total: 729
Search results for: nagniatanie ceramika
Assessment of Trace Metals Leaching During Rainfall Events from Building Rooftops with Different Types of Coverage – Case Study
PublicationRunoff water is an important medium transporting various types of pollution originating from the atmosphere and washed out from roofing materials. The study presents a quality assessment of runoff from different roofs in the context of trace metal concentrations. The analysed rooftops were covered with copper, tar paper and ceramic tile. The quality of the rain water collected at the same time satisfies the demands of the first...
Mn-Co spinel coatings on Crofer 22 APU by electrophoretic deposition: Up scaling, performance in SOFC stack at 850 °C and compositional modifications
PublicationCeramic coatings for metallic interconnects play a key role in limiting corrosion and chromium evaporation in solid oxide cells. This study presents the upscaling of the electrophoretic deposition (EPD) technique to process Mn-Co spinels on real-dimension Crofer 22 APU interconnects and the test in a SOFC stack. Area specific resistance of long-term test conducted for 5000 h at 850 °C demonstrated that two-steps sintering has a...
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to show results of laser treatment at cryogenic conditions of the Ti6Al4V alloy used for orthopedic applications. That modification process ought to bring beneficial changes of microstructure and residual stresses in the surface layer. The paper presents the abrasive wear of the base and laser remelted material in association with ceramics Al2O3. Despite the surface cracking after laser treatment the...
Water uptake analysis of acceptor-doped lanthanum orthoniobates
PublicationIn this work, lanthanum orthoniobates doped with either antimony, calcium, or both have been synthesized and studied. The water uptake of the investigated materials has been analyzed by means of thermogravimetric studies. The results show the difference between the thermodynamics of hydration between the lanthanum orthoniobate system and other proton conducting ceramics. The relation between the water uptake and effective acceptor...
Linear impedance as a function of A.C. voltage for 50(2Bi2O3-V2O5)-50SrB4O7 glass-ceramic heat-treated at 813 K measured with impedance spectroscopy method at high temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrcial properties as a function of A.C. voltage of 50(2Bi2O3-V2O5)-50SrB4O7 glass-ceramic heat treated at 813 K was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Early prediction of macrocrack location in concrete and other granular composite materials
PublicationHeterogeniczne kruche kompozyty, takie jak beton, ceramika i skały składają się z ziaren połączonych wiązaniami. Pytanie, czy ścieżka pęknięcia, która prowadzi do zniszczenia może być przewidziania na podstawie znanych cech mikrostrukturalnych, a mianowicie łączności wiązań, rozmiaru, energii pękania, wytrzymałości pozostają otwarte. Istnieje wiele kryteriów pęknięć. Najczęściej używane są oparte na postulowanym ekstremum naprężenia...
Electrocatalytic Gas Sensor with Reference Layer
PublicationThis paper presents studies of gas sensors prepared in ceramic technology with Nasicon as a solid electrolyte. Sensors work in the voltammetric mode thus based on the excitation of a sensor with a periodic potential signal while current response is recorded. The main aim is to investigate a Bi8Nb2O17 reference layer influence on sensor properties. Sensors I-V characteristics in different concentration of nitrogen dioxide have been...
Nonlinear impedance as a function of A.C. voltage and temperature for Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.52 mm (after first heat-treatment at 913 K) was measured at different frequencies with impedance spectroscopy method
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic of thickness 2.52 mm was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Optical low-coherence interferometry for selected technical applications
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy optycznej interferometrii niskokoherentnej i przedyskutowano jej unikatowe właściwości. Opisano w nim opracowany przez autorów system OCT przeznaczony do badań strukturalnych materiałów technicznych. Badania te obejmują także zmiany stanu polaryzacji promieniowania rozproszonego w badanym obiekcie. W artykule zawarto wyniki badań wybranych materiałów silnie rozpraszających promieniowanie...
Injectable bone cement based on magnesium potassium phosphate and cross-linked alginate hydrogel designed for minimally invasive orthopedic procedures
PublicationBone cement based on magnesium phosphate has extremely favorable properties for its application as a bioactive bone substitute. However, further improvement is still expected due to difficult injectability and high brittleness. This paper reported the preparation of novel biocomposite cement, classified as dual-setting, obtained through ceramic hydration reaction and polymer cross-linking. Cement was composed of magnesium potassium...
Characteristics of La 0.8 Sr 0.2 Ga 0.8 Mg 0.2 O 3-δ -supported micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells with LaCo 0.4 Ni 0.6-x Cu x O 3-δ cathodes
PublicationIn this study, micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells (T-SOFCs) with extruded La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-δ (LSGM) electrolyte as the mechanical support and LaCo0.4Ni0.6O3-δ (LCNO) or LaCo0.4Ni0.4Cu0.2O3-δ (LCNCO) as cathodes were prepared and characterized. Partial substitution of Cu for the Ni-ion positions in the LCNO lattices was found to significantly enhance the densification and accelerate the grain growth. The porosity-corrected...
Development of conductive porous media as packing materials for biotrickling filter – microbial fuel cell system (BTF-MFC system)
Open Research DataDataset presents values of electrical resistance measured for three developed conductive packimg materials for the application in a BTF-MFC system.
Stanowisko do pomiaru termicznej stałej czasowej bolometrów
PublicationPrzedstawiono stanowisko umożliwiające pomiar termicznej stałej czasowej bolometrów. Stanowisko to składa się z dwóch układów pomiarowych połączonych z cyfrowym analizatorem sygnału i umożliwia pomiar stałej czasowej w zakresie od pojedynczych milisekund do kilku sekund. Omówiono budowę i działanie opracowanych układów i zaprezentowano wyniki pomiarów stałej czasowej bolometrów z niestechiometrycznych tlenków lantanowo-strontowo-żelazowych...
Water uptake kinetics and electrical transport in BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1M0.1O3−δ (M = Tb, Pr, Fe) protonic conductors
PublicationBaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1M0.1O3−d (M = Fe, Pr, Tb) is a mixed conducting oxide in which three mobile charge carriers – oxygen ion, electron/hole, and protonic defects – are present. These types of materials have gained much interest as electrode materials for protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) and protonic ceramic electrolysis cells (PCECs). In this study, the water uptake and oxygen transport properties of different BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1M0.1O3−d...
Ziarna i mikroziarna diamentowe. Rodzaje ścierniw i przykłady zastosowania
PublicationW książce zawarto podstawowe informacje technologiczne i wyniki prac nad ziarnami i mikroziarnami diamentowymi. Przedstawiono właściwości mechaniczne, termiczne, chemiczne, magnetyczne, elektryczne i optyczne diamentu. Omówiono pochodzenie diamentów, charakteryzując diamenty naturalne oraz wytwarzane w statycznych warunkach wysokiego ciśnienia i temperatury oraz w warunkach dynamicznych. Scharakteryzowano diamentowe kompozyty polikrystaliczne,...
Recent advances on spinel-based protective coatings for solid oxide cell metallic interconnects produced by electrophoretic deposition
PublicationThe application of ceramic protective coatings to the metallic interconnects in solid oxide cells (SOCs) is a viable and effective method to limit interconnect degradation issues. This featured letter provides a critical overview of the main outcomes of current research on the use of the electrophoretic deposition (EPD) technique to produce protective coatings for SOC metallic interconnects, specifically focusing on different approaches...
Autogenous Fiber Laser Welding of 316L Austenitic and 2304 Lean Duplex Stainless Steels
PublicationThis study presents results of experimental tests on quality of dissimilar welded joints between 316L austenitic and 2304 lean duplex stainless steels, welded without ceramic backing. Fiber laser welded butt joints at a thickness of 8 mm were subjected to non‐destructive testing (visual and penetrant), destructive testing (static tensile test, bending test, and microhardness measurements) and structure observations (macro‐ and...
Evaluating oxide nanoparticle exsolution on A-site deficient PrBaCo2O6-δ electrodes
PublicationNanoparticle exsolution is a powerful technique for functionalizing redox oxides in energy applications, particularly at high temperatures. It shows promise for solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers. However, exsolution of other chemistries like metal oxides is not well studied, and the mechanism is poorly understood. This work explores oxide exsolution in PrBa1−xCo2O6−δ (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15) double perovskites, practiced...
Material Design and Optimisation of Electrochemical Li-Ion Storage Properties of Ternary Silicon Oxycarbide/Graphite/Tin Nanocomposites
PublicationIn this work, we present the characterization and electrochemical performance of various ternary silicon oxycarbide/graphite/tin (SiOC/C/Sn) nanocomposites as anodes for lithium-ion batteries. In binary SiOC/Sn composites, tin nanoparticles may be produced in situ via carbothermal reduction of SnO2 to metallic Sn, which consumes free carbon from the SiOC ceramic phase, thereby limiting the carbon content in the final ceramic nanocomposite....
EMPROP Electromagnetic method to estimate penetration of proppant in the fracturing process
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry from 2014-11-25
PublicationAmong the minerals found in the earth's crust, clay minerals are of the widest interest. Due to the specific properties such as plasticity, absorbing and catalytic properties clay minerals are used in many industries (oil & gas, chemistry, pharmacy, refractory technology, ceramics etc.). In drilling, a phenomenon of swelling clays is frequently observed. It has an important impact on the cementing quality. During the last few decades...
9 - Solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells
PublicationIn this chapter, the fundamental reactions, the geometrical designs, the material requirements, and the status of SOFCs and SOECs are presented. In the following seven chapters, the most important components of an SOC are described and the chapter ends with a summary and outlook. The described components are: (i) oxygen-ion conductors (electrolyte), (ii) anode materials for SOFCs (cathode in SOEC mode), (iii) cathode materials...
An insight into craft activities in rural areas of Dalmatia province - first data on iron working at the Roman settlement in Lopar (Island of Rab)
PublicationWithin multidisciplinary research carried out at Podšilo bay in Lopar on the island of Rab (north-eastern Adriatic), on the bases of movable finds and, possibly, geophysical measurements, evidence of ironworking has been detected within a Roman rural site where ceramic building materials production was ascertained before. Preliminary analyses of several samples of slug, iron objects and nearby collected minerals support the...
Development of polyurethanes for bone repair
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to review recent developments on polyurethanes aimed at the design, synthesis, modifications, and biological properties in the field of bone tissue engineering. Different polyurethane systems are presented and discussed in terms of biodegradation, biocompatibility and bioactivity. A comprehensive discussion is provided of the influence of hard to soft segments ratio, catalysts, stiffness and hydrophilicity...
Novel Low-Loss Substrates for 5G Applications
PublicationThis paper presents a feasibility study of a new type of microwave low-loss dielectric substrates for 5G network applications. The new substrate materials are composites of polypropylene and high-dielectric-constant micro-ceramics. This combination is expected to form a very low-loss dielectric material at low fabrication cost. Two substrate samples with different dielectric properties are fabricated and their characteristics at...
Allergic reactions as a defense of the organism to the influence of implants components made of stainless steel
PublicationDue to the increasing number of cases of hypersensitivity caused by direct contact with metals, as well as the increasing demand for implants in humans all ages numerous studies on the effects of the impact of implant components are being carried out. The paper presents the phenomenon of etiology of allergy in general terms and in relation to the biomaterials used in medicine. There have been characterized in terms of impact on...
Allergic Reactions as a Defense of the Organism to the Influence of Implants Components Made of Stainless Steel
PublicationDue to the increasing number of cases of hypersensitivity caused by direct contact with metals, as well as the increasing demand for implants in humans all ages numerous studies on the effects of the impact of implant components are being carried out. The paper presents the phenomenon of etiology of allergy in general terms and in relation to the biomaterials used in medicine. There have been characterized in terms of impact on...
In Vitro Dissolution of Na-Ca-P-Oxynitrides
Publication: Sodium-calcium-phosphate based oxynitride glasses and glass-ceramics doped with Mg, Si, and Nb were studied in vitro in simulated body fluid (SBF) under static conditions. The release of ions and pH changes up to 7 days of immersion were investigated. The nitrogen incorporation into phosphate glass matrix was found to notably influence in vitro dissolution only of homogenous glasses. Increasing the nitrogen content in the samples...
Wpływ parametrów docierania na jakość powierzchni powłok Cr2O3.
PublicationPrzedmiotem niniejszej rozprawy doktorskiej były badania wpływu wybranych parametrów docierania na jakość powłoki ceramiki Cr2O3. Analizowano wpływ wielkości ziarna, nacisków, prędkości i czasu docierania na wartości parametrów chropowatości powierzchni i ubytek liniowy powłoki ceramicznej nałożonej metodą plazmową na podłoże stalowe. Badania realizowano wg planowanego eksperymentu na docierarce jednotarczowej ze standardowym (pierścieniowym)...
Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Functionally Graded Shells Based on 2-D Cosserat Constitutive Model
PublicationIn this paper geometrically nonlinear analysis of functionally graded shells in 6-parameter shell theory is presented. It is assumed that the shell consists of two constituents: ceramic and metal. The mechanical properties are graded through the thickness and are described by power law distribution. Formulation based on 2-D Cosserat constitutive model is used to derive constitutive relation for functionally graded shells. Numerical...
Investigations on the removal of hydrophobic odorous volatile organic compounds by biotrickling filtration monitored with electronic nose
PublicationThe presented paper presents the results of research on the removal of selected hydrophobic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from their mixture with air by means of a trickled-bed biofiltration. The efficiency of the removal of toluene and α-pinene, as model VOCs, in a three-section biotrickling filter is evaluated using GCFID and additionally monitored with an electronic nose. The results show that the removal of the model mixture...
The structure of lead-silicate glasses and nanocomposites doped with iron oxide
Open Research DataThe structure of iron-doped glasses and glass-ceramics were studied. Samples has the composition of 50SiO2–(50−x)PbO–xFe2O3, where x=15, 20 and 25 (in mol%). All samples were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique; the melting was conducted in air at 1623 K in alumina crucibles. The melts were poured on a brass plate preheated to 573...
The morphology of lead-silicate glasses and nanocomposites doped with iron oxide
Open Research DataThe topography of iron-doped glasses and glass-ceramics were studied. Samples has the composition of 50SiO2–(50−x)PbO–xFe2O3, where x=15, 20 and 25 (in mol%). All sampleswere prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique; the melting was conducted in air at 1623 K in alumina crucibles. The melts were poured on a brass plate preheated to 573...
Vertical vibration reduction and audible sound analysis in surface grinding with electroplated tools
PublicationOne of the first approaches to the development of a grinding process monitoring system based on audible sound sensors is presented in the paper. Electroplated diamond tools (abrasive D64 and D107) were used in a modified single-disc lapping machine configuration for flat grinding of ceramics (Al2O3). The main aim of the machine modification was to reduce the vertical vibration in order to decrease the tool wear and to increase...
n/d n/d
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to Homing Plus/2012-6/16 agreement from 2013-05-22
Electrophoretic co-deposition of Fe2O3 and Mn1,5Co1,5O4: Processing and oxidation performance of Fe-doped Mn-Co coatings for solid oxide cell interconnects
PublicationThe “in-situ” Fe-doping of the manganese cobalt spinel was achieved by electrophoretic co-deposition of Mn1,5Co1,5O4 and Fe2O3 powders followed by a two-step reactive sintering treatment. The effects on the coating properties of two different Fe-doping levels (5 and 10 wt.% respectively) and two different temperatures of the reducing treatment (900 and 1000 °C) are discussed. Samples with Fe-doped coatings demonstrated a lower...
La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Co 0.2 Fe 0.8 O 3-δ oxygen electrodes for solid oxide cells prepared by polymer precursor and nitrates solution infiltration into gadolinium doped ceria backbone
PublicationInfiltration is a method, which can be applied for the electrode preparation. In this paper oxygen electrode is prepared solely by the infiltration of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3‐δ (LSCF) into Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ (CGO) backbone. The use a polymer precursor as an infiltrating medium, instead of an aqueous nitrate salts solution is presented. It is shown that the polymer forms the single-phase perovskite at 600 °C, contrary to the nitrates...
Characteristics of La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-delta -supported micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells with bi-layer and tri-layer electrolytes
PublicationIn this study, La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3−δ (LSGM)-supported micro tubular solid oxide fuel cells (T-SOFCs) with two different configurations, one containing an LSGM–Ce0.6La0.4O2−δ (LDC) bi-layer electrolyte (Cell A) and one containing an LDC–LSGM–LDC tri-layer electrolyte (Cell B), were fabricated using extrusion and dip-coating. After optimizing the paste formulation for extrusion, the flexural strength of the dense and uniform LSGM...
Electric and magnetic properties of Lanthanum Barium Cobaltite
PublicationThe cubic Ba0.5La0.5CoO3‐δ was synthesized using solid state reaction. The structural properties were determined by the simultaneous refinement of Synchrotron Powder X‐ray Diffraction and Neutron Powder Diffraction data. Iodometric titration was used to examine the oxygen stoichiometry and average cobalt oxidation state. Low‐temperature magnetic studies show soft ferromagnetic character of fully oxidized material, with θP = 198(3)...
Preparation and characterisation of iron substituted Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 spinel oxides (x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5)
PublicationSpinel oxides with the general formula Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 (x= 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) were prepared and evaluated in this work for their properties at high temperatures. The effect of partially substituting Cu by Fe has not been studied so far for this group of materials and is thus evaluated in this work. Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 powders were synthesised by a soft chemistry process and studied in terms of crystallographic phase analysis, electrical...
Processing of Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ barrier layers for solid oxide cells: The effect of preparation method and thickness on the interdiffusion and electrochemical performance
PublicationCe0.8Gd0.2O1.9 (CGO) barrier layers are required to mitigate the chemical reactions between Sr-containing oxygen electrode materials and Zr-based oxygen ion conductors in high-temperature solid oxide cells. Barrier layers produced by different methods were studied in this work. As a reference, a cell with no barrier layer was measured. The application of the powder-processed barrier layers, considerably increases the performance....
Three electrode configuration measurements of electrolyte-diffusion barrier-cathode interface
PublicationMeasurements of a system consisting of cathode/doped ceria diffusion barrier/doped zirconia electrolyte were made using two- and three-electrode configuration. Results obtained on a three-electrode measurement configuration were compared with and reflect the results obtained in two-electrode configuration. Three-electrode measurements allowed separating the impact of the symmetrical interface in the investigated system. They also...
Tailoring oxide nanoparticle exsolution in La0.5Ba0.5-yCo1-xFexO3-δ
PublicationWe show that oxide nanoparticles (NPs) exsolve on La0.5Ba0.5-yCo1-xFexO3-δ (x = 0-1, y = 0 or 0.01) in oxidizing conditions. The phenomenon occurs only in Co-containing materials and depends on pO2 and pH2O pressures. Under dry conditions, the smallest NPs average about 30 nm, with 200-300 NPs/µm2 at pO2=5×10-5 atm. For pO2=1 atm, NP size increases to 100-200 nm, and population drops to a few to about 20 NPs/µm2 depending on A-site...
Structural phase transitions in multicomponent La0.2Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2RE50.2NbO4 (RE5 = Ho, Y, Tb, Eu, Pr) oxides
PublicationIn this work, the influence of compositional complexity on the structural and thermal properties of multicomponent rare-earth ortho-niobates from the La0.2Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2RE50.2NbO4 (RE5 = Ho, Y, Tb, Eu, Pr) series have been investigated. Based on X-ray powder diffraction studies using synchrotron radiation, it was found that all tested materials were pure single-phase compositions and showed stability in the monoclinic I2/c crystal...
CuMn1.7Fe0.3O4 – RE2O3 (RE=Y, Gd) bilayers as protective interconnect coatings for Solid Oxide Cells
PublicationEfficient replacement of materials based on critical elements such as cobalt is one of the greatest challenges facing the field of solid oxide cells. New generation materials, free of cobalt show potential to replace conventional materials. However, these materials are characterized by poor ability to block chromium diffusion. This article described the study of CuMn1.7Fe0.3O4 (CMFO) spinel combined with single metal oxide (Y2O3...
Comparison of Cu1.3Mn1.7O4 spinels doped with Ni or Fe and synthesized via wet chemistry and solid-state reaction methods, designed as potential coating materials for metallic interconnects
PublicationThe influence of the method applied to synthesize Cu-Mn-O spinel was evaluated. The methods selected for the investigation were EDTA gel processes and solid-state reaction synthesis. From the obtained powders, sinters were prepared and assessed in terms of their properties as potential coating materials. Additionally, the influence of Ni and Fe dopants was evaluated. The results show that the EDTA gel processes method seems to...
Enhanced acceptor concentration, proton conductivity, and hydration in multicomponent rare‐earth ortho‐niobates
PublicationThe structural properties of (La0.2Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2Eu0.2)1−xCaxNbO4−δ (x = 0–0.05) series have been studied by X-ray powder diffraction at room temperature. The thermal properties were investigated using thermogravimetry, from which the concentration of proton defects was determined. Additionally, dilatometry studies were carried out, from which the thermal expansion coefficients and the phase transition temperature between low-...
Elucidating photoluminescent properties of Eu‐doped Ca–Al–Si–O(–N) glasses and the local structures of Eu ions
PublicationEuropium (Eu) ion–doped luminescent materials have attracted considerable attention for their numerous optical applications. Eu-doped Ca–Al–Si–O(–N) glasses were synthesized from a mixture of oxynitride glasses and Eu2O3 powder using a standard melt-quenching technique in a radiofrequency furnace. The source Eu trivalent ions primarily changed to Eu2+ during melting, and the ratio of Eu2+ ions increased with an increase in Eu content...
Evaluation of 316L porous stainless steel for SOFC support
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań stali typu 316L związanych z zastosowaniem w tlenowych ogniwach paliwowych.
Processing of polymer‐derived, aerogel‐filled, SiC foams for high‐temperature insulation