Search results for: BASEN PŁYWACKI - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: BASEN PŁYWACKI

Search results for: BASEN PŁYWACKI

  • Persons' identification techniques based on characteristic features of face


    - Year 2005

    Istnieje wiele metod identyfikacji osób opartych na ich cechach charakterystycznych. Metody te ograniczone są poprzez warunki, w których zdjęcie zostało wykonane jak na przykład oświetlenie. Autorzy artykułu proponują zastosowanie rozmytych reguł decyzyjnych oraz skonstruowanie miary podobieństwa na podstawie względnych odległości pomiędzy niezmienniczymi w czasie cechami charakterystycznymi twarzy do usunięcia ograniczeń istniejących...

  • Designing world closures for knowledge-based system engineering


    - Year 2005

    Wraz z rozwojem komponentów opartych na wiedzy przed inżynierami oprogramowania postawione zostały nowe zadania. Jednym z nich jest zintegrowanie tych komponentów z innymi standarodowymi komponentami. Zrealizowanie tego zadania wymagało zdefiniowania języka komunikacji pomiędzy różnymi komponentami w celu wymiany informacji. W artykule omówiono problem wymiany informacji pomiędzy komponentami opartymi na wiedzy i komponentami opartymi...

  • Development and validation of a HAZOP-based inspection of UML models


    Artykuł prezentuje technikę inspekcji ukierunkowaną na wykrywanie defektów w modelach UML. Technika ta została opracowana poprzez adaptację HAZOP - metody szeroko stosowanej w dziedzinie systemów związanych z bezpieczeństwem. Wykorzystano podstawową koncepcję HAZOP (zastosowanie ogólnych słów kluczowych do wykrywania pełnej listy anomalii związanych z danym fragmentem modelu) do systematycznego wygenerowania list kontrolnych dla...

  • Endoscopy images classification with kernel based learning algorithms.

    • P. Majewski
    • W. Jędruch

    - Year 2005

    Przedstawiono zastosowanie algorytmów opartych na wektorach wspierających zbudowanych na dwóch różnych funkcjach straty do klasyfikacji obrazów endoskopowych przełyku. Szczegółowo omówiono sposób ekstrakcji cech obrazów oraz algorytm klasyfikacji. Klasyfikator został zastosowany do problemu rozpoznawania zdjęć guzów złośliwych i łagodnych.

  • Complex multiplier based on the polynomial residue number system


    Przedstawiono próbę zaprojektowania mnożnika zespolonego 4x4 opartego na algorytmie Skavantzosa i Stouraitisa. W algorytmie stosuje siękodowanie liczb n-bitowych jako wielomianów stopnia 7 w pierścieniu wielomianów modulo (x^8-1) z n/4-bitowymi współczynnikami. Mnożenie zespolone jest wykonywane jako 8-punktowy splot cykliczny. Podanoopóżnienie i złożoność sprzętową jak również porównanie ze standardowym.rozwiązaniem.

  • Vibration based damage localization in non-homogeneous structures


    - Year 2005

    Przedmiotem badań jest identyfikacja lokalnych uszkodzeń w konstrukcjach budowlanych. Przedstawione są trzy metody bazujące na teorii drgań. Są to metody badające: częstości własne, podatność i krzywizny postaci drgań układu. Skuteczność metod pokazana jest na przykładach symulacji komputerowych, wykonanych dla belki swobodnie podpartej, wspornikowej oraz podwieszonej kładki dla pieszych. Dodatkowo zaprezentowane są wyniki badań...

  • Cień malarza


    - Year 2021

    Obraz prezentowany na wystawie "Zbyszkowi" zorganizowanej w rocznicę śmierci artysty Zbigniewa Kosowskiego. Artyści biorący udział w wystawie: ZBIGNIEW KOSOWSKI; Jarosław Bartołowicz; Jan Buczkowski; Jarosław Ćwiek; Łukasz Głowacki; Laura Gutowska; Krzysztof Hejke; Piotr Kmieć; Mariusz Kozik; Waldemar Mazurek; Jolanta Męderowicz; Andrzej Oboz; Małgorzata Oboz; Anna Panek; Marek Rogulski; Rafał Roskowiński; Adam Skóra; Zbigniew...

  • SESNED: Dataset for Event-Based Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Research

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access
    • B. Gawin
    • R. Małkowski
    • K. Główczewski
    • M. Olszewski
    • P. Tomasik

    Sescom NILM Energy Dataset (SESNED ) description

  • Phylogenetic trees of genus Oncidium Sw. based on analysis of DNA sequences

    Open Research Data
    version 1.3 open access - series: Oncidium Sw. taxonomy

    Genus Oncidium Sw. is widely regarded as a polyphiletic, and the taxonomic boundaries between him and such genera as Odontoglossum Kunth. or Miltonia Lindley remain blurred. The goal of the study was to determine the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Oncidium s.lato based on the DNA sequences analysis. The correlation between molecular data...

  • Simulation of perovskite-based CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 solar cell performance

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The presented data set is part of the theoretical research on novel thin-layer lead-halide perovskite solar cells with different inorganic transparent conductive oxides used as charge transport layers. In this study CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 model structure (Model 1) was investigated by the use of the SCAPS-1D simulation method ( 

  • Raman data of based on BDD, Mn-BDD, Mn-BDD(AN) electrodes

    Open Research Data

    Raman spectra of samples : ion implanted BDD (Mn-BDD) films; prepared by high dose (1015-1017 ions/cm2) Mn ion implantation and post-annealing treatment.

  • Carbonized Metal-Organic Frameworks-based strucutres with aluminium, phosphorus and nitrogen

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset includes Raman spectra of carbonized Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF) [acquired on Renishaw] and electrochemical properties of the materials [acquired on EC Lab], which includes techniques such as Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LCV), Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), Taffel slope and Chronopotentiometry (CP).

  • Simulation of perovskite-based CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/SnO2 solar cell performance

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The presented data set is part of the theoretical research on novel thin-layer lead-halide perovskite solar cells with different inorganic transparent conductive oxides used as charge transport layers. In this study CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/SnO2 model structure (Model 2) was investigated by the use of the SCAPS-1D simulation method ( 

  • Simulation of perovskite-based CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/ZnO solar cell performance

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The presented data set is part of the theoretical research on novel thin-layer lead-halide perovskite solar cells with different inorganic transparent conductive oxides used as charge transport layers. In this study CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/ZnO model structure (Model 3) was investigated by the use of the SCAPS-1D simulation method ( 

  • Dependence of biological sensing on temperature based on investigation of SARS-CoV-2

    Open Research Data

    Presented dataset is the result of an investigation of the attachment of SARS-CoV-2 specific IgG in the temepratures relevant in biology. The samples were measured during a period of 15 minutes, at 5°C, 25°C and 55°C. The measurements were performed using the microspher-based fiber-optic sensor, as an interferometer. The broadband optical light source...

  • Investigation of temperature changes using a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Investigation of temperature changes using a  microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with a 200 nm ZnO ALD coating for the purpose of validation the design of the sensor, measurement setup and method of examination of electric cell materials.

  • The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies of cataphoretic-grown epoxy-based coatings

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy spectra collected for epoxy-based cataphoretic coatings in order to determine the offered anti-corrosion protection. Particular spectra pertain to the coatings applied for the different magnitude of polarization potential imposed, namely 10V, 20V and 30V. The results were obtained within the...

  • Lead-free bismuth-based perovskites coupled with g–C3N4: A machine learning based novel approach for visible light induced degradation of pollutants

    • M. Miodyńska
    • A. Mikolajczyk
    • P. Mazierski
    • T. Klimczuk
    • W. Lisowski
    • G. Trykowski
    • A. Zaleska-Medynska


    The use of metal halide perovskites in photocatalytic processes has been attempted because of their unique optical properties. In this work, for the first time, Pb-free Bi-based perovskites of the Cs3Bi2X9 type (X = Cl, Br, I, Cl/Br, Cl/I, Br/I) were synthesized and subjected to comprehensive morphological, structural, and surface analyses, and photocatalytic properties in the phenol degradation reaction were examined. Furthermore,...

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  • Differentiating patients with obstructive sleep apnea from healthy controls based on heart rate-blood pressure coupling quantified by entropy-based indices


    - CHAOS - Year 2023

    We introduce an entropy-based classification method for pairs of sequences (ECPS) for quantifying mutual dependencies in heart rate and beat-to-beat blood pressure recordings. The purpose of the method is to build a classifier for data in which each item consists of two intertwined data series taken for each subject. The method is based on ordinal patterns and uses entropy-like indices. Machine learning is used to select a subset...

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  • CERVIX UTERI, Exocervix - Female, 45 - Cell image [3160630004828311]

    Open Research Data

    This is the histopathological image of CERVIX UTERI cell sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.

  • Contextualizing a Knowledge Base by Approximation – A Case Study

    Modular knowledge bases give their users opportunity to store and access knowledge at different levels of generality. In this paper we present how to organize a modular knowledge bases organized into contexts in which a user can express their knowledge in much simplified way, yet without losing its precision. The work is centered around the notion of approximation - i.e. reducing the arity of predicates used. The presentation is...

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  • Designing Lubricating Properties of Vegetable Base Oils

    • J. Iłowska
    • J. Chrobak
    • R. Grabowski
    • M. Szmatoła
    • J. Woch
    • I. Szwach
    • J. Drabik
    • M. Trzos
    • R. Kozdrach
    • M. Wrona

    - MOLECULES - Year 2018

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  • Thermal stability of the cobalt base clad layers


    - Year 2005

    Badano wpływ długotrwałego oddziaływania temperatury na mikrostrukturę i własności mechaniczne warstw napawanych laserowo wykonanych ze stopów na bazie kobaltu zawierających chrom i wolfram. Stopy te są przewidywane do zastosoania na przylgnie zaworów wydechowych silników diesla.

  • Jarosław Guziński prof. dr hab. inż.

    Jaroslaw Guzinski received M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees from the Electrical Engineering Department at Technical University of Gdansk, Poland in 1994, 2000 and 2011 respectively. Since 2016 he is Associate Professor at Gdansk University of Technology. Currently he is the head of the Department of Electric Drives and Energy Conversion. From 2006 to 2009 he was involved in European Commission Project PREMAID Marie Curie, ‘Predictive...

  • Offshore benthic habitat mapping based on object-based image analysis and geomorphometric approach. A case study from the Slupsk Bank, Southern Baltic Sea

    • L. Janowski
    • R. Wroblewski
    • J. Dworniczak
    • M. Kolakowski
    • K. Rogowska
    • M. Wójcik
    • J. Gajewski


    Benthic habitat mapping is a rapidly growing field of underwater remote sensing studies. This study provides the first insight for high-resolution hydroacoustic surveys in the Slupsk Bank Natura 2000 site, one of the most valuable sites in the Polish Exclusive Zone of the Southern Baltic. This study developed a quick and transparent, automatic classification workflow based on multibeam echosounder and side-scan sonar surveys to...

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  • Simulating Power Generation from Photovoltaics in the Polish Power System Based on Ground Meteorological Measurements—First Tests Based on Transmission System Operator Data


    - ENERGIES - Year 2020

    The Polish power system is undergoing a slow process of transformation from coal to one that is renewables dominated. Although coal will remain a fundamental fuel in the coming years, the recent upsurge in installed capacity of photovoltaic (PV) systems should draw significant attention. Owning to the fact that the Polish Transmission System Operator recently published the PV hourly generation time series in this article, we aim...

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  • Jan Biernat prof. dr hab. inż.


  • Grzegorz Boczkaj dr hab. inż.

  • Maciej Jerzy Głowacki


    Maciej Jerzy Głowacki is an alumnus of the Gdańsk University of Technology. He graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng., 2017) and the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics (M.S., 2018). Since 2014 he has been continuously actively involved in a research carried out at the Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics. His scientific activities include a deposition of antibacterial...

  • Baseny i kąpieliska (nst) 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Majtacz
    • J. Mąkinia
    • M. Orłowska-Szostak

    W ramach przedmiotu "Baseny i kąpieliska" prowadzone są wykłady i projektowanie. Wykłady obejmują tematycznie w pierwszej kolejności:  omówienie literatury przedmiotu, podział i rodzaje kąpielisk i basenów (podział klasyczny, podział komercyjny). Kąpieliska na wodach naturalnych (bieżących i stojących). Baseny otwarte. Baseny kryte – sportowo pływackie, uniwersalne, dla dzieci, dla osób niepełnosprawnych, rehabilitacyjne, dla...

  • Baseny i kąpieliska 2021/2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Majtacz
    • J. Mąkinia
    • M. Orłowska-Szostak

    W ramach przedmiotu "Baseny i kąpieliska" prowadzone są wykłady i projektowanie. Wykłady obejmują tematycznie w pierwszej kolejności:  omówienie literatury przedmiotu, podział i rodzaje kąpielisk i basenów (podział klasyczny, podział komercyjny). Kąpieliska na wodach naturalnych (bieżących i stojących). Baseny otwarte. Baseny kryte – sportowo pływackie, uniwersalne, dla dzieci, dla osób niepełnosprawnych, rehabilitacyjne, dla...

  • Baseny i kąpieliska 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Majtacz
    • J. Mąkinia
    • M. Orłowska-Szostak

    W ramach przedmiotu "Baseny i kąpieliska" prowadzone są wykłady i projektowanie. Wykłady obejmują tematycznie w pierwszej kolejności:  omówienie literatury przedmiotu, podział i rodzaje kąpielisk i basenów (podział klasyczny, podział komercyjny). Kąpieliska na wodach naturalnych (bieżących i stojących). Baseny otwarte. Baseny kryte – sportowo pływackie, uniwersalne, dla dzieci, dla osób niepełnosprawnych, rehabilitacyjne, dla...

  • Baseny i kąpieliska 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Majtacz
    • J. Mąkinia
    • M. Orłowska-Szostak

    W ramach przedmiotu "Baseny i kąpieliska" prowadzone są wykłady i projektowanie. Wykłady obejmują tematycznie w pierwszej kolejności:  omówienie literatury przedmiotu, podział i rodzaje kąpielisk i basenów (podział klasyczny, podział komercyjny). Kąpieliska na wodach naturalnych (bieżących i stojących). Baseny otwarte. Baseny kryte – sportowo pływackie, uniwersalne, dla dzieci, dla osób niepełnosprawnych, rehabilitacyjne, dla...

  • Baseny i kąpieliska nst 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Majtacz
    • M. Orłowska-Szostak

    W ramach przedmiotu "Baseny i kąpieliska" prowadzone są wykłady i projektowanie. Wykłady obejmują tematycznie w pierwszej kolejności:  omówienie literatury przedmiotu, podział i rodzaje kąpielisk i basenów (podział klasyczny, podział komercyjny). Kąpieliska na wodach naturalnych (bieżących i stojących). Baseny otwarte. Baseny kryte – sportowo pływackie, uniwersalne, dla dzieci, dla osób niepełnosprawnych, rehabilitacyjne, dla...

  • Digital fingerprinting for color images based on the quaternion encryption scheme

    In this paper we present a new quaternion-based encryption technique for color images. In the proposed encryption method, images are written as quaternions and are rotated in a three-dimensional space around another quaternion, which is an encryption key. The encryption process uses the cipher block chaining (CBC) mode. Further, this paper shows that our encryption algorithm enables digital fingerprinting as an additional feature....

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  • A CMRC-based compact rat-race coupler with harmonic suppression


    In this paper, an eective miniaturization technique exploiting compact microstrip resonant cells has been discussed and experimentally validated on the basis of a 3-dB microstrip rat-race coupler. The application of the method proposed has resulted in 91 % circuit area reduction in comparison to a conventional rat-race coupler. Experimental results show good agreement with theoretical characteristics, as well as an additional eect,...

  • Decisional DNA based framework for representing Virtual Engineering Objects


    - Year 2014

    In this paper, we propose a frame-work to represent the Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO) utilizing Set of Knowledge Experience Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA. A VEO will enable the discovery of new knowledge in a manufacturing unit and the generation of new rules that drive reasoning. The proposed VEO framework will not only be knowledge based representation but it will also have its associated experience embedded within...

  • Video analytics-based algorithm for monitoring egress from buildings

    A concept and a practical implementation of the algorithm for detecting of potentially dangerous situations related to crowding in passages is presented. An example of such a situation is a crush which may be caused by an obstructed pedestrian pathway. The surveillance video camera signal analysis performed in the online mode is employed in order to detect hold-ups near bottlenecks like doorways or staircases. The details of the...

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  • Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of spirit-based alcoholic beverages

    Spirit-based beverages are alcoholic drinks, which production processes are dependent on the type and origin of raw materials. The composition of this complex matrix is difficult to analyze and scientists commonly choose a gas chromatography techniques for this reason. With a wide selection of extraction methods and detectors it is possible to provide qualitative and quantitative analysis for many chemical compounds with a various...

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  • Properties of Nasicon-based CO2 sensor with Bi8Nb2O17 reference electrode


    Gas sensors are useful for the carbon dioxide concentration monitoring in many applications. The major challenge is to develop a potentiometric sensor working without the necessity of a reference gas and without a need of the reference electrode encapsulation. Important issue is a selection of reference electrode material, which should provide stable reference potential. For example as reference electrode material in sensor based...

  • Methane formation over TiO2–based photocatalysts: reaction pathways

    The effects of organic impurities adsorbed or incorporated into semiconductors structure on the photocatalytic products are noteworthy. For this purpose, the as-prepared Ag, Au and Pdmodified TiO2 samples were exposed to UV-vis irradiation in various gas atmospheres (CO2, N2, 600 ppm CO2 in N2, and 13CO2) in order to clarify the route of CH4 formation in the process of photocatalytic CO2 reduction. In the presented research it...

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  • Receiver-side fingerprinting method based on quaternion sandwich product

    In this paper a new receiver-side fingerprinting method for color images is proposed. The proposed method belongs to the group of Joint Fingerprinting and Decryption (JFD) methods. Each component of the color image is represented as a point in 3D space, which is formed by 3 color channels. Encryption and fingerprinting can be interpreted as rotation, scaling and translation of these points. Calculations are performed using quaternion...

  • Examining Quality of Hand Segmentation Based on Gaussian Mixture Models


    Results of examination of various implementations of Gaussian mix-ture models are presented in the paper. Two of the implementations belonged to the Intel’s OpenCV 2.4.3 library and utilized Background Subtractor MOG and Background Subtractor MOG2 classes. The third implementation presented in the paper was created by the authors and extended Background Subtractor MOG2 with the possibility of operating on the scaled version of...

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  • Accelerometer-based Human Activity Recognition and the Impact of the Sample Size


    The presented study focused on the recognition of eight user activities (e.g. walking, lying, climbing stairs) basing on the measurements from an accelerometer embedded in a mobile device. It is assumed that the device is carried in a specific location of the user’s clothing. Three types of classifiers were tested on different sizes of the samples. The influence of the time window (the duration of a single trial) on selected activities...

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  • Relation-based Wikipedia Search System for Factoid Questions Answering

    In this paper we propose an alternative keyword search mechanism for Wikipedia, designed as a prototype solution towards factoid questions answering. The method considers relations between articles for finding the best matching article. Unlike the standard Wikipedia search engine and also Google engine, which search the articles content independently, requiring the entire query to be satisfied by a single article, the proposed...

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  • Accelerating Video Frames Classification With Metric Based Scene Segmentation

    This paper addresses the problem of the efficient classification of images in a video stream in cases, where all of the video has to be labeled. Realizing the similarity of consecutive frames, we introduce a set of simple metrics to measure that similarity. To use these observations for decreasing the number of necessary classifications, we propose a scene segmentation algorithm. Performed experiments have evaluated the acquired...

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  • Estimation of Selected Synchronous Generator Parameters Based on the Gradient Method

    The authors present a method for the estimation of synchronous generator model parameters using a gradient algorithm. The paper shows an example of model parameter estimation for a turbogenerator and hydrogenerator, based on the generator voltage time responses obtained during an active and reactive power rejection test.

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  • Quality assessment of ZnO-based varistors by 1/f noise

    Noise has been used as a diagnostic tool of surge arrester varistor structures comprising of ZnO grains of various type and size. The physical and electrical properties of the measured samples have been described. In the experimental study, the applied measurement system and the results of noise measurements for the selected structures of varistors designed for the continuous working voltage 280 V, 440 V and 660 V have been presented....

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  • Properties of Nasicon-based CO2 sensors with Bi8Nb2O17 reference electrode

    Potentiometric CO2 sensors based on Nasicon (Na+ conductor, Na3Zr2Si2PO12) electrolyte, Bi8Nb2O17/Pt reference electrode and different sensing electrodes have been prepared. Besides the sensing electrode material, sensors differ from each other in the reference electrode preparation technique. The main aim of this study is to investigate sensor construction and electrode fabrication process influence on sensor properties. The optimal...

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  • History-based dynamic weight voting for multi-agent systems

    Taking decision in multi-agent systems may involve voting. Two basic voting protocols are surveyed in the paper. Then, a new history-based dynamic weight voting is proposed. This voting protocol allows for identification of the agents which contribute to the correct system decision. The proposed solution is contrasted with majority voting and with weighted average voting, to show its advantages

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