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Search results for: BLADED DISC

Search results for: BLADED DISC

  • Python based high-level synthesis compiler


    - Year 2014

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  • Broadband Buses Based On Multicore Optical Fibres


    - Year 1986

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  • Wow defect reduction based on interpolation techniques

    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania różnych technik interpolacji wykorzystanych w redukcji kołysania dźwięku. W badaniach użyto: interpolację liniową, techniki interpolacji wielomianowej, i interpolację funkcją sink. Jakość rekonstrukcji zbadano wykorzystując sztucznie spreparowany sygnał foniczny, zrekonstruowany wymienionymi metodami interpolacji. Jakość rekonstrukcji oceniono wykorzystując standardowe deskryptory jakości...

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  • Magnetic field microsensor based on GaAs MESFET

    • W. Kordalski
    • B. Boratyński
    • M. Panek
    • B. Ściana
    • I. Zborowska-Lindert
    • M. Tłaczała

    - Year 2007

    A novel concept of the drain separation design in a horizontally-split-drain GaAs MAGFET sensor, based on epitaxial layer growth, was developed. Proper choice of GaAs/AlAs/GaAs epitaxial layer sequence provided good electrical isolation between the drain regions. The measured leakage current between the drain regions was in the range of nA for up to 2V drain voltage bias difference. Performed analytical and numerical calculations...

  • MEMS based voice message system for elevators

    W artykule przedstawiono implementację systemu głosowych komunikatów w windach. Prezentowany system posiada unikalną cechę polegającą na tym, że do działania nie potrzebuje połączenia z systemem sterującym windy. Zasilany z baterii lub akumulatorów może być zamontowany w ścianie windy, wymaga tylko prostej kalibracji. System oparty jest na akcelerometrach MEMS dokonujących pomiaru przeciążeń w kabinie windy. W artykule przedstawiono...

  • XML-based monitoring and its implementation in Perl


    - Year 2007

    Artykuł ten omawia w sposób ogólny problem monitorowania systemów informacyjnych oraz opisuje system monitoringu wytworzony w firmie Lufthansa Systems w celu monitorowania systemów informatycznych swoich klientów. Artykuł koncentruje się głównie na XMLowym mechaniźmie przetwarzania danych użytym w tym systemie, opisuje on jednak również skrótowo pozostałe zasady jego działania. Zostały również omówione podstawy przetwarzania danych...

  • Exact-match Based Wikipedia-WordNet Integration


    - Year 2019

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  • A turbine based domestic micro ORC system

    • P. Klonowicz
    • Ł. Witanowski
    • Ł. Jędrzejewski
    • T. Suchocki
    • P. Lampart

    - Energy Procedia - Year 2017

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  • A Method of MOS Evaluation for Video Based Services


    - Year 2016

    This paper deals with a method for QoE evaluation for the services transmitting large amount of data perceived by the end user in relatively short time periods, e.g. streaming video in mobile operator...

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  • Silylation of acetaminophen by trifluoroacetamide-based silylation agents


    - Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis - Year 2018

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  • Virtual touchpad - video-based multimodal interface

    A new computer interface named Virtual-Touchpad (VTP) is presented. The Virtual-Touchpad provides a multimodal interface which enables controlling computer applications by hand gestures captured with a typical webcam. The video stream is processed in the software layer of the interface. Hitherto existing video-based interfaces analyzing frames of hand gestures are presented. Then, the hardware configuration and software features...

  • Vehicle classification based on soft computing algorithms

    Experiments and results regarding vehicle type classification are presented. Three classes of vehicles are recognized: sedans, vans and trucks. The system uses a non-calibrated traffic camera, therefore no direct vehicle dimensions are used. Various vehicle descriptors are tested, including those based on vehicle mask only and those based on vehicle images. The latter ones employ Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and gradient images...

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  • An Approach to Agent-Based Supporting System for IT Projects


    Abstract. The natural development of information technology area stimulates intense growth of various technologies which support basic organization processes. The range of technologies implies appropriate management thereof, as well as accurate correspondence with conducted activities. Abandonment of activities within individual branches in favour of project approach to performed assignments (especially those connected with software...

  • Methods of quality characterization of foil-based capacitors


    - Metrology and Measurement Systems - Year 2008

    Jakość kondensatorów wykonanych z folii aluminiowej jest zależna od wielu parametrów podczas ich produkcji. Istniejące metody oceny ich jakości nie są doskonałe. Stąd istnieje potrzeba propozycji nowych metod. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań zawartości trzeciej harmonicznej oraz emisji akustycznej występującej pod wpływem naprężenia mechanicznego zwijek foliowych z jakością wytworzenia tych zwijek.

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  • Modernist Gdynia. Challanges of Heritage-Based Development


    - Year 2016

    Tekst przedstawia kompleksową politykę ochrony zabytków na terenie śródmieścia Gdyni, które ma status Pomnika Historii, w powiązaniu z planowanym rozwojem i modernizacją

  • Loudness Scaling Test Based on Categorical Perception

    The main goal of this research study is focused on creating a method for loudness scaling based on categorical perception. Its main features, such as: way of testing, calibration procedure for securing reliable results, employing natural test stimuli, etc., are described in the paper and assessed against a procedure that uses 1/2-octave bands of noise (LGOB) for the loudness growth estimation. The Mann-Whitney U-test is employed...

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  • Parallel computations in the volunteer based Comcute system


    The paper presents Comcute which is a novel multi-level implemen- tation of the volunteer based computing paradigm. Comcute was designed to let users donate the computing power of their PCs in a simplified manner, requiring only pointing their web browser at a specific web address and clicking a mouse. The server side appoints several servers to be in charge of execution of particular tasks. Thanks to that the system can survive...

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  • Multimodal Surveillance Based Personal Protection System

    A novel, multimodal approach for automatic detection of abduction of a protected individual, employing dedicated personal protection device and a city monitoring system is proposed and overviewed. The solution is based on combining four modalities (signals coming from: Bluetooth, fixed and PTZ cameras, thermal camera, acoustic sensors). The Bluetooth signal is used continuously to monitor the protected person presence, and in case...



    The article has been worked out on the basis of the report devoted to the conducted diagnostic investigations of the ship main propulsion unit’s mechanical system. Gdansk University of Technology has been ordered with such investigations by the repair Shipyard carrying out the ship’s overhaul. Diagnostic tests involved measurements and analyses of the vibration signals generated in selected constructional kinematic pairs of the...

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  • Evaluation of position estimation based on accelerometer data


    - Year 2015

    The paper concerns the problem of integrating data from accelerometers. A suitable model of a MEMS accelerometer is presented which is a part of inertial measurement units (IMU). Such units allow to measure orientation as well as to localize systems. They also appear to be applicable for systems positioning. The main purpose of the paper is to discuss conditions that must be satisfied to calculate the location of the sensor by...

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  • Polypyrrole based gas sensor for ammonia detection

    The nature of polypyrrole response to toxic gases does not allow using the sensor in a conventional way. The main aim of this study is to acquire the information about the concentration using different approaches: a linear approximation, a non-linear approximation and a tangent method. In this paper a two-steps procedure for sensor response measurements has been utilized. Polypyrrole films were electrochemically synthesized on...

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  • Gas sensors based on functionalized carbon nanotubes

    • A. Dziurzyńska

    - Year 2012

    W pracy przedstawiono przegląd czujników gazów z modyfikowanych nanorurek węglowych.

  • Emotion Recognition Based on Facial Expressions of Gamers


    This article presents an approach to emotion recognition based on facial expressions of gamers. With application of certain methods crucial features of an analysed face like eyebrows' shape, eyes and mouth width, height were extracted. Afterwards a group of artificial intelligence methods was applied to classify a given feature set as one of the following emotions: happiness, sadness, anger and fear.The approach presented in this...

  • Supporting Assurance by Evidence-based Argument Services

    Structured arguments based on evidence are used in many domains, including systems engineering, quality assurance and standards conformance. Development, maintenance and assessment of such arguments is addressed by TRUST-IT methodology outlined in this paper. The effective usage of TRUST-IT requires an adequate tool support. We present a platform of software services, called NOR-STA, available in the Internet, supporting key activities...

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  • Towards the value-based design of on-line services


    The paper identifies economic factors shaping customer bahaviour in on-line services in two interrelated dimensions; (1) economic needs and requirements, relevant to expected benefits and values perceived by customers; (2) technical components, allowing technical realization of on-line services. Technical components were cathegorized into four groups, creating so-called VIPR model: Visual, Interactive, Process and Relationship-relevant...

  • RSN reverse converter based on core function


    - Year 2008

    zaprezentowano nową architekturę konwertera z systemu resztowego do systemu binarnego opartego na funkcji jądra dla modułów 5-bitowego. Zastosowano niekrytyczną funkcję jądra.Obliczanie funkcji jądra jest realizowane przy użyciu chińskiego twierdzenia dla funkcji jądra (CRTCF). Założono także, że jeden z modułów jest potegą 2. Architektura ta umożliwia zmniejszenie złożoności sprzętowej o ok. 12.5% w porównaniu z innymi architekturami...

  • Computer based system for strabismus and amblyopia therapy


    W publikacji opisano system komputerowy do badania i treningu zeza i amblyopii.W przypadku zeza i amblyopii lub tak zwanego syndromu leniwego oka terapia polega na zasłanianiu oka dominującego przez kilka godzin dziennie lub rozmywanie obrazu w tym oku poprzez zastasowanie kropli do oczu lub silnych soczewek w okularach. Taki sposób terapii powoduje zaburzenie widzenia obuocznego. Proponowane rozwiązanie zachowuje widzenie obuoczne....

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  • Waterborne polyesters partially based on renewable resources

    A new experimental approach for preparing biobased, water-soluble polyesters via titanium(IV) n-butoxide-catalyzed bulk polycondensation is presented. In the described method polymers were obtained from isosorbide, maleic anhydride and poly(ethylene glycol). The chemical structure of the synthesized polyesters was confirmed using 2D NMR spectroscopy and by titration methods. Careful analysis of 2D NMR spectra viz. Correlation Spectra...

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  • Discrete convolution based on polynomial residue representation

    This paper presents the study of fast discrete convolution calculation with use of the Polynomial Residue Number System (PRNS). Convolution can be based the algorithm similar to polynomial multiplication. The residue arithmetic allows for fast realization of multiplication and addition, which are the most important arithmetic operations in the implementation of convolution. The practical aspects of hardware realization of PRNS...

  • User authentication based on keystroke dynamics analysis


    - Year 2011

    W pracy przedstawiono kilka metod, które można wykorzystać do uwierzytelniania użytkowników na podstawie rytmu pisania na klawiaturze. Dwie z opisanych metod wykorzystują miarę odległości zdefiniowaną do porównywania wpisywanych tekstów, natomiast trzecia analizuje parametry rozkładów cech wydobytych z wpisywanych tekstów. Algorytmy te zostały przetestowane na dwóch zbiorach danych. Ponadto oceniona została efektywność metody powstałej...

  • Traffic Modeling in IMS-based NGN Networks

    In the modern world the need for accurate and quickly delivered information is becoming more and more essential. In order to fulfill these requirements, next generation telecommunication networks should be fast introduced and correctly dimensioned. For this reason proper traffic models must be identified, which is the subject of this paper. In the paper standardization of IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) concept and IMS-based NGN...

  • electrocatalytic sensor based on nasicon with auxiliary layer

    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań czujników elektrokatalitycznych z dodatkową warstwą. Właściwości takiego czujnika porównano z czujnikiem o tradycyjnej budowie.

  • A compact smart resistive sensor based on a microcontroller


    - Year 2011

    Przedstawiono nowe rozwiązanie inteligentnego czujnika rezystancyjnego bazującego na mikrokontrolerze, w którym czujnik rezystancyjny jest elementem składowym filtra anty-aliazingowego przetwornika A/C. Procedura pomiaru temperatury obejmuje pobudzenie filtra dwoma impulsami prostokątnymi o zadanym czasie trwania oraz próbkowanie jego odpowiedzi czasowej. Następnie na podstawie wartości pomierzonych próbek napięcia wyznaczana jest...

  • Vowel recognition based on acoustic and visual features

    W artykule zaprezentowano metodę, która może ułatwić naukę mowy dla osób z wadami słuchu. Opracowany system rozpoznawania samogłosek wykorzystuje łączną analizę parametrów akustycznych i wizualnych sygnału mowy. Parametry akustyczne bazują na współczynnikach mel-cepstralnych. Do wyznaczenia parametrów wizualnych z kształtu i ruchu ust zastosowano Active Shape Models. Jako klasyfikator użyto sztuczną sieć neuronową. Działanie systemu...

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  • Web-based marine gis for littoral security

    W artykule opisano koncepcję oraz przykładowe zastosowania systemu informacji geograficznej umożliwiającego zbieranie, przetwarzanie, integrowanie oraz wizualizację danych pochodzących z pomiarów bezpośrednich, obrazów lotniczych i satelitarnych oraz systemów hydroakustycznych.Przedstawiono przykłady zastosowania systemu w dziedzinie ochrony strefy przybrzeżnej takie, jak: -monitoring rozprzestrzeniania wylewu olejowego, -monitoring...

  • Design of Microwave-Based Angular Displacement Sensor


    This letter presents a novel microwave-based rotation sensor having a wide dynamic range to detect and measure the angular displacement in terms of the change in resonant frequency. The proposed sensor is based on the microstrip technology, where a rotor comprised of a complementary splitring resonator (CSRR) placed on the ground plane of the microstrip line is free to rotate around its axis. The mechanical rotation of CSRR determines...

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  • Mass Spectrometry-Based Direct Analytical Techniques


    Direct analysis of samples is considered as one of the most environmentally sustainable solutions in analytical chemistry. In the ideal case, such solutions do not require sample preparation and analytes separation steps, therefore do not consumpt harmful substances (or consumpt only minimum amounts of them) and do not generate hazardous waste. Technical solutions for direct analysis also offer miniaturized and field-portable analyzers...

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  • Exact-match Based Wikipedia-WordNet Integration


    Ability to link between WordNet synsets and Wikipedia articles allows usage of those resources by computers during natural language processing. A lot of work was done in this field, however most of the approaches focus on similarity between Wikipedia articles and WordNet synsets rather than creation of perfect matches. In this paper we proposed a set of methods for automatic perfect matching generation. The proposed methods were...

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  • Chitosan-based inks for 3D printing and bioprinting

    • M. Taghizadeh
    • A. Taghizadeh
    • M. K. Yazdi
    • P. Zarrintaj
    • F. J. Stadler
    • J. D. Ramsey
    • S. Habibzadeh
    • G. Naderi
    • M. Saeb
    • M. Mozafari
    • U. Schubert

    - GREEN CHEMISTRY - Year 2022

    The advent of 3D-printing/additive manufacturing in biomedical engineering field has introduced great potential for the preparation of 3D structures that can mimic native tissues. This technology has accelerated the progress in numerous areas of regenerative medicine, especially led to a big wave of biomimetic functional scaffold developments for tissue engineering demands. In recent years, the introduction of smart bio-inks has...

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  • Cavitation-Based Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment


    - Year 2022

    Cavitation based on advanced oxidation processes (Cav-AOPs) is interesting alternatives for already implemented wastewater treatment technologies. Destructive and strongly undesirable phenomena in the industry, i.e., cavitation, revealed to be useful in a positive manner as a source of energy for chemical reactions. During the implosion of cavitation bubbles, focused energy and resulting high temperature and pressure allows to...

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  • Service-based Resilience for Embedded IoT Networks


    - Year 2020

    Embedded IoT networks are the backbone of safety-critical systems like smart factories, autonomous vehicles, and airplanes. Therefore, resilience against failures and attacks should be a prior concern already in their design stage. In this study, we introduce a service-based network model as an MILP optimization problem for the efficient deployment of a service overlay to the embedded network by meeting QoS and resilience requirements....

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  • Electrochemically Induced Synthesis of Triphenylamine-based Polyhydrazones



    Triphenylamine-based hydrazones were subjected to electropolymerization process that gave well conductive hydrazone based polymers. The first example of polyhydrazone formation during the electrochemical process was shown. The estimation of polymer structure was demonstrated using IR spectroelectrochemistry. The EPR spectroelectrochemistry allowed to explain why in some cases dimer couldn’t be formed. The results of electrochemical,...

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  • Costs of upgrading based on 131 railway line


    - Pojazdy Szynowe - Year 2018

    W poszukiwaniu optymalnego wykorzystania środków finansowych przedsiębiorstwa kolejowego (PKP PLK) oraz czasu planowania napraw torowisk stworzono model trwałości toru. Model w swych założeniach opiera się na parametrach techniczno – eksploatacyjnych linii kolejowej nr 131. W artykule przedstawiono dwa warianty procesu trwałości toru. Pierwszy wariant zakłada oczyszczenie toru, drugi przeprowadzenie modernizacji. Dla obu wariantów...

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  • Triangulation-based Constrained Surrogate Modeling of Antennas


    Design of contemporary antenna structures is heavily based on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. They provide accuracy but are CPU-intensive. Reduction of EM-driven design procedure cost can be achieved by using fast replacement models (surrogates). Unfortunately, standard modeling techniques are unable to ensure sufficient predictive power for real-world antenna structures (multiple parameters, wide parameter ranges,...

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  • Marking the Allophones Boundaries Based on the DTW Algorithm


    - Year 2018

    The paper presents an approach to marking the boundaries of allophones in the speech signal based on the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm. Setting and marking of allophones boundaries in continuous speech is a difficult issue due to the mutual influence of adjacent phonemes on each other. It is this neighborhood on the one hand that creates variants of phonemes that is allophones, and on the other hand it affects that the border...

  • Coupled inductors based filter for matrix converters


    - Year 2016

    The use of the coupled inductors in the multipulse matrix converter (MC) systems is described in the paper. The possible arrangements of the system are given together with the description of their operation parameters. Moreover, the influence of the system’s topology on the output power quality is also presented. The invented converter structures evaluation results are given in the form of simulation tests acquired output waveforms...

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    Recent advances in graphene-based supercapacitor technology for energy storage application were summarized. The comparison of different types of electrode materials in such supercapacitors was performed. The supercapacitors with graphene-based electrodes exhibit outstanding performance: high charge-discharge rate, high power density, high energy density and long cycle-life, what makes them suitable for various applications, e.g....

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  • Web-based real-time simulation system


    - Year 2018

    The paper presents the development of a simulation system composed of a real-time plant simulator with real-time controller included in the software-in-the-loop structure using web-based communication. The client-server architecture build in a TCP/IP network environment was introduced, where the server is a computing unit for real-time high temporal resolution plant simulation (and optionally also as controllers' platform) and...

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  • Materials Design for the Titanium Scaffold Based Implant

    The main objective of here presented research is a design the scaffold/porous titanium(Ti) alloy based composite material demonstrating better biocompatibility, longer lifetime andbioactivity behaviour for load-bearing implants. The development of such material is proposed bymaking a number of consecutive tasks. Modelling the mechanical, biomechanical and biologicalbehavior of porous titanium structure and an elaboration of results...

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  • Quality testing methods of foil-based capacitors



    Kondensatory foliowe są powszechnie stosowanymi elementami pasywnymi w ukłądach zasilania. Dotychczasowe metody oceny ich jakości są długotrwałe oraz zużywają energię. W pracy przedstawiono propozycje szeregu nowych, bardziej efektywnych metod, które mogą być z sukcesem stosowane podczas ich produkcji.

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