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Search results for: CREATIVITY PATTERN
Identification of Optocoupler Devices with RTS Noise
PublicationThe results of noise measurements in low frequency range for CNY 17 type optocouplers are presented. The research were carried out on devices with different values of Current Transfer Ratio (CTR). The methods for identification of Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) in noise signal of optocouplers were proposed. It was found that the Noise Scattering Pattern method (NSP method) enables to identify RTS noise as non-Gaussian component...
Resonance Frequency Calculation of Spherical Microstrip Structure Using Hybrid Technique
PublicationIn this paper the spherical microstrip structure is considered. The structure is composed of a metallic patch with an arbitrary shape placed on a dielectric coated metallic sphere. In the analysis the hybrid technique is utilized. In this approach the finite-difference technique is applied in a cavity model to determine the current basis functions on the patch. Next, using method of moments, the resonance frequency of the structure...
Unveiling the Pool of Metallophores in Native Environments and Correlation with Their Potential Producers
PublicationFor many organisms, metallophores are essential biogenic ligands that ensure metal scavenging and acquisition from their environment. Their identification is challenging in highly organic matter rich environments like peatlands due to low solubilization and metal scarcity and high matrix complexity. In contrast to common approaches based on sample modification by spiking of metal isotope tags, we have developed a two-dimensional...
A modified method of vibration surveillance by using the optimal control at energy performance index
PublicationA method of vibration surveillance by using the optimal control at energy performance index has been creatively modified. The suggested original modification depends on consideration of direct relationship between the measured acceleration signal and the optimal control command. The paper presents the results of experiments and Hardware- in-the-loop simulations of a new active vibration reduction algorithm based on the energy...
A competition between two- and three-body dissociation channels in photo-double-ionization of tetrahydro-2H-pyran and 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran molecules
PublicationVarious molecules possess structures consisting of the heterocyclic rings containing oxygen atoms. These substances often play a significant role in many different fields of chemistry, medicine, and biology. Due to a specific atomic composition and bond arrangement, many of these molecules retain unique electronic properties, which may be probed by diverse spectroscopic techniques, including those utilizing synchrotron radiation....
Pumping effect measured by PIV method in a multilayer spike electrode EHD device for air cleaning
PublicationDust particles can be harmful for human health when inhaled. Particularly dangerous are submicrometer dust particles, which can contain traces of toxic elements and can easily penetrate into the human respiratory system. Thus, efficient devices for the air cleaning from submicrometer dust particles are needed. Recently, Katatani and Mizuno have proposed an electrohydrody- namic (EHD) device for air cleaning for submicrometer particles....
Self-Organization in Multi-Agent Systems Based on Examples of Modeling Economic Relationships between Agents
PublicationThe goal of the research was to observe and analyze self-organization patterns in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) by modeling basic economic relationships between agents forming a closed loop of relations necessary for their survival. The paper describes a worked-out MAS including an example of a production cycle and used economic rules. A special focus is put on behavior rules and decision systems of an individual agent such as: product...
Exploring Stock Traders’ Cognitive Biases: Research Design and Simulator Framework
PublicationCognitive bias is a phenomenon that has been extensively studied in stock trading and many other fields. This paper presents a framework for a Mobile Stock Trading Simulator (MSTS) that facilitates automatic investment in stocks with minimal human influence, by investigating the behavioral patterns and cognitive errors of stock market investors. The paper aims to determine whether investors’ investment strategies can be improved...
Pracujący w czasie rzeczywistym system detekcji gazów wykorzystujący przenośny komputer Raspberry PI oraz matrycę półprzewodnikowych czujników gazu
PublicationThe gas-analyzing systems based on the array of partially selective gas sensors and pattern-recognition techniques are potentially fast and lowcost alternative for other devices, like gas‑analysers. They give the possibility of recognition the type and the concentration of measured volatile compounds in their working environment. In this work we present the implementation of gas recognition system, in which the signals from an...
Real-time working gas recognition system based on the array of semiconductor gas sensors and portable computer Raspberry PI
PublicationThe gas-analyzing systems based on the array of partially selective gas sensors and pattern-recognition techniques are potentially fast and low-cost alternative for other devices, like gas analysers. They give the possibility of recognition the type and the concentration of measured volatile compounds in their working environment. In this work we present the implementation of gas recognition system, in which the signals from an...
The Analysis of Patients' Airflow with Respect to Early Detection of Sleep Apnea
PublicationThe paper discusses the analysis of the respiratory events of sleep apnea patients. The analysis was carried out on the basis of the patient's airflow. As a result of the conducted analysis we proposed an algorithm which establishes an individual respiratory pattern for each subject. The algorithm could be implemented in the measurement - control system which manages the prosthetic device applying positive airway pressure. Its...
Seawater intrusion due to pumping mitigated by natural freshwater flux: a case study in Władysławowo, northern Poland
PublicationThe paper presents a case study of seawater intrusion into a coastal aquifer, caused by a groundwater intake located close to the seashore in Władysławowo, northern Poland. Evolution of the basic hydrogeochemical parameters for the 50-year period from 1964 to 2014 indicates progressing encroachment of saline seawater into the aquifer. However, the spatial pattern of salinity was influenced by the variability of hydraulic gradient...
e-Learning CoursesEntrepreneurship (through Design Thinking) is a hands-on, seminar-based course that introduces first-year Bachelor students to the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Through 13-14 interactive sessions, students will learn how to identify opportunities, understand customer needs, prototype ideas, develop business models, and pitch their ventures. The course emphasizes problem-solving, creativity, and innovation, equipping students...
Art Composition
e-Learning CoursesPerson in charge: prof. Krzysztof Wróblewski, Department of Visual Arts Teacher: mgr Patryk Różycki, Department of Visual Arts Five Words. Society and Politics. What? By What? General assumptions. The aim of the proposed two artistic compositions is a creative processing of emotions related to the socio-political issues. In general, it is about personal views and feelings, but it must be also considered that architects are...
Circularly Polarized Antenna Array design with the Potential of Gain-Size Trade-off and Omnidirectional Radiation for Millimeter-Wave Small Base Station Applications
PublicationThis paper presents the design and validation of a slot-patch-hybrid circularly polarized antenna array for 28 GHz millimeter (mm) wave (mm-wave) applications. The proposed design has a simple geometry that facilitates the fabrication process, which is otherwise a challenging task due to the sub-mm dimensions of the circuit in the mm-wave band. In the proposed structure, aperture-coupled series slot-fed array is utilized to excite...
Ryszard Katulski prof. dr hab. inż.
People -
Leszek Ziemczonek dr
PeopleUniversity education 1973-1978 – Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, University of Gdańsk in Gdańsk, Mathematical Physics, M. Sc. 1979 – Diploma of Postgraduate Studies, Pedagogics 1989 – Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Theoretical Physics, Ph. D. 2010-2012 – Diploma of Postgraduate Studies, Mathematics Training: · 09.1983 – Trieste (Italy) – International Centre for Theoretical Physics...
A new assay for the simultaneous identification and differentiation of Klebsiella oxytoca strains.
PublicationKlebsiella oxytoca is the second most frequently identified species of Klebsiella isolated from hospitalized patients. Klebsiella spp. is difficult to identify using conventional methods and is often misclassified in clinical microbiology laboratories. K. oxytoca is responsible for an increasing number of multi-resistant infections in hospitals because of insufficient detection and identification. In this study, we propose a new...
ESPAR Antenna-Based WSN Node With DoA Estimation Capability
PublicationIn this paper, we present a low-cost energy-efficient electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna-based wireless sensor network (WSN) node designed for IEEE 802.15.4 standard that is capable of performing direction of arrival (DoA) estimation in real-life outdoor environments. To this end, we propose the WSN node architecture, design and realization that utilizes NXP JN5168 radio frequency (RF) wireless transceiver...
Overview of Metamaterials-Integrated Antennas for Beam Manipulation Applications: The Two Decades of Progress
PublicationMetamaterials (MMs) are synthetic composite structures with superior properties not found in naturally occurring materials. MMs have gained massive attention over the last two decades because of their extraordinary properties, such as negative permittivity and permeability. These materials enable many applications in communication subsystems, especially in the field of antenna design, to enhance gain, bandwidth, and efficiency,...
Reactions of R2P-P(SiMe3)2 with [(R'3P)2PtCl2]. Syntheses and Structures of [μ2-(1,2:2-η-P2){Pt(PEt3)2}2{Pt(PEt3)2Cl}]+Cl-, [{(Et2PhP)2Pt}2P2], [{(p-Tol3P)2Pt}2P2] and [(p-Tol3P)ClPt(μ-PPh2)2Pt(p-Tol3P)Cl]
PublicationReakcje difosfanów R2P-P(SiMe3)2 z [(R'3P)2PtCl2] są bardzo złożone. Główną ścieżką reakcji jest rozszczepienie wiązania P-P w startowym R2P-P(SiMe3)2, po czym następuje utworzenie kompleksu zawierającego P2: [{(R'3P)2Pt}2P2] oraz difosfanu R2P-PR2. Produkty reakcji (zarówno główne jak i uboczne), zostały scharakteryzowane na podstawie spektroskopii 31P NMR. Dla czterech tytułowych związków wykonano rentgenowską analizę strukturalną...
Reactions of R<sub>2</sub>P-P(SiMe<sub>3</sub>)Li with [(R'<sub>3</sub>P)<sub>2</sub>PtCl<sub>2</sub>]. A General and Efficient Entrance to Phosphanylphosphinidene Complexes of Platinum. Syntheses and Structures of [(η<sub>2</sub>-P=P<sup>i</sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>)Pt(p-Tol<sub>3</sub>P)<sub>2</sub>], [(η<sub>2</sub>-P=P<sup>t</sup>Bu<sub>2</sub>)Pt(p-Tol<sub>3</sub>P)<sub>2</sub>], [{η<sub>2</sub>-P=P(N<sup>i</sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>)2}Pt(p-Tol<sub>3</sub>P)<sub>2</sub>] and [{(Et<sub>2</sub>PhP)<sub>2</sub>Pt}<sub>2</sub>P<sub>2</sub>].
PublicationReakcje pochodnych litowych difosfanów R2P-P(SiMe3)Li z (R'3P)2PtCl2 zachodzą łatwo i prowadzą do wytworzenia bocznie (side-on) związanych fosfanofosfinidenowych kompleksów platyny [(η2-P=PR2)Pt(PR'3)2] (dla R=tBu, iPr, Et2N, iPr2N). Reakcja Ph2P-P(SiMe3)Li...
Bis(ć-di-tert-butylphosphido)bis[(triethylphospine)palladium(I)](Pd-Pd). A-cta Crist. Sec. E [online]**2003 vol. 59 [dostęp 31 May 2003] s. 376-377, 1 rys. 1 tab. bibliogr. 13 poz. Dost. w Intern.ć-di-tert-butylphosphido)bis[(triethylphospine)palladium(I)](Pd-Pd).
PublicationBis.... powstaje w reakcji di-tert-butylfosfino-fosfanylideno-ĺ4-fosforanu zchlorkiem di-trietylofosfinopalladu(II) w obecności naftalidku sodu. Krystalizuje w grupie przestrzennej P1.
„Jeśli my zapomnimy, kto będzie pamiętał?". Dzieło sztuki jako manifestacja postpamięci
PublicationTekst jest próbą ujęcia relacji między postpamięcią (lub inaczej ujmując - „pamięcią zastępczą”) a sztuką, przy czym szczególny akcent położono na sztuki wizualne. Dokonano analizy dzieł artystów młodszego pokolenia, podejmujących temat pamięci o Szoa (między innymi Libera, Bałka, Żmijewski, do pewnego stopnia Betlejewski), traktując je jako formy manifestacji postpamięci. Wychodząc z założenia, że analiza zjawisk artystycznych...
PublicationZaprezentowano organizacji, w której charakterystykę wpisano następujące cechy: strategiczne uwarunkowanie, maksymalną innowacyjność, atrakcyjność dla interesariuszy, rozwijanie osobowości pracowników oraz twórczość w działaniu. Te atrybuty, tworzą koncepcję organizacji SMART (akronim od pierwszych liter powyższych cech), która wyróżnia się dodatkowo strukturą opartą o dynamicznie kreowane zespoły oraz skutecznym wspomaganiem...
Sulfurization of phosphanylphosphinidene ligand: Access to phosphinothioyltrithiophosphonato platinum(II) complexes
PublicationThe reactivity of phosphanylphosphinidene Pt(0) complexes [DppePt(η2-P–PtBu2)] (1) and [(pTol3P)2Pt(η2-P–PtBu2)] (2) toward sulfur was studied. Reactions of 1 and 2 with an excess of sulfur led to the formation of the first transition metal complexes 3 and 4 with phosphinothioyltrithiophosphonato ligands with the formula [tBu2P(=S)–P(=S)S2]2-. In contrast to previous reports on the phosphanylphosphinidene moiety sulfurization,...
X-ray diffraction (XRD) of bulk boron and borophene flakes after the ball-milling process at different operating parameters
Open Research DataThese data include X-ray diffraction patterns of bulk boron and borophene obtained during ball milling at different rotation speeds, time and mass loadings. The data were collected to investigate the crystal structure of the studied materials.
Balancing energy consumption in limited power grid with active front-end and three phase dual active bridge system
PublicationPaper deals with simulation analysis of bidirectional power converters system for charging station of electric vehicle in condition of limited power source in city infrastructure. In case of incapability to provide additional power supply through the grid by virtue of historical, architectural and economic reasons it is possible to solve this issue by implementation of mobile battery-powered supply source. The proposed bidirectional...
Fatigue and burnout in police officers: the mediating role of emotions
PublicationPurpose – The policing profession is associated with psychosocial hazard. Fatigue and burnout often affect police officers, and may impair the functioning of the organization and public safety. The relationship between fatigue and burnout may be modified by job-related emotions. While negative emotions have been extensively studied, the role of positive emotions at work is relatively less known. Additionally, there is insufficient...
Air flow phenomena in the model of the blind drift
PublicationIn the presented paper, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) has been used to investigate flow pattern and turbulent structure in the model of blind drift. The presented model exist in mining, and has been analyzed to resolve ventilation issues. Blind region is particularly susceptible to unsafe methane accumulation. The measurement system allows us to evaluate all components of the velocity vector in channel cross-section simultaneously....
Influence of Dielectric Overlay Dimensions on Performance of Miniaturized ESPAR Antenna
PublicationIn this paper, the influence of dielectric overlay size on miniaturized ESPAR antenna performance has been investigated. The dielectric overlay’s main function is antenna’s size reduction but it can also be used to modify its radiation pattern. This creates the possibility of easy adopting antenna parameters to different applications by swapping used overlay. In particular, the lowering of antenna’s main beam elevation direction...
The first study on the usefulness of recombinant tetravalent chimeric proteins containing fragments of SAG2, GRA1, ROP1 and AMA1 antigens in the detection of specific anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in mouse and human sera
PublicationThis study presents an evaluation of four tetravalent recombinant chimeric proteins containing fragments of the Toxoplasma gondii antigens, SAG2, GRA1, ROP1 and AMA1, as potential replacements of a the soluble, whole-cell tachyzoite lysate (TLA) used in serological assays. Recombinant chimeric proteins (SAG2-GRA1-ROP1-AMA1N, AMA1N-SAG2-GRA1-ROP1, AMA1C-SAG2-GRA1-ROP1, and AMA1-SAG2-GRA1-ROP1) obtained by genetic engineering were...
The new diphosphanylphosphido complexes of tungsten(VI) and molybdenum(VI). Their synthesis, structures and properties
PublicationWe report on the reactivity of R2P–P(Li)–PR’2 (R = tBu, iPr, R’ = NEt2, iPr) towards diimido complexes [(dippN)2MCl2·dme] (M = Mo, W and dipp = 2,6-iPr2C6H3). A series of new complexes with diphosphanylphosphido ligands R2P–P–PR’2 were isolated. The solid-state structures of [(dippN)2M(Cl)(1,2-η-iPr2P–P– PiPr2)] (2Mo and 2W) and [(dippN)2M(Cl){1,2-η-tBu2P–P–P(NEt2)2}] (3Mo and 3W) were established by single-crystal X-ray diffraction...
Morphology and structure of V2O5 nanorods deposited on the silicon substrate after reduction
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns and SEM micrographs of V2O5 nanorods on the silicon substrate after thermal treatment under a reducing atmosphere. Thin films were annealed at 500C for 40 under a reducing atmosphere (94% Ar, 6% H2).
Technological substitution in Asia
PublicationThis book provides extensive evidence on information and communication technologies development diffusion patterns, unveils specific ‘network effects’ that enhance rapid spread of ICT, and detect major macroeconomic determinants of this process, across 36 Asian economies over the period 1980-2015. Moreover, this research traces country-specific patterns of the unique process. We consider two types of technological substitution,...
Searching for Solvents with an Increased Carbon Dioxide Solubility Using Multivariate Statistics
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) are used in various fields of chemistry. One of them is CO2 capture, a process that is quite well described. The solubility of CO2 in ILs can be used as a model to investigate gas absorption processes. The aim is to find the relationships between the solubility of CO2 and other variables—physicochemical properties and parameters related to greenness. In this study, 12 variables are used to describe a dataset...
Data set generation at novel test-rig for validation of numerical models for modeling granular flows
PublicationSignificant effort has been exerted on developing fast and reliable numerical models for modeling particulate flow; this is challenging owing to the complexity of such flows. To achieve this, reliable and high-quality experimental data are required for model development and validation. This study presents the design of a novel test-rig that allows the visualization and measurement of particle flow patterns during the collision...
Seasonal changes of mercury speciation in the coastal sediments
PublicationPurpose Mercury speciation in sediments is linked to environmental conditions and processes. Domination of particular mercury species depends on its source, displays considerable seasonal behavior, and may be further modified due to oxygen levels, icing conditions, or the input of fresh organic matter. The purpose of this study was to examine the coastal area of the Gulf of Gdańsk in terms of mercury contamination and the influence...
Multi-parameter dataset on limnological variables and modern sedimentation at Lake Żabińskie, northeast Poland, 2012-2021
Open Research DataThe dataset presents the results of a decade-long investigations of limnological processes and sedimentation at Lake Żabińskie located in northeast Poland. We collected a wide range of information on the lake water physical and chemical characteristics, modern sedimentation dynamics, and hydrochemistry of incoming streams and outflow from the lake....
Novel Coplanar-Strip-Based Excitation Technique for Design of Broadband Circularly Polarization Antennas with Wide 3-dB Axial Ratio Beamwidth
PublicationIn this paper, a novel excitation technique for design of a single-point-fed compact low-profile wide-slot antennas with broadband circular polarization (CP) and wide 3 dB axial ratio (AR) beamwidth is presented. Two inverted L-shape parasitic strips placed coplanar to the microstrip line of an asymmetric CPW, and a horizontal strip that protrudes from the vertical edge of the backside ground plane of the substrate are used for...
Earthquake–induced pounding on response of adjacent structures in series: experimental and numerical study
PublicationPounding between structures in series during earthquakes may cause serious damage in the structur-al elements. The aim of this paper is to show the results of an experimental and numerical study that is focused on pounding between more than two structures which may be called "structures in series". In this study, the shaking table experiments, as well as the numerical analyses, were performed using three tower models including...
Design and Experimental Validation of a Metamaterial-Based Sensor for Microwave Imaging in Breast, Lung, and Brain Cancer Detection
PublicationThis study proposes an innovative geometry of a microstrip sensor for high-resolution microwave imaging (MWI). The main intended application of the sensor is early detection of breast, lung, and brain cancer. The proposed design consists of a microstrip patch antenna fed by a coplanar waveguide with a metamaterial layer-based lens implemented on the back side, and an artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) realized on as a separate...
Detection of Alzheimer's disease using Otsu thresholding with tunicate swarm algorithm and deep belief network
PublicationIntroduction: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a degenerative brain disorder characterized by cognitive and memory dysfunctions. The early detection of AD is necessary to reduce the mortality rate through slowing down its progression. The prevention and detection of AD is the emerging research topic for many researchers. The structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (sMRI) is an extensively used imaging technique in detection of AD, because...
Media architecture for post-modern society - new forms of participation
PublicationThe article shows the relationship between the characteristics of the post-modern society, and the development of media architecture with the function of interactivity. In this context, the duality of the features of post-modern society was emphasized: taking into account its location between creativity and consumerism, as well as on the border between the real and virtual word. The development of media architecture has been linked...
Innovative system for energy collection and management integrated within a photovoltaic module
PublicationThe dynamic development of battery technology and design based on the flow of lithium ions, mainly driven by the needs of the automotive industry, leads to the conclusion that these batteries are becoming a more viable alternative to traditional lead-acid batteries. Their use is driven by the ability to quickly charge and discharge, a higher durability, maintenance-free operation, much smaller dimensions and lighter weight. The...
Tutoring rówieśniczy jako skuteczna metoda wspierania procesu uczenia się
PublicationW artykule przedstawione zostały zarówno teoretyczne podstawy, jak i praktyczne zastosowania efektywnej formy wsparcia dydaktycznego jaką jest tutoring rówieśniczy. Analizie poddane zostały zajęcia realizowane w ramach tutoringu rówieśniczego na Wydziale Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej Politechniki Gdańskiej. Analiza obejmuje ocenę efektywności tych zajęć, zaangażowanie studentów oraz ich satysfakcję z procesu nauki....
Simulating coherent light propagation in a random scattering materials using the perturbation expansion
PublicationMultiple scattering of a coherent light plays important role in the optical metrology. Probably the most important phenomenon caused by multiple scattering are the speckle patterns present in every optical imaging method based on coherent or partially coherent light illumination. In many cases the speckle patterns are considered as an undesired noise. However, they were found useful in various subsurface imaging methods such as...
Aleksandra Parteka dr hab. inż.
PeopleAbout me: I am an associate professor and head of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology (GdanskTech, Poland). I got my MSc degree in Economics from Gdansk University of Technology (2003) and Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche (2005), as well as MA degree in Contemporary European Studies from Sussex University (2006, with distinction). I received my PhD in Economics...
Selection of AHI + SC Hybrid Storage Based on Mathematical Models and Load Variation Characteristics
PublicationThe article deals with the design of a hybrid storage consisting of Aqueous Hybrid Ion battery (AHI) and supercapacitor (SC) modules. The selection of components is based on the knowledge of the load profile of the storage and the AHI battery and supercapacitor models. The paper presents the method of selecting components of the storage made of AHI batteries and supercapacitor modules The article includes an example of the hybrid...
Smart Email - Almost an Agent Platform
PublicationNetwork organizations suffer today of information overload and strain that rise their operational costs. One of the reasons of that is the dominance of email messaging as the princi-pal means of document exchange between their workers. Proac-tive documents can rationalize these costs and augment email systems with a process view based on collaboration patterns.