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Religious social action and its organizational profiles
PublicationPurpose Social action implemented by the Church via its affiliated entities, foundations and associations may be viewed as a uniform activity. In reality, however, several organizational profiles exist that depend on the origin of these organizations (lay or religious), the scope of their activities (local or general) and their dependence on resources (whether from public administration or civil society). The paper aims to discuss...
To i-vote or not to i-vote: Drivers and barriers to the implementation of internet voting
PublicationThis paper investigates the drivers and barriers of internet voting and the implications of a global pandemic for the development of the respective technology. In contrast to the expected uptake in the early 2000s of internet voting, the technology is still rather seldomly used in election systems around the world. The paper at hand explores the different forces that drive or impede internet voting adoption from a political, social,...
Supramolecular Synthesis Based on a Combination of Se···N Secondary Bonding Interactions with Hydrogen and Halogen Bonds
PublicationExamination of the solid state structures of 2,1,3-benzoselenadiazole complexes with hydrogen or halogen bond donors has demonstrated that the 2,1,3-benzoselenadiazole molecules preferably form centrosymmetric dimers with use of [Se–N]2 supramolecular synthon, whereas the two remaining nitrogen atoms not involved in the [Se–N]2 supramolecular interactions can act as acceptors of hydrogen or halogen bonds. Cocrystallization of selenadiazoles...
Theoretical investigation of the structural insights of the interactions of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticle with (EMIM TFSI) ionic liquid
PublicationOne of the possible applications of ionic liquids is to produce electricity from heat. The iron oxide nanoparticle is a potent electrical particle, which is expected to improve the heat’s efficiency to electricity conversion, however, it is prone to aggregation and sedimentation, which hamper its application. One of the methods to enhance the nanoparticle’s solubility and electrical properties is the use of a stabilizing component...
PublicationThe title compound, C19H28O5Si, was obtained in the reaction of 1,3-dihydro-4-[(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)oxy]-6-methoxy-7-methyl-3-oxo-5-(prop-2-enyl)isobenzofuran with meta-chloroperbenzoic acid. This reaction is one of the stages of the total synthesis of mycophenolic acid, which we attempted to modify. The title compound forms crystals with only weak intermolecular interactions. The strongest stacking interaction is found between...
EE-ISAC—Practical Cybersecurity Solution for the Energy Sector
PublicationA recent survey of cybersecurity assessment methods proposed by the scientific community revealed that their practical adoption constitutes a great challenge. Further research that aimed at identifying the reasons for that situation demonstrated that several factors influence the applicability, including the documentation level of detail, the availability of supporting tools, and the continuity of support. This paper presents the...
Hipertekst i hipermedia
e-Learning CoursesI stopień: ACiR, EiT, Informatyka, IB,
Hipertekst i hipermedia 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesI stopień: ACiR, EiT, Informatyka, IB,
Podsystemy platform bezzałogowych I - 2023
e-Learning Coursesstudenci WETI ( EiT, ACiR) oraz WEiA
Podsystemy platform bezzałogowych I - 2024
e-Learning Coursesstudenci WETI ( EiT, ACiR) oraz WEiA
Hipertekst i hipermedia 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesI stopień: ACiR, EiT, Informatyka, IB,
Potentiometric sensor containing set of ion selective electrodes with lipid modified membranes for quality assessment of tested non-alcoholic beverages
PublicationPotentiometric sensors may be a good tool for fast quality control of commercial drinks. In this work, such a sensor, containing a set of ion-selective electrodes with lipid-modified membranes (benzylhexadecyldimethylammonium chloride monohydrate, hexadecylamine, 1-dodecanol, elaidic acid, cholesterol) was used for discrimination and quality control of non-alcoholic beverages, mainly composed of sugar and citric acid. It was found...
SEM micrographs of 3D printed CB-PLA samples topography after microwave treatment
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the SEM micrographs of carbon-black doped polylactic acid 3D printed electrodes, after microwave treatment to activate the electrode surfaces. FEI Quanta 250 FEG SEM was used for these analyses. Samples were treated with CEM reactor or microwave oven.
Phenolic Content and Related Antioxidant Activities in in vitro Cultures of Cephalotaxus Harringtonia L. Grown in Egypt
PublicationAbstract: Quantitative estimation of the total phenolics, total flavonoids, antioxidant activity and HPLC analysis of phenolic compounds in the mother plant, in vitro shooting and callus cultures of Cephalotaxus harringtonia L. grown in Egypt were measured. For shooting behaviour, using Woody plant medium (WPM) with 2 mg/l Benzyladinin (BA) in the second subculture gave the highest number of shootlet/explant (2.33 shootlet/explant)...
Podsystemy platform bezzałogowych I - 2022
e-Learning Coursesstudenci WETI ( EiT, ACiR, INF) oraz WEiA
Hydrogen evolution reaction catalyzed by Co-based metal-organic frameworks and their derivatives
PublicationIn this study, Co-bearing Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are grown via a facile solvothermal process on the surface of two kinds of conductive substrates – titanium dioxide nanotubes (TiO2NT) and fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass and tested as electrodes in the electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The materials derived from three organic linkers - terephthalic acid (Co-BDC), 2-aminoterephthalic acid (Co-BDCNH2),...
Silica In Silico: A Molecular Dynamics Characterization of the Early Stages of Protein Embedding for Atom Probe Tomography
PublicationA novel procedure for the application of atom probe tomography (APT) to the structural analysis of biological systems, has been recently proposed, whereby the specimen is embedded by a silica matrix and ablated by a pulsed laser source. Such a technique, requires that the silica primer be properly inert and bio-compatible, keeping the native structural features of the system at hand, while condensing into an amorphous, glass-like...
Affronter la distance et la séparation : l'utilisation des médias sociaux par les migrants dans leurs relations interpersonnelles
PublicationL'augmentation progressive de la mobilité, de l'interconnectivité et de l'instabilité, la transformation du travail et de l'emploi et celle de la communication (Castells, 2010) ont contribué à l’émergence d’une déracinés et séparés de leur foyer évoluent vers de nouvelles perspectives les migrants comme des sujets mobiles et interconnectés qui, grâce aux TIC, peuvent entretenir des relations et des connexions à distance les...
E-Estonia as a role model? Some general considerations and applicability in France
PublicationEstonia has recently been widely recognised – in the policy circles, academia, as well as the media space – as one of the more advanced nation states when it comes to digital government (and governance) transformation (e.g. Margetts and Naumann, 2017; Heller, 2017). Ever greater attention Estonia attracted with the two most recent digital government initiatives, namely the e-Residency and the virtual data embassy, both first of...
Efecto contagio en el uso del voto electrónico en Estonia: de las elecciones a otros niveles de la administración pública y la sociedad
PublicationEstonia, cuarto país más pequeño de la Unión Europea tras Luxemburgo, Chipre y Malta, con una población que no alcanza el millón y medio de habitantes, ha sido en los últimos años objeto de atención mediática internacional por considerarlo the World’s more digital country (GREENWALD, 2018) , the first “Digital” Country (LUFKIN, 2017) o the Digital Republic (HELLER, 2017); así como uno de los referentes en el mundo académico en...
Tecnología y Democracia ¿Un amor de pandemia o una relación estable?
PublicationPrologar una obra como esta es un privilegio y una responsabilidad. Es un privilegio en tanto que da paso a un seguido de contribuciones de gran calado y relevancia académica que contribuyen a la mejora del conocimiento existente acerca de la relación entre la tecnología y el funcionamiento de la democracia. Es una responsabilidad en el sentido que debe poner sobre la mesa algunas de las cuestiones abiertas de la disciplina y como...
PublicationOcena jakości dopasowania aparatów słuchowych w kontekście korzyści, jakie może przy-nieść proteza jest złożonym zagadnieniem. Obiektywne parametry aparatów, które można wy-znaczyć (np. wzmocnienie czy pasmo przenoszenia) nie zawsze mają bezpośredni i decydujący wpływ w subiektywnej ocenie jakości dopasowania protezy słuchowej przez pacjenta. Pomiary efektywności aparatu słuchowego mogą dotyczyć wielu aspektów, między innymi kompensacji...
XRD patterns of TeOx-BaO-BiO powder
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns of the TeOx-BaO-BiO powder. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor), barium carbonate, and bismuth carbonate with thetraetylene glycol, water, ethanol, and acetic acid. (Samples molar concentration: 73TeO2-4BaO-3Bi2O3 and 73TeO2-3BaO-4Bi2O3)....
Paweł Możejko dr hab.
People -
The XRD diffraction patterns of Ce0.9Gd0.1O2 prepared using modified Pechini/EDTA method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XRD patterns of Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-s nanopowder (nanoparticles) prepared using modified Pechini method consisting of CA (citric acid), PEG (propylene glycol) and EDTA. Exact amount of metal nitrates were dissolved in water followed by addition of gelling agents and heated to 100C. Obtained gel was calcined at 600C for 4h. The powder...
Derivatization of single-walled carbon nanotubes with redox mediator biocatalytic oxygen electrodes
PublicationSingle-walled carbon nanotubes were covalently modyfied with a redox mediator derived from 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazole)-6-sulfonic acid.
Uruchomienie autonomicznej platformy bezzałogowej - 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesProjekt - studenci WETI ( EiT, ACiR, INF) oraz WEiA
Uruchomienie autonomicznej platformy bezzałogowej - 2024/25
e-Learning CoursesProjekt - studenci WETI ( EiT, ACiR, INF) oraz WEiA
Uruchomienie autonomicznej platformy bezzałogowej - 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesProjekt - studenci WETI ( EiT, ACiR, INF) oraz WEiA
Monitoring of a bathing person
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono koncepcję i wstępne wyniki układu pozwalającego na monitorowanie stanu i aktywności osoby kąpiącej się. Zaprezentowany system pozwala na wykrycie osoby kąpiącej się w wannie, analizę jej aktywności oraz detekcję stanów potencjalnie niebezpiecznych. W artykule pokazano metodę pomiaru, dokonano analizy czułości, zaprezentowano prototyp układu pomiarowego i wyniki wstępnych pomiarów.
Zastosowania ontologii: Tworzenie scenariuszy negocjacyjnych z wykorzystaniem języka WS-CDL
PublicationIstnieje mozliwość formalnego zapisu przebiegu różnego rodzaju przedsięwzięć. Jedną z mozliwości zapisu scenariusza przedsięwzięcia jest wykorzystanie języka WS-CDL. Zaprezentowano metodę tworzenia konkretnej choreografii przedsięwzięcia w tym języku. Zwrócono uwagę na taniec negocjacyjny, w tym definicje ról, związków oraz typów kanałów komunikacyjnych. Dodatkowo zaproponoano środowisko wykonania scenariuszy zapisanych w tym języku.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono badania i symulacje numeryczne dotyczące modelowania oddziaływań dynamicznych od pojedynczego kibica i grupy kibiców tańczących specyficzny taniec „Labado”. Zakres prac obejmuje badania doświadczalne oraz rozwiązanie problemu odwrotnego identyfikacji dynamicznej funkcji obciążenia. Weryfikację poprawności funkcji obciążenia wykonano na przykładzie danych pomiarowych i numerycznych dla stadionu żużlowego...
An advanced low-cost sensorless induction motor drive
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono układ sterowania silnikiem asynchronicznym klatkowym pracujący bez pomiaru prędkości obrotowej. Układ zrealizowano na tanim procesorze stałoprzecinkowym. aspekty praktyczne realizacji układu rozpatrzono na podstawie uzyskanych wyników z symulacji i eksperymentu.
Metaheurystyki w kolorowaniu grafów
PublicationW rozdziale opisano cztery metaheurystyki wykorzystywane w problemie koloro-wania grafów: symulowane wyżarzanie, przeszukiwanie tabu, algorytmy gene-tyczne, algorytmy mrówkowe. Skupiono się głównie na zagadnieniach wykorzys-tania tych metod w badanym problemie.
PublicationDuring the past two decades our international scientific group investigated in vitro the physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of some cultivars of durian at various stages of ripening, mangosteen and new cultivars of snake fruit in comparison with widely used avocado, kiwifruit and mango, and in vivo their influence on laboratory animals. The main objective of the present study was to screen and compare the properties...
Cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen-FA, QDred-FA, QDgreen-FA-C-2028 and QDred-FA-C-2028 aginst H460 cancer cells
Open Research DataThis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds the cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen-FA, QDred-FA, QDgreen-FA-C-2028 and QDred-FA-C-2028 aginst H460 cancer cells. FA (folic acid) was used as a linker between quantum dots (QDs) and compound (C-2028) at different concentration (50-200 µM).
Ocena wpływu pokarmowych kwasów nukleinowych i ich komponentów na replikacyjną i naprawczą syntezę DNA w modelach komórek ludzkiego układu pokarmowego
PublicationKwasy nukleinowe, do których należą DNA i RNA, są podstawowymi elementami każdej komórki niezbędnymi do prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizmu. Pomimo, że cząsteczki te stanowią również nieodłączne składniki produktów żywnościowych spożywanych przez człowieka, to badania na temat ich zawartości w żywności oraz wartości odżywczej są ograniczone. Wyniki uzyskane w niniejszej pracy doktorskiej pokazały istotne różnice w ilości, wielkości...
Bound entanglement for continuous variables is a rare phenomenon
PublicationWykazano, że splątanie związane w przypadku zmiennych ciągłych jest rzadkimfenomenem. W szczególności pokazano, że zbiór stanów niedestylowalnych jestnigdzie gęsty w zbiorze wszystkich stanów kwantowych. Poddano dyskusji splą-tanie związane w kontekście liczby Schmidta.
Liquefaction of macroalgae Enteromorpha biomass for the preparation of biopolyols by using crude glycerol
PublicationThis article describes the liquefaction process of macroalgae Enteromorpha with the use of crude glycerol as a solvent and a reagent, aimed at obtaining of new bio-polyols, which are characterized with respect to their chemical structure, physical and thermal properties. Six different biopolyols were prepared. In order to optimize the liquefaction of algal biomass for the best bio-polyol properties, two catalysts (sulfuric or orthophosphoric...
Wet H2S corrosion and degradation of pipeline in amine regeneration system
PublicationThe paper presents the results of NDT examinations, metallographic tests and risk assessment of degradation related to corrosion of amine regeneration unit in a desulphurisation system. Intensive corrosion resulting from acid gases environment upon water condensation causes perforation of the pipeline. Detailed analysis reveals cracking related to the mechanism of wet H2S. Hydrogen penetration, resulting from the wet H2S process,...
Thermal Properties of PLA/TPS Blends
PublicationFour types of polymer compositions having different amount of potato starch, glycerin and poly(lactic acid) was obtained and characterized by DSC. Adding of TPS to PLA lowered Tg.
Podstawy Fizyki (ACiR wykład) 24
e-Learning CoursesPodstawy Fizyki dla studentów ACiR - I stopień - II semestr
Podstawy Fizyki (ACiR wykład) 21/22
e-Learning CoursesPodstawy Fizyki dla studentów ACiR - I stopień - II semestr
Identification and molecular modeling of a novel lipase from an Antarctic soil metagenomic library.
PublicationIn this work, we present the construction of a metagenomic library in Escherichia coli using pUC19 vector and environmental DNA directly isolated from Antarctic topsoil and screened for lipolytic enzymes. The screening on agar supplemented with olive oil and rhodamine B revealed one clone with lipolytic activity (Lip1) out of 11,000 E. coli clones. This clone harbored a plasmid, pLip1, which has an insert of 4722 bp that has been...
Study of pH and temperature effect on lipophilicity of catechol-containing antioxidants by reversed phase liquid chromatography
PublicationLipophilicity of selected antioxidant phytochemicals, including flavonoids, phenolic acids and xanthonoids, was determined by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection (RP-HPLC-UV). The analyses run at different temperature and pH conditions in isocratic mode suggested that lipophilicity as distribution coefficient (logD) between aqueous and organic phase decreases with increasing temperature. For...
Untargeted Lipidomics Analysis of the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803: Lipid Composition Variation in Response to Alternative Cultivation Setups and to Gene Deletion
PublicationCyanobacteria play an important role in several ecological environments, and they are widely accepted to be the ancestors of chloroplasts in modern plants and green algae. Cyanobacteria have become attractive models for metabolic engineering, with the goal of exploring them as microbial cell factories. However, the study of cyanobacterial lipids’ composition and variation, and the assessment of the lipids’ functional and structural...
Comparative Study on Assisted Solvent Extraction Techniques for the Extraction of Biologically Active Compounds from Sideritis raeseri and Sideritis scardica
PublicationThe plants in the Sideritis genus are postulated to exhibit several important medicinal properties due to their unique chemical composition. To isolate the targeted phytochemical compounds, the selection of a suitable extraction method is of primary importance. In this work, a comparative study on the phytochemical profiles of various Sideritis raeseri and Sideritis scardica extracts has been carried out. An untargeted metabolomics...
Cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-FA, QDred-FA, QDgreen-FA-C-2028 and QDred-FA-C-2028 aginst Du-145 cancer cells
Open Research DataThis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds the cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-FA, QDred-FA, QDgreen-FA-C-2028 and QDred-FA-C-2028 aginst H460 cancer cells. FA (folic acid) was used as a linker between quantum dots (QDs) and compound (C-2028) at different concentration (50-200 µM).
Cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-FA, QDred-FA, QDgreen-FA-C-2028 and QDred-FA-C-2028 aginst LNCaP cancer cells
Open Research DataThis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds the cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-FA, QDred-FA, QDgreen-FA-C-2028 and QDred-FA-C-2028 aginst LNCaP cancer cells. FA (folic acid) was used as a linker between quantum dots (QDs) and compound (C-2028) at different concentration (50-200 µM).
How Much Does an e-Vote Cost? Cost Comparison per Vote in Multichannel Elections in Estonia
PublicationWe are presenting the results of the CoDE project in this paper, where we investigate the costs per vote of different voting channels in Estonian Local Elections (2017). The elections analyzed involve different processes for casting a vote: Early Voting at County Centers, Advance Voting at County Centers, Advance Voting at Ordinary Voting District Committees, Electronic Voting, Election Day Voting, and Home Voting. Our analysis...