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Search results for: RUBBER RECYCLATES
The influence of rubber recyclate morphology on the properties of rubber-asphalt composite
PublicationIn the paper wastes, mostly in the form of used tires, were analyzed. One of the methods of waste tires application use them as a modifier of asphalt. However, the properties of rubber-asphalt composites depend on the morphology of waste tiregranulate and kind of tire recycled (car/truck). In this chapter, the influence of grinding methods of waste tire on the prop¬erties of rubber-asphalt composites were studied. SEM analysis...
The morphology and mechanical properties of recyclated polyethylene/polyamide laminate
PublicationZbadano wpływ kompatybilizatorów na morfologię i właściwości mechaniczne mieszanin PE/PA. Okreslono właściwości recyklatu uzyskanego z odpadów barierowej folii wielowarstwowej zawierającej 80% PE i 20% PA. Po dodaniu kompatybilizatorów układ stał się bardziej jednorodny, zmniejszeniu uległy domeny PA oraz poprawiły się właściwości mechaniczne.
Rubber World
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Journal of Rubber Research
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PublicationNowadays, considering the environmental trends and law regulations associated with the circular economy, it is very important to seek for the methods of by-products and waste utilization. The example of such material, which requires the attention and recycling method is ground tire rubber generated during recycling of post-consumer car tires. It can be introduced into various polymer matrices as a filler, but to enhance its effectivity...
The effect of tyre rubber grinding method on the rubber-asphalt binder properties
PublicationRubber products, especially those used in the automotive industry, are responsible for a significant amount of waste, mainly in the form of worn tyres. One way to recycle tyres is to use them as an asphalt binder modifier. The properties of rubber-asphalt binders vary greatly depending on the morphology of the ground tyre rubber (GTR) grains and the type of tyre to be recycled (car/truck). The paper presents the results of research...
Reinforcing and plasticizing effects of reclaimed rubber on the vulcanization and properties of natural rubber
PublicationThe production of high-added value reclaimed rubber (RR) is of great signifi-cance for the sustainability of rubber industries. To green recycle waste rub-bers and broaden the application of RR, a RR material with potentialreinforcing and plasticizing effects on nature rubber (NR) composites are pre-pared by a thermo-oxidative reclamation process. The reclamation degree ofRR is controlled by adjusting the content of soybean oil....
Characterization and properties of LDPE/(ground tire rubber)/crosslinked butyl rubber blends
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Characterization and properties of LDPE/(ground tire rubber)/crosslinked butyl rubber blends
PublicationIn recent years, interest in used rubber recycling, mainly focusing on the utilization of end-of-life tires, has heightened. This interest, is owing to the activities related to environmental protection and economic factors, which both stimulate companies to reuse the high-quality rubber present in ground rubber scrap. In this study, the application of crosslinked butyl rubber in thermoplastic compositions of low-density polyethylene...
Surface Treatment of Rubber Waste
PublicationThis chapter deals with the study of different approaches to improve the compatibility of waste rubber with polymeric matrixes of high density polyethylene (HDPE) by using surface treatments to increase adhesion. Different surface treatments such as etching with sulphuric and nitric acids, the use of a silane as a coupling agent and chlorination with trichloroisocyanuric acid (TCI) have been applied. The modification of waste rubber...
Curing characteristics, mechanical properties and morphology of butyl rubber filled with ground tire rubber (GTR)
PublicationThe results on testing application of ground tire rubber (GTR), as potential filler for butyl rubber, are pre- sented. The GTR content variation, within the range of 10–90 phr, was studied with respect to the vulcanization process, static mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation-at-break, hardness and resilience), dynamic mechanical properties and the morphology of the obtained vulcanizates. Butyl rubber was characterized...
Reactive Sintering of Ground Tire Rubber (GTR) Modified by a Trans-Polyoctenamer Rubber and Curing Additives
PublicationThe proposed method of ground tire rubber (GTR) utilization involves the application of trans-polyoctenamer rubber (TOR), a commercially available waste rubber modifier. The idea was to investigate the influence of various curing additives (sulfur, N-cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole sulfenamide (CBS), dibenzothiazole disulfide (MBTS) and di-(2-ethyl)hexylphosphorylpolysulfide (SDT)) on curing characteristics, physico-mechanical, thermal,...
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber/Modified Ground Tire Rubber Blends Co-Vulcanization: Effect of Accelerator Type
PublicationGround tire rubber was thermo-mechanically modified with using a co-rotating twin screw extruder. Modification of GTR was conducted in autothermal conditions. Styrene-butadiene rubber and modified ground tire rubber blends were prepared via two-roll milling. Obtained compounds were cured with conventional system (sulfur/vulcanization accelerator ratio was 2:1). During this research three commonly vulcanization accelerators (MBT,...
Ground Tire Rubber Filled Flexible Polyurethane Foam—Effect of Waste Rubber Treatment on Composite Performance
PublicationThe application range of flexible polyurethane (PU) foams is comprehensive because of their versatility and flexibility in adjusting structure and performance. In addition to the investigations associated with further broadening of their potential properties, researchers are looking for new raw materials, beneficially originated from renewable resources or recycling. A great example of such a material is ground tire rubber (GTR)—the...
PublicationWaste car tires are burdensome waste, and their utilization is crucial for the natural environment. In many countries, the primary method of their recycling is energy recovery, performed by simple combustion. However, material recycling is much more effective and significantly more beneficial for the natural environment. It results in the generation of ground tire rubber, which can be used to produce polymerrubber composites. It...
Effect of slightly crosslinked butyl rubber and compatibilizer additives on properties of recycled polyethylene-ground tire rubber blends
PublicationSlightly crosslinked butyl rubber, (PhMe2CO)(2) and maleic anhydride were added as compatibilizer to the recycled polyethylene-ground tire rubber blends. Recycled postprodn. and postconsumer (shredded bottle caps) polyethylene wastes were used. The thermoplastic compns. were studied for statistic and dynamic mech. properties and morphol. The addn. of butyl rubber resulted in a decrease of the tensile strength and hardness of the...
Investigating the Impact of Curing System on Structure-Property Relationship of Natural Rubber Modified with Brewery By-Product and Ground Tire Rubber
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Preparation and characterization of natural rubber composites highly filled with brewers' spent grain/ground tire rubber hybrid reinforcement
PublicationBrewers' spent grain (BSG) and ground tire rubber (GTR) were applied as low-cost hybrid reinforcement natural rubber (NR). The impact of BSG/GTR ratio (in range: 100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 and 0/100 phr) on processing and performance properties of highly filled natural rubber composites was evaluated by oscillating disc rheometer, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy,...
Dynamic mechanical properties and flexing fatigue resistance of tire sidewall rubber as function of waste tire rubber reclaiming degree
PublicationA stepwise downsizing method of gel particles in reclaimed rubber to a micro-nano scale and its excellent dynamic performance in tire sidewall were introduced by this work. The results showed that the size of gel particles decreased from several micrometers to micro-nanometers with the increase of reclaiming degree, accompanied by reduced molecular weight and widened molecular weight distribution of sol fraction. The addition of...
Investigating the Impact of Curing System on Structure-Property Relationship of Natural Rubber Modified with Brewery By-Product and Ground Tire Rubber
PublicationThe application of wastes as a filler/reinforcement phase in polymers is a new strategy to modify the performance properties and reduce the price of biocomposites. The use of these fillers, coming from agricultural waste (cellulose/lignocellulose-based fillers) and waste rubbers, constitutes a method for the management of post-consumer waste. In this paper, highly-filled biocomposites based on natural rubber (NR) and ground tire...
Progress in Rubber Plastics and Recycling Technology
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Monitoring of Rubber Belt Material Performance and Damage
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Determining the viscoplastic parameters of rubber-toughened plastics
PublicationW artykule omówiono szczegółowo zastosowanie sprężysto-lepkoplastycznego prawa Bodnera-Partoma do opisu zachowania się tworzywa sztucznego (kopolimer etylenowo-propylenowy). Parametry materiałowe ustalono na podstawie jednoosiowych testów jednoosiowego rozciągania. Proponowane podejście jest zilustrowane przykładami obliczeniowymi w programie MSC.Marc z wykorzystaniem procedury UVSCPL.
Reactive Processing and Functionalization of Ground Tire Rubber
PublicationThe dynamic development of the automotive industry resulted in a sig- nificant increase in rubber wastes, especially end-of-life tires, which are a serious threat to the natural environment and human health. This situation has enforced the industry and academic research groups to search new and cost-effective methods for recycling waste tires. In this field of research, reactive processing and functionaliza- tion seem to be a...
The Impact of Ground Tire Rubber Oxidation with H2O2 and KMnO4 on the Structure and Performance of Flexible Polyurethane/Ground Tire Rubber Composite Foams
PublicationThe use of waste tires is a very critical issue, considering their environmental and economic implications. One of the simplest and the least harmful methods is conversion of tires into ground tire rubber (GTR), which can be introduced into different polymer matrices as a filler. However, these applications often require proper modifications to provide compatibility with the polymer matrix. In this study, we examined the impact...
Rubber devulcanization in the planetary extruder – processing properties and structure
PublicationThermo-mechanical devulcanization of ground tire rubber (GTR) in a planetary extruder was investigated. The processing parameters of recycled rubber were studied based on standardized protocols using a Mooney viscometer and a rubber processing analyzer (RPA). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to determine rubber structure. Devulcanization process upscaling limits processing properties...
Experimental tests of water lubricated marine rubber bearing
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono stosowane obecnie rodzaje łożysk gumowych smarowanych wodą. Omówiono ich zalety i wady.W drugiej części pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymantalnych typowego okrętowego łożyska gumowego. Uzyskane rezultaty porównano z wynikami badań łożysk z polimerową panwią.
Thermogravimetric analysis/ pyrolysis of used tyres and waste rubber
PublicationThe process of pyrolysis is investigated in this paper. The pyrolysis results of two samples: waste tyres and rubber at different heating rates (10, 20, 50 K/min), were compared. In other experiments the degradation of two pyrolysis products, char and oil was examined. The kinetic study using the thermogravimetry equipment (TG) was done, which allowed determination of the kinetic mechanism of the process. The elemental analysis...
Waste Rubber Pyrolysis: Product Yields and Limonene Concentration
PublicationTires, conveyor belts, floor mats, and shoe soles form a main-stream of rubber waste. The amount of these used materials continuously increases due to development of the rubber market. Therefore, pro-ecological utilization (i.e., energy recycling instead of burning) and recovering valuable and recyclable materials becomes an urgent necessity. In this regard, this work was devoted to the chemical recycling of selected used rubber...
Non-linear model of high damping rubber bearing.
PublicationCelem artykułu jest analiza modelu łożyska wykonanego z wysokotłumiącej gumy, które wykorzystywane są do posadowienia konstrukcji budowlanych na terenach sejsmicznych. Model umożliwia numeryczną symulację pracy urządzenia pod zadanym obciążeniem i w danych warunkach termiczno-wilgotnościowych. Wyniki analizy pokazują, iż proponowany model umożliwia symulację zachowania się łożyska w szerokim zakresie odkształceń.
Rubber devulcanization in the planetary extruder – processing properties and structure
PublicationThermo-mechanical devulcanization process of ground tire rubber (GTR) in aplanetary ex-truder was investigated. The rheological properties of reclaimed rubber (rGTR) were studied using aMooney viscometer and arubber processing analyzer (RPA). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to determine reclaimed rubber structure. Increasing the scale of the devulcanization process...
Chemical identification of rubber fender sample and hardness and density measurements
PublicationScope of testing: Chemical identification of rubber fender sample and hardness and density measurements. - Raport z badań zleconych - Numer umowy: 031178
Inspection of rubber linings operating in flue gas desulphurisation units
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The effect of mercerized sisal fibres on natural rubber composites' properties
PublicationW pracy omówiono wyniki badań fizyko-mechanicznych kompozytów otrzymanych z mieszanek zawierających kauczuk naturalny oraz statystycznie zdyspergowane krótkie włókno sisalowe. Włókno naturalne przed użyciem poddano merceryzacji.Otrzymane wulkanizaty poddano badaniom wytrzymałościowym w warunkach statycznych w celu określenia wpływu parametrów wulkanizacji i ilości dodanego włókna na właściwości otrzymanych produktów. Stwierdzono...
PublicationPast and recent investigations of colliding structures under seismic excitation confirmed that pounding may have a significant influence on the structural response. Interactions between adjacent buildings may cause serious damage to the structures, leading even to its total collapse. The main reason of earthquake-induced pounding, besides insufficient distance between structures, are differences in stiffness or mass of colliding structures....
PublicationProblem of collisions of neighbouring structures is one of the important issues related to the safety of civil engineering structures. The safety and reliability of steel structures under impact loading is among a number of different aims during the design state. The aim of this paper is to present the results of numerical investigation of dynamic behavior of closely-separated steel structures under seismic excitation. Modal and transient...
Reclaiming ground tire rubber at low temperatures: benefits and limitations
PublicationLower extrusion temperatures during rubber reclamation lead to a reduction in toxic degradation products and improve the mechanical properties of vulcanizates, at the expense of reduced processability.
Weather aging effects on modified asphalt with rubber-polyethylene composites
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Preliminary Investigation on Auto-Thermal Extrusion of Ground Tire Rubber
PublicationGround tire rubber (GTR) was processed using an auto-thermal extrusion as a prerequisite to green reclaiming of waste rubbers. The reclaimed GTR underwent a series of tests: thermogravimetric analysis combined with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (TGA-FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and static headspace and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SHS-GC-MS) in order...
Microwave treatment in waste rubber recycling – recent advances and limitations
PublicationEnvironmentally-friendly microwave heating is increasingly used in polymer chemistry and technology. The selectivity and highly efficiency in the heat transfer present a huge advantage in systems based on recycling, improving their productivity and economic competitiveness. In case of the industrial recycling of waste rubbers, especially end-of-life tires, microwave-induced devulcanization and pyrolysis are nowadays considered...
PublicationNowadays, it is crucial to seek for the methods of by-products and waste utilization, considering both environmental and economic factors. The example of waste material generated in the massive amounts, which requires the attention is ground tire rubber generated during recycling of post-consumer car tires. It can be applied as a filler into different polymer matrices, but to enhance its effectivity proper modifications should...
Oxygen concentration regulated the efficient liquefaction of vulcanized natural rubber
PublicationOxidative liquefaction represents a promising avenue for the homogeneous and high-value utilization of waste tire rubber. Given that truck tires predominantly comprise natural rubber (NR), this study investigated the efficient liquefaction of vulcanized NR regulated by oxygen concentration. Remarkably, the liquefaction of vulcanized NR was realized with an oxygen concentration of 75 % at 200 °C within 3 min. FTIR spectroscopy showed...
Nonlinear rate dependent model of high damping rubber bearing.
PublicationCelem artykułu jest analiza nieliniowego modelu łożyska wykonanego z wysokotłumiącej gumy, który symuluje pracę urządzenia pod zadanym obciążeniem. Parametry modelu dobrane są na podstawie wyników badań eksperymentalnych. Wyniki pracy pokazują, iż analizowany model umożliwia symulację zachowania się łożyska w szerokim zakresie odkształceń
Polyurethane Glycerolysate as a Modifier of the Properties of Natural Rubber Mixtures and Vulcanizates
PublicationChemical recycling of polyurethanes can be realized in several different ways, but the most important methods are glycolysis and glycerolysis. Both methods permit recovery of polyols (when the process is realized with the mass excess of depolymerizing agent) or substitutes of polyols, which contain urethane moieties in the main chains and terminate mainly in hydroxyl groups (when the process is realized with the mass excess of...
Graphene-based Silicone rubber Nanocomposites: Preparation, Characterization, and Properties
PublicationThis study aims to understand better the mechanical, thermal, and tribological behavior of silicone rubber nanocomposites. Graphite, exfoliated graphite, reduced graphene oxide, ionic liquid modified graphene oxide, silane-modified graphene oxide, fumed silica, and other fillers were used in this study. Adding graphene-based fillers to the silicone rubber matrix substantially improves the nanocomposite's mechanical, thermal, and...
Alkali-activated slag (AAS) and OPC-based composites containing crumb rubber aggregate: Physico-mechanical properties, durability and oxidation of rubber upon NaOH treatment
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The Complexity of Zero-Visibility Cops and Robber
PublicationIn this work we deal with the computational complexity aspects of the zero-visibility Cops and Robber game. We provide an algorithm that computes the zero-visibility copnumber of a tree in linear time and show that the corresponding decision problem is NP-complete even for the class of starlike graphs.
The complexity of zero-visibility cops and robber
PublicationWe consider the zero-visibility cops & robber game restricted to trees. We produce a characterisation of trees of copnumber k and We consider the computational complexity of the zero-visibility Cops and Robber game. We present a heavily modified version of an already-existing algorithm that computes the zero-visibility copnumber of a tree in linear time and we show that the corresponding decision problem is NP-complete on a nontrivial...