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Search results for: EPITOP HSV
Hepatitis D, B and C virus (HDV/HBV/HCV) coinfection as a diagnostic problem and therapeutic challenge
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Application of an Autonomous/Unmanned Survey Vessel (ASV/USV) in Bathymetric Measurements
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Parking detection system using background subtraction and HSV color segmentation
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Value of Perfusion-Weighted MR Imaging in the Assessment of Early Cerebral Alterations in Neurologically Asymptomatic HIV-1-Positive and HCV-Positive Patients
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Polish consensus guidelines on the use of acyclovir in the treatment and prevention of VZV and HSV infections
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Meet the Associate Editor
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HCV Infection in Poland
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Zgred - Zgred Graph Editor
PublicationThe paper presents a graph editor that was developed as a supplementary tool for the Koala graph library. We discuss its requirements, design choices and main ideas behind the implementation. The later part of the paper is meant to be a brief user manual, as we go through the functionality provided by the editor
Cardiovascular risks in HIV patients
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Inhibition of HIV‐1 or bacterial activation of macrophages by products of HIV‐1‐resistant human cells
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Reply to Maarit Johnson's Letter to the Editor
PublicationWe wrote in response to the Letter to the Editor from Maarit Johnson regarding our article “Exploring the factor structure and the validity of the abbreviated Basic and Earning self-esteem Scales” (Dåderman & Basinska, 2013). We discussed two main issues: (a) the theory underlying the development of the longer (i.e., original) versions of the Basic and Earning SES, as well as the role of earning SE; and (b) the selection of items...
Chimeric Dr fimbriae with a Herpes Simplex virus type 1 epitope as a model for a recombinant vaccine.
PublicationBiałko adhezyny DraE uropatogennych szczepów E. coli Dr+ zostało wykorzystane jako nośnik 11a a determinanty antygenowej glikoproteiny D wirusa HSV ty-pu 1. Sekwencja kodująca epitop HSV została wklonowana do genu draE w obrębie regionu N- terminalnego eksponowanej powierzchniowo domeny 2. Ekspresjachimerycznych białek DraE-HSV została potwierdzona za pomocą mikroskopii immunofluorescencyjnej i elektronowej.
In silico epitope prediction of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato antigens for the detection of specific antibodies
PublicationDespite many years of research, serodiagnosis of Lyme disease still faces many obstacles. Difficulties arise mainly due to the low degree of amino acid sequence conservation of the most immunogenic antigens among B. burgdorferi s.l. genospecies, as well as differences in protein production depending on the environment in which the spirochete is located. Mapping B-cell epitopes located on antigens allows for a better understanding...
Stałoprądowy model tranzystora typu HSD MAGFET
PublicationZaproponowano stałoprądowy model dwudrenowego tranzystora polowego typu HSD MAGFET, wykorzystywanego jako czujnik pola magnetycznego o dużej czułości na zmiany pola magnetycznego i dużej geometrycznej rozdzielczości pomiarowej. Zaprezentowany model odzwierciedla zjawisko podziału prądu płynącego w kanale tranzystora na prądy drenów i uwzględnia wzajemne oddziaływanie napięć drenów VDS1 i VDS2 na prady drenów ID1 i ID2 poprzez wprowadzenie...
Prevalence of HBV genotypes in Central and Eastern Europe
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Lancet HIV
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HSS Journal
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HIV Nursing
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Opinion about causes of framing of Kingston chest (box cooler) damage, on PSV vessel VS4411 DF-PSV (B-855)
PublicationThe subject of analysis is a damage of welded connection of box cooler framing segments, made as separate bars 50mm thickness, connected by the welds in corners. Studies of documents delivered by Customer shows cracks on the fusion of filet welds and twisting of box cooler frame. The subject of analysis is a damage of welded connection of box cooler framing segments, made as separate bars 50mm thickness, connected by the welds...
Fluent Editor and Controlled Natural Language in Ontology Development
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Cooperative Word Net Editor for Lexical Semantic Acquisition
PublicationThe article describes an approach for building Word Net semantic dictionary in a collaborative approach paradigm. The presented system system enables functionality for gathering lexical data in a Wikipedia-like style. The core of the system is a user-friendly interface based on component for interactive graph navigation. The component has been used for Word Net semantic network presentation on web page, and it brings functionalities...
Myśl urbanistyczna Hermanna Josepha Stuebbena : Epizod gdański
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Collaborative Editing of Ontologies Using Fluent Editor and Ontorion
PublicationIn this paper we present two tools that we are developing at Cognitum for managing large knowledge bases: Fluent Editor and the Ontorion Server. We have been able to build a collaborative knowledge management system using these two tools. We show how this system can be used for the concurrent modification of knowledge and how we can manage multiple modifications to the same knowledge.
Advances and Challenges in Diagnostics of Toxoplasmosis in HIV-Infected Patients
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The transition of HIV within and between affected populations in Poland
PublicationThe aim of the paper is the estimation of probabilities that describe the transition of HIV within and between the following three populations: homosexual and bisexual men, injecting drug users and heterosexual persons in Poland in the years 1995-2006
Editor Note On Epistemic Innovation And Academic Progression In The Rehabilitation Community
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WordVenture - COOPERATIVE WordNet EDITOR Architecture for Lexical Semantic Acquisition
PublicationThis article presents architecture for acquiring lexical semantics in a collaborative approach paradigm. The system enables functionality for editing semantic networks in a wikipedia-like style. The core of the system is a user-friendly interface based on interactive graph navigation. It has been used for semantic network presentation, and brings simultaneously modification functionality.
Wordventure - cooperative wordnet editor. Architecture for lexical semantic aquisition
PublicationThis article presents architecture for acquiring lexical semanticsin a collaborative approach paradigm. The system enablesfunctionality for editing semantic networks in a wikipedia-like style. The core of the system is a user-friendly interface based on interactive graph navigation.It has been used for semantic network presentation,and brings simultaneously modification functionality.
Induction of Secreted Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) Resistance Factors in CD4-Positive T Lymphocytes by Attenuated HIV-1 Infection
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Nuclear quantum effects in a HIV/cancer inhibitor: The case of ellipticine
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Depression is predictor of SVR to treatment with interferon alfa and ribavirin for HCV
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TNF‐α polymorphisms affect persistence and progression of HBV infection
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Nuclear quantum effects in a HIV/cancer inhibitor: The case of ellipticine
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Shoreline Extraction Based on LiDAR Data Obtained Using an USV
PublicationThis article explores the use of Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) derived point clouds to extract the shoreline of the Lake Kłodno (Poland), based on their geometry properties. The data collection was performed using the Velodyne VLP‐16 laser scanner, which was mounted on the HydroDron Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV). A modified version of the shoreline extraction method proposed by Xu et al. was employed, comprising of the following...
Reverse vaccinology-based prediction of a multi-epitope SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and its tailoring to new coronavirus variants
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Epitope Mapping of BmpA and BBK32 Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Stricto Antigens for the Design of Chimeric Proteins with Potential Diagnostic Value
PublicationLyme disease is a tick-borne zoonosis caused by Gramnegative bacteria belonging to the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) group. In this study, IgM- and IgG-specific linear epitopes of two B. burgdorferi sensu stricto (s.s.) antigens BmpA and BBK32 were mapped using a polypeptide array. Subsequently, two chimeric proteins BmpABBK32-M and BmpA-BBK32-G were designed to validate the construction of chimeras using the identified...
Reverse vaccinology-based prediction of a multi-epitope SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and its tailoring to new coronavirus variants
PublicationThe genome feature of SARS-CoV-2 leads the virus to mutate and creates new variants of concern. Tackling viral mutations is also an important challenge for the development of a new vaccine. Accordingly, in the present study, we undertook to identify B- and T-cell epitopes with immunogenic potential for eliciting responses to SARS-CoV-2, using computational approaches and its tailoring to coronavirus variants. A total of 47 novel...
Microarray analysis of differentially expressed genes in cells resistant to HIV-1
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Distinguishable topological properties of functional genome networks in HIV-1 reservoirs
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Dynamic Analysis of the Turnout Diverging Track for HSR with Variable Curvature Sections
PublicationThe paper presents an analytical method of identifying the curvature of the turnout diverging track consisting of sections of varying curvature. Both linear and nonlinear (polynomial) curvatures of the turnout diverging track are identified and evaluated in the paper. The presented method is a universal one, it enables to assume curvature values at the beginning and end point of the geometrical layout of the turnout. The results...
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HSE Economic Journal
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Neurobehavioral HIV Medicine
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Plug-in to Eclipse environment for VHDL source code editor with advanced formatting of text
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Geotehnicki problemi projektiranja i ponasanja gradevnih jama
PublicationGeotechniczne problemy projektowania i rezlizacji wykopów głębokich. Przykłady głębokich wykopów fundamentowych oraz ich wpływ na infrastrukturę i zabudowę sąsiednią. Analizy wyników pomiarów oraz obliczeń przemieszczeń obudowy. Wpływ odwodnienia wykopów budowlanych. Analiza głównych oddziaływań na zabudowę sąsiednią.
Distinguishable topology of the task-evoked functional genome networks in HIV-1 reservoirs
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Determination of the optimal curvature of the turnout diverging track for HSR using dynamic analysis
PublicationThe paper presents an analytical method of identifying the curvature of the turnout diverging track consisting of sections of varying curvature. Such turnout is mainly applied on High Speed Railway. Both linear and nonlinear (polynomial) curvatures of the turnout diverging track are considered in the paper. Obtained solutions enable to assume curvature values at the beginning and end point of the geometrical layout of the turnout.The...