shell coil heat exchanger. Conducted literature review shows that, despite numer- ous studies, there is little work on the intensification of heat transfer at the shell side. Most of the work focuses on the impact of geometrical parameters of the coil itself. This article successfully proves that it is possible...
R&D of satellite pumps and motors with small geometrical displacement supplied with oil and non-flammable liquids
PublicationThe newest construction of satellite motors and self-suction satellite pumps with small geometrical displacement have been described in this article. The characteristics of volumetric and total efficiency of one satellite motor, selected from the series, supplied with oil have been presented. These characteristics have been compared with the orbital motors' characteristics. The remaining specifications of these motors were also...
Implemetation of the measured shell geometric imperfections to the numerical model
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Shell with random geometric imperfections simulation-based approach
PublicationPrzedstawiono analizę powłok z losowymi imperfekcjami. Zastosowano nieliniowe geometrycznie i materiałowo modele. Geometryczne imperfekcje opisano za pomocą pojedynczych zmiennych oraz pól losowych. Wykorzystano metodę Monte Carlo i metodę elementów skończonych. Zbadano wpływ różnych rozkładów prawdopodobieństwa imperfekcji geometrycznych na probabilistyczny rozkład nośności granicznej powłok. Zastosowane rozkłady ekstremalne imperfekcji...