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Search results for: GENGER STUDIES
Gender Studies
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Studies in Gender and Sexuality
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Journal of Gender Studies
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Journal of Research in Gender Studies
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Indian Journal of Gender Studies
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Selection of reliable reference genes in eutopic and ectopic endometrium for quantitative expression studies
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Towards Gender Harmony Dataset: Gender Beliefs and Gender Stereotypes in 62 Countries
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Gender a Vyzkum / Gender and Research
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Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women's and Gender Studies
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Gender Issues
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Gender and Development
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Gender and History
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Gender in Management
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Gender and Language
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Gender & Society
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Gender Medicine
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Violence and Gender
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Gender and Politics
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Politics & Gender
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Religion and Gender
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Comparison of siRNA-mediated silencing of glycosaminoglycan synthesis genes and enzyme replacement therapy for mucopolysaccharidosis in cell culture studies.
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Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal
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Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society
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Gender Through the Lens of Culture
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Gender Through the Lens of Culture
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Gender differences in entrepreneurship myths
PublicationThe article presents the research results related to the most popular entrepreneurship myths in a group of business students. The author focused on gender differences in myth intensity, credibility and importance based on subject literature. The statistic analysis does not confirm any significant differences between male and female groups in case of the majority of myths, however women’s entrepreneurial intentions proved to be...
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Studia Medyczne / Medical Studies
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Board Gender Diversity and Firm Risk
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Gender, equality, science and information systems
PublicationIn the entire Europe more women than men graduate from tertiary education institutes1. However, they are underrepresented in scientific and engineering disciplines. Women researchers still constitute a minority in the Government and Higher Education Sectors that both are related to power. A number of industry reports highlight a low number of women in IT occupations2. The EU Member States have, on political levels, committed themselves...
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Sexualities, Evolution and Gender
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Advances in Gender Research
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Sexuality, Gender and Policy
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Isolation and bioinformatic analysis of seven genes encoding potato apyrase. Bacterial overexpresssion, refolding and initial kinetic studies on some recombinant potato apyrases
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Studies of Silicon Podand Solvents
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Immittance Studies of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 Ceramics
PublicationResults of studies focusing on the electric behavior of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 (BFTO) ceramics are reported. BFTO ceramics were fabricated by solid state reaction methods. The simple oxides Bi2O3, TiO2, and Fe2O3 were used as starting materials. Immittance spectroscopy was chosen as a method to characterize electric and dielectric properties of polycrystalline ceramics. The experimental data were measured in the frequency range D = (101–107)...
Raman studies of ferroelectric ceramics.
PublicationPrzedstawiono potencjał aplikacyjny spektroskopii Ramana w diagnostyce procesu technologicznego wytwarzania cienkowarstwowych struktur perowskitowych o strukturze Ba(Ti1 xZrx)O3, posiadających możliwość strojenia przenikalności elektrycznej za pomocą pola elektrycznego. Skonfigurowano systemy pomiarowe do badania zarówno próbek objętościowych, jak i struktur cienkowarstwowych. Zidentyfikowano najistotniejsze linie w widmach ramanowskich,...
Gender dysphoria (transsexulism) and schizophrenia: a case report
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Gender dysphoria (transsexulism) and schizophrenia: a case report
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Gender and Business Competences of Knowledge Workers in Poland
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PublicationThe aim of the following article is to present gender inequality in the labour market in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Gender inequality was researched by analyzing documents providing rights for women and men in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The author presented the unequal treatment of women in the labour market by examining the causes of the level of employment of women and men - contract workers, higher unemployment among women,...
Multi gender genetic optimization of diagnostic observers.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiana jest nowa metoda rozwiązywania zadań wielokryterialnej optymalizacji. W omawianej metodzie wykorzystywana jest informacja o genetycznym rodzajniku osobnika w celu odpowiedniego rozróżnienia i agregacji wielu kryteriów. Charakterystyczne cechy mechanizmu są prezentowane na przykładzie wielokryterialnej optymalizacji detekcyjnych obserwatorów stanu.
Journals -
Popularność kierunków studiów i uczelni podczas rekrutacji na studia wyższe w Polsce
PublicationStreszczenie. W artykule podjęto próbę scharakteryzowania procesu rekrutacyjnego na studia i jego wpływu na liczbę studentów w poszczególnych grupach kierunków studiów oraz szkołach wyższych. Z informacji przekazywanych przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (MNiSW) wynika, że od kilku lat utrzymuje się względnie stała tendencja odnośnie do rekrutacji na studia wyższe. Najpopularniejszym kierunkiem studiów jest informatyka,...
If my masculinity is threatened I won’t support gender equality? The role of agentic self-stereotyping in restoration of manhood and perception of gender relations.
Publication -
Studies on the Preparation and Characterisation of Carbon Nanostructures