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Search results for: treatment refusal
Between autonomy and paternalism: Attitudes of nursing personnel towards Jehovah’s Witnesses’ refusal of blood transfusion
PublicationObjectives: The study describes the attitudes of Polish nursing personnel towards Jehovah’s Witnesses’ (JWs’) refusal to receive blood and blood products.Methods: We developed an online survey assessing nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards JWs’ refusal of blood transfusion in a life-threatening condition. It also examined nurses’ attitudes towards ethical and legal issues associated with JWs’ refusal of bloodtransfusions....
Between Autonomy and Paternalism: Attitudes of Nursing Personnel Towards Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Refusal of Blood Transfusion
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PublicationMechanizm prasujący pojazdu do usuwania odpadów z pojemników (w skrócie PUOP) spełnia dwie funkcje. W pierwszym etapie zagęszcza zebrane z pojemników odpady, a następnie przemieszcza je w głąb skrzyni zbiorczej. Znajo-mość właściwości mechanicznych odpadów znajdujących się wewnątrz skrzyni może w znaczący sposób wpłynąć na poprawę wydajności pojazdu. Celem ba-dań było zwiększenie wydajności PUOP poprzez opracowanie w oparciu...
Experimental and numerical identification of separation zones in the cent-rifugal compressor
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę przepływu w obszarze koła wirnikowego oraz dyfuzora bezłopatkowego sprężarki powietrza. Wyniki obliczeń w ramach modelu 3D (FLUENT 5.5) porównano z wynikami badań laboratoryjnych na stanowisku sprężarkowym Katedry Sprężarek w Sankt Petersburgu. Celem porównania jest ocena możliwości identyfikacji stref przepływu z oderwaniem, w ramach modeli dostępnych w wykorzystanym programie obliczeniowym. W wyniku...
Landfill Leachate Treatment in Treatment Wetlands
Model of the hydraulic pump powertrain of refuse collection vehicle compaction mechanism
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono symulację pracy układu napędowego pompy hydraulicznej mechanizmu prasującego śmieciarki oraz wpływ różnych konfiguracji elementów składowych tego urządzenia na zużycie paliwa silnika napędowego w warunkach przyjętego cyklu obciążenia. W tym celu wykorzystano model układu napędowego pompy hydraulicznej mechanizmu prasującego śmieciarki w formie grafów wiązań oraz wyniki pomiarów ciśnienia roboczego w siłownikach...
Treatment innovation using solar/UV In book: The Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater: Innovative Technologies and the Adaptation of Treatment Systems
PublicationSince ancient times, sunlight irradiation has been widely used for water purification. Apart from solar water disinfection techniques, UV irradiation is of particular interest when considering the photodegradation of various classes of emerging pollutants. Pharmaceutically active compounds are one of the largest classes of micropollutants. The main sources of these contaminants in wastewater and aqueous environments are households,...
Treatment Wetland for Overflow Stormwater Treatment: The Impact of Pollutant Particles Size
PublicationThe problem of stormwater treatment in urban areas has become increas- ingly crucial. It has been widely recognized that both mechanical and biological treatment of stormwater is necessary to protect surface water against pollution. Moreover, technology must be applied to ensure effective treatment in changing hydraulic conditions and to serve, to the extent possible, as a retention volume. Treatment wetland (TW) could be...
Sleep alterations in treatment-resistant depression patients undergoing ketamine treatment
PublicationBackground This study examines self-reported sleep alterations in treatment-resistant depression (TRD) inpatients following intravenous ketamine administration. Methods This is a post-hoc analysis of a naturalistic observational study, which enrolled 28 inpatients with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder and analyzed self-reported sleep changes (items 1–4; ‘insomnia’, ‘nighttime restlessness’, ‘early morning waking’,...
Influence of nitrogen and organic matter fractions on wastewater treatment in treatment wetland
PublicationMunicipal wastewater contains both biodegradable and non-degradable pollutants. Moreover, they are present in dissolved, colloidal and particulate forms. These fractions are characterised by various decomposition rates, hence their bioavailability during microbial respiration. It was confirm that biological degradation rate in terms of COD reduction is influenced by particle size speciation. Therefore, the objective of the study...
Fluctuation of nitrogen fraction during wastewater treatment in a multistage treatment wetland
PublicationFactors influencing COD and removal and transformation of N fractions have been investigatedin the conditions of horizontal (SSHF) and vertical (SSVF) flow reed beds. Multistage treatment wetlandin Wiklino ensured a stable and very effective removal of all the analysed pollutants. Based onthe resultsof investigation, it could be assumed that the working conditions of SSHF beds play an importantrole in the transformation of particulate...
Nitrogen fraction fluctuation during wastewater treatment in a multistage treatment wetland
PublicationAlthough the size of pollutants discharged to a WWTP plays an important and often underestimated role in characterizing treat ability and hence the degree of contaminant removal of wastewater. From one hend In order to obtain efficient nitrogen removal in thedenitrification process, sufficient amounts of bioavailable carbon source should be ensured bur for the other hand in TWs, particulates from the wastewater are naturally trapped...
Types of Treatment Wetlands
PublicationThe removal of pollutants in treatment wetland systems is the result of the sorption of biochemical pollutants, redox reactions, and a biological activity of microorganisms as well as hydrophytes plants.
Domestic Wastewater Treatment
PublicationSSF systems are usually applied at the 2nd stage of domestic wastewater treatment, after mechanical treatment. The number of such installations working at the moment in Europe is estimated to be 100,000. In Germany about 10,000 systems are in operation.
Treatment of Autoinflammatory Diseases
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Treatment of acute pharyngitis
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Nitrogen conversion during treatment of various type of wastewater in multistage treatment wetlands
PublicationThe objective of this investigation was to recognize nitrogen speciation during wastewater treatment in three multistage TWs (MTWs), which are assuming more a most effective in nitrogen removal than single stage TWs. Carried out investigations and analysis enable for determination of conditions, relationships and processes responsible for nitrogen conversions in subsequent stages of MTWs. In treated wastewater and reject water...
Pre-feasibility study for treatment wetland application for wastewater treatment in dispersed development
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to present the conducted analyses of pre-feasibility study of different approaches for wastewater management in a settlement of 180 persons. In the assessment both technical and economic aspects were analyzed. The costs were calculated for three different and, at the same time, most popular as well as possible technical solutions like: (i) construction of local wastewater treatment plant with gravitational...
Multistage treatment wetland for treatment of reject waters from digested sludge dewatering
PublicationThe paper presents the influence of sewage composition on treatment in pilot-scale facility for reject waters (RW) from sewage sludge centrifugation. The facility consisted of mechanical (two tanks with 10 d retention each) and biological parts composed of three subsurface flow reed beds working in batch. Two years of monitoring of the facility proved high efficiency removal of predominant pollutants: COD 75–80%, BOD 82.2–95.5%...
Evaluation of the efficiency of the duty cycle of refuse collection vehicle based on real-world data
PublicationIn this paper a method of the efficiency evaluation of the duty cycle of Refuse Collection Vehicle is presented. Using real world data, two representative duty cycles were analysed. Total cycle efficiency was calculated, as well as the efficiency of particular cycle phases. Then, energy needed to collect and compact the waste and energy from fuel were compared. Measured and calculated values were shown on the diagrams illustrating...
Energetic model of hydraulic system of refuse collection vehicle based on simulation and experimental data
PublicationThis paper presents an energetic model of hydraulic system of a refuse collection vehicle. First, benefits resulting from implementation of an energetic model in the industry and operation of a Refuse Collection Vehicle are briefly explained. Then, components of the energy consumption in hydraulic circuits of compactor and lifting device are described and combined into a comprehensive model that can be evaluated using basic measurement...
Magnetic photocatalysts for water treatment
PublicationThe concept of magnetic photocatalysts with separation function requires ferromagnetic material with high magnetic susceptibility to an external magnetic field to enable recycling of composite nanoparticles. Currently, much attention is devoted to functionalization of photocatalyst using MFe2O3, where M =Fe, Zn, Co, Mn. However direct contact between photocatalyst and magnetic iron oxide particles leads to photodissolution of iron...
Storm Water Treatment in TWs
Wastewater treatment by membrane distillation
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Decomposition of xenobiotics in wastewater treatment
PublicationCiecze jonowe ze względu na rozpuszczalność w wodzie mogą przyczynić się do jej zanieczyszczenia. Możliwość ich biodegradacji nie jest dokładnie zbadana. W niniejszej pracy podjęto próbę sprawdzenie, jak na proces biodegradacji cieczy jonowych wpłynie obecność innych, łatwiej dostępnych dla osadu czynnego, źródeł węgla i azotu. Ponadto podjęto próbę ustalenia górnej granicy stężeń dla biodegradowalności chlorku 1-metylo-3-oktyloimidazolu
Surface Treatment of Rubber Waste
PublicationThis chapter deals with the study of different approaches to improve the compatibility of waste rubber with polymeric matrixes of high density polyethylene (HDPE) by using surface treatments to increase adhesion. Different surface treatments such as etching with sulphuric and nitric acids, the use of a silane as a coupling agent and chlorination with trichloroisocyanuric acid (TCI) have been applied. The modification of waste rubber...
Spatial distribution of pharmaceuticals in conventional wastewater treatment plant with Sludge Treatment Reed Beds technology
PublicationPharmaceutical residues are an emerging environmental problem. It is strongly confirmed that pharmaceuticals are present in soils and environmental waters (surface, marine and even groundwater), and that wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents are the main source of pharmaceuticals in the watershed. The aim of this studywas to recognize the spatial distribution and seasonal changes of selected pharmaceuticals in conventional WWTP...
Application of multistage treatment wetlands as a buffer for effluent from Anammox treatment for reject water from centrifugation
PublicationAccording to the newest knowledge concerning TW technology multistage treatment wetland could be easily applied for ensuring stable and low concentration of biogenic compounds form the effluent of SBR reactor (with nitritation/annamox process) for treatment of digested sludge dewatering in side stream. The working condition and optimising of such MTW will be the issue of carried out investigation.
Sludge Treatment Reed Beds (STRBs) as a Eco-solution of Sludge Utilization for Local Wastewater Treatment Plants
PublicationSewage sludge is a by-product of wastewater treatment processes. In Poland, the amout of sewage sludge has been still growing in recent years, due to inhencement of pollutants removal in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). One of the systems used to transform sewage sludge into fertilizer is a technology called Sludge Treatment Reed Beds (STRBs). Reed systems are periodically irrigated with sewage sludge with a low dry matter...
Application of subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands to reject water treatment in dairy wastewater treatment plant
PublicationThe paper presents the effects of applying subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands (SS VF) for the treatment of reject water generated in the process of aerobic sewage sludge stabilization in the biggest dairy wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Poland. Two SS VF beds were built: bed (A) with 0.65 m depth and bed (B) with 1.0 m depth, planted with reeds. Beds were fed with reject water with hydraulic load of 0.1 m d-1 in...
KTaO3 a perovskite for water and air treatment
PublicationPerovskites are inorganic compounds that exhibit dielectric properties. These minerals belong to the crystal ceramics family. These compounds are described by the formula: ABX3 where, A and B are 2, 3 or 4 valuable metal ions, and X is an ion of oxygen or fluorine. An example of perovskite is the compound KTaO3. There are many methods for producing KTaO3, but the hydrothermal method is most commonly used. Perovskites can be characterized...
KTaO3-based nanocomposites for air treatment
PublicationA series of single semiconductors and their nanocomposites combination (such as KTaO3 + CdSe + SrTiO3; KTaO3 + CdS +WO3; KTaO3 + CdS + MoS2) were prepared using hydrothermal route. Photocatalytic activity of as-prepared nanocomposites was estimated by photocatalytic degradation of toluene in the gas phase using light-emitting diodes (LEDs, 375 nm) in four subsequent cycles. The nanocomposites were characterized by scanning electron...
Titania modification for photocatalytic wastewater treatment.
PublicationW celu polepszenia efektywności katalitycznej za pomocą separacji ładunkowe-/n+ TiO2 został zmodyfikowany jonami i klasterami platyny. Badania degradacji z wykorzystaniem promieniowania UV wykazały, że domieszkowanie powierzchniowe (adsorpcja) powoduje znaczne zwiększenie efektywności katalizatora od domieszkowania wewnętrznego
Polysaccharide nanocomposites in wastewater treatment: A review
PublicationIn modern times, wastewater treatment is vital due to increased water contamination arising from pollutants such as nutrients, pathogens, heavy metals, and pharmaceutical residues. Polysaccharides (PSAs) are natural, renewable, and non-toxic biopolymers used in wastewater treatment in the field of gas separation, liquid filtration, adsorption processes, pervaporation, and proton exchange membranes. Since addition of nanoparticles...
Physicochemical treatment of used cutting fluids
PublicationBadano fizykochemiczne oczyszczanie przepracowanych cieczy obróbkowych pobranych z różnych źródeł przez rozdzielanie na frakcje: organiczną i wodną. Stosowano różne koagulanty ( siarczan żelaza, chlorek żelaza) oraz polielektrolit Polyquant 20 U 050. Do wyznaczenia szybkości rozdziału emulsji wykorzystano Turbiscan Lab Expert. Ponadto wyznaczono optymalne warunki rozdziału faz emulsji (pH, temperatura oraz dawki koagulanta...
Anaerobic bacteria in wastewater treatment plant
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Pregabalin for the treatment of social anxiety disorder
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Deep Eutectic Solvents for Starch Treatment
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Effects of an immunosuppressive treatment on the rat prostate
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Photolytic and Photocatalytic Recreational Water Treatment
PublicationDisinfection is one of the most important steps during recreational water treatment. Nevertheless, disinfection by-products are formed by conventional disinfectants, which pose several health threats. The concentration of disinfection by-products can be decreased by photolytic and photocatalytic treatment. Medium-pressure mercury lamp, UV-LEDs and solar irradiation were investigated and evaluated considering emitted wavelength,...
KTaO3-based nanocomposites for air treatment
PublicationThe advantage is that photocatalytic methods allow removing VOCs, NOx, SO2, deodorants, and microorganisms at the same system. The new third generation of photoactive materials activated by low powered and low cost irradiation sources (such as LEDs or black fluorescent UV lamps) can be used as photocatalysts in air purification systems. A series of single semiconductors and their nanocomposites combination were prepared using hydrothermal...
PublicationIn this study magnetic nanoparticles were fabricated and used for water treatment. Nanoparticles were prepared in two ways. The first one involved NiZn ferrite nanoparticles synthesized by co-precipitation of metal cations with sodium hydroxide at high temperature. The second one featured maghemite nanoparticles was prepared by saltassisted solid-state reaction. Modification and functionalization of nanoparticles surface was investigated....
‘Acridines’ as New Horizons in Antifungal Treatment
PublicationFrequent fungal infections in immunocompromised patients and mortality due to invasive mycosis are important clinical problems. Opportunistic pathogenic Candida species remain one of the leading causes of systemic mycosis worldwide. The repertoire of antifungal chemotherapeutic agents is very limited. Although new antifungal drugs such as lanosterol 14α-demethylase and β-glucan synthase inhibitors have been introduced into clinical...
Why do patients decline amniocentesis? Analysis of factors influencing the decision to refuse invasive prenatal testing
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Electrode-based floating treatment wetlands: Insights into design operation factors influencing bioenergy generation and treatment performance
PublicationExponential increases in energy consumption and wastewater have often irreversible environmental impacts. As a result, bio-electrochemical devices like microbial fuel cells (MFCs), which convert chemical energy in organic matter to electricity using exoelectrogenic bacteria, have gained interest. However, operational factors affecting efficiency and energy output need further study. This research investigated bioenergy production...
Recommendations of the Polish Psychiatric Association for treatment of affective disorders in women of childbearing age. Part I: Treatment of depression
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The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of industrial wastewater
PublicationConstructed wetlands are characterized by specific conditions enabling simultaneous various physical and biochemical processes. This is the result of specific environment for the growth of microorganisms and hydro-phytes (aquatic and semiaquatic plants) which are capable of living in aerobic, anaerobic and facultative anaerobic conditions. Their interaction contributes to the intensification of oxidation and reduction responsible...
Single-Family Treatment Wetlands Progress in Poland
PublicationLong distances from one farm to another as well as unfavourable terrain configuration in rural areas in Poland result in high investment and operation costs of sewerage systems. Treatment wetlands (TWs) can be an alternative solution to sewage treatment in rural communities, schools, at campsites and for single houses. In this paper the results of 4 years monitoring of single-family treatment plants (SFTWs) in Kaszuby Lake...
Mathematical Modelling in Diagnosis of Wastewater Treatment Plant
PublicationThe paper reports development of mathematical modeling in diagnosis of the WWTP. The algorithm is based on a comparition of data from the mathematical modeling and measurments of real datefrom WWTP, until it will detect any malfunction of the sensors in th case of study.
Supervisory control of integrated wastewater treatment systems.
PublicationSterowanie zintegrowanym systemem oczyszczania ścieków (sieć kanalizacyjna- oczyszczalnia ścieków), w pełnym zakresie jego obciążeń wymaga zastosowania zaawansowanych algorytmów sterowania optymalizującego. System sterowania jest hierarchicznie zdekomponowany, tworząc wielopoziomową-wielowarstwową. Główną technologią sterowania sterowanie predykcyjne (MPC). Nie jest możliwe wystarczająco efektywne sterowanie takim systemem we wszystkich...