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Search results for: SOA TECHNOLOY
Flue gas treatment for SO2 removal with air-sparged hydrocyclone technology
PublicationWyniki badań dowodzą, że reaktor cyklonowy jest wysokosprawnym absorberem. Absorber cyklonowy pozwala na osiągnięcie stopnia redukcji 97% dla samej wody i zawartości dwutlenku siarki w fazie gazowej 5 mg/dm3. Dwutlenek siarki był usuwany również w wodnym rozworze alkaicznym (0.01 mol NaOH/dm3).
Flue gas treatment for SO2 removal with air-sparged hydrocyclone technology
PublicationOpisano wstępne wyniki badań laboratoryjnych usuwania SO2 z mieszaniny gazów z zastosowaniem reaktora cyklonowego (ASH). Do absorpcji stosowano wodę wodociągową oraz roztwór alkaliów. Zbadano wpływ natężenia przepływu gazu, natężenia przepływu wody oraz długość elementów ASH. Stwierdzono, że efektywność absorpcji SO2 z powietrza stosując technologię ASH jest porównywalna z efektywnością metod konwencjonalnych.
Perception and determinants of agricultural technology adoption in North Shoa Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia
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Internet technology in education - offer of Gdansk University of Technology.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono ofertę szkoleń Centrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej Politechniki Gdańskiej oraz możliwości jej wykorzystania na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej w studiach doktoranckich i podyplomowych, które zostaną uruchomione w ramach V Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskiej, Centra Doskonałości (projekt CURE - Centre for Urban Construction and Rehabilitation: Technology Transfer, Research and Education). Zaprezentowano model nauczania...
Technology Transfer
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Recent advances on SOA formation in indoor air, fate and strategies for SOA characterization in indoor air - A review
PublicationRecent studies proves that indoor air chemistry differs in many aspects from atmospheric one. People send up to 90 % of their life indoors being exposed to pollutants present in gas, particle and solid phase. Particle phase indoor is composed of particles emitted from various sources, among which there is an indoor source – secondary chemical reactions leading to formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Lately, researchers'...
Laser technology 2012
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Underwater robot actuated by shape memory alloy wires
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono koncepcję projektu robota podwodnego z napędem wykorzystującym materiały SMA ze stopów z pamięcią kształtu. Rozpatrywany układ ma budowę modułową złożoną z segmentów na podobieństwo do anatomicznej budowy dżdżownicy. Pojedyńczy segment składa się z dwóch okrągłych tarcz, pomiędzy którymi umieszczono balon wypełniony wodą. Wielkość balonu jest dopasowana w taki sposób do rozmiarów tarcz oraz długości sprężyn...
Dobór usług WWW w środowisku SOA
PublicationPrzedstawiono nowy sposób doboru usług poprzez heurystyczną ocenęprzydatności ich atrybutów. Zaprezentowano algorytm doboru oraz siećneuronową jako sposób oceny wyboru pojedynczej usługi. Propozycjęzilustrowano na przykładzie usługi wysyłania wiadomości.
Knowledge and technology transfer in the Center for Scientific and Technical Information of the Wrocław University of Technology
PublicationKnowledge and Technology Transfer between a university and economic operators affects innovation and growth of competitiveness, as well as the development of a knowledge-based society. In the structures of Wroclaw University of Technology, regarded as one of the best and the most innovative technical universities in Poland, a number of units responsible for a wide understanding cooperation with the economy have been established....
European photonic technology platform and strategic roadmap: Polish technology platform in photonics
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The lasting traditions of activities in the field of wood technology researches at the Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono sylwetki ludzi z Politechniki Gdańskiej, którzy odeszli, jednakowoż, których działalność była znacząca w obszarze drzewnictwa i mechanicznej technologii drewna.
Mobile application technology in levelling
PublicationThe topic of this article is the use of mobile application technology in geodetic measurements with an emphasis on levelling. Reference points were registered as data from levelling benchmarks, performed with a traditional dumpy level. The created application allowed the recording of measurements on location, sending them to a remote server for processing and preparing a report to be saved in a database. The project was to decrease...
Comparison of technology adoption models
PublicationThere are several technology adoption models, that try to explain, how and why the technologies are adopted and used. Among those, that are widely used to explain, how the older adults accept technologies, there are some general models and models specific to the group of older users. Among the general ones I would recommend paying attention to the following models: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) proposed by Davis...
Evaluation of information technology projects
PublicationOcena projektów IT. W artykule zaproponowano nową platformę oceny projektów badawczych związanych z technologiami informacyjnymi. Metodę oceny oparto na bazie wiedzy historycznej związanej z projektami sponsorowanymi przez Unię Europejską. Jako główny element aparatu oceny zaproponowano bazę wiedzy w postaci zasad produkcji i wnioskowanie oparte na teorii zbiorów rozmytych.
Technology of infrared radiation polarizer
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Development of laser technology in Poland
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Optical Fiber Technology 2012
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Laser Technology and Applications 2012
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Optical Fibre Technology In Poland
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Electron Technology – ELTE 2013
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Optical Fibre Technology - A Digest
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The PRNS butterfly in the FPGA technology
PublicationW publikcaji zaprezentowano koncepcję realizacji motylka konwesji wejściowej w Wielomianowym Systemie Resztowym (Polynoamil Residue Number System, PRNS). Omówiono wykorzystanie reprezentacji liczb w systemie diminished-1 w prezentowanym rozwiązaniu oraz przedstawiono wynik syntezy ukłądu w środowisku Xilinx ISE.
Klasyfikacja algorytmów wyboru usług w architekturze SOA
PublicationWytwarzanie aplikacji w architekturze zorientowanej na usługi wymaga zastosowania odpowiednich algorytmów wyboru usług, które będą zapewniały wytworzenie aplikacji o wymaganych parametrach jakościowych. Biorąc pod uwagę, że problem wyboru usług ma wykładniczą złożoność obliczeniową, stosowne są zarówno algorytmy dokładne jak i przybliżone. W pracy przedstawiono porównanie i analizę istniejących algorytmów wyboru usług w kompozycji...
PublicationThe article expresses an idea of the privileged role of universities in the process of shaping the new culture for urban mobility. Mobility management of the academic community is adopted in order to indirectly influence a wider group of the population. The aim of the study was to investigate the situation at the Polish universities and the willingness of their authorities to implement integrated tools to manage the transportation...
Intelligent information, knowledge, and technology management
PublicationW pracy omówiono najnowsze kierunki badań związanych z inteligentnym podejściem do zarządzania wiedzą i technologiami.
Technology of real-world analyzers (TAUR)
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Mechanical metamaterials manufactured by increasing technology
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Trust Frameworks in Application to Technology in Elections
PublicationThe prevalence of technology in elections has increased in recent decades, both in terms of voting systems as well as ancillary ones. At the same time, the issue of public confidence and trust has come to the fore as certain threat actors have sought to undermine electoral integrity through publicized attacks and disinformation campaigns against such technology. This paper examines the nexus between this public trust and the...
Development of laser technology in Poland: 2016
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Development of laser technology in Poland: 2018
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Development of optical fiber technology in Poland
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Optical fiber technology development in Poland
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EuCARD 2010 Accelerator Technology in Europe
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Laser technology and applications 2012: a preview
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Development of optical fiber technology in Poland
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Lightguide Technology For Adverse Industrial Environments
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Development of Optical Fiber Technology in Poland
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Technology of welding hard wearing plates
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A Perspective on Fast-SPICE Simulation Technology
PublicationThis chapter presents an introduction to the area of accelerated transistor-level (‘fast-SPICE’) simulation for automated verification and characterization of integrated circuits (ICs) from technologist’s perspective. It starts with outlining goals, expectations and typical usage models for fast-SPICE simulators, stressing how they differ from regular SPICE tools. It continues with presenting and classifying core technologies typically...
Manufacturing technology of porous ceramic structure
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wybrane metody otrzymywania porowatych struktur ceramicznych w oparciu o istniejące dane literaturowe.
Biomedical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationShort history of education in Biomedical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology is presented. The last initiative- implementation of the new programme, Biomedical Engineering - an interfaculty direction of study, supported by a grantfinanced by the European Social Fund is presented. Curricula of four specializations: Chemistry in Medicine, run by the Facultyof Chemistry; Electronics in Medicine and Informatics in Medicine,...
Virtual reality technology in architectural education
PublicationContemporary virtual reality (VR) technology allows the recreation of non-existent architectural objects of which there may be no trace remaining. Virtual reality applications allow access to digital models, which visualise the lost architecture. The popularity of VR has resulted in it being applied not only to computer games, but also in visualising the past. Maps allow movement through historical trails and 3D models of architecture...
Perceived technostress while learning a new mobile technology: Do individual differences and the way technology is presented matter?
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PublicationIn the paper, the basic assumptions of diesel engine cylinder system's diagnosing method, based on observation of emerging and moving electric charges of ionized gas in the combustion workspaces, using Langmuir's probe. In the first part of the paper, only the technology of the measurement and results of the preliminary diagnostic tests of laboratory engine Farymann Diesel D10 were presented. The primary purpose of the research...
Concept of the agent system for the information technology evaluation
PublicationIn this paper the concept of the agent system for the information technology evaluation has been presented. This article includes the concept description and shows abilities of using software tools which can be applicable to implementation and verification of proposed solution. The article is the part of common researches over creation solutions for information technology evaluation which range over using expert's evaluation and...
Suitability of LoRaWAN Technology for the Development of Maritime Applications
PublicationThe LoRaWAN Technology opens new possibilities for gathering and analysis of distributed data. In the paper we concentrate on its maritime usability which was tested by us in the period from June to August 2018. Measurements of the LoRaWAN network coverage in the Bay of Gdansk area were carried out. Various conditions and places were tested. The research was planned in such a way as to gradually increase the range and control the...
Advanced Modeling of Management Processes in Information Technology
PublicationThis book deals with the issues of modeling management processes of information technology and IT projects while its core is the model of information technology management and its component models (contextual, local) describing initial processing and the maturity capsule as well as a decision-making system represented by a multi-level sequential model of IT technology selection, which acquires a fuzzy rule-based implementation...
Implementation of Business Processes in Smart Cities Technology
PublicationThe goal of the paper is to present the results of studies concerning the development of a method of implementation of business processes in Smart Cities systems. The method has been developed during studies carried out within the building of a Smart Cities system for Gdańsk, and is based on basic development project management mechanisms (drawing from best practices, and in particular from the RUP methodology) and business-oriented...
MEMS Technology Evaluation for Submerged Vehicle Navigation
PublicationAnalysis of some vital aspects of inertial navigation using MEMS. The paper presents a few aspects of MEMS gyro errors, and their estimation process in the context of INS processing flow. These errors have a serious impact on overall inertial system performance. The results of undertaken researches in that area, and pointing out the main difficulties behind the INS when using a few top MEMS technologies, including sophisticated...