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Search results for: PPID
Dependent self-employed individuals: are they different from paid employees?
PublicationThis study focuses on dependent self-employment, which covers a situation where a person works for the same employer as a typical worker while on a self-employment contractual basis, i.e., without a traditional employment contract and without certain rights granted to "regular" employees. The research exploits the individual-level dataset of 35 European countries extracted from the 2017 edition of the European Labour Force Survey...
Dissection of σE‐dependent cell lysis in Escherichia coli: roles of RpoE regulators RseA, RseB and periplasmic folding catalyst PpiD
PublicationTo understand the mechanism of sigma(E)-dependent cell lysis, we examined the consequences of deletion derivatives of rpoE regulators rseA, rseB and rseC on sigma(E) transcription, on levels of free versus membrane-bound sigma(E) and on OMP-biogenesis limiting factor(s) that could impact cell lysis. RT-PCR showed that individual nonpolar DeltarseA and DeltarseB increased the rpoE expression to varying extents, with pronounced induction...
Multifunctional PID Neuro-Controller for Synchronous Generator
PublicationThis paper deals with a PID Neuro-Controller (PIDNC) for synchronous generator system. The controller is based on artificial neural network and adaptive control strategy. It ensures two functions: maintaining the generator voltage at its desired value and damping electromechanical oscillations. The performance of the proposed controller is evaluated on the basis of simulation tests. A comparative study of the results obtained with...
Implementacja niekonwencjonalnych regulatorów PID w sterowniku programowalnym
PublicationNieustanny rozwój systemów sterowania oraz szeroko pojętej automatyki sprawia, że coraz więcej procesów kontrolowanych jest bez udziału człowieka. Problemem są jednak złożone obiekty o charakterystycznych cechach, które uniemożliwiają zastosowanie klasycznych regulatorów, w szczególności PID. W artykule zaprezentowano wybrane zmodyfikowane algorytmy regulatora PID wraz z ich implementacją w sterowniku programowalnym. W celu weryfikacji...
Design of modified PID controllers for 3D crane control
PublicationFrom the control viewpoint, 3D crane is a dynamic, nonlinear and multidimensional electromechanical system. In this paper, five control systems using a set-point weighted PID controllers (modified controllers) are designed. These structures and properties are presented. Optimization process of controllers settings based on integral performance indices is made. Simulation tests of control systems are presented. Comparison of integral...
Wieloobszarowa rozmyta regulacja PID mocy reaktora jądrowego
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wieloobszarowy regulator rozmyty z lokalnymi regulatorami PID dla sterowania mocą reaktora jądrowego typu PWR. Wykorzystano model matematyczny o parametrach skupionych reaktora PWR obejmujący procesy generacji i wymiany ciepła oraz efektów reaktywnościowych. Nastawy lokalnych regulatorów PID zostały dobrane w sposób optymalny, minimalizując całkowy wskaźnik jakości ISE. Na przykładzie pokazano że zastosowane...
Identification of Substrates of Cytoplasmic Peptidyl-Prolyl Cis/Trans Isomerases and Their Collective Essentiality in Escherichia Coli
PublicationProtein folding often requires molecular chaperones and folding catalysts, such as peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerases (PPIs). The Escherichia coli cytoplasm contains six well-known PPIs, although a requirement of their PPIase activity, the identity of their substrates and relative enzymatic contribution is unknown. Thus, strains lacking all periplasmic and one of the cytoplasmic PPIs were constructed. Measurement of their PPIase...
Optymalizacja nastaw regulatorów PID do sterowania suwnicą 3D
PublicationSuwnica stanowi ciekawy, a zarazem skomplikowany obiekt sterowania, który znajduje zastosowanie w różnych gałęziach przemysłu. W artykule przedstawiono obiekt sterowania wraz jego układami sterowania wykorzystującymi regulatory PID. Następnie dobrano parametry regulatorów wybranymi metodami inżynierskimi i optymalizacyjnymi. Przeprowadzono szczegółową analizę porównawczą zaproponowanych rozwiązań.
Design of weighted PID controllers for control of the Stewart-Gough platform
PublicationStewart-Gough platform (SGP) is a popular parallel type manipulator that involves a 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) motion. In this paper, the process of mathematical modelling of SGP is presented. Two selected control algorithms that use PID controllers and weighted PID controllers are designed. Both control systems using these algorithms are implemented in MATLAB environment as well as on the actual SGP. Parameters of the controllers...
Detektor fotojonizacyjny (PID) - zasada działania i przykłady zastosowania
PublicationW pracy opisano krótko charakterystykę detektora fotojonizacyjnego, zasadę działania oraz przedstawiono schemat budowy. Podano także przykłady zastosowania detektora w chromatografii gazowej oraz w analizatorach do bezpośredniego wykrywania analitów w mieszaninach gazowych.
Paid work activity and entrepreneurial cognitions of students – evidence from European emerging economies
PublicationPurpose – This paper aims to investigate whether paid work activity (PWA) experience of students from five emerging economies is related to academic results and self-assessment of possessed entrepreneurial traits. Additionally, the authors verify the relationship between obtaining work experience and the willingness to start own business among students. Design/methodology/approach – Participants included 3,631 students of the first...
Robust design in delta domain for SISO plants: PI and PID controllers
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zunifikowaną metodę numerycznie odpornej syntezy sterowników (regulatorów) działających w dyskretnym czasie w układach sterowania skalarnymi obiektami czasu ciągłego. Wykorzystano dyskretnoczasowe modele takich obiektów, oparte na tak zwanym operatorze delta, charakteryzującym się korzystnymi odpornościowymi cechami w przypadku stosowania dostatecznie małych wartości okresu próbkowania przetwarzanych sygnałów....
Self-advocacy of a person with a disability in the dual role of paid worker and volunteer: Theoretical considerations and a case study
PublicationThe changing models of disability influence the way people with disabilities participate in social life, and how they can transform their life and environment. Such participation may take the form of work and volunteering, as well as participation in self-advocacy movements. This paper aims to explore how a woman with hearing impairment perceives her dual role as a regular worker and voluntary self-advocate within one organization...
PAID-PL—The Polish Version of the Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale: Perfect Reliability and a One-Factor Structure
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A New Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller with PID Sliding Surface for Underwater Manipulators
PublicationDesign of an accurate and robust controller is challenging topic in underwater manipulator control. This is due to hydrodynamic disturbances in underwater environment. In this paper a sliding mode control (SMC) included a PID sliding surface and fuzzy tunable gain is designed. In this proposed controller robustness property of SMC and fast response of PID are incorporated with fuzzy rules to reduce error tracking. In the control...
Implementacja automatycznych metod strojenia nastaw regulatora PID w sterowniku programowalnym
PublicationZainteresowanie środowiska przemysłowego klasycznymi algorytmami regulacji, dającymi akceptowalne wyniki pracy i stabilność w odniesieniu do zmiennych warunków otoczenia, wciąż jest bardzo duże. W artykule opisano wybrane inżynierskie metody doboru nastaw regulatora PID. Przedstawiono implementację sprzętową jednej z nich (metoda Åströma-Hägglunda) w sterowniku programowalnym PLC, umożliwiającą automatyczny dobór nastaw regulatora....
Fuzzy Multi-Regional Fractional PID controller for Pressurized Water nuclear Reactor
PublicationThe paper presents the methodology for the synthesis of a Fuzzy Multi-Regional Fractional Order PID controller (FMR-FOPID) used to control the average thermal power of a PWR nuclear reactor in the load following mode. The controller utilizes a set of FOPID controllers and the fuzzy logic Takagi-Sugeno reasoning system. The proposed methodology is based on two optimization parts. The first part is devoted to finding the optimal...
Model reference method and continuous-time system identification in tuning the PID controllers.
PublicationW pracy opisano zagadnienie doboru nastaw sterowników PID w układach regulacji automatycznej. W rozważaniach wzięto pod uwagę zarówno klasyczną strukturę jednopętlowego układu sterowania z regulatorem PID umieszczonym w torze głównym, jak też odmienną realizację I-PD z członem całkującym występującym w torze głównym i sterownikiem proporcjonalno-różniczkującym ulokowanym w dodatkowej pętli sprzężenia zwrotnego. Ponieważ powszechnie...
PublicationDesign of an accurate and robust controller is a challenging topic in an underwater manipulator control. This is due to hydrodynamic disturbances in underwater environment. In this paper a sliding mode control (SMC) included a PID sliding surface and fuzzy tunable gain is designed. In this proposed controller robustness property of SMC and fast response of PID are incorporated with fuzzy rules to reduce error tracking. In the...
Influence of technological conditions on optical properties and morphology of spin-coated PPI thin films
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper is to show technical and chemical parameters influence on opticalproperties and morphology of poly (1,4-phenylenemethylenenitrilo- 1,4-phenylenenitrilomethylene) (PPI)thin films prepared by spin-coating methodDesign/methodology/approach: PPI thin films were prepared by spin-coating method with variousspinning rates and molar concentrations. The monomers, terephthal aledehyde (TPA) and p-phenylenediamine(PPDA),...
Comparison of state feedback and PID control of pressurizer water level in nuclear power plant
PublicationThe pressurizer water level control system in nuclear power plant with pressurized water reactor (PWR) is responsible for coolant mass balance. The main control goal is to stabilize the water level at a reference value and to suppress the effect of time-varying disturbances (e.g. coolant leakage in primary circuit pipeline system). In the process of PWR power plant operation incorrect water level may disturb pressure control or...
Fractional-Order PID Controller (FOPID)-Based Iterative Learning Control for a Nonlinear Boiler System
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A selection of PID type controller settings via LQR approach for two-wheeled balancing robot
PublicationThe problem of PID type controller tuning has been addressed in this paper. In particular, a method of selection of PD settings based on the solution of linear–quadratic optimisation problem using the energy criterion has been investigated. Thus, the possibility of transforming optimal settings of the linear–quadratic regulator into the settings of the controller in the classical control system has been given. The presented methodology...
Metody strojenia regulatorów typu PID z wykorzystaniem technologii syntezy regulatorów od stanu
PublicationUkłady sterujące typu PID są jednymi z najbardziej popularnych regulatorów wykorzystywanych w układach regulacji. W związku z tym znanych jest szereg metod doboru wartości ich parametrów (nastaw). Obok różnych metod inżynierskich czy analitycznych strojenia tego typu regulatorów, dostępne są również podejścia bazujące na optymalizacji. Wskaźnikiem jakości znajdującym w nich zastosowanie jest np. całka z kwadratu uchybu. W artykule...
Comparable analysis of PID controller settings in order to ensure reliable operation of active foil bearings
PublicationIn comparison to the traditional solutions, active bearings offer great operating flexibility, ensure better operating conditions over a wider range of rotational speeds and are safe to use. In order to ensure optimum bearing performance a bearing control system is used that adapts different geometries during device operation. The selection of optimal controller parameters requires the use of modern optimization methods that make...
Zastosowanie detektora fotojonizacyjnego (PID) w analizie środowiskowej. Application of photoionization detector in environmental analysis
PublicationNa podstawie studium literaturowego przedstawiono zastosowania detektora fotojonizacyjnego (photoionization detector - PID) w analizie środowiskowej. Omówiono zarówno kierunki wykorzystania w bezpośrednich metodach analitycznych jako czujnika, jak i w oznaczeniach chromatograficznych. Przedstawiono budowę i zasadę działania detektora oraz różne warianty instalowania detektora w układzie chromatograficznym, a także sposoby łączenia...
PLC-based Implementation of Stochastic Optimization Method in the Form of Evolutionary Strategies for PID, LQR, and MPC Control
PublicationProgrammable logic controllers (PLCs) are usually equipped with only basic direct control algorithms like proportional-integral-derivative (PID). Modules included in engineering software running on a personal computer (PC) are usually used to tune controllers. In this article, an alternative approach is considered, i.e. the development of a stochastic optimizer based on the (μ,λ) evolution strategy (ES) in a PLC. For this purpose,...
A Comparative Study of Fuzzy SMC with Adaptive Fuzzy PID for Sensorless Speed Control of Six-Phase Induction Motor
PublicationMulti-phase motors have recently replaced three-phase induction motors in a variety of applications due to the numerous benefits they provide, and the absence of speed sensors promotes induction motors with variable speed drives. Sensorless speed control minimizes unnecessary speed encoder cost, reduces maintenance, and improves the motor drive’s reliability. The performance comparison of the fuzzy sliding mode controller (FSMC)...
A Comparative Study of Fuzzy SMC with Adaptive Fuzzy PID for Sensorless Speed Control of Six-Phase Induction Motor
PublicationMulti-phase motors have recently replaced three-phase induction motors in a variety of applications due to the numerous benefits they provide, and the absence of speed sensors promotes induction motors with variable speed drives. Sensorless speed control minimizes unnecessary speed encoder cost, reduces maintenance, and improves the motor drive’s reliability. The performance comparison of the fuzzy sliding mode controller (FSMC)...
HS-SPME-CGC-PID determination of aldehydes in rectified spirits and vodkas after derivatisation with 2,4,6-trichlorophenylhydrazine (TCPH)
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono nową metodę oznaczania aldehydów w spirytusach i wyrobach spirytusowych czystych z zastosowaniem 2,4,6-trichlorofenylohydrazyny (TCPH) jako odczynnika derywatyzującego. Zaproponowana metoda jest co najmniej 100-krotnie tańsza od mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej z fazy nadpowierzchniowej (HS-SPME) i chromatografii gazowej z zastosowaniem często zalecanej o-2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzylohydroxyloaminy (PFBHA)....
Comparison of tuning procedures based on evolutionary algorithm for multi-region fuzzy-logic PID controller for non-linear plant
PublicationThe paper presents a comparison of tuning procedures for a multi-region fuzzy-logic controller used for nonlinear process control. This controller is composed of local PID controllers and fuzzy-logic mechanism that aggregates local control signals. Three off-line tuning procedures are presented. The first one focuses on separate tuning of local PID controllers gains in the case when the parameters of membership functions of fuzzy-logic...
Multi-region fuzzy logic controller with local PID controllers for U-tube steam generator in nuclear power plant
PublicationIn the paper, analysis of multi-region fuzzy logic controller with local PID controllers for steam generator of pressurized water reactor (PWR) working in wide range of thermal power changes is presented. The U-tube steam generator has a nonlinear dynamics depending on thermal power transferred from coolant of the primary loop of the PWR plant. Control of water level in the steam generator conducted by a traditional PID controller...
Recurrent Neural Network Based Adaptive Variable-Order Fractional PID Controller for Small Modular Reactor Thermal Power Control
PublicationThis paper presents the synthesis of an adaptive PID type controller in which the variable-order fractional operators are used. Due to the implementation difficulties of fractional order operators, both with a fixed and variable order, on digital control platforms caused by the requirement of infinite memory resources, the fractional operators that are part of the discussed controller were approximated by recurrent neural networks...
Optical properties of polyazomethine with oxygen atom in the backbon
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper is to show results of optical measurement performed on poly –(1-(4-methylenephenoxy-1)phenylene-4-methylene-1.4-phenylnenitrylomethylene) (PPI2) polyazomethine thinfilms and to compare with poly - (1.4-phenylenemethylenenitrilo-1.4 phenylenenitrilomethylene) (PPI).Design/methodology/approach: Influence of oxygen atom in the polymer chain on optical properties ofpolyazomethine was investigated....
Physical properties of polyazomethine thin films doped with iodine
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper is to show influence of doping 1,4-phenylene-methylenenitrilo-1,4-phenylenenitrilomethylene (PPI) with iodine and to propose doping mechanism and its impact on electronicstructure of doped PPI thin films.Design/methodology/approach: Influence of iodine doping on electronic structure of polyazomethine thinfilms was investigated. Optical absorption spectra, XRD spectra and AFM images of doped PPI...
Control of nonlinear and linearized model of self-balancing electric motorcycle
PublicationSelf-Balancing Electric Motorcycle (SBEM) is a dynamic and nonlinear electro-mechanical system. In this paper, the process of mathematical modelling and line-arization of SBEM is presented. The model of the control system in Matlab envi-ronment is implemented. The control system using the PID controller is designed. The operation of particular structures of the PID controller on the simulation model is compared. Due to simulation...
Heat transfer of two-interacting microjets
PublicationThe present paper paid particular attention to the flow and heat transfer performance for two microjets impinging upon the heated surface by means of experimental investigations.
Wykorzystanie rachunku niecałkowitego rzędu w sterowaniu suwnicą 3D
PublicationSuwnica 3D jest obiektem stosowanym w różnych gałęziach przemysłu. Z punktu widzenia sterowania, jest to system dynamiczny, nieliniowy i wielowymiarowy. W artykule zaprojektowano dwa układy regulacji: z klasycznym regulatorem PID oraz z regulatorem PID ułamkowego rzędu. Przedstawiono analizę porównawczą zaprojektowanych układów regulacji.
Process management planning in ISO 9001 QMS of small companies.
PublicationPaper presents the key elements of process oriented methodology of ISO 9000 QMS implementation designed for SMEs. Particular attention has been paid to present simple documentation structure and its relation to the process approach to quality management.
The digital divide and the issue of participation of persons aged 50+ in the Polish labour market
PublicationThe main objective of this article is to present the debate on the level of digital literacy of people aged 50+ and the consequences of deficits in this area. Due to the limited scope of the report, particular attention is paid to the impact of low IT skills of people aged 50+ on their situation in the labour market.
Effect of Different Structure Type Traffic On Railway Line Capacity
PublicationThe article points to methods of analyzing railway traffic conditions based on two parameters: capacity and delay of trains. The impact of the differentiated railway type structure on the capacity of the railway line was presented. Particular attention has been paid to the assessment of commonly used simplifications in analyzes.
Algorytmy sterowania dla poprawy jakości regulacji położenia w serwonapędach
PublicationW serwonapędach o kaskadowej strukturze regulacji momentu, prędkości i położenia, opartej na algorytmach PID, w stanach dynamicznych występują uchyby, które trudno zmniejszyć tylko przez dobór nastaw regulatorów. W referacie zaproponowano metody ich redukcji, oparte na zastosowaniu sprzężenia do przodu. Przedstawiono także modyfikacje algorytmu PID, polegające na dynamicznej adaptacji nastaw do aktualnych wartości uchybu. Omówiono...
Influence of LCVD technologicalparameters on propertiesof polyazomethine thin films
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper is to show influence of technological parameters (temperature and gas streamintensity) of low-temperature chemical vapour deposition (LCVD) on optical properties and morphology ofpolyazomethine thin films.Design/methodology/approach: Thin layers of poly (1,4-phenylene-methylenenitrilo-1,4-phenylenenitrilo-methylene) (PPI) were prepared by low temperature LCVD method with use of argon as a transport...
Constructing autonomous agents using the cognitive-emotional architecture of the mind
PublicationThe article discusses an important issue regarding the humanoid aspects of modern science related to the autonomy of systems and robotization. Particular attention is paid to the basic aspects of cognitive architecture. After a short introduction, the Intelligent Decision Making System, developed at the ETI Faculty of the Gdańsk University of Technology, is described.
Particle Filter Modification using Kalman Optimal Filtering Method as Applied to Road Detection from Satellite Images
PublicationIn the paper recursive state estimation approach is presented as applied to satellite images. Especially, a model of dynamic systems of the non-linear and non-Gaussian systems is presented, and finally the Kalman filter and particle filter and an integration of both is figured out. Special attention is paid to the application for satellite image analysis.
Algorytmy sterowania dla poprawy jakości regulacji położenia w serwonapędach
PublicationW serwonapędach o kaskadowej strukturze regulacji momentu, prędkości i położenia, opartej na algorytmach PID, w stanach dynamicznych występują uchyby, które trudno zmniejszyć tylko przez dobór nastaw regulatorów. W artykule zaproponowano metody ich redukcji, oparte na zastosowaniu sprzężenia do przodu. Przedstawiono także modyfikacje algorytmu PID, polegające na dynamicznej adaptacji nastaw do aktualnych wartości uchybu. Omówiono...
Dwukołowy pojazd balansujący – budowa i sterowanie
PublicationPojazdy elektryczne cieszą się coraz większym zainteresowaniem, jako nowa forma transportu. W artykule opisano kontynuację prac nad dwukołowym pojazdem balansującym, jako alternatywę dla rowerów elektrycznych. Jego cechy charakterystyczne to umiejscowienie napędów oraz sposób poruszania. Okazuje się, że jest to również złożony obiekt sterowania, dla którego zaprojektowano dwa układy regulacji: klasyczny z regulatorem PID i hierarchiczny...
Shaping the spatial structures of post-socialist cities
PublicationThis paper deals with issues and problems associated with transformation of spatial structures of post-socialist cities. The special attention is paid to the cases of Polish cities and towns and the analysis of their evolution – from the “post-communist structures” to the “cities in the age of globalization”. In the light of this the factors influencing the spatial transformation of these are analyzed. The paper is concluded with...
Dempster-shafer theory-based trust and selfishness evaluation in mobile ad hoc networks
PublicationThe paper addresses the problem of selfishness detec-tion in mobile ad hoc networks. It describes an approach based on Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. Special attention is paid to trust evaluation and using it as a metric for coping with (weighted) recommendations from third-party nodes. Efficiency and robustness of the pre-sented solution is discussed with an emphasis on resil-iency to false recommendations.
Modern Methods of Software Development
PublicationSoftware development methods consist of such activities like analysis, planning, development, testing, deployment, maintenance and retirement. All of them can be divided into two main categories - traditional and agile. The objective of this paper is to review some of the most popular traditional, agile and open source development methods. Special attention was paid to the common stages of all methods - testing and maintenance.