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Search results for: Heritage BIM
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Application of Shape Memory Alloys in Retrofitting of Masonry and Heritage Structures Based on Their Vulnerability Revealed in the Bam 2003 Earthquake
PublicationFor decades, one of the most critical considerations of civil engineers has been the construction of structures that can sufficiently resist earthquakes. However, in many parts of the globe, ancient and contemporary buildings were constructed without regard for engineering; thus, there is a rising necessity to adapt existing structures to avoid accidents and preserve historical artefacts. There are various techniques for retrofitting...
The heritage of wooden architecture in Poland
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia dziedzictwo polskiej architektury drewnianej, granicah obecnych. Obejmuje okres historyczny od powstania do dnia dzisiejszego. Wyodrebniono jako osobny problem ochrony dziedzictwa w ujęciu konserwatorskim oraz rolę skansenów - muzeów na swiezym powietrzu. Opracowanie dotyczy zarówno architektury jak i wnętrz obiektów.
Historical Heritage and Space Transformation
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Cultural Heritage in Spatial Planning
PublicationThe cultural heritage objects of each country should have a major impact on the development of space. Unfortunately, most often the investment needs prevail and only the most precious historical objects are protected. Thus often a monument is preserved, but its surroundings (which put it in context) are lost forever. This article addressed the issues of cultural heritage in relation to the spatial planning system in Poland. The...
Heritage Science
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American Heritage
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Built Heritage
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Authenticity of cultural heritage vis-à-vis heritage reproducibility and intangibility: from conservation philosophy to practice
PublicationThis article states that the philosophical nature/ambiguity/controversy of the issue of authenticity undermines its usefulness as a tool in conservation practice. The main drawback is the inability to objectively define the notion of authenticity. In conservation philosophy, the meaning of authenticity relativizes along with the widespread consent to the reproducibility of cultural heritage, whereas the recognition of its intangibility...
Abandoned heritage – the first European airports
PublicationDue to the development of air transport and urban expansion, the locations of pre-war airports were often changed. The question of the fate of the abandoned airports and their entire infrastructure arose. This article looks at the issue of derelict, pre-war airfields. Examples of airports which were successfully adapted as well as the ones which were abandoned and closed yet but equally important in historical context are shown....
Cultural heritage preservation - the engineers´ contribution
Publication10 lat dokonań w zakresie popularyzacji dziedzictwa kultury, szczególnie w aspekcie Rekomendacji Rady Europy No. R(90) 20 w sprawie ochrony i konserwacji dziedzictwa techniki, przemysłu i inżynierii budowlanej. Sprawozdanie z konferencji PIH-Go w 1993 i 1995, projektu ''Technology & Heritage" w 1997 oraz PEH-GO 2000 w 1999 r. Informacja metodyczna o przedmiocie humanistycznym ''Kulturotwórcze aspekty budownictwa'', realizowanym...
Enterprise Information Management in Cultural Heritage Domain
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Architectural Heritage Virtual Models in Conservation Practice
PublicationThe article presents the issues concerning architectural heritage digital models’ applications in conservation practice. These considerations are discussed in the context of the commencement of creating virtual models regarding no-longer existing historical buildings in the first half of the 1980s. Such models’ applications and possible uses are analyzed within the adopted criteria that distinguish the following model types....
Modernist Gdynia. Challanges of Heritage-Based Development
PublicationTekst przedstawia kompleksową politykę ochrony zabytków na terenie śródmieścia Gdyni, które ma status Pomnika Historii, w powiązaniu z planowanym rozwojem i modernizacją
General aspects of waterfront heritage conservation in Poland
PublicationPublikacja obejmuje analize wybranych zagadnień związanych z ochroną dziedzictwa kulturowego obszarów nadowdnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zespołów portowych Gdańska i Gdyni.
Valuation of architectural heritage by multicultural student groups
PublicationIn this article, the author addresses the education of architecture students in the field of architectural history and the determination of the value of architectural objects. Important changes at present are underway concerning this. Both the role of architectural history in architectural education and content in architectural history curricula is changing. The need for re-evaluation...
Supporting study tours in the teaching of architectural heritage
PublicationStudy tours are a highly effective way to acquire knowledge. They improve students’ understanding of issues that otherwise may seem partly abstract to them. Presented in this article is the unique way in Poland in which support is given to the teaching of architectural heritage. It has been carried out continuously for almost 50 years in the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology (FA-UT), Gdańsk, Poland, in...
The difficult heritage. The reuse of former prison buildings
PublicationIn recent years, there has been a trend to reuse abandoned buildings. Adaptive re-use allows preservation of the original structure and implements a new function to it. Such activity could help to preserve the historic value of buildings; moreover, many other advantages can be found in educational, ecological and economic fields. However, the question arises of whether every object can be freely adapted. This article examines the...
Safeguarding of the cultural heritage during redevelopment projects.
PublicationZaprezentowano koncepcję zrównoważonej ochrony zabytków budownictwa (ang. sustainable heritage) w ramach przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych obejmujących istniejącą substancję budowlaną o charakterze zabytkowym, tzn. posiadającą wartości kulturowe. Wskazano znaczenie różnorodnej terminologii stosowanej przez różne podmioty procesu inwestycyjnego, co może powodować nieporozumienia lub nieuzasadnione traktowanie pewnych przedsięwzięć jako...
Built Heritage, Sustainable Development, and Natural Hazards: Flood Protection and UNESCO World Heritage Site Protection Strategies in Krakow, Poland
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state aid for projects on heritage conservation
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of the most important legal acts in EU law, a list of selected bibliography, together with a list of some interesting individual EC decisions issued on the topic of state aid for heritage conservation in Poland and some UE countries in the period 2007-2013. The reader gets the possibility to acquire basic information...
Economic Consequences of Student’s Views on Cultural Heritage Goods
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Pomerania Laboratory - A solution for the cultural heritage research and conservation
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Non-compulsory practical education programme for modernist heritage
PublicationA non-compulsory programme for students of architecture that contains more specialised topics beyond the basic subjects is an important educational tool. The advantages include classes in smaller groups, the possibility of practical exercises in real field conditions and the benefits of meeting professional practitioners. This type of programme is particularly useful for teaching architectural heritage of the 20th Century, its...
Travelling Architecture: Vanishing heritage of Gypsy caravans in Poland
PublicationThe wandering Gypsy/Roma groups began arriving in the territory of Poland in the fifteenth century. Leading a nomadic life, they did not develop any form of a built house until the nineteenth century, until the first wooden caravans appeared. In the twentieth century, the architecture of Gypsy caravans began to thrive. They developed into several different forms of meticulously decorated wooden mobile houses. At the same time however,...
Maritime heritage of small port towns of the Polish coast
PublicationThe article describes problems of the gradual disappearance of real maritime heritage in small Polish port cities. The maritime heritage of small port cities was shaped by coastal processes and urban historical conditions what has led to creation of specific types of landscapes. Special architectural objects of the post-port heritage of small ports of the Polish coast are hydrotechnical constructions (i.e. breakwaters, quays),...
The preservation of the industrial heritage of the Wieliczka salt-works in Poland
PublicationMuzeum w Wieliczce jest jedną z najważniejszych tego typu placówek w EuropieZlokalizowane na terenie 700-letniej kopalni, w 1978 r. zostało wpisane naListę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO.
Context for sustainable use of the industrial and civil engineering heritage.
PublicationDefinicja krajobrazu kulturowego z zasobami dziedzictwa przemysłu i budownictwa: wartości kulturowe. Interpretacja zasad rozwoju zrównoważonego odniesionych do ochrony tego dziedzictwa oraz przykłady.
Architectural Heritage: Journal of the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland
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Journal of Heritage Tourism
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Heritage and Sustainable Development
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Studies in Digital Heritage
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Synthesis and structural characterization of bio-based bis(cyclic carbonate)s for the preparation of non-isocyanate polyurethanes
PublicationBio-based cyclic carbonates are of significant research interest as monomers for non-isocyanate polyurethane (NIPU) synthesis. This research describes the synthesis of a series of five-membered bis(cyclic carbonate)s using bio-based polyether polyols (PO3G) with different molecular weights (250, 650 and 1000 g mol−1) and carbon dioxide as green feedstocks. The utilization of CO2 as a source of carbon in the chemical reaction is...
The new face of safeguarding and promotion of the intangible cultural heritage in Poland
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Safeguarding of the intangible heritage during the construction ''re-type'' projects.
Publication''Twarde'' i ''miękkie'' projektowanie w budownictwie. Nowe elementy koncepcyjne w projektowaniu budowlanym służące ochronie i zachowaniu kulturowego dziedzictwa materialnego i niematerialnego. Klasyfikacja przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych wobec istniejącej substancji budowlanej. Działania służące zachowaniu wartości niematerialnych.
International Journal of Architectural Heritage
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Journal of Heritage Conservation
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Modeling BIM Objects From Point Clouds. Examples
PublicationThe article presents several ways to obtain BIM (Building Information Modeling) models from point clouds using standard commands in Revit 2018. In Revit geometric forms are possible to obtain in project, family or conceptual environments. Efficient modeling requires knowledge of methods of creating families and components in these environments and ways to combine them. Modeling methods with system and loadable families are presented,...
Education Towards The Use Of BIM On The Example Of Polish Universities
PublicationBIM (Building Information Modeling) has been one of the rapidly developing fields of digital techniques supporting the realization of construction projects in recent years. Further development, and especially the use of these techniques, depends to a large extent on the qualifications of young construction engineers who start their professional careers in this field. The article attempts to synthetically list and compare subjects,...
Involving social participation in the preservation of heritage: the experience of Greater Poland and Kujavia
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Various cases of preservation and adaptive reuse Heritage Buildings in the Port of Gdynia
PublicationThe port of Gdynia contains a diverse range of heritage assets, starting with its spatial layout which is an urban concept designed in the first half of the 1920s. It is important to point out, this historically-shaped harbor space is preserved in its general idea and still functioning in port activities. Another significant element is the structural, technological solution which was the basis for constructing the entire port area...
Gdańsk’s Cultural Heritage. The City Centre District and Municipal Historical Policy
PublicationThe current municipal historical policy of Gdańsk focuses on two major museum projects purported to be a unique embodiment of the city’s cultural heritage. Their underlying narrative, which is told from the European perspective, is based on two great events of the 20th century and seems to disregard the cultural heritage recorded in the urban structure of the city centre. However, it is precisely this urban structure that exerts...
ZASPA NOVA - połączeni dziedzictwem blokowisk/ connected by the heritage of housing estates
PublicationWizje nowe Zaspy – Zaspa Nova – prezentują koncepcje architektoniczne dla wybranych, kluczowych stref osiedla. Węzeł komunikacyjny, wnętrze urbanistyczne między blokami i obszar rekreacyjny powiązany funkcjonalnie z ogródkami działkowymi zyskały w propozycjach europejskich studentów architektury nowy kształt i wyraz przestrzenny.
Protection of Cultural Heritage
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PublicationThe article presents an overview of the most important issues related to the phenomenon called big data. The characteristics of big data concerning the data itself and the data sources are presented. Then, the big data life cycle concept is formulated. The next sections focus on two big data technologies: MapReduce for big data processing and NoSQL databases for big data storage.
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International Journal of Intangible Heritage
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Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage