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Search results for: RETAIL CENTRE
Half a century of research on diatoms in athalassic habitats in central Poland
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Centro Europeo de la Solidaridad - Gdańsk. - [Europejskie Centrum Solidarności w Gdańsku]
PublicationPrezentacja projektu uhonorowanego I nagrodą w międzynarodowym konkursie architektonicznym na budynek Europejskiego Centrum Solidarności w Gdańśku.
The Touristification of Italian Historic City Centres: The Lesson for Central Europe about the Airbnb Eruption
PublicationThe unparalleled scale of the recent growth in tourism – the rise of the number of temporary visitors – could not have emerged without the impact on other socio‑economic aspects, namely, a change on the part of the destinations. Especially historic city centres are vulnerable to such an impact that could be manifested through diverse transformations of public space usage, housing market economics, availability of services, employment...
European Solidarity Centre
PublicationText on European Solidarity Centre in Gdansk.
A Single-Center Experience of Renal Transplantation in Elderly Patients: A Paired-Kidney Analysis
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Central Metal Determines Pharmacokinetics of Chlorophyll-Derived Xenobiotics
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O szacowaniu centrum populacji określonego obszaru na przykładzie Polski / On estimating centre of population of a given territory. Poland’s case
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Retail and Marketing Review
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Gdynia City Centre as a Historical Monument
PublicationThe articel presents the experience connected with the legal protection and conservation of modern monuments built before WWII in Gdynia City Center
Elektrownia Masovia Centre for Contemporary Art
PublicationText on Elektrownia Masovia Centre for Contemporary Art in Radom.
Renal morphology assessed by ultrasound in relation to central haemodynamics and body fat
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Reliable Document-Centric Processing in Loosely Coupled Email-Based Systems
PublicationEmail is a simple way to exchange digital documents of any kind. The Mobile INteractive Document architecture (MIND) enables self-coordination and self-steering of document agent systems based on commonly available email services. In this paper, a mechanism for providing integrity and reliability of such an email based agent system is proposed to cope with message soft or hard bounces, user interrupts, and other unexpected events....
Lightweight glass and metal roof structures in the 19th century. Architecture and construction.
PublicationThe 19th century brought new construction possibilities. The usage of metal elements in mesh structures, filled in with glass, resulted in creating entirely new types of objects. They have distinguished themselves in architecture and technical solutions. The envelope structures giving spatial interiors were arising very quickly. They have been enabling large light penetration, triggering them extremely bright. Thus these building...
Trade of the European Union with the Post-Soviet Republics of Central Asia in the Second Decade of the 21st Century
Publication.The article presents the European Union's trade with five Central Asian countries: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kigistan and Uzbekistan in the two decades of the 21st century.
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PublicationDetermination of the centre of the city or agglomeration or generally the geographic area is a task which is often undertaken as part of the promotional actions realized by local authorities or directly by inhabitants. Nowadays, especially due to the development and availability of positioning technology and satellite imaging, this job is undertaken within the framework of general didactic tasks and group projects during the study...
Palladium versus Platinum: The Metal in the Catalytic Center of a Molecular Photocatalyst Determines the Mechanism of the Hydrogen Production with Visible Light
PublicationTo develop highly efficient molecular photocatalysts for visible light-driven hydrogen production, a thorough understanding of the photophysical and chemical processes in the photocatalyst is of vital importance. In this context, in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopic (XAS) investigations show that the nature of the catalytically active metal center in a (N^N)MCl2 (M=Pd or Pt) coordination sphere has a significant impact on the...
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Europaisches solidaritascenter Danzig. - [European Solidarity Centre Gdańsk]
PublicationPrezentacja projektu uhonorowanego I nagrodą w międzynarodowym konkursie architektonicznym na budynek Europejskiego Centrum Solidarności w Gdańsku.
Hastings Centre Report (The)
Journals -
Centra handlowe na dworcu
PublicationCentrum handlowe na dworcu łączy w sobie dwie idee: 1) wielkopowierzchniowego centrum usługowo-handlowego w śródmieściu, 2) centrum opartego o węzeł komunikacyjny - pomysłu zaczerpniętego ze stref wolnocłowych, realizowanych na lotniskach. Ogromną wartość komercyjną nieruchomości kolejowych odkryto w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku. Od tego czasu realizowany jest szereg programów: "Projekte 21" w Niemczech (od 1993), "Bahnhofsoffensive"...
Arterial stiffness, body fat compartments, central hemodynamics, renal function and left atrial size
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Knowledge Management Challenges in Collaborative Design of a Virtual Call Centre
PublicationThis paper presents the analysis of knowledge management issues for an user interface consulting project relevant during the development of a Virtual Call Centre. Experiences gathered by the team of designers and team of usability consultants have been described and evaluated from the knowledge management viewpoint. A concept of a knowledge-based system, potentially supporting usability consulting in subsequent IT projects has...
First bite syndrome after parotidectomy: a single-centre experience
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Phase Centre Corrections of GNSS Antennas and Their Consistency with ATX Catalogues
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C2 Niwa - The Centre of Competence for Novel Infrastructure of Workable Applications
PublicationScientific and cloud computing are discussed in the paper . The paradigm of EaaS (Everything as a Service) is presented and the design methodology of service oriented applications is proposed. Implementation of the SOSE (Software Oriented Software Engineering) approach is analyzed and the roles of developing teams to obtain software products satisfying business requirements are also shown. The above listed activities create a basic...
Western Front of the City Centre of Gdańsk. An Urban Conservation Study
PublicationThe western front of Gdańsk`s city centre is the key fragment of a ring road scheme, which was created at the turn of the 20th century during the great transformation of the city. It was at that time that new streets and squares were delineated on the site of the early modern earthen bastions, which for more than three centuries marked Gdańsk`s border. The new city development was set up in their surroundings. In 1945, Gdańsk was...
NOMINATION DOSSIER, The Modernist Centre of Gdynia, parts 4 - 7
PublicationThe city of Gdynia is commonly known in Poland as a symbol of the country’s independence and evidence of the foresight of planners and politicians. It is the outcome of the efforts and aspirations of generations of people from all kinds of backgrounds who made Gdynia their home. Document prepared by researchers from Gdansk University of Technology and other experts is the important part of the Nomination Dossier prepared for international...
The Prospects of Retail Payment Developments in the Metaverse
PublicationIn the age of technological development, rapid technological progress, and the metaverse development in which humans interact with each other and with the environment using virtual real-world metaphors, payment systems may also need to be re-considered. The study aims to find an answer to the question of what should be retail payments in the metaverse and to begin interdisciplinary discussions about...
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Centro Agricola
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International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
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Journal of Business and Retail Management Research
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Retail and Marketing Review (South Africa)
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Shopping Centres - a Threat to Public Spaces?
PublicationObszary wewnętrznych przestrzeni pieszych w centrach handlowych stają się substytutami śródmiejskich przestrzeni publicznych miast. Mimo ich stylizacji architektonicznej na ulice handlowe nie spełniają takiej samej funkcji jak przestrzenie tradycyjne. Powoduje to zagrożenia związane ze wzrostem znaczenia konsumpcjonizmu i tworzenia zamkniętych przestrzeni prywatnych niedostępnych dla całego społeczeństwa. Mimo to mogą one być elementami...
Centra handlowe w skali makro
PublicationKrytyka urbanistyczna wielkich centrów handlowych realizowanych w ostanim dziesięcioleciu w Polsce i ich skutków przestrzennych dla dalszego rozwoju lub stagnacji obszarów śródmiejskich.
The Meeting Centre Support Programme: International Evaluation of a Dyadic Intervention in Dementia
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Gdańsk’s Cultural Heritage. The City Centre District and Municipal Historical Policy
PublicationThe current municipal historical policy of Gdańsk focuses on two major museum projects purported to be a unique embodiment of the city’s cultural heritage. Their underlying narrative, which is told from the European perspective, is based on two great events of the 20th century and seems to disregard the cultural heritage recorded in the urban structure of the city centre. However, it is precisely this urban structure that exerts...
PublicationThe cloud solution called the TASK cloud is described. Its main components and the way of their implementation are described. Examples of deployed environments based on the cloud are also presented. Moreover, the idea of combining the cloud and big data platforms is suggested and discussed.
Nomination Dossier, The Modernist Centre of Gdynia, Part 2b, History and Development
PublicationHistory and development of Gdynia, from Medieval times up until today. The project concerns such chapters as: Introduction; The village of Gdynia; Gdynia as a seaside resort; Construction of the port and the city in the interwar period; The modernist city centre – layout; architecture;Architecture of the city centre; South Pier and Grand District; Post-war development of Śródmieście: a continuation
Forecasting of retail prices of liquid fuels in Poland
PublicationMotivation: In recent years, the prices of liquid fuels in Poland have been rising , negatively affecting the country’s economy and the daily life of its inhabitants. Consequently, there is a need for effective forecasting of prices in fuel markets, as this could enable entrepreneurs and consumers to make more informed decisions. Aim: The objective of the article was to forecast the retail prices of EU95 petrol and diesel fuel...
Cahier - Centre d'Etudes Chypriotes
Journals -
The Modernist Centre of Gdynia. Management Plan for the Nominated Property for the Years 2022-2027. Attachment to: Nomination Dossier on the inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List of a part of Gdynia City Centre, Poland
PublicationThe Management Plan is a document that helps in managing the Nominated Property and follows the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the Convention. The Plan is intended as a management tool to ensure the protection and maintenance of the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) and the features that determine the integrity and authenticity of the place.
Impact of Large-scale urban interventions on contemporary city centers. Gdansk case study. Wpływ przedsiewzięć urbanistycznych dużej skali na centra miast. Studium przypadku Gdańska
PublicationLarge scale urban interventions have become a common development practice in cotemporary cities, allowing achieving rapid changes in their urban structure. They can be analyzed taking into account various perspectives. Some of them include planning and development models, transformation of brownfields and other types of distressed urban areas, as well as consequences and results of their implementation in existing urban structures....
Developing Novel Solutions to Realise the European Energy - Information Sharing & Analysis Centre
PublicationFor more effective decision making in preparation for and response to cyberevents in the energy sector, multilevel situation awareness, from technical to strategic is essential. With an uncertain picture of evolving threats, sharing of the latest cybersecurity knowledge among all sector stakeholders can inform and improve decisions and responses. This paper describes two novel solutions proposed during the formation of the European...
Modern City Centre: Evolution of the Idea of Gdynia's "Premiere District" 1926-2007
PublicationThe article shows the evolution of the concept of the "Premiere District" in Gdynia in the years 1926-1939. It also shows the historical background of these changes and the history of creation the city centre in Gdynia
Targ Węglowy as the keystone of two ring road complexes of Gdańsk city centre
PublicationThe urban structure of Gdansk city centre is determined by two ring road complexes. The first of them, the Gdansk Ring, has been created as a result of a city defortification at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and has been destroyed in the end of World War Two with the rest of Gdansk. The second, the Main Town Green Belt, has been formed in place of the medieval fortification system of the city’s most important historical...
Shaping Place Identity through Interaction on the Example of the European Solidarity Centre in Gdansk
PublicationThe article presents process of shaping place identity on the example of an important for Pomerania region investment - European Solidarity Centre. The realization of the European Solidarity Centre aims to be one of the essential elements of shaping Gdańsk’s identity of space. The article is an attempt to analyse how the presence of realization gradually affects the formation of the place identity of new urban space. Analysis...