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Search results for: zlewnia redy
Photophysical processes in the selected white organic light-emitting diodes
PublicationThe first part discusses history of organic emitters, the scope of the work, phenomena in molecular systems, types of architectures in OLEDs, types of OLEDs emitting white light with examples from the literaturę and a description of the parameters chcracterizing LEDs. The second part describes materials, production of the samples, the measurement systems and results. In chapter 8.1 the results for the OLEDs based on emission from...
Phytochemical composition and biological activities of differently pigmented cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) varieties
PublicationBACKGROUND:Brassica plants contain awide spectrumofbioactive components that are responsible for their health-promoting potential such as vitamins, polyphenols and glucosinolates. This study attempted to relate the composition of bioactive phytochemicals and chosen biological activities (antioxidant, cytotoxic, anti-genotoxic, and influence on enzymatic activities) for extracts from differently pigmented cabbage (white and red)...
Theoretical designing of selenium heterocyclic non-fullerene acceptors with enhanced power conversion efficiency for organic solar cells: a DFT/TD-DFT-based prediction and understanding
PublicationIn this study, we have designed and explored a new series of non-fullerene acceptors for possible applications in organic solar cells. We have designed four molecules named as APH1 to APH4 after end-capped modification of recently synthesized Y6-Se-4Cl molecule. Density functional theory and time dependent-density functional theory have been employed for computing geometric and photovoltaic parameters of the designed molecules....
Importance of artificial intelligence to support the process of anaerobicdigestion of kitchen waste with bioplastics / Znaczenie sztucznej inteligencji we wspomaganiu procesu beztlenowej fermentacji odpadów kuchennych zawierających bioplastiki
PublicationArtificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning were used to obtain more effective methods for conducting the digestion process and achieving final products. Data acquisition was carried out by an automatic monitoring and anal. research. The knowledge describing the anaerobic digestion process was summarized in the form of rules: IF (premise) THEN (conclusion). The compiled set of rules created a knowledge base of the expert...
Zastosowanie chromatografii gazowej do rozdzielania i oznaczania lotnych związków azoto – organicznych (LZN) w próbkach wody i ścieków.
PublicationW pracy dokonano przeglądu i porównania metod opartych na chromatografii gazowej do oznaczania lotnych związków azoto-organicznych (LZN) w próbkach wody i ścieków. Przedstawione zostały metodyki analityczne wykorzystujące zarówno detektory selektywne tj. detektor azotowo-fosforowy (NPD), detektor powierzchniowej jonizacji (SID), detektor chemiluminescencyjny azotu (CLND), detektor wychwytu elektronów (ECD) jak i detektorów uniwersalnych...
Falowniki wielopoziomowe 6kV/1MVA do napędów o regulowanej prędkości obrotowej i układów kompensacji mocy biernej
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono konstrukcję modułowego tranzystorowego przekształtnika napięcia 6 kV/1 MVA nowej generacji o dwukierunkowym przepływie energii pomiędzy siecią średniego napięcia (SN) a silnikiem indukcyjnym klatkowym, przeznaczonego do napędów SN o regulowanej prędkości obrotowej. Istota rozwiązania przedstawionego przekształtnika zawiera się w zastosowaniu trójstopniowej struktury. Stopnień wejściowy oraz stopień wyjściowy...
Modele rurociągowych procesów przepływowych
PublicationW rozdziale analizowane jest zagadnienie modelowania oraz parametryzacji procesu przepływu w rurociągach przemysłowych. W pierwszej kolejności przedstawia się bazowy model dyskretny, do którego odnoszone są pozostałe syntezowane rozwiązania. Następnie proponuje się metodę aproksymacji diagonalnej (AMDA), w której stosuje się przybliżenia trójdiagonalnych podmacierzy macierzy rekombinacji za pomocą ich diagonalnych odpowiedników...
Katedra Mostów.
PublicationW opracowaniu przedstawiono Katedrę Mostów Politechniki Gdańskiej, zarówno w ujęciu historycznym jak i w czasie obecnym. Na osiągnięcia i słabości w działalności Katedry miały i mają wpływ jej specyficzne cechy. Katedra specjalizuje się w wąskiej dziedzinie konstrukcji budowlanych, jakimi są mosty. Mosty przejawiają w sobie najpiękniejsze i najbardziej wyrafinowane elementy sztuki budowlanej. Specjalizację mostową kończą rok rocznie...
Eksploatacja portów i centrów logistycznych (PG_00041683), S, ZLwT, sem. 06, letni 22/23
e-Learning CoursesPorty morskie pełnią bardzo ważną rolę w procesie transportowym. Są miejscem bezpośredniego kontaktu dwóch gałęzi transportowych – transp. morskiego i transp. lądowego. Istotą portów jest ich położenie. Centra logistyczne mają na celu usprawnienie przepływu towarów, dlatego tworzone są w miejscach uprzemysłowionych, o dobrze rozwiniętej infrastrukturze transportowej, a porty morskie z pewnością do takich należą. Ważna jest odpowiednia...
Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia, unspecified - Male, 52 - Cell image [7120730007975601]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of HEMATOPOIETIC AND RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEMS cell sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: VS200 Olympus slide scanner (40x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Introducing concurrent engineering to space and satellite technology undergraduate course
PublicationIn recent decade concurrent engineering has become a de facto leading methodology of work in space, aeronautics and sometimes even automotive industry. It has been used in designing ESA space missions for 20 years now, with rst Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) built in ESTEC in 1998. Still, it has not become a universal standard in engineering, and universities are specically reluctant to adopt it into their curricula. As a result,...
Etyka public relations - jak uczyć, dylematy nauczyciela akademickiego
PublicationArtykuł porusza niezmiernie ważny problem - jak przekazywać wiedzę o fundamentalnych zasadach etycznych w prowadzeniu wszelkiej działalności gospodarczej, jak kształcić postawy odpowiedzialnego przedsiębiorcy i pracownika. Dziedzina Public relations w ostatnich latach cieszy się bardzo złą opinią - tak w Polsce jak i na świecie - autorka artykułu porusza ten problem wskazując, że istotą public relations są działania , mające na...
Electrical Simulations of the SIS100 Superconducting Dipole and Quadrupole Circuits: Transients, Earthing and Failure Modes
PublicationThe 100 Tm superconducting synchrotron SIS100 is the main accelerator of the international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) currently under advanced construction in Darmstadt, Germany. The SIS100 dipole circuit which creates the magnetic field required to bend the beam, consists of 108 dipoles distributed over six arc sections of the ring. The magnetic field for the beam focusing is generated by three individual...
Risk Assessment at Unsignalized Intersections Based on Human-Road-Environment-Vehicle System Applying Fuzzy Logic
PublicationThe constant increase in motorization level and traffic density increases risks due to dangerous situations for road participants. Therefore, assessing the accident level of road network elements has been an urgent task over the past decades. However, existing approaches mainly rely on traffic flow parameters and account for dynamic vehicle characteristics. The research aims to design a model accounting for uncertain factors (weather...
Narratives on cutting down trees on private land. A comparison of urban and rural municipalities in Poland using the Q-deliberation method
PublicationIncreased development in rural and urban areas leads to a decrease in tree cover and reduces the ecosystem services that trees provide. Municipal authorities must consider managing trees on private land to ensure that residents have access to trees and green spaces. In doing so, they must frequently confront conflicting stakeholder views, which are driven by diverse public and private interests and impacted by the type of landscape...
Bee Pollen and Bee Bread as a Source of Bacteria Producing Antimicrobials
PublicationThe principal objective of the study was the isolation and identification of bacteria that are present in mature bee bread (BB) and dried (ready for selling and consumption) bee pollen (BP). Obtained isolates were screened for their potential to inhibit select human pathogenic bacteria and their ability to produce enzymes of particular industrial importance. Four and five samples of BP and BB, respectively, were used for the study....
Nested Kriging with Variable Domain Thickness for Rapid Surrogate Modeling and Design Optimization of Antennas
PublicationDesign of modern antennas faces numerous difficulties, partially rooted in stringent specifications imposed on both electrical and field characteristics, demands concerning various functionalities (circular polarization, pattern diversity, band-notch operation), but also constraints imposed upon the physical size of the radiators. Conducting the design process at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations, otherwise...
Flow maldistribution and its mitigation in mini heat exchangers
PublicationIn the present paper, a detailed numerical investigation has been carried out to analyze the flow maldistribution in 50 parallel 1 mm x 1 mm rectangular minichannels and 1 mm depth minigap section with rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular or concave mani-folds in Z-type flow configuration (16 different cases). The working medium was ethanol and the mass flow rate was 5×10-4 kg/s. Both sections was heated from the bottom side. Heat...
Derivation of motor mean phase currents in PMSM drives operating with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio
PublicationPulse width modulation (PWM) of inverter output voltage causes the waveforms of motor phase cur-rents to consist of distinctive ripples. In order to provide suitable feedback for the motor current con-trollers, the mean value must be extracted from the currents’ waveforms in every PWM cycle. A com-mon solution to derive the mean phase currents is to sample their value at the midpoint of a symmetrical PWM cycle. Using an assumption...
Organizational Wisdom: The Impact of Organizational Learning on the Absorptive Capacity of an Enterprise
PublicationPurpose: In this article, we analyze the concept of organizational wisdom, indicating its key elements and verifieng the relationships between them. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was conducted at Vive Textile Recycling Sp. z o.o in Poland. Empirical data was collected from 138 managers using the PAPI technique. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was performed to test the research hypotheses. Additionally, the significance...
Mechanism of recognition of parallel G-quadruplexes by DEAH/RHAU helicase DHX36 explored by molecular dynamics simulations
PublicationBecause of high stability and slow unfolding rates of G-quadruplexes (G4), cells have evolved specialized helicases that disrupt these non-canonical DNA and RNA structures in an ATP-dependent manner. One example is DHX36, a DEAH-box helicase, which participates in gene expression and replication by recognizing and unwinding parallel G4s. Here, we studied the molecular basis for the high affinity and specificity of DHX36 for parallel-type...
Constrained multi-objective optimization of compact microwave circuits by design triangulation and pareto front interpolation
PublicationDevelopment of microwave components is an inherently multi-objective task. This is especially pertinent to the design closure stage, i.e., final adjustment of geometry and/or material parameters carried out to improve the electrical performance of the system. The design goals are often conflicting so that the improvement of one normally leads to a degradation of others. Compact microwave passives constitute a representative case:...
Cost-Efficient Behavioral Modeling of Antennas by Means of Global Sensitivity Analysis and Dimensionality Reduction
PublicationComputational tools, particularly electromagnetic (EM) solvers, are now commonplace in antenna design. While ensuring reliability, EM simulations are time-consuming, leading to high costs associated with EM-driven procedures like parametric optimization or statistical design. Various techniques have been developed to address this issue, with surrogate modeling methods garnering particular attention due to their potential advantages....
A comparative analysis of phenotypic and genotypic methods for the determination of the biofilm-forming abilities of Staphylococcus epidermidis
PublicationThe collection of 146 Staphylococcus epidermidis strains isolated from the nasopharynx of lung cancer patients has been studied for the ability of slime secretion and biofilm formation using the Congo red agar (CRA) test and the microtiter plate (MtP) method, respectively. The prevalence of the icaAD and the aap genes was also analyzed. Some isolates (35.6%) were biofilm positive by the MtP method, while 58.9% of isolates exhibited...
Hydrothermal reactions: From the synthesis of ligand to new lanthanide 3D-coordination polymers
PublicationThe organic ligand 2,5-piperazinedione-1,4-diaceticacid (H2PDA) was synthesized under hydrothermal conditions starting from the iminodiacetic acid and catalyzed by oxalic acid. The X-ray powder diffraction data indicates that the compound crystallizes in the P21/c space group as reported in the literature. The ligand was also characterized by elemental analysis, magnetic nuclear resonance, infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric...
Oxygen vacancy-enriched V2O5·nH2O nanofibers ink for universal substrates-tolerant and multi means-integratable NH3 sensing
PublicationUniversal substrates-tolerant and multi means-integratable ammonia (NH3) sensing is highly desired in future Internet of Things in environmental monitoring, food security and early diagnosis of human diseases, however, is still less than satisfactory. Here, an oxygen vacancy-governed NH3 sensing has been developed with V2O5·nH2O nanofibers (NFs) ink, via combined thermal decomposition of ammonium metavanadate and dilution. As-obtained...
Tailoring of Optical Properties of Methacrylate Resins Enriched by HPHT Microdiamond Particles
PublicationDiamond particles have great potential to enhance the mechanical, optical, and thermal properties of diamond–polymer composites. However, the improved properties of diamond–polymer composites depend on the size, dispersibility, and concentration of diamond particles. In the present study, diamond–polymer composites were prepared by adding the microdiamond particles (MDPs) with different concentrations (0.2–1 wt.%) into polymers...
Modified GAPI (MoGAPI) Tool and Software for the Assessment of Method Greenness: Case Studies and Applications
PublicationThe green analytical procedure index (GAPI) has been widely used to assess the greenness of different steps in analytical methodology. In the GAPI index, the different stages of the chemical analysis process are depicted using five pentagrams divided in subsections, labeled green, yellow, or red according to the degree of greenness. This GAPI tool provides a quick overview of the environmental impact and safety of the procedure....
Insights into oral microbiome and colorectal cancer – on the way of searching new perspectives
PublicationMicrobiome is a keystone polymicrobial community that coexist with human body in a beneficial relationship. These microorganisms enable the human body to maintain homeostasis and take part in mechanisms of defense against infection and in the absorption of nutrients. Even though microbiome is involved in physiologic processes that are beneficial to host health, it may also cause serious detrimental issues. Additionally, it has been...
Copper(I) halide cluster-based coordination polymers modulated by chiral ditopic dithiodianthranilide ligands: synthesis, crystal structure and photoluminescence
PublicationReaction of copper(I) halides with chiral dithiodianthranilidesmdtaandbdtaafforded polymeric complexeswhere polynuclear CuX clusters were linked together by ditopic bridging ligands into 1D chains or 2D layerstructures. In the case of racemic ligands double stranded chain polymers were formed where the Cu4X4(X = I or Br) cores are connected by enantiomeric pairs of the ditopic ligands. In contrast, a homochiralmdtaligand created...
Analyzing the Impact of Simulated Multispectral Images on Water Classification Accuracy by Means of Spectral Characteristics
PublicationRemote sensing is widely applied in examining the parameters of the state and quality of water. Spectral characteristics of water are strictly connected with the dispersion of electromagnetic radiation by suspended matter and the absorp-tion of radiation by water and chlorophyll a and b.Multispectral sensor ALI has bands within the ranges of electromagnetic radia-tion: blue and infrared, absent in sensors such as Landsat, SPOT,...
Ag modified ZnO microsphere synthesis for efficient sonophotocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants and CO2 conversion
PublicationThe synthesis and design of non-precious and efficient sonophotocatalyts by an environment friendly technique are requisites for solar energy conversion and environmental remediation. This work reports the preparation of Ag/ZnO microspheres with different Ag contents through deposition–precipitation method for pollutant degradation and CO2 conversion. Detail structural investigation reveals that ZnO microspheres and Ag-ZnO microspheres...
A comparative analysis of phenotypic and genotypic methods for the determination of the biofilm-forming abilities of Staphylococcus epidermidis
PublicationThe collection of 146 Staphylococcus epidermidis strains isolated from the nasopharynx of lung cancer patients has been studied for the ability of slime secretion and biofilm formation using the Congo red agar (CRA) test and the microtiter plate (MtP) method, respectively. The prevalence of the icaAD and the aap genes was also analyzed. Some isolates (35.6%) were biofilm positive by the MtP method, while 58.9% of isolates exhibited...
LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt
Open Research DataThe set contains renders of 5237 LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across...
obrona pracy doktorskiej na WILiŚ
Eventsobrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgr inż. Joanny Wachnickiej
Agnieszka Błażko dr inż. arch.
People -
Regulacje prawne jako podstawowy element strategii rozwoju rynku biopaliw
PublicationProdukcja estrów metylowych kwasów tłuszczowych jest jedną z najważniejszych metod pozyskiwania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych w Polsce. Biopaliwo, produkowane w naszym kraju głównie z oleju rzepakowego, wykorzystywane jest jako biokomponent dodawany do oleju napędowego. Założenia do rozwoju energetyki odnawialnej w Polsce zostały określone w dokumencie rządowym zatytułowanym: "Strategia rozwoju energetyki odnawialnej" (przyjętej...
Zmiana procesu planowania i sterowania jako determinanta sukcesu organizacji
PublicationW artykule wskazano cele zmian procesu planowania i sterowania oraz kluczowe czynniki, które decydują o poziomie ich realizacji. Pełnione przez proces planowania i sterowania zadania, w zakresie koordynowania procesów związanych z produkowaniem wyrobów, z potrzebami i możliwościami dostawców oraz klientów powodują, że przy określaniu celów tego procesu należy wziąć pod uwagę atrybuty organizacji i łańcucha dostaw. Pozwala to nadać...
Lipidomika mleka kobiecego - wiele do odkrycia.
PublicationMleko kobiece jest wieloskładnikową wydzieliną, której skład zależy od wielu czynników, dlatego różni się międzyosobniczo, jest niepowtarzalne i oryginalne. W każdym mleku można wyróżnić zarówno składniki odżywcze niezbędne do prawidłowego wzrostu niemowlęcia, jak i bioaktywne substancje chroniące niemowlę przed zakażeniami, stanami zapalnymi oraz przyczyniającymi się do dojrzewania układu odpornościowego Ze względu na zawartość...
Limb/Ground Impacts and Unexpected Impacts Control Strategy for a Model of a Limb of a Walking Robot
PublicationPraca prezentuje wyniki analizy numerycznej dynamiki robota kroczącego. Uwaga skoncentrowana jest na zagadnieniu kontaktu odnóża z podłożem. W kierunku normalnym kontakt opisano więzami jednostronnymi. W kierunku stycznym, założono obecność poślizgu i tarcia. Z uwagi na jednostronność kontaktu, może się on rozpocząć z niezerową prędkością względną. Z chwila rozpoczęcia kontaktu, prędkości zmieniają się gwałtownie. Towarzysza temu...
Model otwartej architektury rozproszonych dokumentów elektronicznych wspierającej proces podejmowania decyzji w trybie obliczeń zespołowych
PublicationModel otwartej architektury mobilnych dokumentów interaktywnych MIND, został opracowany w celu efektywnego zarządzania informacją w procesach podejmowanych przez organizacje oparte na wiedzy. Architektura ta stanowi całościowy opis struktury i funkcjonalności dokumentu, zaprojektowanego w celu realizacji rozproszonego przetwarzania zespołowego i pracy grupowej. Umożliwia automatyczne przejście od statycznej postaci dokumentów...
Audyt techniczny budowy przez Stocznię NAUTA S.A. statku naukowo badawczego „OCEANOGRAF” dla Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego na podstawie umowy A120-211-137/12/GR wraz z aneksami do tej umowy
PublicationAudyt techniczny statku naukowo badawczego wykonany przez Zespól Katedry Technologii Obiektów Pływających , Systemów jakości i Materiałoznawstwa odbywała się na podstawie umowy zlecenia zawartej w Gdańsku, w dniu 14.11.2014, pomiędzy Uniwersytetem Gdańskim a Politechniką Gdańska reprezentowaną przez Dziekana Wydziału Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa. Zakres audytu obejmował analizę dokumentacji związanej z realizacją UMOWY NR...
A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms
Open Research DataThis dataset is from my master's thesis "A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms". It contains both raw data and preprocessed dataset ready to use. In the pictures below you can see how images were annotated.
Attitudes to tree removal on private properties in two Polish cities.
Open Research DataLarge cities are increasingly faced with declining urban tree cover and related problems, such as increased urban heat islands and flash floods. Reducing these phenomena increasingly has to rely on trees located on private property. However, to effectively engage private landowners on these issues, more attention must be paid to understanding their...
Permanent dipole moment functions of the KRb molecule
Open Research DataElectronic permanent dipole moment functions (PDMF) have been calculated for the singlet (s) and triplet (t) Sigma+, Sigma-, Pi, and Delta electronic states of the KRb molecule. PDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. All results of the permanent dipole moments have been...
Born-Oppenheimer potential energy curves of the NaK molecule
Open Research DataAdiabatic potential energy curves (APEC) of the singlet (s) and triplet (t) Sigma+, Pi, and Delta electronic states have been calculated for the NaK molecule. All results of the presented molecular states have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) method used with pseudopotentials describing the interaction...
Transition dipole moment functions of the KRb molecule
Open Research DataElectronic transition dipole moment functions (TDMF) have been calculated for the singlet (s) and triplet (t) Sigma+ (S+), Pi (P), and Delta (D) electronic states of the KRb molecule. TDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. All results of the transition dipole moments...
Plasma cell myeloma - Female, 68 - Tissue image [11290630017283431]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of HEMATOPOIETIC AND RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEMS tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Plasma cell myeloma - Male, 73 - Tissue image [11290630017283851]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of HEMATOPOIETIC AND RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEMS tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified - Female, 34 - Cell image [7120730007984591]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of HEMATOPOIETIC AND RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEMS cell sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: VS200 Olympus slide scanner (40x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.